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What would happen to 4chan if moot dies? What would happen to moot if 4chan dies?

Administrator Replies: >>302947 >>302997 >>303015 >>303065
>>302902 (OP)
The inane and irrelevant mod inherits the site (him and Moot are actually gay lovers)
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moot's mother would take over as headmistress.

>The inane and irrelevant mod inherits the site (him and Moot are actually gay lovers)
No he doesn't.

>moot's mother would take over as headmistress.
but what happens if moot and mother moot are killed in the same accident?
>Not haing back ups for your back ups
Come on moot!
Aren't all mods your gay lovers anyway?
Your mother would take over 4chan?
I can't properly describe my reaction, I'm sorry.
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I cant describe my reaction when she has no idea what she is looking at.
Sup moot.
>moot's mother would take over as headmistress.

I can't tell if this is hilarious or horrifying. I guess it depends on how much or how little she knows about 4chan.
i hope she has nice tits because she will be expected to post pics of them

maybe we can also sweet-talk her into removing captchas...
Then I become the owner of 4chan.
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Most likely moot will be put in a freezer for 100 years until we can bring him back. Like Walt Disney you know since moot has good connection with jews after all.
How does Moot's Mom-tan would be? A bigger kitty girl?
>moot's mom
>pic related
Soooo.... tempted...to..possst.....pic.....like THAT
A butch catgirl.
do it so mootykins can give the drawing to his mom in x-mas.
that's funny because I saw another pic purporting to be Moot's mom and she was a nice hot MILF with blonde hair. she was outside and had a puppy with her.
>but what happens if moot and mother moot are killed in the same accident?
"He's Dead, Jim!"
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Here is a better question instead of you dyeing moot. What if you ever have a kid would you close down 4chan or would you pass it down to moot the 2nd?
I think next of kin goes spouse -> child -> parents.
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That would be very interesting. To be honest i don't see a easy way for you to have a wife and even a kid while you still own 4chan. Still the ride never ends right mate?
>>302902 (OP)
do you plan to continue the site if you get married/have kids?
do you think it'd be awkward?
>To be honest i don't see a easy way for you to have a wife and even a kid while you still own 4chan.

Are you kidding? Haven't you noticed all the people telling people they met their significant others through 4chan, odd as it may sound? Or the number of femanons (or guys pretending to be femanons) that want to jump moot's bones?
>Haven't you noticed all the people telling people they met their significant others through 4chan, odd as it may sound?
I seriously doubt that. Would you want to meet anyone on here IRL? Not me. Moot doesn't publish his home address for a good reason.
Well i would not want to own a site like 4chan and at the same time be raising a family. Seems like a lack of judgement to me. But hey people do what they do.
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>Last Q&A people ask to go out shooting with moot
>moot refuses cause he does not want to be shot
When someone asks a question like that it would be a good time to invest in a bullet proof vest.
>all the people telling people

Dammit, I meant "all the people telling moot".

Someone shouldn't have a family just because they run a controversial website?

>When someone asks a question like that it would be a good time to invest in a bullet proof vest.

He lives in NY, I assume he already has one. Anyway, he's not the President of Iraqistan or even the Fox Network. If an insane anon hasn't already shot at or stalked him, I'd say it's a safe bet he won't be needing to hire a bodyguard anytime soon.
>Are you kidding? Haven't you noticed all the people telling people they met their significant others through 4chan, odd as it may sound? Or the number of femanons (or guys pretending to be femanons) that want to jump moot's bones?
That said, I'm still a foreveralone.
remember when Moot went to England and promised to meet some neckbeards and instead blew them off and had tea with a QT Britgirl and they got so pissed off that they spammed /r9k/ for several hours
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Welcome to 85 % of 4chan moot.
Not saying someone can not have a family over a controversial website i am saying this controversial website might cause some problems most females.
Chin up, moot. Some day your princess will come. Unless she gets taken to another castle.

>this controversial website might cause some problems most females

"No girls on the internet" aside, he just needs to find a girl that also uses 4chan and isn't a camwhore or a /b/tard. Which probably makes the pool a lot smaller.
Don't worry, Mootles. You are still mai waifu.
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How i wish i could post a pic to argue with the statement but since this is /q/ and you are from /q/ i have to post this.
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Who knew /q/ could make a guy laugh.
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the Moot can never die, for he existences inside every anon once they have gazed on Chan. whether or not you would will it.
>tfw high standards
>le foreveralone
get that reddit shit out of here
>responding to the same post twice and saying a different thing, within minutes of each other

Quit spamming the thread.
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>implying bumping any thread isn't just spamming page 0
to clarify, i dont browse this place. I was linked through an image on to front page. I didnt even notice IDs, was wondering if moot could see my sameposting.
has this board made any change at all since it was first implemented?
moot's mother would rule the 4chan
i bet vacbob would take over
>moot dies
4chan will get worse somehow since moot is the only one that can assign mods
>4chan dies
moot will lose part of his income and nothing of value will be lost.
hey moot
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This is what moot's life could have been like if he hadn't started 4chan.

Highschool football star with family and good job working in law or finance.
looks more like snacks
well he dodged that fucking bullet

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