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/d/ is a great board, both in terms of comedy and fapping. That said, most of us should be able to agree that the number of futa threads can often make it hard to find other interesting/desired fetishes. I'm a fan of futa/dickgirls personally, but it can get a bit tiring sorting through these threads when you don't particularly feel like looking at them.

One of the main issues surrounding this is that futa fans are very greedy with the number of new threads they make. They make one for big dicks, small dicks, balls, no balls, dicks shaped like horse dicks, bulges in clothing, etc. etc. In the end, there's a thread for almost every type of futa, blocking out the first 4 pages.

What do you guys think can/should be done about this?
/d/eviants are very nice people, have you tried asking them?
the last time we tried that it resulted in MORE futa
OP here. They are, and I love the community. That said, futa lovers will be futa lovers, and they'll always insists there be a new thread for their specific preference.

To be honest, it's a difficult situation. Futa is a big genre, and people have a lot of specific preferences. I know /q/ isn't for board requests, but maybe the only solution is a new board for futa. Then again, futa crosses over into a lot of genres that aren't specifically futa, so it'll be rather complicated.
well, you don't see a gorillion different BDSM threads for the myriad ways that could play out

were it the same, we'd see threads specifically for females on wooden horses being whipped by males and another one for being whipped by women, and another one where it's a flogger instead of the whip and so on.

I've nothing against them liking futa, but for fucks sake there's no real need to have ALL THE THREADS be futa
It sucks a board request seems to be the solution, but I use the 4chan chrome extension so I can minimise the futa threads and when I take a step back I see that I have more minimised futa threads than I do other content.

If /d/ seriously was made for just futa then this is a whole other multi-fetish niche of users that need somewhere else on this site to go.
I agree, but can't think of anything that would fix it easily.
A new board for futa, or just making /d/ /d/ickgirls officially and making a new board for alternative hentai, is the only thing I can think of that help, because they do have legitimate reasons for having threads. It isn't their fault its getting in everyone else's way.
The problem isn't so much the masses of futa, rather the few who keep bumping very old and inactive threads when they hit later pages.

The management /d/ needs is manually-applied autosage on these threads, and warnings for those found guilty of bumping the threads.(bans for repeated offenders)
They get VERY asspained when you question the insane amount of futa.
Sometimes they even get offended when you start a thread and request it to have no futa content.
All I want is that OP should write 'fute' in subject field for threads that are EXCLUSIVELY for futas.

Not to mention that they might start posting futa in that thread anyway.
I would think the best thing would be to have some sort of thread timer that kicks an old thread (say 1 week) into autosage so that the necrobumping becomes less effective. I mean for crying out loud some of the threads like the blue skinned futa one have been around for nearly 2 months.
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This. The futa spammer who keeps threads alive for months has got to go. This shit has been going on for years.
If you want to see a thread about something you like, make it. Fill it with content. If you don't like futa, hide it, but as it's just as related as topics you want to fap to, you have no right saying that it should be removed simply because it's not your piece of cake.
That may not actually be the best idea. As it heavily depends on the thread.
Fetishes which always have a thread (/d/iapers, slimegirls etc) can fall back to page 10, but there's no harm in saving them, as interest will pick back up the moment they get back to page 1.
It's only a problem with threads that you swore you hadn't sen for a week resurfacing with one shit post.
In a tangent, I have to say that traps and other m/m porn does not belong in /d/ and should be removed.
True, but how long do the staple threads tend to last before hitting either the image limit (125) or post limit for autosage (250) before a new thread is created to replace it? I was merely ballparking an estimate with 1 week, but obviously that can be flexible.
The only problem with futa is what >>4833
brings up, it's one moron spammer who just keeps going.

Also this needs to be said >>4861
there's a board for yaoi and so either m/m should be banned from /d/ or moved into its own board.
It doesn't matter if I make my thread and some guy posts futa out of spite.
It is understandable that m/m and f/f content isn't desired by many members of /d/, however what if there's something like bondage or bukakke or slime that isn't accepted on /y/ and /u/?

Also consider things that involve more that 2 parties such as orgies or other group activities, where would such content be placed instead?
No other board will take traps, and /hm/ even has a rule against it. If you take the traps out of /d/ then that leaves /b/, which is a terrible place to go if you just want your fetish and no other bullshit.
>go to a board created for futa
>omg people stop posting futa!
Well, traps are pretty much on the same level as furry, which is only allowed on /b/
The issue with f/f is that /u/ seems to hate actual sex. It's 90% yuri shipfaggers.
Not to mention futa on female. I'd count it as hetero/lesbian, in contrast to futa on futa, (which I hate) but others might disagree.
If it was made for futa then the board would be named accordingly, but its named Hentai/Alternative, so that means any other fetish is just as valid.
>traps on the same level as furry
Nigga, what?
Yeah, moot should've just rename the board /fut/ and be done with it right?
Nobody is asking for removal. We're asking for managment. Right now there are several futa threads that are well over a month old. This wouldn't be an issue if he was actually contributing but these threads have specific stipulations but this guy just posts general futa pics that aren't even all that related.

That and whatever janitor or mod there deletes threads just about every other day. You'll see several pages of missing content periodically, but you never see futa threads ever get deleted. Normally, I'd go with what you said but something's fucked up here.
I don't get the reasoning behind this one?
I mean, i know they're not as out there as monstergirls, but traps are the gender-fucked shit that's the true heart and soul of /d/
And why is it such a big deal, again?
This thread is full of overreaction and intolerance, there is no such thing as a futa spammer as much a GTS spammer or a TG spammer. Just because there is more futanari than any other thread usually doesn't mean it's being "spammed". This is just a compilation of BAWWWW STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE people who don't like futa, whether they deny this or not. If you want more material then make and bump your own threads. The reason why there is so much futa is because people who LIKE futa make threads and bump them, it's not all just one person or even a small group. I'd be willing to wager that 70% of /d/ enjoys futa. And the way I figure it, if you're a 30% minority either take intelligent actions and make your own threads and stop complaining, or leave /d/.
>any other fetish is just as valid
They are, you can create a thread about them anytime you want, just like you can with futa.
I do agree that /d/ is basically a gender-agnostic board. Its identity is weird fetishes, not weird heterosexual fetishes. (Though I hate their transgender crowd. They can get really fucking obnoxious)
Oh and I am heterosexual and don't consider futa on futa or any focus on males to be arousing.
/d/ is supposed to be an hetero board, by default.
Because I'm not gay, for fuck's sake. When you make a thread about a certain fetish AND specify a certain sexual orientation, it's a fucking dick move to post something opposed to the initial request.
Yes, it would be great. We, of course, would allow the other fetishes because we aren't asshole but the shitposters wouldn't keep complaining about too much futa.
No it isn't.
>implying futaspammers don't spam the non-futa threads

Keyword: default
You're completely blind and full of shit if you don't think there aren't people bumping threads out of spite. Explain to me why there's a thread that's been bumped every day since June 6th which started out as big balls futa and then turned into general shit that got posted every single day.

No one here hates futa, we just want to see it limited because there's way too much futa on the "HENTAI/ALTERNATIVE" board.
Currently the mods are very active at /d/.
It has become a great board again.

The anti futa spam peaked in late 2010 / early 2011 when one dedicated spammer used a combo of a net phone, a laptop, and auto image uploading software to try and bump all futanari threads off the board.

Thanks to captcha and active staff action the problem has been greatly reduced.

No I don't think there are people bumping threads out of "spite", there's no reasoning behind it. I've seen plenty month-old threads that've been bumped. It just pains me to see people like you constantly complaining about it when nothing ever will be done about it. Ever.
Hell, even if mods/janitors start stepping in and say that overly specific futa threads are bannable, the futaspammers would still make them out of spite.
Probably they already make the threads out of spite rather than because they just simply like generic futa pictures with so and so specific properties otherwise they will not get a stiffy.
>we just want to see it limited because there's way too much futa on the "HENTAI/ALTERNATIVE" board.
Futa is completly legit in /d/ and they have more posts and threads because they are more popular. There is no reason to limit what people post, if it is ok with the rules, because someone may have to click one the page 2.
It's like you're not even pretending to read the thread.
It's like you're not even pretending to think.
So basically you're made futa is a popular fetish and don't want it on /d/?
If it's really spam, report it.
Repeat after me:
There is such a thing as too many overspecialized futa threads
>create board for futa
>people complain there is too much futa
When 60% of the board is futa threads, when people can't post threads about other things and request no futa but get that one guy to post it anyway, when threads that have long been inactive are updated by one person every one or two days with bullshit contributions that arent even following the op, when non-futa threads get deleted mysteriously, dont you think it's time for something to change?
I guess one of the issues would be solved easily via IDs.
See? Now we're getting somewhere.

Intent in creation is not always relevant after a lengthy time period. Things change.

/d/ is alt. hentai in general, not "futa and deviance".
You seriously seem like a retard. Someone wants to make a "overspecialized" futa thread and other people wants to post in it. Because futa is more popular in /d/ than any other fetish it happens a lot. There is no "too many" threads it's just what most people in /d/ like, you what no say in what other people should post or not, unless it's agaisnt the rules.
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/d/ was created BECAUSE of /d/ickgirls, not FOR /d/ickgirls
It was made because /d/ickgirls needed a home, but the board was made for alternative hentai, and that means that all the other permathreads deserve a say too.

Having said that, i don't think it's a massive problem. But there are days when the first two pages are just different shades of dickgirls, with a size thread thrown in somewhere.

I honestly think this needs to be resolved, less because of the problem, but just so i don't have to see another thread ON /d/ about this.
>when people can't post threads about other things
>when threads that have long been inactive are updated by one person every one or two days
>non-futa threads get deleted mysteriously
Are you fucking crazy?
And /d/ is not a board for all futa, all the time. Just because it is the most popular doesn't mean that you have a free pass to flood almost the entire board with futa, even the threads that are not about futa.

learn to fucking read.
No there isn't.
It's a popular fetish, and people like more specific sub-fetishes in that genre.

There are people that make specific threads for other sub-fetishes and they aren't criticized.

BUT GOD FORBID THEY WERE FUTA! Wanting a sub-fetish thread about THAT would just be too much for you.

Get over yourself, you're getting mad about the content on a hentai board.
You're either troll, full of shit, or never go to /d/

Either that or you're the faggot futa spammer, or at least one of them. You're seriously retarded if you don't think that someone posting general pics in a specific thread is stupid.
This is your typical futa spam thread: several months old with one post per day. If futa was as popular as spam deniers claim it is we wouldn't have these zombie threads lingering around forever.

Well shit.

Name one other fetish that has five+ sub-categories posted regularly, and while their sibling/parent threads are still active.
>And /d/ is not a board for all futa, all the time.
It is.
>Just because it is the most popular doesn't mean that you have a free pass to flood almost the entire board with futa
And by "flood" you mean having more content, right?
There is always a diaper thread, always a size thread, always a vore thread, etc. Futa has more thread because it is more popular. Too bad you you have to go beyond page 1.
Alright, I'm sure now that you don't even go to /d/.
Alright, I'm sure now that you have some mental impairment.
Exactly. Futa has brown, tan lines, general, no balls, balls, no balls and vagina, pregnant, ballbusting, bondage, size, just to name what is on the first couple of pages.
Few other fetishes (at least those posted) branch that much, and often there are 2 threads posted for each topic.
I have a feeling that this thread is spammed by the obnoxious comments of the same guy who does so on /d/ metathreads. Seriously, you must be blind not to see the issue.
Or maybe you do, but exclusively to spam futa threads, either of.
So what? Someone create a futa with balls thread and other people contribute, you can do the same with any other fetish you want, no one is stoping you, it wont get so many posts because it's less popular but it will be there. What is the problem?
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Please, shut up and leave.

You do nothing but say "NO ITS NOT' "NUH UH" "I'M RIGHT AND YOU'RE WRONG"

Not once have you presented a valid point on anything that's been brought up here. Everything you've said has been quickly cast down as bullshit and now you're just resorting to "HURR DURR UR RETARDED I'M RIGHT"

Please, leave this thread and actually look at /d/ for once instead of shitting up this thread by trying to talk like you know what you're talking about. You're embarrassing yourself.
Look at the IDs, you moron; there's obviously more than one person complaining.
People, people, stop fighting.

As they have said, futa is allowed on /d/, so if there are too many futa threads, there is really only one logical solution:

Spam as many non-futa threads as possible. We shall win!
That'd be easier if whatever mod or janitor didn't delete them.
Monstergirls can vary between species, and inflation can vary between body parts, and even so, threads of this variance hardly pop up or are pushed back by the vast variety of futa.
I'd like to also point out that "dicks" for many people browsing /d/ for images pertaining to their fetish can be a definition of gender. If you have a fetish you find a thread for with 200 images and more than half of them may of no use of arousal to you due to the giant massive dick taking up half the screen.
>You do nothing but say "NO ITS NOT' "NUH UH" "I'M RIGHT AND YOU'RE WRONG"
>Not once have you presented a valid point on anything that's been brought up here. Everything you've said has been quickly cast down as bullshit and now you're just resorting to "HURR DURR UR RETARDED I'M RIGHT"
Except none of that is true. You and osVIldAz are the one doing that.
There is a lot of futa on /d/ because it's overwhelmingly more popular and that is it. You morons who keep repeating there is too much futa over and over again without saying why such very popular group of fetishes should be restrained because you might have to look on other pages to find what you want.

What if we applied this mentality to other fetishes?

You don't see the vore fetishists making individual threads for giant, giantess, same size (f), same size (m), giant monster, same size monster, micro monster, plant, absorption, tentacle, willing, unwilling, sleeping, etc. Do you?

Do you see an individual slime girl thread for every color of the rainbow? Red, blue, green, yellow, purple, orange, gold, silver, clear, etc. And that's not even considering shit like the degrees of melting and other variations that they could make.

Surly you can see where this mindset gets silly.

But... there isn't a problem on /d/. If you want different content on /d/ post it. Considering moot isn't going to make /d/ mods do anything or make a /fut/, either you and your kind can be reasonable, suck it up, and post something you like more to block out all that futa, or I'm sure we can get moot to make you a /whine/ board.
We don't need a new board for this. The problem is clearly some loser who keeps every futa thread alive for months with strategically-placed bumps, to the point where the board is 95% futa.

Just have a mod fucking permaban him already.

I neglected to mention all of these topics occurring simultaneously and being bumped (with or without actual new image content) after sinking.
Fucking this. This is all we want. To get rid of the fucking annoying futa spammers. I don't want a new board, and I don't want to shun people who actually like futa, but I'd like a little more enforcement so we don't see shit like this anymore:

well truth be told the only time I've been to /d/ I saw a hookup thread as the first thing on the front page and decided maybe the place wasn't for me, in retrospect I realize that was a very unfair way to gauge a board and I should get to know the board better.
that said I heard you guys like monster girls
how popular are they there?
what are the discussions like?
I want to get to know you better /d/
>threads of this variance hardly pop up or are pushed back by the vast variety of futa
Again, because futa is more popular. How can't you get it?

>What if we applied this mentality to other fetishes?
No problem.
>Surly you can see where this mindset gets silly.
It's only a problem because those threads would have very little content while the futa thread usually have a lot, but even so it would be better than trying to restrain what you can post, make a thread about pink slimegirls and let whoever wants it post more. People who like it would get tired of looking at a bunch of different threads with little content and make a single or few thread, which still probably wouldn't have so much pics as the futa threads.
The way i see it it's this simple;
Futa is board relevant. Different fetish combinations plus futa does constitute different, legitimate, board-relevant thread.

So either you split the board, or you change the rules.
And frankly, if you outlaw the most popular thing on a board, you're a cunt who doesn't understand why we have boards.

With that said, i'd love to see a non-futa /d/ because i'm way past futa as it is.
Nothing new or insightful has been posted on this for a good while now.
So rather than shitstorming by insisting the other guy is so monumentally wrong that the universe is crying, can we go back to our threads, post some content and wait for a new actual fucking point to be raised?
>Again, because futa is more popular. How can't you get it?

It ISN'T more popular, that's the point - there's some cocksucker who refuses to let any futa thread die, and keeps them alive for months. So the board becomes nothing BUT futa, despite (as this thread shows) it not actually being nearly as popular as you'd think.

Also, what is the bump limit on /d/? Because we can actually make "zombie threads" die, you know.
And you can't see the problem with "threads fighting threads"?
Usually 250 posts, though I have seen some threads autosage long before that. Not sure why that is.
If every ID in this thread bitching about futa on /d/ made a non futa thread there it would bump a quarter of the futa threads off the board in a matter of minutes.

Why has that not happened?

Simple answer / guess.
Using a phone and resetting a pc's router is enabeling most likely one person to post with multiple ID's, making the anti futa rant seem to be a large crowd instead of a few individuals.
We're a fairly chill place. We have exactly shitstorm arguments and this is it. Generally, we're good at content, we're fairly relaxed about how fucked up we are and can usually laugh about it (never seen anything negative on a humour thread)
Our perma boards stretch from the tame (size. /d/iapers) to, well, anything. Most popular threads are futa and monstergirls probably.
It's a good place to fap, in my opinion
>everyone disagreeing is the same person because no one can disagree with me

Someone's paranoid.
I don't know whether to post itsaconspiracy.jpg or ohwaityoureserious.jpg
Eh, I'm one of those who actually use a trip on /d/, but those can't be used here anyway. Besides, how easy is it to actually find a relevant image, type the captcha, and rub one out (assuming that's something you're into) all at the same time? Personally I'm not going to make a thread every single day. I will contribute to existing threads, but only if I'm not busy with something else. After all, there are occasionally "/d/iscussions" on the board revolving around a thread's topic.
For that, you would need to be lucky enough to always get the same IPs all the time. Or use proxies, but either way, you're damn paranoid.
If every ID in this thread bitching about futa on /d/ made a non futa thread there it would bump a quarter of the futa threads off the board in a matter of minutes.

Sure, and we'd solve the problem... for a few hours.

But sane people can't compete with obsessed nutters; someone's been strategically bumping threads to keep the board 95% futa for months, you really think we want to have to deal with that by counter-spamming good threads for months? I personally don't have the time or the energy.
I'm Slimeria, I run a /d/ related 4chan crossboard group and I'm an active member of the /d/ IRC.

/d/ is my favorite community I've ever been a part of, and *generally* the people there are very understanding. Whereas people on /v/ are the way they are because they're a bunch of bored people trying to have fun, /d/ is like a brotherhood is misfits. They're so accepting and understanding because they really have to be, and it's a really neat thing to be a part of.

Having said all that, I would really hate to see the board split since it's not terribly fast to begin with, but not only does futa get way too many separate threads, the whole thing always starts /d/rama. In a close community like /d/, drama is pretty lousy.
It's not enough to just hide threads because of all the drama involved. It's exactly why we have monstergirls (and sometimes monsterboys) and giant insect rape, but no furry.

I'd really prefer the board not be split, but I would love something to be done about the billion separate futa threads on *everything*. Beyond that, there are people who regularly just spam futa and keep the threads alive for upwards of MONTHS, purposefully to start drama. Some stricter policies, some moderation, anything would be nice.
A board is being spammed with relevant content that people enjoy, how terrible.

The biggest problem with /d/ is the fucking terrible western art that I guess is allowed now.
I recall a screencap that had a post from a mod (or was it Moot? I can't recall.) stating that /d/ was specifically made for futanari.

IMO, /d/ should be specifically for futanari and a new board should be made for alternative hentai, call it /alt/ or /ah/ or something. Just a suggestion.
>find 139 proxies
>fill (in advance) 139 captchas
>create a new thread with every proxy at the same time (or almost)
>wait 60 seconds
>delete all threads
>you now have an empty board, ready to start anew
I want to try that just to see if it would work.
What about a separate dickgirls/tranny/trap/CD/TV board?

What about a "questionable genders" board?
Anything with a questionable genders, and lovers there of are welcome.

ScarJoLapsCock (Scarlett Johanson Caps Lock) needs not apply.

(What about renaming /q/ to /meta/ and /q/ will be the board discussed above.)

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