Oh goody, a new board!Okay, is anybody else sick to death of the word `edgy`? Biggest buzzword since ever.You guys should make a filter where posting `edgy` changes the word to `sexy`so `so edgy xD` will turn into `so sexy xDYou should totally do that.
Wow so edgy OP mind you don't cut yourself
>>3509OP is the edgiest person who ever edged past the edge of the Edge. God help me, he's a loose cannon; A cop on the edge.
>>3509I second thatAlso please change "babby" to "Bobby"
Why don't we just change every word to something while we're at it?Edgy can become bear, and fish can become tooth. It'll be so randum and funneh XDYour idea is bad and you should feel bad.
>>3936so edgy
>>3936Edgy teenager detected.
Fag should be changed to :3
I don't really think it's in anyone's best interests bo wordfilter any old word. it's get pretty old, pretty fast and would be a barrier to anyone actually wanting to discuss something on the board. Will it discourage people from posting the word? hell no. If anything it'll make more people post it because it's prohibited, i.e. /b/ wordfilters circa 2011.I do agree that it has its advantages but nine times out of ten it's just not worth the effort.