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The next 4chan Q&A/PMQ session will be held on Sunday, November 18th at 8:00PM EST.

I'm also taking questions/comments/feedback/random musings via e-mail at moot@4chan.org and on AIM at MOOTCHAT. Feel free to drop me a line or say hi!

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Alright, /q/ueers and in/q/uisitors, let's prep for the Prime Administrators Questions session.

What questions are you going to ask?

What questions do you expect others to ask?

Just to prevent a potential fight, the image was the first image when I searched for "prep."

What are you looking forward too?
>>287365 (OP)
Why does the Q&A always start so late? Does moot hate Europeans?
I'd like to know how many gold accounts have been sold.
He's said before he doesn't intend to disclose it.
I wonder if he'll answer if he got those new janitors in yet.
1. What the fuck is up with /int/?
I don't browse /int/, but I'd really like an explanation. I don't believe that there's a rogue janitor, but I want an explanation for why exactly the janitor is told to be as harsh as he is on everything Israel-related. A long time ago, one mod showed up and said he was going to take action against the janitor if evidence was presented. A little while later, a different mod showed up and basically said, "okay, we've told the janitor to keep one Israel-related thread up at all times; use it to prove you can have legitimate discussion and not troll."

So I don't get it. Were "Semitic-related" trolls really so bad that they started deleting all posts by Israeli IPs? Do they not think there's a single non-proxy poster from Israel or something? If they were going to do something like this, a) why not just rangeban a la China, and b) why not fucking SAY why they're doing this?

2. Where is my janitor acceptance e-mail?

There's going to be a global announcement when the first batch is added. Do you even /q/?
The real question is why does the staff ignore systematically every complaint (and god knows there have been many, many complaints from many, many different countries), whether it is addressed by email, /q/ or irc? Why doesn't moot tell us to fuck off? At least we'd know his stance and we'd react accordingly.
WIll it be on /q/?
Exactly. The closest thing is the implications in that second mod's post I mentioned, which are unclear at best.

I'm not sure why moot or even that mod just won't say, "we're doing this because x." Whether or not the userbase likes the explanation isn't their problem, so they should just tell the truth.

Stickied up top, yes.
I want him to change /a/'s name to desu
Shit, shit, shit.

I just realized you were talking about /int/. Sorry, ignore my post.
I am going to get mooties to allow Jr idols again
if not I'm going to set myself ablaze in front of his house
3 Questions:
>Can we get a mod/janitor to visit /w/ more than one time a week to clean up or ban Shaq spam.
>Where do Avatar Wallpapers belong? /w/ or /wg/.
>Can you change the /m/ rules from Toku is /m/ to Toku with /m/-related elements.
Does Avatar go to /a/ or /co/?

If /a/, it goes to /w/.

If /co/, it goes to /wg/.
this might be really stupid, but will the q&a be here?
Yeah. It'll be stickied, but /q/ is pretty slow anyways.

About 10 minutes now.
/q/'s post deletion timer is pretty harsh.

Oh, that reminds me! I need to bug moot to clear the robot.
I kid you not, it still won't let me delete it. I'm using Oneechan, maybe that's it.

Also, yeah. Why does /q/ even need the robot, anyways?
Think of it this way: there's only two places moot would hold a big Q&A session representing the entire site: /b/ (since it's the most popular) or /q/. Holding it on /b/ would result in approximately zero serious replies, so it's gonna be on /q/.
One minute, unless he's running on moottime.

If so, expect the Q&A in a few weeks, maybe a couple months.
It's supposed to be 10 minutes, and SOMETIMES it seems to adhere to that.

Beats me. It like...prevents image reposts. Sort of. But it definitely doesn't prevent duplicate threads, and the times I'm muted for saying something accurate/useful that happens to have been said before are really annoying.
What board will it be on?

What types of things does he normally answer?
He's late.
He was only three minutes late last time.
fucken late
>What board will it be on?
Read the thread, godammn.

>What types of things does he normally answer?
Everything except things he's already answered.
/q/ and questions
Refresh, I think I finally got it.

Also, moot is officially late now.

/q/ and sensible things
>Everything except things he's already answered.

In that session, or out of all the previous ones, too?
I don't see why he should answer things he did last time, or in their own threads on /q/. We have an archive.

He'll probably answer a lot of repeats despite himself, though. He's just that kind of guy.

are you really deleting /x/, and if so, why? we have a stable userbase and in comparison with other boards, we're good. We still have no janitors or mods though.
24 year olds are never early, nor are they late

they arrive precisely when they mean to
This isn't the actual Q&A thread.

Also, he isn't deleting /x/.
>>287492 → its here for those who haven't noticed

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