As someone who has frequented 4chan for many years, mainly on /h/ /tg/ /e/ and /sci/, I've long since come to the conclusion that more than half of the shitposting and metathreads come from people who point out rules violations, or are otherwise trying to play pretend internet police (instead of going about their business at letting the rules violator rot.)The moment someone posts about the rules, they are in effect already shitposting and derailing the thread.If they never did, the thread would have had a significantly larger chance of recovering.In addition, since the rules are not up for debate, it doesn't open up any kind of helpful discussion, it only serves as an exclamation.The most positive quality of that kind of posting is that it reminds people of the existence of rules - but the site does that just fine by itself.I propose that bringing up the rules or trying to police any kind of behaviour on any board but /q/ becomes a serious, bannable offense, taken at least somewhat seriously by the mods. If people want to discuss the rules, they can take that discussion to /q/.While some existing rule or another might already kind of sort of maybe deal with this, I'd like to point out that making mods and janitors actually deal with this shit is half the battle.
>>4248The worst examples IMO are with people who will "point out" that some subject or another isn't board relevant. Half the time, it's dead wrong; it's just people who want to remove certain content from "their" board because they don't like it. The other half, while they may be right, they more often than not ruin the thread. Boom, instant shitthread.We already have the report system. I'm sure the mods can judge this sort of shit just fine for themselves. We don't need threads with 1 or 2 shitposts to become threads with 200+ posts, 10 image replies of sheer unadulterated crap. That just doesn't seem constructive to me.>As a sidenote, i personally feel that blue boards in general (or at the very least good boards like /tg/) do not really need much content moderation - if they've got spoiler tags they can hide borderline raunchy stuff (or whate-have-you) themselves, and if they don't start bitching about rules such then what's the harm - it's not like people don't know what they're getting into when they visit 4chan.
The rules thing I agree with, but derailing shitty threads is kinda necessary when mods/janitors aren't around. It usually works, too.The worst is when the derailing gets deleted, but the off topic shit doesn't. Fuck you, faggot mods/janitors who do this.
>>4267Gotta agree derailing isn't necessarily bad. In fact, if there's something /tg/ has showed me, it is that some of the most hillarious and precious threads over the years started out as trolling attempts and ended up being turned into something awesome.The problem is when a thead, any thread, becomes a metathread; for example if someone posts "NOT BOARD RELEVANT CRY CRY REPORT MODS B& B& RULES WAH WAH" and thus derails it into a metathread.That's what sucks.
>>4332Yeah, agreed. Just ban faggots who are HURR RULES DURF DUR. I'm content reporting and moving on, I don't see why other people aren't.
Yes, please. Announcing reports, imagebombing, "minimodding" and all that kind of stuff definitely needs to be punished.>>4267>The rules thing I agree with, but derailing shitty threads is kinda necessary [...]No, just no. If you don't like a thread report it and move on. Do not post about your report, do not inform anyone about your opinion about the thread, do not try to derail or "fix" it, leave it to the goddamn mods/ janitors.>The worst is when the derailing gets deleted, but the off topic shit doesn't.For the off chance that you're serious, if a mod/ janitor clearly saw it and it didn't get deleted it's perfectly fine. This means you either have to learn to cope with it or kindly go and fuck yourself.
>>4347>No, just no. If you don't like a thread report it and move on. Do not post about your report, do not inform anyone about your opinion about the thread, do not try to derail or "fix" it, leave it to the goddamn mods/ janitors.I usually don't contribute to GET derailment, but it's amusing to watch, and it usually shuts faggots up.I still prefer to just report and move on, though. I wish more people would do the same instead of "SAGE">For the off chance that you're serious, if a mod/ janitor clearly saw it and it didn't get deleted it's perfectly fine. This means you either have to learn to cope with it or kindly go and fuck yourself.There's no way a 200+ reply thread about not having a girlfriend on /v/ is remotely acceptable and somehow isn't seen.Same with the 4AM threads on /v/ and oval threads on /tv/. Fuck them both.
>>4382I can agree with your examples, but my point is that what is or isn't shitposting or should be accepted on a certain board is subject to personal opinions. Even if a thread "deserved it" intentional shitposting, derailing (with off topic content) and any other form of minimodding simply shouldn't be allowed.>I still prefer to just report and move on, though.This is the only acceptable - and by far most effective - way to deal with shitposting.
>>4411It shouldn't be allowed, sure, but the idea is that if mods aren't around anyway and they don't get deleted, then it's obviously necessary.I've seen firsthand where a janitor/mod will delete derailing content on a 4AM thread without deleting the whole thread, though. Fucking faggot janitor/mod.
>>4347>all that kind of stuff definitely needs to be punished.I think the general implication is that if people who were trolling, posting off-topic, or whatever, were punished in the first place, people wouldn't have to backseat mod. Not that I'm defending it, it's just as bad as what they respond to, but saying that "we need more moderation to fix a problem that arises because boards aren't being moderated" is missing the point.
>>4421>it's obviously necessary.No.You are not the motherfucking Batman.Did it fix the problem? Did it help at all? Was there even the slightest chance that the thread would've just died on its own without the additional attention?You can not "kill" a (recurring) thread, it just doesn't work.>I've seen firsthand where a janitor/mod will delete derailing content on a 4AM thread without deleting the whole thread, though. Fucking faggot janitor/mod.Tough luck. I agree with you on 4 AM thread, but if the janitors and mods don't then we'll have to deal with it. If it bothers you all that much just raise the issue in #4chan or on this board, after all that's what it was made for. Do not post in those threads under any circumstances ever. Just don't.
>>4438Part of the problem is that backseat modding or bumping troll threads to their reply limits with unrelated content just encourages trolling.I agree that just getting rid of troll threads would be the best solution, but I doubt it's possible. On the other hand adding a short paragraph on how to deal with "bad threads" might already solve parts of the problem with virtually no effort.
>>4462When you ignore the problem, and the problem gets ignored, you have another /b/Threads tend to die quicker if you derail them than if you leave them up. This is mostly only necessary for the most terrible of threads, though- IE: the k-on generals from back in the day on /a/, etc.Again, I'm not saying "stop not letting people derail things!". I'm saying that if mods aren't around to stop the derailing anyway, then derailing shit threads is the next best thing.
>>4508Threads also die if people don't post in them. Threads are not permanent, AND threads don't matter when people don't see them.If you want to minimize shitty threads and metathreads and bad derails, you want to reduce the amount of time it's on page 1.You do not do so by bumping.You do not do so by reducing the chance that the thread is derailed in a fun direction (by just being a pedantic twat pointing out /reported this or Rules Violation Wah Wah that)In fact, by bumping the thread - even if you're trying to put it into autosage - you're ENSURING that that thread stays on page 1 for an extended amount of time and attracts a LOT of attention. Suddenly a lot more people are subjected to the shitthread.There's a significantly longer way to the autosage post limit compared to just waiting for someone to not bump it long enough for it to drop off page 1.It's not even just about the one thread; when you do post in a thread just to be a whining internet policeman vigilante bitch, it also contributes to a negative posting environment; everyone gets pissed off.If you just let something die, then as soon as it drops off page 1, there's almost no chance at all that anyone is going to post in . Just ask moot or whatever.Or, well, i guess not. He's probably busy doing more important stuff. My point still stands.
Sometimes a report is extreme, simply pointing out "we don't do that here" is often enough to set everyone on the straight and narrow again.It's only shitposting when you spam crap or leave no chance to learn the error.I'd like the sagebombs and spam to punching your kid in the face, he doesn't know what he did wrong, just that you're mad at him.If you take the kid and explain WHAT he did wrong, he'll hopefully stop doing that.This is mostly how we deal in /tg/ and it seems to be working alright.
>>5090OP Here.I've been on /tg/ since 2007, and i gotta say i don't agree at all.Now more than ever, we've got people posting in this thread or that thread, trying to police what content is allowed or not allowed."Quest threads aren't /tg/ related" vs. "yes they are""No nakedness on /tg/" vs. "within reason, it's fine."are some of the more legitimate discussions, and my opinion is that the janitors/mods have their opinion about these things - and that there's absolutely nothing to gain from having metadiscussion (shitposting) about it.And beyond that, you talk about sage as if it does something.Saging does nothing.And there's even people hating on things like the large amount of DH threads or WH40K threads, saging the threads and flipping their shit all over the place. Saging does not make a retarded post legitimate somehow, just because you also express some sort of implicit wish for the thread to die. You're still just being a cunt, stepping out of line, when ultimately you have no say on how the board is run, and you have no power to enforce your opinion. You're not a mod. You're not a janitor.You are just a visitor, and you just posted a shitpost. You most likely pissed off the person you replied to, so that's a guaranteed bump. And then if someone else jumps in, that's where the ball starts rolling.Better if you didn't.Not posting in reply, but simply reporting, creates the possibility that the thread might fall off the front page or get deleted.Saging, whining, policing, or announcing you reported something just causes rage and derailment.
>>4248this is against the rules faggotsit has NOTHING to do with pokemon