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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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So yeah, /gif/ is a shittastic board. Not because it's overrun with porn, but because every fucking thread has some number of retards asking for "sauce".

I'd like a sticky stating that if you have the source to any .gif you post, you post it- otherwise, it's assumed you don't have it, and therefore, asking for it is futile.

Then, make asking for "sauce" a bannable offense. Preferably, wordfilter it to "I am a huge faggot please rape my face" or something.

banning for 'sauce' spam is understandable, but requiring posters to provide source? That's incredibly unrealistic.
No no- it's that if you have it, you should post it. OTHERWISE, it's assumed you DON'T have it. It's not that it would be forced, it's that it would (hopefully) set up an environment where people stop fucking asking for source because it's either provided, or the person posting an image (presumably) doesn't have it.

Like, just a sticky containing that information would hopefully shut a number of people up. If they still ask for "sauce", they should be banned on principle alone.
>Preferably, wordfilter it to "I am a huge faggot please rape my face" or something.
Or, you know, "source".
It'd still be the same issue- idiots asking for the source image, despite the either unwillingness of the poster to provide it, or their lack of "source" altogether.

If someone wants to provide the source to an image that hasn't been sourced, they're free to do so regardless of some wave of 'tards asking for it.
How would that possibly work? Not many people are going to put the effort in to providing the source with all of their posts. This is the reason requesting "sauce" actually works because it shows the person that people actually want it which gives them incentive to deliver.
But think about the possibilities.
It's the reason I left /gif/, 50~70% of the posts in every thread are 'sauce'.
>Not many people are going to put the effort in to providing the source with all of their posts.
Then the SERSspammers should get off of their lazy asses and look for it themselves.
If someone wants to deliver the source, they can (and probably should) regardless of people asking.

The problem comes from the fact that it fills up the whole fucking board when someone doesn't immediately give source. Fuck, you still get it even when they DO provide a source.

Hence, people who ask for it still should be banned.

It's not like it's all porn boards, either- /s/, /e/, /h/, and etc are all pretty good about this. It seems to just be /gif/.
So did you just stop reading there or what?
If they don't have it on hand, then they're on the same level as the people who are asking, who would be just as effective at searching for the source.
Not that person, but they have a point- if the source isn't given, be a bro and try to provide it for other people.

I'd rather have several people giving the source to a .gif than several people asking for the source.
This is the kind of shit that bothers me. You're basically implying post sauce, or source, or don't post at all. You realise that right? If you don't want someone to aske where something is from fucking EVERYONE who posts ANYTHING must know exactly who it is, what it's from, what time it was shot, how many clips are left, etcetera etcetera.

Putting a word filter up on "sauce" would be fun because newfags would know how to request anything thinking they've gone done fucked up and ruined posting for themselves, but it would be stupid to ban a word because you don't like that it's all over a thread.

If anything, think of it like this: It bumps your threads and keeps them around to live another day. And once in a blue moon they inspire OC.
>You're basically implying post sauce, or source, or don't post at all.
No I'm not, read carefully. I'm saying if you DO have it, you should post it along with the image. Otherwise, post the image anyway, and then people shouldn't reply to your post going "SAUCE?" because it's fucking retarded.

hurf durf durrr
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>hurf durf durrr

You're right. My been drinking, I'll read what I want and ignore the rest, need to sleep before I hallucinate goggles are on. My bad, mang.

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