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The next 4chan Q&A/PMQ session will be held on Sunday, November 18th at 8:00PM EST.

I'm also taking questions/comments/feedback/random musings via e-mail at moot@4chan.org and on AIM at MOOTCHAT. Feel free to drop me a line or say hi!

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4chan directly and indirection supports piracy. The mods don't care about it as well.

It's a real shame. Don't you think that moot, if he was smarter, could have turned our huge userbase and interest into making a profit AND getting uses the content they want? But no, they tolerate the status quo.

Imagine in moot had teamed up with some other group that allowed users to watch high content with all the bells and whistles? Even if 4chan took a tiny amount of the profits, they would make tens of thousands.
>>287353 (OP)
Truly, it's a shame.

Run along now.
No one cares
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>>287353 (OP)
Fuck off and die.
4/10, made me annoyed and made me reply.
So you assume that moot would sell our a pleasant and popular imageboard that he popularised so that he can make an illegal data sharing website for what will be a minor profit given that people won't support the website changing into an entirely different one

I really don't understand the point

Just kidding. I don't understand the question.
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I am having the hardest time deciphering exactly what you are trying to say. Please re-format and try again.

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