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4chan Passes are on sale from Black Friday through Cyber Monday. EDIT: Hell—we'll leave it up for a bit longer. Happy early-Holidays, 4chan! Click here to learn more and purchase one.
(Passes can also be purchased as gifts.)

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What does moot do with the money spent on 4chan passes?

Why won't you make the accounts of 4chan available to the public? I'm sure they are uninteresting and legit but I need proof as to whether you're just a shabbos goy or a full-blown jew.

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Cocaine, and black male hookers.
My guess would be for covering hosting costs, server maintenance and stuff to do with Cloudflare.

Then why does moot resolutely refuse to provide such details?
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Beats me.
because it's none of your business, nigga

When mootstein refuses to provide banking details yet begs for money in the form of passes, I think it is our right to know.

Also, if he is making a profit from 4chan, I wonder what the IRS will say?
>making a profit from 4chan

Yeah I doubt that, he's been barely keeping the site afloat for the past few years. The passbux are probably only making the slightest of differences.

Well, of course that's what he is going to say if he is turning a profit he wants to keep from the tax man.

He's not going to be out bragging that his pockets are too full of cash.

How do we know mootstein isn't rolling in $?
>making a profit from 4chan
Oh jeez. No. Just no. I think it's been said before that he actually loses money from this.

>>302962 (OP)
As for the reason he doesn't want to provide financial statements?
Well, if I could make a guess at moot's personality, his pride probably doesn't want to post statements that show that he loses money on 4chan.
People begged him for years to let them give him money, but he doesn't seem to like charity (which is fine). Thus the passes came about because that way he could accept money, but have it be more like a sale rather than charity.
That's my guess anyway.

Alternative theory: moot makes so much off 4chan revenue that he doesn't need donations and if he started accepting many he would face calls to open up 4chan's books so he relies on private revenue which I estimate at $200k per year. He of course says he loses money on 4chan to keep people from reporting him to the IRS.
>>302962 (OP)
>Why won't you make the accounts of 4chan available to the public?
Why would I?

1) 4chan's is a private company
2) 4chan's financials have never been public in the 9 years it has existed
3) My personal financials aren't subject to public review because I'm a normal person and not Mitt Romney
4) You're purchasing a product -- not making a donation

If you purchase a Pass, I owe you twelve months of CAPTCHA-free posting on 4chan and nothing more. Which is exactly why I'm okay with the idea of Passes, and not donations. You get a widget for twelve months, and that's it.

People to this day e-mail me and try to curry favor by insisting they donated at some point in the past few years (which is a load of shit because I haven't accepted a single cent in donations in over 7, and even if they did donate back in 2005, why should they receive special treatment?). If I haven't made it clear enough in my news posts and on /q/, I hate the ongoing donation model, plain and simple.

I could spend the money on hookers and blow but so long as the site stays up twelve months from the purchase date and you get your CAPTCHA-free posting, I've fulfilled my contract with you. That's all there is to it.

Fair play but you have previously asserted that 4chan loses money, that now appears to be untrue and in fact 4chan generates a healthy revenue.

Do you pay tax on 4chan profits?
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do u sometimes feel that your hard headednesss will give birth to a new chan that will dwarf 4chan? i know that many have tried already
Good thing there are astute people like you who can see through the lies and make that anonymous tip.
>Fair play but you have previously asserted that 4chan loses money, that now appears to be untrue and in fact 4chan generates a healthy revenue.
Except I didn't say that at all in my post. What logic did you use to go from "moot doesn't post his bank records on the Internet" to "moot is rolling in dosh!!!!!!"?

I have been in massive debt and personally hemorrhaged more cash than I would care to count at this point. Break even and profitability have always been a moving target and always will be.

As I said in the news post and on the Pass page, the encouraging thing about 4chan Pass is that it's really the only sustainable, recurring source of revenue 4chan has had in its 9+ years, given that advertising has always been hit or miss for us, and we haven't accepted donations in so long. It was and continues to be my hope that the Passes can make a big dent in covering operating costs, so I can continue to provide 4chan for free, as I always have, for many more years to come.

>do u sometimes feel that your hard headednesss will give birth to a new chan that will dwarf 4chan? i know that many have tried already
My extreme stubbornness is one of my greatest gifts and curses. It seems to have worked out well so far though.

The earliest 4chan/imageboard spin-offs came from users who were either banned or didn't host a board they wanted, as is still mostly the case today. They don't seem to last very long though, because as it turns out "MOOT IS A FUKEN FAGET" or "I want to discuss XYZ extremely niche interest" aren't really visions that can sustain a community.

What harm comes from discussing how much revenue is generated from the 4chan pass?

Are you planning to sell 4chan and need to hold it back for CIC reasons?
i am a spiritual teacher. I hope you are aware that stubbornness arises from the mind. You are not your mind. you are the soul inside your body. your mind conflicts with your soul because the soul is divine and can recognize wrong behaviour

If I get banned that means I don't get my full 12 months of captcha-free posting though.
So you're not even breaking even? Damn...

Because it's not our business. We get to use 4chan for free and it's not a publicly traded company.

Well, that is only what moot claims, take that with a pinch of salt as he could be cooking the books to avoid tax as he resolutely refuses to provide any proof of the state of 4chan finances.

Obviously he does not have to but it is fishy.

Because he doesn't feel like it and has absolutely no obligation to.

Obviously he has no obligation to or I wouldn't be asking, I'd be telling.

If mootstein wants the finances of 4chan to remain secret that is his prerogative.

You don't think somebody would've noticed moot attempting to evade taxes despite the no doubt numerous times he's been in contact with the authorities? That's also assuming the IRS somehow didn't notice at all, which is unlikely considering how serious they are about paying enough taxes.
Can you name any other private companies that invite people external to the company to come inspect their operations?

I'm genuinely curious if there's a precedent. I can see a non-profit or B-corporation maybe, but not an actual LLC/corporation/sole proprietorship.

Can I walk into my corner market tomorrow and demand to see their payroll records or register receipts, just because I happen to frequent it and buy fruit from time to time? Is that reasonable of me, or unreasonable?

What if it was a struggling comic book shop that held a benefit to raise money to stay in business? Would that change my expectation? Would it suddenly cease to be a business, and be subject to the oversight of its patrons?

They're interesting questions and I'm asking them honestly.
also since we are on /q/...why not create a /pua/ board? there are thousands of websites about this topic. you like women like us ... right?

So... how's it been going so far? Does it look like passes are going to ease the financial burden?

You probably answered this in the q&a thread, I realize, but trying to load 3k+ posts crashes my browser :/
Thanks for 4chan moot.

Fair point but if every time I went into my corner market they were complaining that they're making a loss, I might ask a few questions.

Comic book shop depending on the situation it might be appropriate to reveal what kind of losses are being faced.

No one is asking you to provide an audited line-by-line annual report but a two line in/out figure would surely not be too hard or invasive?
>So... how's it been going so far? Does it look like passes are going to ease the financial burden?
Well, anything >$0 technically "eases" the burden -- it's helping though. Having a full year worth of sales/data will give me a better idea of how it'll affect the site long-term, which is what I'm most concerned about. I mean, at that point we'll have come up on 10 years of 4chan. How many other sites do you guys use that have been around 10 years? Facebook and Twitter sure haven't. (And of those, how many of those are run by one guy in his spare time and have zero full-time employees?)

I appreciate everyone's support, be they a Pass user or just a quality poster. There are so many ways to contribute to 4chan, 99% of which don't involve spending money. Posting on topic, reporting threads, et cetera all go a long way to make 4chan a better place.

>Thanks for 4chan moot.
You are very welcome, Anon.
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isac here
i will never ever buy a 4chan pass because moot is a massive macfag and i am /g/ user
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So your basic argument is that you wont reveal anything to do with the finances because you don't have to?

You also don't have to reveal whether you're circumcised or not yet you confirmed that you were in a previous Q&A thread.

What gives, moot?

Why the lack of the transparency?
obviously moot enjoys informing people about the state of his cock and/or balls

hey moot hows the hair situation right now, you trim or go full wookiee for the winter?
>as it turns out "MOOT IS A FUKEN FAGET" isn't really a vision that can sustain a community
I laughed like an idiot.
7chan still exists, and still has quite the user base, though mostly because it dropped the whole "4chan sucks dur hur" thing and just focused on the image boards, it will never have as big of a user base as 4chan though
but you basically were, since some how "4chan passes seem to be working so far" somehow doesn't cut it for you, you seem to want some sort of concrete proof that he isn't spending it on hookers and herion or something, which he doesn't owe you, and neither does the guy that runs the shop down the street
Why don't you post your public finances, then?

Clearly you must have some agenda for harrassing moot like this.

You must be a ZOG agent designed to take down 4chan from the top down.

Admit it, kikestein. Or post your bank account and all of your records and all of your translations over the past year and prove you haven't accepted money from the Zionist state of Israel.

Filthy der juden.
>So your basic argument is that you wont reveal anything to do with the finances because you don't have to?
That is the only answer necessary to anyone who isn't the IRS. Are you the IRS? Nope.

>Why the lack of the transparency?
12 USC Chapter 35
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there is always something to complain about eh?
Yeah but don't worry about it, Dash. Haters are pretty much always gonna hate.
You're both faggots.
More so than you could possibly ever imagine.
Why dont you make 6 months pass moot ? People on 4chan arent wealthy (I know there was a black monday, but it would be good to have half the price for a 6 months pass).
People Will also see if it worths to buy a year account after they buy a 6 months pass.
Tiered rewards isn't a bad idea, per se. 3, 6, and 12 month Pass, etc. Hell, maybe even a Lifetime Pass option.

But, the question is can moot keep up with the accounting? He's just one guy with his fingers in many pies.
moot do you realise that paranoid faggots like this are a direct consequence of /pol/?
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I agree. Moot is providing us a very specific thing in exchange for our money. He explicitly refuses donations. As such, on principle, as long as he fulfills his end of the bargain and provides us what we're purchasing, we can't act entitled to accounting details.

However... I think most people are just generally curious because we care about moot, care about 4chan, and want to know whether the passes are helping. I bought a pass and plan on buying more as gifts, and while I do enjoy not having to type the captcha, my main reason for buying is that I finally had a way of financially supporting 4chan. So I'm really interested to know whether or not it's making a difference.
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>not wealthy

I agree... 20 dollars is a pittance.

Selling 6 month passes would probably compromise revenue because they'd have to be priced at more than half (so something like 12 or 14 dollars) to mitigate the amount of people that'd be buying them as opposed to the year passes, and there are probably more people buying the passes than are likely to use them for a whole year.
>I laughed like an idiot.
You laugh, but it's how a fair number of imageboard sites have started!

>hey moot hows the hair situation right now, you trim or go full wookiee for the winter?
All wookiee all the time, baby.

It's unlikely that we'll ever offer Passes for time periods less than one year.

I understand. Thanks for your support.

I wouldn't say $20 is a pittance. Certainly not for everyone. But I do think it's a reasonable price, especially when broken down into what it costs you per month. $20 up front is a fair sum of money, but $1.67 per month is an amount most people could lose in change under their couch and probably not notice.
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moot replied to my post! hi moot!

I love /q/!
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The day when moot replied to your post is greatest day of your miserable and pathetic life.

To moot, it's just a Tuesday
As a provider of servers/hosting I know 4chan would not cost more than 500/600 bucks a month to run, with high level DDoS protection included.

If you pay more, you are doing something wrong. Probably doing things the way they were done 5 years ago (which in this branche means skipping 5 generations of developments).

You boast to get 20 million visitors a month. If you can't make 500, nay 5,000 bucks out of that in a month, you are a complete idiot and totally business-retarded.

There are sites with free animal porn and free jail bait porn, free l0li porn that make tens of thousands a months with a tenth of your traffic. So this argument of 'it is hard to get advertisers' does not stand.

So again, you are or a complete retard not being able to make money out of this or you lie about the income/expenses of this site.
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take your buissiness ideas and piss off
i dont want my 4chan flooded with your faild buissiness spam
>skipping 5 generations of developments
moot is keeping it real
>As a provider of servers/hosting I know 4chan would not cost more than 500/600 bucks a month to run, with high level DDoS protection included.
We own all of our own servers and networking hardware and are colocated. I don't know anywhere in the US that will even sell you a half-cabinet (rack and power) for less than $500. We also pay for a CDN (CloudFlare).

>If you can't make 500, nay 5,000 bucks out of that in a month, you are a complete idiot and totally business-retarded.
While 4chan is in fact a business, I've always treated it like a hobby. I'm sure if we ran pop-unders I'd be rolling in cash, but I use the site daily and would never be able to stomach subjecting the users or myself to such a thing.

>There are sites with free animal porn and free jail bait porn, free l0li porn that make tens of thousands a months with a tenth of your traffic. So this argument of 'it is hard to get advertisers' does not stand.
Thanks for lumping us in with a class of illegal websites, that probably have illicit and horrible advertising.

>So again, you are or a complete retard not being able to make money out of this or you lie about the income/expenses of this site.
Duly noted -- thanks!

Try typing that in proper English and I will read it.

What I stated there is fact:

- 4chan should not cost more than 500/600 bucks a month to run, with high level DDoS protection included.
- if you can't make 500 bucks a month from 20 million visitors, you are an idiot.
- moot is or lying about the expenses/income of this site or he is business-retarded.
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moot spends a lot of time on 4chan but he's still not very good at detecting trolls. gotta love him though.

Why would you buy it and have the burden of upgrading it, keeping it in check, etc all the time? Who told you that was a great idea? The one selling it to you?

While you can just rent it for a fraction and all the work will be done for you. The hardware won't be yours, but the content is all yours, nothing different to what you have now...except much cheaper.

Again, you are doing it the old way. It's like record companies ignoring the digital era and still trying to sell cassettes.

And you are the one claiming advertisers do not want to be associated with your site, not me. I just gave an example of worse sites with worse content who do not have a problem with it.

If you can't see this and have to resort to asking people to pay to get rid of captcha, then I don't know what to say. Go talk to people who know how to deal with this without having to turn your site into a porn ad spam thing, it is easily do-able without being a sell-out. You site will have enough money, speed, options and a solid future.
Oh wise and all-knowing guru. May we have the benefit of the url for your *chan that we may bask in its superior glory?
Turning a profit (if that were even his goal) is considerably more difficult when you have the burden about actually giving a shit about usability.

No obnoxious popups, despite their profitability, and what types of ads you are running. It ought to be obvious to you that he's selective about advertising - not just getting money from whatever scummy shitstains would kill to be advertised here. He takes a giant hit on what he COULD be making in ad revenue for the sake of the userbase.

No comment on the hardware/servers etc. 4chan is a hobby, not a business, though.
>implying having a leased car feels the same as one you own
its clear that moot want to have his server close to him, he aint trusting noone to take care of them, they are like his babies.
again, moot is keeping it real

This is not 2005 where advertising was always obnoxious. Popup ads? What?

There are many alternatives. There could be half a dozen ads on every page and you guys would not even notice it. Just like the 3 huge banners on this page. Same thing.

Also, bigger sites with lots of traffic get paid a royally for just views, not clicks.

And the guy about 'keeping it real'. Many old school record companies tried to keep it real too and then fell flat on their ass because when it comes, you can't stop it. You have to be prepared.

If this was a company with 20 people working full-time to keep it alive, OK, fine, buy the hardware. But the way moot does it now, it is overkill and old-fashioned. Irony being the more traffic he gets, the worse it will get with this setup and the more he has to pay. While when you rent, the rate is fixed, bandwidth unmetered, content protected, backed up fully, secured, updated, you name it for a much lower price.

Welcome to 2012. Anywho, peace out.
But it's not a business, it's just a hobby, with a few onubtrusive ads and a glorified donation system to offset cost slightly. I'm sorry that moot isn't a wannabe business tycoon, otherwise your points may be landing a bit better.

Peace out.
>While when you rent...

You are subject to your landlord's rules. I have rented apartments and owned a house. I can assure you that even though it costs more because you don't have a maintenance man to come fix the roof leaks, it is 1000x better to own.
Mad respect mootles for actually answering these sort of questions, as offensive as they often tend to be.

Also, thank you for naming my dog in a /fit/ thread like a year ago
Hey moot, can you say with the data you have so far, compared to the same time period of last year, how's the results? What's the change in expenses?
Just curious.
And will this last until tonight? I might or might not be able to buy one and if I can I'll have to buy it around 9pm ESTish.
Does anyone feel like his captcha hit-rate has gone down dramatically ever since the captcha passes were introduced?

It's almost as if the captchas have been rigged to fail more often, even if the captcha challenge entered is correct.
Oh god here we go.

Please stab yourself in the eye with the nearest sharp object.
I just wanted to stop by, since Moot is apparently responding to this thread, and inform him that I love him. Keep on trucking dude!
And I wanted to do the opposite.
What a greedy jew and dumbass.
yes they have. it's a scheme to get more Jew gold from people buying passes
Well why not charge $5-10 for it? For $20 I could go to Gamestop and buy two pre-owned PS3 games that'll run just like they were new.
Why is it retards can't stop asking the same question over and over and over and over again?

Do you somehow think the answer will magically change?

"Mom, can I have a cookie?"
"But Mooooooommmm! How about now?"

Someone needs to slap the shit out of you.
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i award you "post of the year" for /q/.
Because moot is an idiot and always caves in sooner or later.

Remember how we got him to provide passes in the first place?
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the mark of intelligence is the ability to change.

refine your tone, and you will be more effective.
moot provides us an awesome/unique service
he answers to our questions
he takes his time to lurk /q/
he kinda prevents 4chan from becoming a fagplace


oh how i love 4chan.
Thank you. That is a very, very large boat, by the way.

Caving in now and then is a good thing. Sometimes you just have to shrug and say "ok fine." It's the "me first" and the "gimme gimme" crowd who can't just say "oh cool, thanks!" and move on. They have to stay and beg for more and more and more and more and more until there's nothing left to give.

I think moot is smart enough to know when it's time to relent and when to stand his ground. He's a stubborn mother fucker, but that's what's needed to run this place.
>always caves in
Thank goodness he's smart enough for that, too, or 4chan wouldn't have been usable for the past two years under an avalanche of botnet spam.
Hey moot, is it possible one day you can make the 4chan ad-free? If Pass goes well enough and covers your expenses and puts a little bit more, could you remove the ads?
No. Maybe if he suddenly strikes it rich.
>Hey moot, is it possible one day you can make the 4chan ad-free? If Pass goes well enough and covers your expenses and puts a little bit more, could you remove the ads?
No. I think it's fair to ask everyone to help cover the cost we incur from their browsing (by unblocking ads), and don't think that Pass users alone should be expected to subsidize the entire cost of the site.
Are there really no rules for the mods on /b/?
Or are there some limitations?
The mods on /b/ have come a long way, you used to be able to be banned for literally anything, if the mod was having a shitty day he could give you a ban for the day and it was considered funny. Maybe inappropriate, but it's not that way anymore. Moot keeps the mods from doing harm, and most mods aren't even permitted to moderate on /b/.

When you do see bans/thread deletions, it's typically because it's either a forced meme/spam (such as that stupid face, surgeon spam bots, etc) or it's illegal content.

Global rule 6 is questionable as a global rule at all, simply on the grounds that you can say that anything is of questionable quality for 4chan posts. Especially when we see posts that amount to "lel" or something equally stupid, yet they never get GR6'd.

So most mods don't even have the ability to mod on /b/, and generally Moot tries to make sure that they're banning for all the right reasons.
Perhaps one could see me as a fool, but I just don't understand the people who expect us to want to turn on Moot over the 4chan pass. Why is it that someone always has to instigate an argument of this nature, and try to pressure Moot into revealing the finances of his personal property as well as those of 4chan? What is the purpose behind this?

Maybe it's just a mistake on my part, but it kind of seems like the OP's true gripe is the fact that he has to type captchas or pay $20, and he wants them gone for good? Except that they were put in place for a reason to begin with, right?

I've been mulling it over in my head whether or not I want to pay for a 4chan pass, and this is the only site on the internet where I turn adblock off. I mean $20 for 12 months is actually really decent, considering that I put more time in on this site than in any game, right? And I've paid MMO subs for $15 a MONTH.

If nothing else, 4chan has given me a place to go to experience a culture of likeminded individuals. So then why should I see it as an offence that Moot is trying to cover the costs of servers by offering the ability to remove captchas?

If I don't buy a pass, I owe Moot and Moot owes me nothing. If I block ads, it's still technically the same, but why would I do that on a site that's offering me a free service and asks nothing in return?
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moot do you have to pay taxes on 4chan Captcha Pass sales? Being that the servers are based in California and all.
Moot doesn't personally, 4chan the corporate entity does. All of the ads and captcha passes are part of revenue generated for 4chan. 4chan pays its taxes, obviously, because the site has never been liquidated.

What the fuck is with all of these questions that none of you guys have any business to?
>you guys have any business to?

California fag here, and I am wondering if he has to pay California Sales Tax (i.e. what Amazon and lots of other online companies have to deal with if they are based in CA)
>What the fuck is with all of these questions that none of you guys have any business to?

if 4chan is a company, Moot should be accountable to his shareholders (ie the user base)
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Do you even know what a shareholder is?
Alright, alright, that was rude. 4chan has no shareholders because 4chan is not a publically traded company. You do not have a stake or share in the company because you post on 4chan.

You would have a stake or share in the company if you INVESTED into 4chan (which would never make you money, thus being a bad business decision).
1. Can I buy multiple passes for myself?

2. If I buy ten passes tomorrow, can I post CAPTCHA-free for ten years?
1) Yes
2) ...Probably not?

Can't even be sure that 4chan will surely be existing int he next 10 years.
gb2 7th grade economics

nobody asks Zuckerberg how much Jew Gold he has. so...
I'm fine with taking that risk.
>Can't even be sure that 4chan will surely be existing int he next 10 years.

>You do not have a stake or share in the company because you post on 4chan

that should only apply if you're a tripfag
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No, but after Facebook got bought out, it was pretty obvious he got millions. Zuckerberg could just stop working for Facebook (if he didn't like the salary that is), and never have to worry.

Very true though.

But it's true. Moot wants to keep running it, and he will, but what if something terrible were to happen? We just can't know, stop crystal balling.

Please, just give it a rest.
>You do not have a stake or share in the company because you post on 4chan
Maybe not, but those of us on /q/ are his close advisers who provide him with sage advice on improvements to and operation of the site.
>Please, just give it a rest
You're talking to a different guy. Note the ID tags.
It's not a pointed statement, it was to everyone who had that mentality. Just like the idea that you posting on /q/ makes you working for 4chan.

You are not an employee, at best your advice is volunteered probono. Moot does not owe you any consideration as a shareholder. A lot of the time the advice he gets here is pretty bad anyway.
what makes you a shareholder?
why can't you niggers use Google search?
Google Search for what?
I don't understand it myself, but that's life.

>moot do you have to pay taxes on 4chan Captcha Pass sales?
Of course I do.

>if 4chan is a company, Moot should be accountable to his shareholders (ie the user base)
I am accountable to community in so far as you're free to voice your displeasure with the free service I provide, and vote with your eyeballs by going elsewhere should disagree with the way that I operate said service, but that does not make you a "shareholder."

>1. Can I buy multiple passes for myself?

>2. If I buy ten passes tomorrow, can I post CAPTCHA-free for ten years?
No. Each pass is valid for one year from the date of purchase. You cannot defer the commencement date.

>Maybe not, but those of us on /q/ are his close advisers who provide him with sage advice on improvements to and operation of the site.
>my sides
>>moot do you have to pay taxes on 4chan Captcha Pass sales?
>Of course I do.

Thanks for not passing on the tax to the buyers (I think)

Also is it California Sales tax? We need the revenue
>I am accountable to community in so far as you're free to voice your displeasure with the free service I provide, and vote with your eyeballs by going elsewhere should disagree with the way that I operate said service, but that does not make you a "shareholder."

ok fair enough. but if people stop buying a company's product/service, they'll go bankrupt pretty fast. I'm sure Mootykins wants us to keep coming here so he collects Jewgold for every time we misspell a captcha.

>Maybe not, but those of us on /q/ are his close advisers who provide him with sage advice on improvements to and operation of the site.
>my sides

search your heart. you know it to be true.
>ok fair enough. but if people stop buying a company's product/service, they'll go bankrupt pretty fast.
Right -- 4chan isn't immune from this either.

>I'm sure Mootykins wants us to keep coming here so he collects Jewgold for every time we misspell a captcha.
You are more than welcome to comb through reCAPTCHA's documentation or contact Google to confirm the fact that they don't pay publishers for CAPTCHA solves.
Do you work for the California government or something?
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You'd think with all the loot he's making from misspelled captchas and passes that he could afford better servers than like four Mac Minis connected with Ethernet cables. If the site had a real setup like pictured, it wouldn't crash once a week.
>implying Moot could afford a datacenter all on his own

What the fuck is wrong with your head?
where does it say captcha pays for misspelled ones?

wouldn't it make sense for them to only pay for valid ones, if anything?
Why would captcha pay anyone at all?
>Why would captcha pay anyone at all?
They don't. Why on Earth people believe they pay publishers is beyond me.
People are stupid moot, the only people making money off captcha are the people who pay Chinese sweet shop fags to type them out so accel can spam boards.
Aye, that was kind of what I meant by the question, rhetorical and all. My bad.

Anyway, I think this thread's finally been answered to the point that idiots will stop being idiots.

Funny thing is, people on 4chan advertise to work for those people so they can post spam on 4chan, so everyone complains about the spam on 4chan, but the ones making the spam possible are the people typing the captcha.

Ye olde catch 22.
on a scale of 1-10, how well are passes selling?
I'd wager less than 5% of users are buying them.
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Thanks for answering >>303114 moot, I hope it goes well. After coming here almost daily for 8 years giving 20 bucks is the least I can do. Hopefully you won't run into a serious financial crisis again now... 4chan's died and been resurrected enough times already.

While we're talking about passes, can I make a request? Is there any way you can move this logout button? It's so close to the comment box that on my iPad I hit it accidentally way too often. I'm sure it happens even more often on tiny smartphone screens.
>I'd wager less than 5% of users are buying them.
Hah. Add a lot of zeroes in front of that 5 and you'll be a bit closer.

What if we had a JavaScript popup to confirm the action? "Are you sure you want to log out?" with OK/Cancel.

That would be perfect.
Seriously? Less than 1%? I did not expect that at all.
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>Seriously? Less than 1%? I did not expect that at all.
*Wayyy* less.

This is our trailing 30-day UV count, according to Google Analytics. Which is probably low, if anything, because of how many users use AdBlock, NoScript, GreaseMonkey, etc to block the analytics tag.
Holy shit, I didn't think 4chan had 22.5m uniques. But if even 0.5% of users bought a 4chan pass, that'd insure that there'd be enough funding for at least a few years, right?
Isn't that figure still a bit too optimistic with people regularly deleting cookies, reconnecting, switching browsers, OSes, machines, etc.?
would it help you if we stopped running noscript and greasemonkey on 4chan?
>Holy shit, I didn't think 4chan had 22.5m uniques. But if even 0.5% of users bought a 4chan pass, that'd insure that there'd be enough funding for at least a few years, right?
Yeah, but that's *never* going to happen in a million years.

The better number to look at would be the number of unique posters per month, since the CAPTCHA and thus 4chan Pass only really affects them. That number is somewhere in the millions, but only a fraction of the total viewership.

>Isn't that figure still a bit too optimistic with people regularly deleting cookies, reconnecting, switching browsers, OSes, machines, etc.?
Yes and no, because even if you account for that, there are a lot of people behind shared IP addresses (college dorms, apartment complexes, ISP proxy caches, proxies, etc) that I'm sure would be underrepresented, and with our public JSON API, a fair number of people are browsing the site via mobile clients, where our analytics tag doesn't fire.

>would it help you if we stopped running noscript and greasemonkey on 4chan?
I wouldn't worry about it. It might help us get more accurate analytics data, but I don't expect you guys to care about that.
>people behind shared IP addresses (college dorms, apartment complexes, ISP proxy caches, proxies, etc)

sums up 99% of my interwebz history
Well shit. I just want to say thanks to you Moot for this website. It has kept me busy for the pass 5 years now.
>implying I haven't given you great advice
>It has kept me busy


Well that's a nice way to put it
moot, you were against donations--even anonymous donations--because you said you were stubborn and would rather users contribute to the site through quality posting. You make a big fuss about how 4chan is content-driven and the users make it what it is.

So, if I'm not allowed to donate money to help the site (the site, not you) and I have to buy a product; where's my cut? I am a content creator. I make a lot of good posts and images that entertain people. You are making money from that content. Why not set up a system so the money goes back to content creators like myself? Donations would be fine, because they're donations, and there are countless ways to set up donations so people cannot expect anything in return. But when you sell a product and earn money from other people's content, how are you better than Ebaum's World or any other content "aggregator"? Why is the money going into your bank account, and not Dan Kim's?
>You are making money from that content.
Could you please explain how this is not complete bullshit?
>But when you sell a product and earn money from other people's content
You are conflating two completely different things. The "product" in question has nothing to do with what content is on the site.
because dan kim has chosen to use 4chan to host his images
Moot does it ever depress you that you pour your heart into keeping this site running while never asking people for money yet people accuse you of being a jew? Are they just trolls? Or complete retards?
>Could you please explain how this is not complete bullshit?

How does any content aggregator make money from its content? People were ticked off at Eric Bauman for watermarking and advertising. moot has created a popular site, then added a nagging feature (one that was to help the staff more than the userbase), now he is charging to have that feature removed. He's not paying for viewing (for which I'm grateful) but the reason people come to the site is the posts, not moot. moot admits this, yet he's the one making the money. I would be fine with all this if it was just some guy trying to cover server costs or even put food in his mouth, but moot has stressed that he will not accept donations because he'd rather people contribute. The money should go to them, not him. They do all the work (not to say moot doesn't put any effort in either, but are Mr VacBob and shut getting money? Is moot paying royalties to thatdog?)

But this feature was added later, plus it goes against what moot previously claimed were his principles.
>I would be fine with all this if it was just some guy trying to cover server costs
So you should be perfectly fine with moot.
>Expect people to pay money for something they won't get full use out of especially with flippant mods that will ban you randomly

Anybody that buys the 4chan pass is an idiot. End of story.
It depresses me that "Jew" is an accusation to be defended against. Last I checked, there was nothing wrong with being Jewish.
People know how often they themselves get banned, so presumably people who are banned all the time aren't going to buy one. But there are others.
Then why did he stop accepting donations? Why does he not accept anonymous donations now? moot has answered these questions, and his answer contradicts his actions.
Because moot has enough money to pay for 4chan's operating costs out of his own pocket now. He just doesn't want to.
[citation needed]

*fart sound*
The people that pay need some type of immunity added. They can't post flagrantly illegal shit but deserve some type of leniency for paying. Otherwise I don't see the point in investing in 4chan. Especially since the mods may as well throw random die to decide the fate of posters.
When you buy a Pass, you pay to bypass Captcha. It's a Captcha Pass, not a Shitpost Pass.
What? Where in the fucking world did you hear/read that from?

Unless you're doing what all Anons do the best, assuming with no basis.
Okay so I pay to bypass the captcha. Big fucking whoop. For all I know I could post in the wrong thread and end up banned and after spending $20 on this captcha bypass, I have a 3 to 7 day ban and nothing to show for my investment.
If you honestly think that then just don't buy one, and keep using 4chan as you always had.

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

I'm using a pass and nobody can stop me.
Normal operation on 4chan does not lead to bans. I have never been banned. The majority of 4chan's posters are not frequently banned.

Don't break the rules; don't get banned.

It's not rocket science.
Then you take your ban to IRC and talk to the mods. Explain it was an accident.

If you do it again and again, it's no accident.

You should also be aware that ignorance of the law is not a defense. If buying a Pass causes you so much distress, then do not buy one. Problem solved.
>It doesn't happen to me so it never happens at all!

Go to Something Awful if you have a hard on for people wasting money on accounts just to get accidentally banned.
When you buy a Pass, you're not buying an account. You already have an account and are free to browse and post on 4chan at your leisure without ever paying a dime.

The Pass is for one purpose: To bypass reCaptcha. Nothing more, nothing less.
It's not a goddamn investment, you're simply paying to bypass a form of security so this site doesn't become a clusterfuck of spam. It's a product.

Also in over my last 2 years out of using 4chan for 4 years I've never been banned, it's not as often as you think if you're not an idiot.
I've been banned for posting on topic and relevant threads with the best attempts to keep it clean.

Still get banned for something that got caught in a mods craw on /v/, /co/ and /tv/.
well according to everyone, moot is a greedy jew so I don't see it likely he will be revoking many passes

>Anybody that buys the 4chan pass is an idiot. End of story.

Captcha isn't difficult and I don't see why people complain. I bought a pass mainly because I could support 4chan. My cookies are constantly cleared so half the time I'm not even logged in.

>It depresses me that "Jew" is an accusation to be defended against. Last I checked, there was nothing wrong with being Jewish.

faggot != homosexual
Jew != Israelite or Hebrew

>Then why did he stop accepting donations? Why does he not accept anonymous donations now?

because people expect a service in return that he cannot provide
So, you've made a statement over 1 gorillion times that you have no desire to make 4chan's pages dynamic, but would it be possible to strip ads off for Pass users without doing that?
What do your posting habits/issues have to do anything with the passes? Passes just let you post quicker and are a product. Don't expect anything in return beyond what you paid for- a pass from the Captcha.
>over 1 gorillion times

I love that phrase way more than I should.
My point is. If you post that much that you need that 4chan Pass, you are very likely to get banned if you frequent any of the hot bed boards.

When you are banned, you have no use of the 4chan Pass. I don't see why anybody would invest.
your pass is not invalidated for getting banned
>How does any content aggregator make money from its content? People were ticked off at Eric Bauman for watermarking and advertising.
4chan is a platform, not an aggregator. eBaums World scrapes and aggregates user generated content from across the Web, rehosts it without the original creator's permission, and throws ads around it. As far as I can tell, none of the actual content creators themselves contribute to eBaums, which is what creates an issue.

>But this feature was added later, plus it goes against what moot previously claimed were his principles.
No it doesn't. As I've said earlier in the thread, 4chan Pass is a product you're purchasing -- not a donation. As far as I can recall, at no point have I said "I will never sell a product on 4chan," just "I don't want to accept donations again."

>(not to say moot doesn't put any effort in either, but are Mr VacBob and shut getting money? Is moot paying royalties to thatdog?)
I have in fact paid people in the past, and wish I was able to do so more often. Moderating/janitoring will always be volunteer, but having a few part-time, paid developers/other help would be great.

>It depresses me that "Jew" is an accusation to be defended against. Last I checked, there was nothing wrong with being Jewish.
I'm more amused that every time I point out I'm Catholic and not Jewish, people then respond with "WELL JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE JEWISH BLOOD DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE NOT A KIKE!"

Oh 4chan ^_^

>The people that pay need some type of immunity added. They can't post flagrantly illegal shit but deserve some type of leniency for paying. Otherwise I don't see the point in investing in 4chan. Especially since the mods may as well throw random die to decide the fate of posters.
Pass users are subject to the 4chan Rules, as any other user would be. They don't -- and won't -- receive special treatment. That said, at this time Passes are themselves only revoked for posting illegal content or spamming.

>Unless you're doing what all Anons do the best, assuming with no basis.
Is "assuming with no basis" the new "implying implications"?

>Normal operation on 4chan does not lead to bans. I have never been banned. The majority of 4chan's posters are not frequently banned.
This is in fact the case. An extremely small percentage of the userbase receives bans, it's just that they happen to be the most vocal.

>You should also be aware that ignorance of the law is not a defense. If buying a Pass causes you so much distress, then do not buy one. Problem solved.
And how!

>So, you've made a statement over 1 gorillion times that you have no desire to make 4chan's pages dynamic, but would it be possible to strip ads off for Pass users without doing that?
They're welcome to use AdBlock if they don't want to see the ads. I ask that you not, but ultimately it's your decision to make.
You are not capable of using it. Imagine paying for Xbox Live and people are randomly banned from online game use. That's time and money out of your pocket.
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Hey Moot, allow me to suck your e-dick for a moment.

Thank you thank you thank you for going with reCAPTCHA.

There are far worse alternatives out there.
Captcha is certainly the lesser of other evils

>I'm Catholic

well that explains everything
Shouldn't Passes be revoked for ban evading, too? If someone keeps getting banned, switching IPs, and beginning to use their pass again, it somehow doesn't seem right that they should be able to go back to enjoying that service while banned.
Believe it or not if you post quality content and follow the rules you won't get banned! Hasn't happened to me in over 2 years as I said.

And furthermore most people buying the pass are doing it simply to support the site that they love using as well as get something neat thy use occasionally. I'm a fairly avid poster myself like you and I enjoy knowing I helped out a 1 man awesome site as well as get posting easier.

Also you keep tossing the word invest; it isn't an investment where you put money in and get it back at a plus sum if it succeeds, you're buying a product. Do you understand that simple concept?
moot, can you tell us about why you can't embed .ogg files on images anymore, thus ending the [sounds] thread we used to have on /a/? Was it anything specific that happened or what?
>at this time Passes are themselves only revoked for posting illegal content or spamming.

What if I attempt to authenticate my pass on an IP that is already banned for illegal content?
no because what if they share IPs or are issued recycled IP addresses?
Obviously you'd want to change that IP address if you're seeing a ban not meant for you.
here, first off:
>moot answered my question! *squee*
Anyway, what are j-list's rates like for advertising? I'm assuming there's both a rate per 1000 or so impressions, plus the clicks themselves, but would the average 4chan user's usage affect the total payout by more than a dollar or two a year? You figure something like 25 pageviews a day for a user that would show up on Analytics (maybe that number's different) x 365 = 9125 pageviews, give or take, a year. What kind of figure does that come out to?

Also, I like this thread - it's like PMQ but more 4chan related and fewer users petitioning moot for sex
As far as I can remember, moot said that clicking on the j-list ads don't change anything, regarding 4chan's revenue.
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>moot answered my question

then I find out he's subtly calling me a faggot
As in, it's a fixed amount that j-list pays 4chan.
Why are you acting like there's no such thing as a ban history? If an IP is banned WHILE using a 4chan Pass, that Pass shouldn't be operable until the ban has expired.
Every time people suggest we switch to Solve Media, I want to stab myself in the face with a screwdriver.

It's a tricky line, but I think the way we've set it now is acceptable.

>moot, can you tell us about why you can't embed .ogg files on images anymore, thus ending the [sounds] thread we used to have on /a/? Was it anything specific that happened or what?
We've filtered archives out of images for years, and recently updated the filter to catch other file types. 4chan is an imageboard, not RapidShare or SoundCloud.

>What if I attempt to authenticate my pass on an IP that is already banned for illegal content?
Ending up on a banned dynamic IP won't automatically trigger a revocation. It needs to be done manually.

Keeping ads unblocked won't fully subsidize the serving costs we incur from that user, but every little bit helps.

>As far as I can remember, moot said that clicking on the j-list ads don't change anything, regarding 4chan's revenue.
Well it helps click-through rate, which enhances the eCPM. Merchants like J-List look at sales though, or CPA, and are more likely to use that as their metric to determine whether or not to renew.

Every advertiser is different though. You can charge based on all sorts of things -- CPM, CPC, CPA, etc -- but how a advertiser determines a campaign paid off is another matter entirely, and varies.
That's fine. I don't think many serial ban evaders are buying Passes anyway.
If you ever switch to someone who pays by CPM, you'll be happy to know that I click on the ads every day.

On my phone.

but people who share IP addresses are in danger of being out $20 if someone else using the address gets banned while using the pass

do mods or moot have any way to detect if an IP address is shared when it comes time to appeal?
>but people who share IP addresses are in danger of being out $20 if someone else using the address gets banned while using the pass
That's not how Pass revocation works. They are tied to an individual user via a cookie plus the IP -- not only the IP. Being banned on a shared IP will not result in revocation of a Pass unless you were the individual posting the rule-breaking content that led to the revocation.

Sorry about that. Now that you mention it, I have an idea for how to make it better.
They aren't out $20. Shouldn't they just be getting another IP address anyway?
make sound archives a perk of 4chan pass?
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>They are tied to an individual user via a cookie

well that's different
Are you kidding or just dense?
>We've filtered archives out of images for years, and recently updated the filter to catch other file types. 4chan is an imageboard, not RapidShare or SoundCloud.

You're a giant faggot moot.

On another note, when will you be adding other payment options for the 4chan pass? Something like sofortueberweisung for people from germany.
>We've filtered archives out of images for years, and recently updated the filter to catch other file types. 4chan is an imageboard, not RapidShare or SoundCloud.
So why does /tg/ allow PDF's?

Also will the furry menace of /v/ ever be defeated?


We'd be heading into GOLD ACCOUNT territory then.

"4chan is an imageboard" is a really shitty excuse though.
>silver account holder detected
wouldn't be much of a perk.
>4chan is an imageboard, not RapidShare or SoundCloud.

That really is an terrible excuse
>other payment options
>Something like sofortueberweisung

how about a wad bills in that tree hollow in Astoria Park
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>We've filtered archives out of images for years, and recently updated the filter to catch other file types. 4chan is an imageboard, not RapidShare or SoundCloud.
You're like one of those "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE" guys. What's wrong with sharing music which is completely related to the board? How is it different from youtube threads?
>So why does /tg/ allow PDF's?
>ruining it for everyone
Snitches get stitches.
>4chan is an imageboard, not RapidShare or SoundCloud.
More like
>I lose 5 jewbucks a month because of slightly bigger filesizes in a few threads
Made more ironic because


He must know this considering he put the feature in and had a sticky
Most people in europe don't have credit cards and since sofortueberweisung works for steam why shouldn't it here? Digital goods are digital goods.
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>4chan is an imageboard, not RapidShare or SoundCloud.

What about /rs/ or /f/? Those are totally imageboards that don't support other filetypes
The blame for illegal music sharing would shift to moot and away from youtube account holders, should the copyright owners decide to sue. Granted, that's not an issue in most cases, but something like that
>/v/ visits gamestop.jpg
with Eminem's "Lose Yourself" could set off a firestorm for moot
Because it uses bandwidth.

Lookit, 4chan's bandwidth being used on images and text is acceptable because it's an imageboard. But not sounds, because it's not a sound-sharing service.

However, 4chan also features this great service called "links."

/rs/ doesn't host anything, and /f/ is a single page and very slow. It's also legacy.
Do y'all not know that you can just upload files to MediaFire/SendSpace/RapidShare and post them on 4chan willy-nilly? They'll even be indexed by and searchable on /rs/.

Plus, Moot will pretend to be unaware of all the copyright infringement, so you can share whatever you want (within limits).
>downloading shit on 4chan
>On another note, when will you be adding other payment options for the 4chan pass? Something like sofortueberweisung for people from germany.
Dead drops, man. Dead drops.

What other payment options are you looking for? We can't use PayPal.

>So why does /tg/ allow PDF's?
Because supporting an additional graphics filetype != allowing embedded archives. We have zero plans to support the upload of sound files, and just because our old filter didn't catch it doesn't magically make it okay.

>Because it uses bandwidth.
>Lookit, 4chan's bandwidth being used on images and text is acceptable because it's an imageboard. But not sounds, because it's not a sound-sharing service.
>However, 4chan also features this great service called "links."
>/rs/ doesn't host anything, and /f/ is a single page and very slow. It's also legacy.
Holy crap, it's as if you're me! Thanks, Anon.

Start a new thread about sound archive discussion -- I'll ignore and delete off-topic posts in this thread.
>not having antivirus
>not knowing reptuable file hosts virus scan uploaded files
>not knowing that you download every embedded sound in a sound thread
>pretend to be unaware

one of the reasons we all love moot
I want my fucking sound threads back.
God damn it, those were so much fun.
>Start a new thread about sound archive discussion
right here
>>304379 →
>Dead drops, man. Dead drops.
Sorry, I'm not a native english speaker. What do you mean with that? That this payment option isn't available? Why not?

What's with regular SEPA transfers?
Leaving the money in a hidden location for him to pick up. Like in a hollow rock.
You people are fucked up. Moot seems like an alright guy. He's kept this site up and running. How many people do you think would continue to put with all the shit he has? Legal issues, technical issues, the mountains of cash, the power that's slowly corrupted his brain. You people come in here all entitled. Why on Earth would any of you think you have a right to see the financial statements. I just don't understand you people
>What's with regular SEPA transfers?
Sounds like a headache. Credit/debit is the most convenient payment method for most people, including us. It's possible we'll support other payment methods, but they would most likely be digital currency, and not wires/snail mail/etc.
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because we know how it ends

>implying that's exactly how moot wants it
>Because it uses bandwidth.
So do /hr/ and /wg/.
>Lookit, 4chan's bandwidth being used on images
And these files are images. They don't even differ in size from the usual ones.
>However, 4chan also features this great service called "links."
Yeah, they're really the same thing, because it only takes half an hour to download them to youtube, and they aren't deleted almost immediately, and you still can have the fun of checking the images you saved for embedded audio.
>/rs/ doesn't host anything
In the long run there's no difference between hosting something for less than 12 hours and not hosting something at all since when copyright holders are informed about content they own being posted on 4chan, the evidence is already gone.
From my understanding sepa transactions are debit or am I wrong here?

I have a regular bank account with a debit card and when purchasing something online with that bank account it's marked as sepa transaction.

I also didn't understand what the problem with sofortueberweisung is. It's used on steam, gamersgate and other sites that sell digital goods.

I know that I could get a prepaid credit card online but it's a huge hassle and I'm sure I'm not the only person from germany/europe that hasn't bought his pass yet as a result of that.

I'm sorry if I missed something.
So, I couldn't send you a hand-knitted scarf and a box of home-made cookies for a Pass, eh? Darn.
Oh, I'd also support bitcoins since I can easily purchase them with my bank account.
>And these files are images. They don't even differ in size from the usual ones.
Confirmed for retarded
just buy a VISA gift card or ask for one for Christmas or Hanakkuh
>just buy a VISA gift card or ask for one for Christmas or Hanakkuh
Yeah, this is a good way of going about purchasing a Pass if you don't have access to an actual debit or credit card. VISA/MC/AmEx gift cards work fine.
>if you don't have access to an actual debit or credit card
>an actual debit card

So the debit cards 70% of the people in euope are using aren't real? Getting a visa gift card is actually a huge hassle too. You can't just buy them at a store and only a few banks here offer these.
>they would most likely be digital currency
moot. I"m delighted with all you have done and I beg you to stop responding to the 'lele jew gold' trolls. You've explained your flawless motivations several times and answered these dumb questions even more.
moot if i may ask without sounding nosey,how much does 4chan cost a month and how many 4chan passes have to be sold to keep 4chan above the water
>You can't just buy them at a store

yes, you can. You can also buy them online.
I don't understand anything about the European banking system and don't pretend to.

There are no European bank cards compatible with the Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, or JCB networks?

Did you even bother to read any of this thread?
>Did you even bother to read any of this thread?

lele jew gold~ XDDDD

I don't think many people do, don't feel like you have to reply

also nice trips
You might want to look into this.


>There are no European bank cards compatible with the Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, or JCB networks?

Most people don't deal with credit cards at all here. I don't know a single person who owns a credit card. You simply have a bank account with online banking and either you transfer your money and wait for a day for the payment to confirm or you use a service like the one above.

This might also be the reason why people here don't have an average debt of $16.000

You actually CAN'T buy them at the store here and have to file for a prepaid card on visas site.
I'm sorry moot but the allure of your capcode distracted me from all the other posts and when i read back it seems it's none of my business.
I meant no harm m'lord
what the hell, is /q/ the only board with dubs enabled?
Are you retarded? Most boards have it enabled. Just containment boards like /b/ and /v/ can't have it.
no, and those are trips not dubs and I regret pointing it out.

what kind of backwards place are you from?
Never-browses-anything-but-/v/-tard detected.
I'm from germany, as I said.
Didn't track your ID

Why don't they sell VISA gift cards in Germany?

Does Target/Walmart/whatever not deliver overseas?
That's a bit of a stretch. I'm not sure I'd pay S&P for a 4chan Pass.
We don't have target nor walmart. I don't know what kinds of legislative reasons there might be behind it or just the fact that virtually no one here uses credit cards and having a debt is looked down upon.

As someone from germany I find your system really strange. Especially the fact that private credit score determine whether you get good loans essentially bullying you into having a credit card but that's another topic.

The closest thing to visa gift cards might be paysafecards


Are you still in the thread moot? I think adopting one of these options would increase the pass sales quite a bit.
I have a credit card. It makes dealing with American companies easier.
>I have a credit card. It makes dealing with American companies easier.

Which is the only reason I'd ever get one but it's neither more practical nor safer than the system we already have and encourages stupid behaviour.
I'm from Germany too

you could use "mywirecard", a virtual credit card. it's like Paypal but you only have a virtual credit card. their fees are very expensive though, they charge some % for each transaction and a few euro when sending money to the card.
the other (better) way, get yourself a real credit card. I have both a DKB Visa, it comes with a free bank account and online banking, and a "Advanzia gebuehrenfrei" Mastercard. both are free, no annual or monthly costs, unless you pay something with it.
I'm feeling generous since apparently it's such a hassle

post the email address you want the pass to go to and I'm willing to buy a pass for a fellow eurobro
I heard of that. I'll look into but it's still a step more than should be necessary

I don't really believe in what people on 4chan say but I won't stop you.
E-mail field is stripped from /q/, you know.
Deleted the e-mail from the thread so nobody spams you.

Thanks, generous Anon-bro.
pretty sure they knew better than to post a real/ working email address

Ok. And you look into the suggestions I made.
You're welcome

I'm gonna give away about 4 this season. I'm thinking some /an/ bros deserve it

there are no girls on the internet
payments@4chan.org is the right email address?

If yes, thank you very much for the pass.
That's where the Pass details and receipts originate from, yes.
it is sent through that, not my personal one.
This is why we can have nice things.
You my dear are the chemo curing 4chan
Jolly good show there chap
>it is sent through that, not my personal one.
Do you have any feedback on the checkout process? We changed it last night to be better so you're immediately sent to the confirmation page upon success, instead of a "payment pending" page.

Curious to hear everyone's feedback about the checkout process, login process, e-mail that gets generated, use of the Pass, etc.
I can't remember what buying it was like, really, but the e-mail I got was clear and concise. Login info was obvious and so on. At no point was I thinking "Oh God did my payment get through what's going on."
>checkout process
easy as pie, thanks.

>login process
kind of a pain since I always clear my cookies. Also a link back to 4chan from the authentication page would be nice.

>e-mail that gets generated
would be nice to know what it is going to show up as on my VISA bill

>use of the Pass
great. Never had much trouble with Captcha anyway but I see it as a donation with a minor perk
"Captcha pass" on the bill. I don't remember if that was in a thread or news post, but one of the two.

>kind of a pain since I always clear my cookies
I don't do that myself, but people keep mentoning it... Home page set + autocomplete + a script that clicks the send button and closes the tab? Doable, if it really bothers you that much.
I bought one last night and I was actually impressed with how clean and immediate it felt. I guess I was expecting more of a delay or something, maybe because of a couple /q/ threads I'd seen. Agree with >>305604 [spoiler][/spoiler] on all counts. Also agree about backlinking to 4chan with >>305615
>kind of a pain since I always clear my cookies. Also a link back to 4chan from the authentication page would be nice.
Can't really help with the cookie thing, but I can add a link back to 4chan on the auth page.

>would be nice to know what it is going to show up as on my VISA bill
Says it on the Pass info/purchase page under Terms of Sale, but I can add it to the e-mail too if you think that'd be helpful.

There was an issue with the payment gateway that was delaying the payment approval/Pass generation, that should be 100% fixed now and shouldn't happen again in the future.
yeah it shows up as

which is nice, since some times I buy something that I forgot about and it has some weird description

>add a link back to 4chan on the auth page.
if it's an easy fix for you, would be nice.

>Says it on the Pass info
never mind I got it

as long as it's not something like
>feedback about the checkout process

I had absolutely no problems with it. Everything went through quickly, my bank immediately noticed it and posted it to my account, and all is well with the world.
so what happened with those new ads that were being run on /v/ moot? haven't seen them.
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Moot, what do you think? I made it a few weeks ago, I know this is not true but when I saw the original I couldn't help but think of this.

I hope you enjoy it as well in terms of a comedic way.
the servers should be gobbling up the money though
>so what happened with those new ads that were being run on /v/ moot? haven't seen them.
It was only a test, and I decided to remove them due to concerns about low quality creatives being served, and some JavaScript popup bullshit on mobile Chrome.

I like the Yen. Classy touch.
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74 KB
moot u liek this pic?
look at all the fucking jaggies

0/10 shit quality.
>muh hi10p
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938 KB
you're background cutting is atrocious.

Do you like my picture?
What'd you cut those edges with, an x-acto knife? Is this a GIF resaved as PNG?

-2/10 would not expand again

Makes me want to play SSBM and I'm not quite sure why.
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66 KB

that's cute

gives me nostalgia
>"4chan is an imageboard" is a really shitty excuse though.

[sounds] threads were shit anyways, deal with it.

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