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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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Do we still have both flood detection and capcha?
this is why /s/ can't have nice things....

olive gooksec
bump because this cpatcha + flood detection shit must be annoying more people than just me

>the esupfo

My problem with the fucking captcha is sometimes you don't get actual words, or words that are cut off. AND OF COURSE when I need an example it doesn't give me one.
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This. This shit. And it still expects you to type it out
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You don't need to type the one you can't read out. Just type a space. If you get good at it, you can tell what the real word is for all of them, and then you only need to type one word.

For example, I only typed " toeouse" for this.
the ones you can't read aren't required. Just type "nigger" for all of them. Or " " for the politely inclined.
Because captcha prevents automated bot spam and flood detection prevents manual spam.
I understand that we currently have at least 5 threads about getting rid of captcha, but this is essentially everyone's real issue with it, I think.

Do you think maybe it's time we graduated to using another one of the various spambot tactics? Like maybe the ones where you need to click a specific point on the image or something similar.

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