/v/ermin here, this is a problem in general, but especially /v/ seems to have its problems with that.Why do people accuse everything of being "shitty trolling"? What happened to a silly joke? The joke might not be funny at all, but some people seem to believe that everybody out there want to "troll" them and constantly throw around terms like pretending to be retarded.However if there is a really obvious, and I mean really obvious, case of sitty trolling the thread/post is guaranteed to get many replies. If everybody would ignore this shit maybe shitposting would decrease. The people who post pony images etc. only want to get some replies and they always get them.
>trolls trolling trolls trolling trollsis the reason it's a problem. It won't get ignored, because too many people come to 4chan just to shitpost, and when they see someone do it, they figure that's their cue to start doing it too.
>>4322I wish it would be accepted again to tell retarss to get out. If yo usay that someone must be new you will probably get redirected to /b/. I think it's one of those things that are killing some boards (/v/). There are still many people left who want the board to be good.What happened to lynching people for retarded shit? I think I've recently seen this *describing action* shit being used unironically.
but it's a art
>>4399On /v/ people would call you retarded for not saying "an art".
The main problem is the massive amount of people who will fall for absolutely any and all trolls>guiz ur favorite anime a shit>look at me i am a tripfag>5000 replies and 90 images omitted, click reply to viewEvery fucking time.
Trolling makes money.Trolling is funTrolling cannot banned despite rules saying the opposite.
OP, it just so happens that the meaning of the word "troll" has been lost in the past few years with the popularization of memes, and considering how most of /v/'s new userbase consists of (pre)teens, it is to be expected that that would happen.
>>4881Obvious shit threads can be banned and ignored
>>4625It baffles my mind how there are still people that reply to Jupiter threads.