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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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/g/ has been near begging for a split into an actual real tech board and a consumer tech board for a long time. I know I'm not supposed to ask for board request as such, so I won't. Not now. But what I would like to see on /g/ is less of the elitist faggotry that takes place. In EVERY thread, someone is always derailing it by acting all high and mighty because they have something in their little PC's that makes them special. There is no way to get any kind of productive feedback on legitimate discussions because someone makes some "you're retarded and should kill yourself" comment and more posts like that continue to follow. Also, gets have become a maniacal plague on /g/. If someone gets even doubles in something as simple as say a guts thread and on /g/ user decides to point them out, then that's it... the thread is pretty much over. /g/ is turning into a sfw /b/ and it's getting bad. Real bad.
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All OC and creativity there has long since died and has been replaced by /b/tards on macbooks. Even /prog/ looks terrible nowadays. No point creating a new board, it will still be boring.
Personally I enjoy the lower tier of posts that /g/ hates so much such as guts, desktops, battlestations and what not. That's what consumer tech would be. The people who actually want to discuss technology such as embedded systems or solid state theory would be in the real tech board. If you frequent /g/ enough, you'll see how many people actually try to have legitimate tech discussions only to be overthrown by the /b/tards who can't help themselves.
Did you even read the sticky on this board? REPORT the shitposters, filter them, hide them, whatever.
Guts, desktops, and battlestations are horrible threads. /g/ used to have quite a bit of OC but it's all gone now.
Whatever you're complaining about it sounds really vague and more like you're frustrated and whining directionlessly because someone hurt your feelings.

Try beating up your pillow and crying it out.
This is an example of people on /g/ acting like high and mighty douchebags because they've "been here longer"

I'm acting high and mighty because I'd rather not have the board collectively mollycoddled because you can't handle frank discussion without loading your vagina with sand. If you can't read through the board without getting flustered over people not being friendly enough, try visiting again when your balls have dropped and you can deal with it.

No one cares how long you've been here.

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