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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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Can you possibly ban ponies from all boards except /mlp/?

Their board was made specifically for ponies, like /vp/ for Pokemon. Pokemon fans went to /vp/ peacefully, but pony fans are not going to /mlp/ despite an entire board made for them.

Just a thought.

Pic unrelated

Administrator Reply: >>397
That's supposedly already a rule.

If so, not a very well-enforced one.
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I don't know why people have such a problem with pony reaction images. Shit, I even have a few and I hate Bronies just as much as the next guy. Reaction images are just images, you faggot. Stop being a pussy.
It's already against the global rules, but people are persistent ban evaders and make it hard to enforce.
If you get mad, people are going to continue making your sperg ass mad.
Bronies enjoy the attention of shitposting on other boards, ignore them and they'll go away.
There are various Pokemon reaction images that are used in a variety of boards, I don't see why it should be any different for MLP either.
So will I or will I not get banned for a pony reaction image? Even if my post has nothing to do with MLP?
This. Are pony reaction images to be only posted in /mlp/ too?
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I'm from /mlp/.

Honestly, it depends on what you mean.
Obviously, it's inappropriate to discuss My Little Pony outside of /mlp/. That's what the damn board is for, after all.
But it should be fine for users to avatar (sigh) using ponies as long as they stay on the thread's topic. Same goes for reaction images. Just because it's a pony reaction image, doesn't mean it's not relevant or contributing to a thread (example, this post). There are certain grey areas, like discussing brony musicians on /mu/, or pony art on /ic/, but I've seen everything from the boards taking it in stride, to outright derailing from the community's hatred of ponies.
On the topic of ponies on /b/, I'm bent. It's a random board, so, I don't see why it matters that much. On the flip side, our board has /b/reads, which are often conversations between trips that don't have ANYTHING to do with mlp whatsoever (and whether out side the scope of this discussion, it would be nice not to have them in /mlp/, for breaking the rule of, well, discuss the damn show).

In essence, there's no reason to get worked up about ponies outside of /mlp/, provided that they are not the focus of the discussion or if they are constrained to reaction images/avataring.
Can you ban everyone who posts in a thread at once or do you need to do them each individually
>he's never caught a threadban
This. People are constantly giving them the attention they crave for by responding like mad autists. They are never going to go away if people keep acting like this.
I, for one, think that no one should be able to pony avatarfag outside of /mlp/, as on topic as the poster may be. In fact, avatarfagging in general should yield a ban but I always see it.
Sure, the occasional pony image, but only to express emotion. Avatarfagging should be off the limits, especially with pony avatars as it always brings a ruckus.
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If you're talking about grafics, Pinkie Pie and whatever infamous tripfag that shitposts on whatever board(s) with Pony pictures, don't blame it on /mlp/.They don't want them around either.

Because that's going under the assumption these people are posting genuine posts and not being shitty people for the sake of shitposting.
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Fair enough, I don't like avatarfagging, myself.
I just really get confused at how people can get so worked up over pony images even when they're trying to have a genuine discussion on things. Good that we could come to an agreement on that.
As for the matter of trolls that post irrelevant pony shit, /mlp/ frowns upon that in general, and we try to keep it under control. Unless we've been "raided"/"attacked" by the same board (which does happen on occasion). It's stupid shit, either way.
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Most of those people are just trolls trying to get a rise out of people. Filter them and be done with them. The ones on /b/ are just really persistent for some strange reason. Just let it go and don't take it so seriously.
I have a question.
Why is it just the /co/-originated fans that stick to the rules, while the rest go out unregulated? I mean, I know there's no stopping someone intent on shitposting in order to get a rise out of people, but come on.
>1) This is the destination for all My Little Pony related content on 4chan.
Where are we meant to go with pony related stuff that breaches another of the /mlp/ rules? For example; Roleplay threads, clop, etc

>I just really get confused at how people can get so worked up over pony images even when they're trying to have a genuine discussion on things

It's because as soon as you post that picture of /mlp/, all your merit goes out the window and you're labeled as a filthy ponyfag.

Also, avatarfagging is fucking pathetic and should be a global ban.
Ponychan is that way
Here's a filter for people just starting out using one:
#redditors, /b/tards, etc.
#bronies and furs
#off-topic posters
#gay, trap porn dumpers
#leftists & buzzword users
#ironic shitposters
#genuinely retarded
Speaking of /mlp/, can we get some fucking janitors over there? I mean, I know it's a quarantine board but it's constantly being over-run with off-topic shit, gets, troll threads, etc., etc. At least make it somewhat bearable.
Ponychan is even more tight on those sort of rules. It's not just Work Safe, it's Kiddie safe
I have literally never seen a pony spammer and/or avatarfag (outside of /mlp/) that wasn't a blatant troll. The problem would be a hell of a lot easier to solve if people would just stop getting so absurdly mad at everything.

Also, seconding the "allow reaction images" suggestion.
Though it would be hard to determine if someone was using the image seriously or with the intention to troll
I just had a great idea.

Why not ban all images that contain a pony so said images can never be posted.

Mods could stockpile all pony images.
that's actually a terrible idea
Is it possible to just block certain images from being posted? Doesn't have to be global but could be for specific boards. Even better have banned trolling tripfags unable to make a post with the same tripcode if ban evasion.
why's that?
I think they already do the image thing with CP. And I know they can do it for tripcodes.

1. It's stupid.
2. MD5 hashes can be defeated by changing one pixel.
You can ban a hash or filename, but it never really works since everyone has different versions.
I wish there is a way to ban certain PNGs that have a certain color pallet, such as the color pallet used in MLP.
all you have to do is change the size or shape of an image or otherwise distort it and it's a "new" image
also the fact that you're afraid of ponies
That's a really good idea.
Avatarfagging shouldn't be allowed period.

Anyone posting a pony reaction image already knows, or should know, that "gb2>>>/mlp/ ponyfucker. Get out faggot" is a guaranteed reply.
Don't mind me, just bumping this to second the call for a harsher enforcement of the global rules.

No, just no. It's illegal content simple as that. If someone posts a captioned loli/furry/whatever reaction image it's still a banworthy offense, regardless of its relevancy to the thread at hand. The same should apply to all illegal content.
Hey moot here's an idea.
Repeat the /fur/ incident. 4chan will be a much nicer place.
>illegal content
You are a goddamn idiot.

It's not illegal, it's just rule breaking.
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This sir know what he's talking about.
People need to stop shitting their pants over ponies because they're already being banned and such and hopefully the mods will get better at enforcing it. I really wish the mods would do something about the /b/ threads on /mlp/ because it is not related to the show at all except for pictures and if that gets you banned otherwise, the opposite should get you banned on /mlp/.
>illegal (comparative more illegal, superlative most illegal)
>1. (law) Contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.
>2. Not permitted by rules

Anyway, this isn't about semantics, the point is that even if it's "just a single reaction image" it should still be a banworthy offense.
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How do we know they are a witch.. er.. Brony?

Hell, I sometimes jokingly post a MLP pic in threads if relevant or funny. It'd be like saying you can't post the Pokemans outside of /vp/. And I post Pokemon images if fitting too and not a fan of that either.

Diverting a thread into a Pony talk thread that belongs on /mlp/? Sure. But that falls under keeping topic discussion relevant the board which is in the rules for each board anyway.
>posting MLP pics for any reason whatsoever
Why would you even save pony images unless you're one of them? It's kind of obvious that you're going to be associated with these pieces of shit.
To derail threads and shitpost.
Why you save any reaction image? Encouraging people to fly into an autistic rage at the slightest reference to a pony will never be a good idea.
Well, that too, but it's mostly caused by the latter.
There are always alternatives.
This is equivalent to saying cars are not to be posted outside of /o/ or food outside of /ck/. I think "reaction" pics are fine.
Back to /mlp/ with you. mlp fans spread like a virus, they should not be tolerated anywhere on 4chan other than mlp. Troll or not.
I do not have a single MLP picture saved on my computer, nor have I ever visited /mlp/ or even seen that TV show. I think your hatred of them is illogical. Get over it.
You're confusing them with /b/.
While this is technically true pony reaction images are more often than not used to intentionally derail threads. Of course this isn't always the case, but nobody can seriously expect the mods to personally judge each individual case. Just banning them altogether is by far the easiest solution.
It's just because there's nothing wrong with being from /o/ or /ck/.
Really, because it seems everywhere I go on the internet there is always hundreds of them. Every message board, every community, every video game, every BBS. EVERYWHERE.
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Just ignore them
Why cant we destroy /mlp/ and kick out the cancer all together?
They only derail threads because of obsessive hatred of them. If they are ignored or treated as any other picture, then it would not derail any thread.
"Wrong" is just your opinion. Show me how it is wrong.
I guess I don't lurk in the same places as you do then.

Upon further thought, pony images don't exactly have any point to them, so I guess there isn't any harm in banning them if they are causing feuds.
>If I ignore all the problems they surely will dissapear on their own!
>obsessive hatred
You know there's a reason for that, right?
>They only derail threads because of obsessive hatred of them.
If we ignore the (large amount of) intentional shitposters this is true. The problem is, there is absolutely no way to stop everyone from hating them. You could ask people to tolerate them, but there is no viable way to enforce it. Outright banning them on the other hand should be rather easy.

>Upon further thought, pony images don't exactly have any point to them, so I guess there isn't any harm in banning them if they are causing feuds.
My point exactly.
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daily reminder
And here we go, mlp fags trying to justify their horse fucking fetish. Why is it that you are the only group that can't tell when they're not wanted?
>nobody can seriously expect the mods to personally judge each individual case
What do you think the moderators are for?
irrational hatred, lack of acceptance
you need some cultural enrichment
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I'd rather start a holocaust.
I like to fap to traps and elves you don't see me preaching about them like some kind of cult or making my entire lifestyle revolve around them.
Most definitely not for skimming through fuckhuge threads just to make sure that there was an appropriate reason to post a given reaction image.
There's a reason most rules are rather simple and not subject to interpretation.
People need to understand that there's a difference between someone using a pony reaction image while still being relevant to the current discussion and someone posting ponies to troll.

The former is no different from posting anime or other cartoon images.

The latter is just that - trolling. They know people have an irrational hatred of ponies and use it for attention. These people give us a bad name, and /mlp/ hates them as much as you guys do.

Stop giving them the attention they crave and they'll go away, just like any other troll.
As I said. If you want to use pony reaction pic you should realize that you're going to be associated with ponyfags. I agree about the attention but that doesn't mean ponies should be tolerated.
I'm sure the group that only does the former is reasonable enough to understand why a total ban on pony images - while arguably unfair - would benefit 4chan as a whole.
What you first need to realize is that 99% of people who post ponies outside of MLP don't actually like MLP. They post them as troll material due to how effective it is.
Adamant pony-haters are more annoying than ponyfags. FYI.
It should be against the rules. I literally have not seen a MLP avatar user that was not shitposting with it since MLP was even conceived. Every. Single. One.
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Good luck teaching that to /v/irgin retards, they're so easy to troll.
Yeah, I personally would be in the former category, and you're right, I don't post ponies outside of /mlp/, because I know it'll send people into a blind rage.

I guess differentiating is irrelevant. It ultimately seems to come down to the perception people have towards the community.

Sadly the most contact people have with MLP tends to be the "HURR20%COOLA xD" kiddies who think it's hilarious to spam ponies where they're not needed. Or as >>3559
says, people who don't even watch the show but use ponies as a vehicle for trolling, due to their effectiveness. Subsequently people believe we're all like this.

I guess the only time pony reactions will be acceptable is when the image of the fandom improves. Which I doubt is going to happen anytime soon.
I think that might be a little bit much. Maybe just ban trolls, but not ANYONE who might use some sort of pony image. That's like banning anyone using Pokemon-related image because posting Pokemon on anything but /vp/ is not allowed under any circumstances.
Pokemon fans aren't hated that much.
The boards were created for different reasons, though. Like /vg/, /vp/ was created primarily to curb the number of Pokemon threads on /v/ while they were dominating the board. MLP was exceedingly obnoxious on several boards, so it was exiled to its own little corner of 4chan. Similar to /fur/, somewhat.

I challenge you to find even a handful of posts with pony avatars that are trolling/shitposting/what have you.
Ah, I see. Still, I don't think mods should go around banning people using pony images without making a judgement call first. For example, I don't think >>440 should be banned for something like THAT.
They should, because ponyfaggots are lower than cattle.
I think he should be banned since he's a self-admitted avatarfag.
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>ask for a reason
>don't receive one

you ragers/haters are the easiest to troll thus the lowest form of intelligence.
How does that make you feel?
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>mfw people who hate on ponies cannot comprehend that like any fandom, the people who jerk off to it are the minority and disgust us like they disgust you
The fact that you dedicate your life to a crappy children's show, shows how delusional you are. You think you're above them but you really aren't.
What I posted is the reason. If you're using a pony image you're a troll, a ponyfag or simply a retard, and none of those are welcomed anywhere.
Posting pony reaction images should be instabanned
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see >>3733

the more mad you are, the more effective it is
>dedicating our lives
I think you're referring to the autistic faggots over on Ponychan and the like. Those neckbeards you see with their pony collections? We hate them too.

I think you'll find the majority of us have a life outside ponies. It's an interest, just like anything else.
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People should just change their attitude towards ponies. Don't get me wrong, I don't like them either but every time a ponie gets posted as a normal reaction image the whole thread derails into a pile of (pun intended) horseshit.

Just don't get upset about ponies and calm down
Nice generalization. The fact that I dedicate my life to that show? You have absolutely no evidence of that and I didn't even use a pony picture. You are in no position to be playing moral superior when we're both on 4chan you fucking faggot.
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Ponies aren't the first instance of this happening. Take it how you will.
I think it's because it bronies have attracted so much attention to their horsefucking. Since there are more eyes on it, there are more opinions. Ofcourse some people are gonna get butthurt about it. Also, bronies have become the Nickelback and emo kids of the internet because the stereotypical brony is seen as lower than a neckbeard. Yeah.
what do you mean minority?
last poll revealed that 80% of /a/ likes loli as a fetish, so it's actually the minority that's appalled. Fapping to animu is the rule, not the exception. On /v/ nobody cares if you fap to game characters.
You can not enforce a more tolerant attitude towards MLP. You can enforce a complete ban on MLP. Simple as that.

Hell, this very thread shows that drastic measures are needed.
Trolling is against the rules right?
I've posted and been banned from /b/ for ponies, when /mlp/ was in the gutter. The ironic thing though is I've been permanently banned from *all boards* without appeal (or appeal denied) until I contacted a moderator via IRC.

Regardless of how you feel about ponies, they will exist in some fashion whether you like it or not. If you don't want people to evade bans over it, you should ban them from the board they committed their offense, and not from /mlp/ as well. The trolls (who like seeing people get butthurt over ponies outside /mlp) will take permanent bans as a challenge, and the regular, normally well-behaved bronies will get frustrated when you ban them from /mlp/ . Either way it's encouraging bronies to evade bans, and only makes your "infestation" worse.
Being attracted to cartoons != being attracted to horses.

This would make more sense if it wasn't for the fact that this pony thing mostly ISN'T just rule 34 despite what a lot of rampant haters would like to believe. There is a whole show around it a lot of people discuss in depth and shit.

Yeah, but you have to acknowledge how stupid it is to think like "okay well a bunch of people out of a larger bunch of people have a weird sexual interest, better hate ALL them" instead of just hating the annoying ones.

And like it's been said a lot in this thread, 9/10 times when you see a pony reaction pic on another board it's to piss you off because people get retardedly mad when they see them.
How about we ban shitposters (avatar fags/trolls) and the people that whine about it so much?
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"Getting trolled" on the other hand, may not be a banning reason, but sure should be a reason to think about ending your days because of lack of intelligence.
If you just like it as a show and that's all, hey that's great keep it to yourself.

However the vast majority use some kind of pony avatar, have pinkie pie/derpy hooves in their name and love to ERP and bring up MLP constantly.

You act as if you're part of the group. If it was someone who just liked the show, they would have responded differently. Something I've noticed about MLP fans is they stick strong to the group and feel the need to justify it wherever they go because they are all insecure faggots.

And you're right on one thing, I have no right to play moral superior. But then again I keep my fetishes and hobbies to myself, I enjoy talking with others who have similar hobbies but I don't bring it up in every conversation or wear it as a logo. They are not who I am.
well since this is on subject and I prefer not to make another mlp anyway I have to ask
what happens if there is an anime adaptation of mlp?
I mean there is already an adaptation for powerpuff girls so its possible.
would discussion still only be restricted to /mlp/ only?
>14. All pony/brony threads belong on /mlp/.
Yes. Fuck of with your ponies, you horsefuckers.
>But then again I keep my fetishes and hobbies to myself, I enjoy talking with others who have similar hobbies but I don't bring it up in every conversation or wear it as a logo. They are not who I am.

Me too. 100% exactly the same. I don't believe anything I've said could lead you to logically believe that I'm part of the people who are flamboyant about their fetishes. I don't jerk off to ponies, but I am a relatively big fan of the show and it's only natural that I should get defensive when everybody on a site that I've pretty much called my home for 7 years now constantly tries to group me with people who are the worst part of MLP's fandom.

I don't even post outside of /mlp/ about ponies, it's just annoying.
Well, I'm sure by the time an anime of MLP is made the MLP craze will have died down enough for the board to be deleted without and problems. It only exists to contain the ponies, and once pony spam is no longer a problem then the board isn't needed.
I don't particularly care about mlp shit one way or another. But it is has been decreed illegal content outside /mlp/. So I will fullheartedly support any and all hatred and persecution towards mlp posters outside /mlp/.

Fuck you, you pedohile furry degenerates.
Totally agree with this guy.

You don't know it, but any random anon you talk to on other boards are probably fans of the show as well. How can you tell? You can't, because we don't all shove it down everyone's throats. You only notice the obnoxious avatarfags and spammers and kiddies on steam with pony names and make huge generalisations because of them.

Case in point:
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Think before you start spewing shit please.
The two big problems with MLP in general are:

-The failure manchildren who can't keep it in their pants and have to talk about ponies to everyone everywhere because they have nothing else in their lives and forgot half the fun of liking MLP is keeping it a secret.

-The other manchildren who fly into a rage at the merest hint of anything pony related and demand everyone be banned and murdered for it, providing a feast for trolls.
please to lump us pedophile with bronies.
Funny since there's entire boards on this site that are overrun with pedos proclaiming their love for animated underage girls.
Nail on the head.

So long as either exists ponies will not be welcome outside of /mlp/.
The first is not a problem with MLP, why is this so hard to understand? It's a problem with everything having to do with a show or any creative thing. What your referring to is most likely troll posts that only exist in the first place BECAUSE of how mad people get.
Pretty much, the first problem is more the 'bronies' that wear the freaking home made logos in pubic.

MLP spam continues because it is Trolling: Easy Mode.
A new board was not necessary , stricter moderation and smart attitude is all that is needed. Shitposters like Pinkus Pie and Rainboom Crash would not even bother trolling if you tards didn't fill their threads with 200+ posts of sage and SPEHHS MAREENS.

>not just worksafe, but kidsafe

You mean /tv/, right?

No, those guys love actual real life underage girls, not animated.
Then they are pedos.
What does the weirdness of "bronies" in real life have to do with posting ponies on 4chan? I mean, I'm agreeing that it's a problem but the main difference between a lot of people is seeing it as:

The problem - bronies/ponies
The problem - obsessive faggots
also all faggots and homos should be banned outside their boards aswell
I suppose, just bitching about the wannabe Chris-Chans making the rest of us look bad. (well, worse)

/mlp/ is a shithole anyway, especially when new episodes aren't airing, it's worse than /vp/. I doubt you'd have more than occasional MLPGs in /co/ now if the bitchers hadn't made them all herd together.
I don't even go on /mlp/ that much anymore because you are right, it's a fucking shithole. If no episodes are airing, the story threads are alright but aside from that it's just circlejerk central.
So the rule reads "Threads", so images should be fine? I don't see anything wrong with a good reaction image or crossover so long as its not the point of the post.
Same, until Season 3 starts up there's really no new content to go on.

If nothing else I'd like to see some new janitors in to clean up the excessive amounts of R34 that have been flooding in for the past few months.

The conclusion we came to is that yes, there's nothing wrong with it, but as long as people hate the community enough to go off into a blind rage at the merest sight of ponies, it's better just not to post them at all.
bronies are a problem since its illegal to post ponies outside /mlp/. This thread is about just that, illegal postings of ponies outside /mlp/. The fact that you feel (maybe even rightly so) that the rage generated by that is autisticly over top, is irrelevant since people getting isn't the problem being discussed. Ponies outside (mlp/ is. Since ponies outside /mlp/ is illegal, these people are in the right.

Wether or not ponies outside /mlp/ is a problem or not, is not an opinion. It is fact since the rules forbid it
Considering this whole board was just rolled out and moot said he'd be opening janitor applications soon, I think it's going to get cleaned up a little. Hopefully anyway.

But what about the tripcode users that have pony names and non-stop try to annoy people with their reaction images? Is that okay?
I agree but it's not like people are posting ponies outside of MLP for the reasons that people (childishly) throw around like HORSE FUCKERS and shit, they're doing it because they know how mad people get. If there wasn't this strange source of rage, I guarantee that posting ponies outside of /mlp/ would just fade away. If people could just report and ignore it'd solve a lot of the problem imo.


Anything pony related is grounds for a ban.

Doesn't matter if your shitty reaction image "goes with the thread", it is illegal.

The fact that 4chan even has an mlp board is odd to me, since none of that shit should be here anyways.

That's basically saying "hey come to 4chan, they let you post ponies", when there are seperate entire CHANS for the posting and discussion of ponies.

And not even just chans, go the fuck to that Equestriadaily website if you want to fucking talk about ponies.
You're right, but that's a very black and white way to look at it. This is /q/, so discussing the rules is what we're about.

Besides, I guaranty you there are people who post ponies outside of /mlp/ BECAUSE it's against the rules.

No, its not. Take the pony out of it for a moment. Would you like tripfags shitting up your board with something irrelevant? No. Just because that irrelevant thing is ponies does not make it a special case. Obnoxious tripfags should be banned regardless.
You're obviously incredibly ignorant and have no idea what you're fighting against. Why the hell shouldn't there be a pony board for discussion? There's an anime board, there's a Pokemon board, there is a video game board etc. It's all interest. For you to act like we're not allowed to discuss ponies here is retarded. Also sites like EquestriaDaily are basically the POLAR OPPOSITE of normal fans. Your failure is in understanding this. We don't like them as much as you don't. Also my post didn't even have anything to do with reaction images.

But keep getting hilariously mad over it because like others have said, you are fuelling it with your weird anger.
"Threads" should probably need a rewording into "content"

loopholes won't do anyone any good.
And herpa derpa, it already says content. I need my eyes checked. Well that doesn't leave a shadow of a doubt on how to act.
I don't see the point of this discussion. Whether or not pony content outside of /mlp/ is posted by intentional shitposters or genuine fans of the show is irrelevant. Point is it causes problems and the only viable solution to fix them is banning it altogether (from boards other than /mlp/ of course).
Also bring back the cumdumpster filter for crying outloud
How is it irrelevant? It wouldn't cause any problems if people could be mature about it and either a) report threads that are actually about /mlp/ or b) not to learn to rage over reaction images.

I personally feel that reaction images should not count, but if they do, then why can't you just report them and move on?
yeah and leaving your ignition key in your car wouldn't be a problem if people wouldn't steal cars.
Posting of ponies outside /mlp/ is by definition a problem. Shit's illegal yo. People get mad at it? They're entitled to. Does it help? No? Does it matter that it doesn't help that they get mad? No again? Well well.
>[...] why can't you just report them and move on?
This is exactly what most everyone is doing right now. The problems are that a) there will always be someone left who gets upset over them (even if not some of the would just samefag) and b) they aren't punished hard enough. That's why this thread exists.
>b) they aren't punished hard enough.
Permabans for ponies! Hurrah!
If they have to get punished harder than so everything else off-topic because that's ultimately what it is.

Again, it does fucking matter because the majority of people doing it most likely aren't even pony fans but are just doing it because it is a guaranteed method of pissing a bunch of people off. If all the retarded rage was gone, then so would the incentive for mindlessly spamming ponies. Btw what boards does this happen on anymore?Because I rarely see it.

It wouldn't. It's a bit of a stretch to say that directly applies to this situation though.
>But it should be fine for users to avatar (sigh) using ponies

No, it shouldn't. I think moot very openly shows a dislike of avatarfags, and there's absolutely no reason to be one except if you're playing some forum games in the respective boards. You KNOW you will shit up the thread by avatarfagging as well.
>Again, it does fucking matter because the majority of people doing it most likely aren't even pony fans but are just doing it because it is a guaranteed method of pissing a bunch of people off.
Are you endorsing a non-/mlp/ ban on pony threads and images, then? Because it sounds like you are.
Yeah, I never meant to imply that I didn't think that because that is the rule and it does make sense. I'm just arguing against people who get super mad think that the fault lies solely with fans of the show and can't realize that it's just trolls and their anger.
>Again, it does fucking matter because the majority of people doing it most likely aren't even pony fans but are just doing it because it is a guaranteed method of pissing a bunch of people off

Big fat nope here. You cannot make people think differently. You cannot stop making people get mad, stopping trolling is very difficult. This part of the discussions both starts and ends at "ponies outside /mlp/ are illegal". You're not going to change popular opinion any, so why even try to shift focus to "the people getting mad". No matter how you turn and twist it, they are not the people at fault here.
They are not solely but they are half of the problem. If people could just learn to report them like they should, it would decrease dramatically instead of causing huge shitstorms about it every time it happens.

Am I wrong for thinking this makes sense?
The problem isn't just that it's off topic, the problem is that like you said yourself the vast majority of it comes from trolls with the sole intention of derailing threads.

Would anything of value be lost if we'd just ban ALL MLP related content from boards other than /mlp/ and /b/?
No, I agree with you, but in order to do that first you have to stop feeding every single troll and do what I've posted like five times now - report. As long as they keep getting fed, it's going to keep happening no matter what.

You do however admit that a ban on anything MLP would be far easier to enforce than some arbitrary rule of not getting mad unless it's intentional shitposting, don't you?
They already are, by definition of the rules. Problem is enforcment
Posting ponies outside of /mlp/ is already a bannable offence. So stop, report it, and let the mods do their thing. Feeding the trolls will only make things worse for yourselves.
I think you should not get mad at intentional shitposting. But I mean yeah, of course, but it's kind of a vicious circle because people will never stop getting mad. It's not so much as some arbitrary rule as it is the fact that until people are mature enough to handle something they don't like, it's always going to be in their faces.

I sincerely hope that rules about ponies outside of /mlp/ and fuck, inside of it too, get better enforcement. This requires mods and people to work together, not just people screaming "fukkin ban gay ponies."
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Ok buddy.

Here have this.
>implying people from /mlp/ are the ones shitting up other boards

We're the ones abiding by the rules and keeping it in one board. The faggots shitting up your board with ponies need to be banned, no question about that.
Can you at least allow the crosslinking from /mlp/ to /q/? I'm not asking for /co/ and /b/, just /q/
Why are you people so fixated on banning? This isn't 2005, everyone and their grandmother knows how to evade a ban nowadays. At least think of something original.
What other methods do you propose?

IP banning is weak but what else can you do on an anonymous image board?
I find the people who bitch for several posts when one person uses a pony reaction image far more annoying.

Probably fuck all
Just because you might be one, doesn't mean everyone else in that board follows rules.

Speak for yourself.
They pretty much already are. I rarely ever see pony images on the other boards. /mlp/ pretty much took care of that, just like /vp/ did for the furfag/pokemon retards.

Those boards were created to be retard bins, just like /b/ and /soc/ were.

/b/ just bizarrely turned out to be a great board for a few years, but now it serves its original purpose
Hardware ban.

Oh to know the rage they'll be having when they can't take advantage of their dynamic IP's.

It's almost boner-inducing.
I think you'll find the vast majority of /mlp/ agrees with me.

We get people from other boards coming to us all the time raging about ponies on their board. This discussion is not a new one.
Pretty much this.
The ponyfags and trolls use pony pictures outside of /mlp/ but the idiots that fall for it and derail the threads are much worse.
Can moot even do that? How does that work? By your MAC address? I don't think that's possible here, or it probably would have been taken advantage of many years ago.

Didn't they use Harddisk ID or something?
Not possible. This isn't Xbox Live where they can ban your motherboard serial. The internet at large works very differently.
I doubt it. Why would moot permaban two of the biggest countries in the world if he could just ban the spammers(China and India where people will spam the site for a dollar a day)
I think you misinterpreted me.
Work Safe is aimed at adults, but it's toned down so it's safe to view at work without the boss coming down on you like a ton of bricks.
Kid Safe is "You hurt my feelingz thats not 'k". It's aimed at kiddies, and thus the discussion feels like it's for kiddies.
>Yes I'm aware the show is aimed at little girls, but I'm ignoring that at this moment as it's not the point of this discussion
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I think everyone would be happy if not use pony reaction images outside /mlp/, because some people might start shitwars on it.

Personally I also find them annoying, but that's a personal thing.
That's the other thing about Ponychan.
A (seemingly) large amount of us ponyfags dislike Ponychan and similar boards because of shit like this.
>avatarfagging as your Mary Sue character

That is a very strong case of self-importance there.
Agreed, that pic made my eyes bleed

you have no fucking idea, try going there for ten minutes, or see how long it takes to get you banned, one guy lasted five minutes
i think pony images should be allowed.
they are not cp or gore or porn and there is no reason to ban them.
of course allowed as reaction images.
avatarfagging, ponyspamming, unrelated thread are always banworthy.
but this works for every kind of images: if someone spam vegetables on /tg/ he should be banned.
but as a reaction images...why not?
after-all we are no more in the pony-spam age, if someone is still ponyspamming is just to troll the rules.

and do not hate on /mlp/ please... they hate bronies more than you. or at least they used to...now is more of a general/avatafagging board.

Your boss is going to fire your ass anyway for begin on anything but other than your work.

Especially if it's ponies or animu.

SFW makes no damn sense and we all know it. moot just canved to pressure from soccer moms and the popo.
This is just an example, don't start derailing the thread.
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enforcement of global rule 14 and (see pic) would solve all the problems with pony outside of /mlp/

also /mlp/ itself needs nazi moderation for at least few months to eliminate all the shitposting

Ponies are popular because of adult innuendos, combined with it being one of the ironically, few shows left on TV that is animated fluidly and has a good story when it gets to it (Fuast wanted to make it like PPG, but Hasbro shot her down).

I have an idea remove all images. Make 4chan text only.
's called breaks.
Unless you're Chinese or something, I'm sure you know what they are

Being attracted to pastle 2D flash ponies != being attracted to flesh and blood mares.
>of course allowed as reaction images.

3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies
>macro image replies

not gonna happen
Dear /b/,

If someone posts a pony for the sole purpose of posting ponies and talking about them, report and move the fuck on. What part of don't feed the trolls don't you understand? They only do it to get a rise out of you. Be smart.

a fag on /mlp/

P.S. we hate them just as much as you do because then we get raided for their faggotry and your inability to cope

If you're on a break, you boss isn't going to care if you're looking at porn, he probably does too.
Reaction images don't seem to be a big problem, expect in boards like /v/.
Would you risk you job for that?
Would you ask you boss if (s)he was ok with you looking at NSFW content on breaks?
Or would you prefer to stick to SFW?
The whole point of NSFW and SFW is so you don't have to take any risks, and you know it will/should be free from objectionable material.
why does moot care about ponyfags keeping their jobs in the first place?
at least mlpgore and grimderp is allowed there, I think
>OP gets buttupset about reaction images
>moot replies in four posts saying what OP was complaining about is already against the rules
>thread should have ended there
>instead ~180 people had to chime in and tell the world how much they hate ponies
Does anyone else find the haters more annoying than the bronies?
You must be new to the internet. Don't you know people act on impulses. Nobody is going to restrain themselves if they feel the urge to reply to anything. This will never change.
Oh, I'd be surprised if he does.
I was just explaining the concept behind SFW and NSFW.
I got that, I was just venting, I think the only reason it's still sfw is keep out a flood of furries, even though many don't like mlp
Make it a NSFW board and it WILL degenerate into endless porn, gore, etc

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