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They are back on /co/

Mods please remind them that just because they have a comic now it does not give them reason to leave their shithole.
you made this thread already, dipshit. and it's still on the front page.
>clearly these people are posting because they think it's not against the rules and not because it makes people unfathomably mad for no reason
I know, the proper response is to keep saging thinking it will actually do shit and bumping the thread by sperging out like a retard!
I want /v/ to get off /co/
thanks for reminding these exist OP, since I'm a pony fan but don't go to /mlp/ because it's where the scum of the fandom hang out
Gee I wonder why it's being posted, is it because ponyfags don't know they have a board or is it people who love watching neckbeards get into a raging fit over it.

Stop being a fucking idiot OP, just stop.
Looks like it's time for report-tan. I'll help you out.

Wow, you know, I just realized -- We have Bump-tan and Sage-tan. There's no Report-tan? I'll have to draw that.

(Sage for no real contribution.)
reporting isnt working. 233 posts later these threads still stand.

make them go away pls
>two threads on /q/ dealing with ponyfags shitting up /co/
>must be made by the same person

Negative, Ghostrider.
Is this official... Looks terrible.

>implying you aren't the same dude trying to make it look like more than one person is outraged about this when it's really just one sperg
>What are IDs
>not knowing IDs change between threads

IDs change with each thread and you can give yourself a new IP by resetting your router.
>Arguing with the mentally retarded.
OP just stop, The pony fags aren't worth arguing with or even responding to, Report the threads, hide them, and move on. And keep in mind that your image is also violating rule 15. Even if its to mock them or show what they've been spamming pony/brony content is not to be posted outside of /mlp/
You see that thread up at the top there? See the big red bold-face text telling you what to do in this situation? Maybe you should try that.
Grow the fuck up OP, report hide and move the fuck on, while you're at it, leave 4chan for at least 6 years until you actually turn 18
Need I remind you that /q/ is not for reporting threads?
>telling others to grow up
>on 4chan


But yes it it's better to hide and report. Out of sight, out of mind
I still don't get how people think that on a site with over a million unique posts a day with a moderation staff of about 30 that the report button acts like an instant beacon to the mods and the thread will be deleted within 5 minutes
4chan has become spoilt IMO
Just read the comic.
The thing is, if /mlp/ and rule 15 were never made, OP and others like him would be acting THE EXACT SAME WAY, replying to shit they dont like, complaining to everyone everywhere and getting baited by the same trolls they've been getting baited by for the last two years.

OP the problem is you. Its always been you and it still is. Stop feeding the fire for once. Yes, its against the rules, but I sure as shit bet its the only rule you ever site. You're just using the rules because it suits your stop liking what I dont like mentality.

tldr: stop giving it attention, dumbass

They're still at it, but this one got derailed and it's devolved into a "It's-your-fault-no-it's-YOUR-fault" bitchfest...
I'm not implying anything, I'm straight up admitting I didn't make this thread. Tuck your tinfoil in.
>They're still at it
As if this is some Apocalyptic problem. It's one thread, not a thousand like Korra fans tend to do. Damn you Moot for letting this happen.
Hey, wanna know a secret?
Wanna know whose fault the entire pony thing is?
Its everyones fault, All the people who spammed pony in threads after people asked them to stop, all the people who decided to take it upon themselves to be internet vigilantes and derail pony generals with gore and dubs etc, the people who hated it that much they made fake generals and such. The people who wouldn't stop derailing threads both with pony and the people who spammed hate after seeing a single pony pic. The mods who decided to try and ban it outright
Everyone is to fucking blame here and no amount of denial by either side will ever change that, That doesn't change the fact that there is now only one group who continues to make this a massive issue, ponyspam outside of /mlp/ is fucking nothing compared to what it was but people still lose all sense of maturity when they see anything pony, and then have to sage as hard as they can while screaming about rule 15.
Maybe one day people will mature but I doubt I will ever see that day
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Why not just allow discussion of the show and comic back onto /co/?

Wait wait, hear me out.

The problem most people have is with the spam, the fanbase, etc. Right? And pony is getting spammed on /co/ partly because it gets a reaction and is fed partly because some people on /co/ actually want to talk about it, right? Just amend the global pony rule to state that discussion of the cartoon and the comic is allowed on /co/. ONLY discussion of the cartoon and the comic. That means no fanbase shit, no griping, nothing except the two aspects which are applicable to /co/.

Why would this fix anything, you ask? Let's look at the demographics:

Legit pony fans: No longer have ANY reason to complain. Anything they do on /co/ that goes beyond discussion of the show or comic is grounds for deletion and a bannable offense. This technically includes reaction images and other material outside of their threads, which cuts down on complaints of flooding. This is a much stricter set of rules than any other group on /co/, but I think it would be accepted as necessary. Also stops them from complaining in Q and in meta threads.

Troll pony fans: Now easily discernible from actual pony fans, can be reported and banned as needed. Any posts about pony outside of a pony thread that are not directly related to the show or discussion of the show is bannable, which cuts out pretty much all pony spam. Due to the wording of the amended global rule, any autistic fanbase elements are now bannable (pics of meetups, weird fanart, fan project discussion, etc.) and still directable to /mlp/. This is used as a failsafe to allow janitors and mods the leeway to correct issues as they appear, as well as discouraging discussion of the fanbase.

(Part 1 of 2)

(Part 2 of 2)

People who complain about pony/anti pony spam: Can now be put to good use identifying and reporting spam. Arguments about what is and is not allowed on /co/ get cut down because real pony fans no longer use illegal pony threads to discuss the show, leaving only troll pony fans who can be banned on sight.

Anti-pony spammers: Treated identically to troll pony fans. Spamming autistic fanbase shit, dubs spam, complaining about the show in a way that could not be considered discussion, are now grounds for banning. Cuts down on meta threads and thread derailment due to responding to fake and real pony fans.

That was a lot of text, so let me sum up. Adjusting the global pony rule to make an exception towards legitimate discussion of the show and comic on /co/ removes ANY ambiguity about which pony posters are actual fans and which ones are just in it for the reactions. This greatly expedites moderation, cuts down on pointless bickering, and will minimize hurt feelings all around. Pony fans get what they want, Bronies can keep /mlp/ for discussion of EVERYTHING pony-related, which still includes the show and comic but also lets them have their fandom shit somewhere else, people who hate pony spam get a clear target, and people who hate pony in genera; are in the same position as they are now, except they can put themselves to good use and help report and ban the people who deserve it.
it's the most terrible-looking of the variant covers, which is probably why he posted it
Its a good idea that wouldn't work in practice because there are too many people who have gotten that ass damaged over pony that they will attempt to derail any legitimate discussion on sight, while reporting that thread. Also you will have legions of them screaming at moot about GIVING IN 2 DA HOERSFUKRS and all that shit
>Why not just allow discussion of the show and comic back onto /co/?
For the simple fact that you have a entire board for MLP. Are you telling me that even though you have 165 threads for one show and one comic, you still need a thread on /co/?
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Pretty much this, 4chan complained en masse to Bioware for giving in to horsefuckers (they posted fan art) to the point Bioware had to tell them to fuck off. If they end up bombarding facbook with meme arrows over that imagine the chaos here.

>they will attempt to derail any legitimate discussion on sight, while reporting that thread.

This would now be against the rules, and bannable (it's hard to derail a thread about pony while legitimately discussing the show). The important thing is that meta threads related to pony would also be bannable, and it becomes very clear which party is at fault.

>Also you will have legions of them screaming at moot about GIVING IN 2 DA HOERSFUKRS and all that shit

/mlp/ already exists. All this does is reduce meta bickering, make spam easily identifiable, and get rid of any ambiguity.
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pls stop beeing this assdamaged

it has been demonstrated multiple times that topics on a board can either overwhelm or be overwhelmed by that board, and in some cases may need special dispensation to be fairly represented. In /mlp/'s case, the nature of the user base actively prevents real discussion.

/b/ is an analogous example of this. Its nature prevents the discussion of topics which technically belong on it yet do not fit into its culture, like Architecture or Stamp Collecting.
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>Bronies can keep /mlp/ for discussion

>In /mlp/'s case, the nature of the user base actively prevents real discussion.

MLPG, is that you?

MLPG is part of the problem. Notice that the proposed rule change would also eliminate most of what MLPG talks about.
>In /mlp/'s case, the nature of the user base actively prevents real discussion.
You do realize that this is similar to the argument that Naruto, One Piece, and other anime should be /co/ because their board wont talk about it.

You board isn't overwhelmed, you just can't find anything new to talk about or new people to talk it with. Having MLPG general on /co/ wont change anything other than bring back the pony/antipony wars on the board.

Oh, come on now...

Thats why it should never have been taken out of /co/ in the first place.

MLPG kept it in one thread, used a marker system to keep it that way so not to step on any toes. All pony related discussion was confined to one thread.

by taking that discussion and spreading it out over an entire BOARD, in the end you have a board that is mostly shit. Most of the thread on /mlp/ are threads devoted to in jokes or stories created and talked about(or used to be talked about) in MLPG. Its beyond redundant.

In the end, when all is said and done, MLPG was the only ones punished after this two year drama. For being a self contained general on /co/ that did its best not bother anyone else, it gets lumped in with /b/ and all the shit posters, taking the condensed discussion and contributions of one thread and artificially spreading it out over a whole board.

Think if that sort of thing happened to, say, Adventure Time general. You'd have a thread of porn, thread rule 63, thread of fanfictions, a drawthread, thread of bitching about the rest of the fanbasem etc etc etc with all the actual casual show discussion diluted down.

Not true. This is a case of a comic and a cartoon that were once allowed on the comics and cartoons board being removed, rather than trying to discuss an anime on the comics and cartoons board. A more apt analogy would be discussing a Pokemon game on /v/ or /vg/.

I'm also not advocating bringing MLPG back to /co/. General threads are a problem because they encourage, for lack of a better term, "fandom shit", which this rule amendment would explicitly disallow.

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