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I'm currently hosting the second 4chan Q&A/PMQ session here for the next few hours.

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I think this thread is the clearest evidence I've seen so far that Stormfront uses /pol/ as a base for spreading racist propaganda to other 4chan boards and elsewhere on the Web.
The question is whether 4chan's famous opposition to censorship is going to extend to a time when 4chan is acknowledged elsewhere as a base for racist propaganda.
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I was about to post a thread on this as well.

Seriously, this has gotten out of hand. Freedom of speech is one thing, but we don't owe these people a platform with which they can spread hatred and ill-will.
I've been visiting 4chan since 2007, and I have always told people that questioned the racism here that it's a small, vocal minority on the site.
Unfortunately, it seems like that is a less and less defensible position. It seems clear from Stormfront's domination of /pol/ and their attacks on other boards that they are highly organized and several steps ahead of casual observers and the mods.
I wouldn't want 4chan to be widely recognized as "Stormfront.org in all but name".
What's hilarious is that the Stormfags will come here and use the "free speech" of this board to shit it up with MUH JEWSPIRACIES, and if anyone contradicts them they say "JIDF/Reddit pls go".

Free speech for me, but not for thee.
What's bizarre is that the IDF is doing the exact same fucking thing.

Even if that is true, it has nothing to do with this thread.
I just find the similarities ironic.
These storm threads are fun to watch, anyone who has even a slightly differing opinion is JIDF. (To clarify, I am not in support of the JIDF, it's not a very well organized group, anyway.)
I always find it funny that /pol/ uses the exact same tactics as the JIDF it hates so much.
It's their belief that people don't hold their positions because they haven't seen their arguments yet that really tickle me.

Also, if you're going to try teach people the advantages of freedom don't use Bill Whittle, the only person that would be convinced of anything that fucking idiot says are people looking for a circlejerk.
>>284599 (OP)
4chan survived its reputation as a haven for pedophiles.

4chan survived its reputation as a place for "hackers on steroids".

4chan survived Furries.

4chan survived Bronies.

In what universe could you possibly believe that 4chan won't survive Stormfags?

The on constant through all the years, Ray, has been 4chan.
That's part of the reason I quit being a stormfag. The hypocrisy was too much.
I made that thread.

>implying I'm from Stormfront
>implying I didn't come up with these ideas deliberated over the course of many years
>implying I'm a sieg-heiling goose-stepping nazi, and not merely someone who cares about my race and culture
>implying I care
Have you tried listening to them, OP?


If it fails, or if you already have, then by all means continue. But try first.
>Implying anyone gives a fuck about your views

It's your raiding that's the problem bub.
The linked thread found this thread at 22:07.
Sure, it's entirely possible that the people on these threads are not formally linked with the Stormfront organization (although I would guess that a lot of them have been influenced heavily by what they have read on stormfront.org and similar sites).
The problem is not whether you're part of the Stormfront organization, the problem is whether you are exploiting 4chan's openness in order to systematically turn it into a base for racist propaganda.
>Dat lack of reading comprehension

Get off 4chan you nigger
Doubt any other board would fall for such blatant propaganda, really.
That's why /pol/ and bronies get along so well. They wish to spread their shit and then complain about persecution.
Oh my god. How could I not have noticed before?
You do know the only requirement to being a brony is watching a cartoon right?

What's the obsession over it anyway? almost every fucking thread you have to bring it up.
It doesn't seem censorship should enter into the equation at all. These are quite clearly raid threads, and raids are against the rules. Report them as such.

Personally, even though I'm a /pol/ browser with racialist beliefs, I hate crap like this and see it as /b/ tier faggotry. /new/ never did faggy shit like this. I miss /new/. It was much better than /pol/ because it was an obscure and much slower board that most people didn't know existed. When moot recreated it as /pol/, it attracted a ton of /b/ kiddies for some reason.
go away JIDF
I go on /pol/ daily and I'm not even white or right-leaning. I can tell you your theory is retarded, and of course it's going to have content that voices unpopular unorthodox opinions, it's called POLITICALLY INCORRECT for a reason.

If you really want a very moderated website which restricts subjects and content head to Reddit or a forum about the subjects you're interested on.
The retard who posts this red pill shit met with a negative reception from even stormfront. Someone linked to threads showing a poster there showing how he posts things here, not just on /pol/ but all boards, but all the other members shouted him down because they think 4chan is full of lowlifes and degenerates (which it is)
>>284599 (OP)
>claims stormfront
>no backlinks to stormfront or any non 4chan sites
>some dumbass made the image a few days ago because he was on a high horse
>its a conspiracy
Cool logic bro.
If you actually read a little and even research yourselves, you will see its less of a raid, rather than helping you see the truth


fuck you

>Location: Australia

50 sheckles says this faggot is "whitepeoplearegods"
Even if everything you have to say is true, it doesn't matter. People browsing other boards don't want to hear about the Jews. If I'm /v/, I want to talk about video games, not the fucking Jews. If I want to talk about the Jews, I'd go to /pol/.
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sure thing bro
"If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth"

Who gives a crap if it's "true" or not? It's spam/raiding. No one's interested in your edgy white supremacy crap. Stay in your shitbin /pol/.

The jews thing is to be taken with a pinch of salt

It's mostly waking people up to the failures of multiculturism, feminism etc etc

People need to know that stuff - The west is currently under psychological warfare and to deny that would be plain ignorance

Forget the jews for a moment and just look at the other topics discussed

It's getting to the point that I'm not sure what posts are sincere and what posts are disinformation. I'm out.
Thank you for finally posting some evidence faggot. It would have helped to post that earlier instead of expecting people to take your word for it.

And even then its just rule violation faggotry for raiding other boards.
>implying /pol/ is monolithic in thought and userbase
>7 posts

sure thing brah, they're taking over 4chains.
>It's mostly waking people up to the failures of multiculturism, feminism etc etc

People don't want to hear about any of that crap either when they're browsing unrelated boards. Nothing will get /pol/ shut down faster than continually spamming other boards with off-topic propaganda. I almost have to wonder if that's what the person behind this "redpill" shit wants.
If they cared, they'd go to /pol/.
The mistake you're making is most people don't care or they don't want to discuss it when they're talking about vidya or literature. I mean if one of my friends discussed nothing but politics I'd find him rather fucking dull, there's a time and a place, as enthusiastic as you are most people just aren't.

In fact you'd be doing nothing but hindering your own side as they'd pass it off as troll material, or they'd pass on reading it to avoid being associated with people like you.
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I think we need to redpill stormfront
This. I have nothing to contribute but to second this post, as it says what I would've said.
ahaha they think we're pedos
I'm as lefty as they come, and I have my own disputes with feminism and multiculturalism, which I won't go into here.

The difference is, I don't go around spamming and raiding other forums with my beliefs.
>>284599 (OP)

Why are Jews getting so butthurt over /pol/ ? 96% of US media belong to Jews and they're still not satisfied ?

sympathize with them for a bit

Your views are completely accepted and you can voice them because a majority of westerners are like you as well

I too am a liberal (with the exception of my thoughts on multikulti), but I really don't mind it.
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No matter how much /q/ whines and bitches about us /pol/ isnt going anywhere.
Sincerely a /pol/ user.

Well to be honest I think raiding like this is a dumb move anyway but I'm just making sure people dont get the wrong idea because of this
I gotta agree. We need a containment board for you retards.
/pol/ is a containment board.
/pol/ is a containment board retard. Where do you think all the /new/fags went after they got shutdown?
Delete /pol/, hate speech isn't free speech! Reality ends where my feelings begin!
They have /pol/ to voice their opinion. You don't get away with discussing liberal shit on other boards either. If someone wants to discuss something they'll have all the "facts" they can get on /pol/.
>>284599 (OP)
OP is the same faggot that started the /pol/ thread:
We don't care if you stay on the site, the raids are annoying though.
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Im on /pol/ alot and ive never seen a raid thread.
pls explain.
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It really saddens to me to see that idiots have corrupted red pill threads into being strictly about stuff concerning Jews. While I am ideologically opposed to Zionism, I feel like it some of the more worrisome things are being drowned out by that garbage.

So report the raids as the rule violations they are.
Yeah, Id hate for stormfags to sully 4chans reputation as a haven for trolls and pedos.
Red pilling other boards is raiding.
>>284599 (OP)
I agree with OP. /pol/ must be removed because it hurts my feelings and disagrees with my naive worldview.

For whatever reason someone (or group?) is trying to discredit /pol/ by forcing a meme that people should get others to "take the red pill" by spamming anti-semetic shit on other boards. And then, conveniently, a topic is made here crying "MUH STORMFRONT" trying to get mods to take down /pol/.

I've personally seen this 3 times already, and i'm just a casual lurker here.

Don't fall for this bullshit.
I don't agree with you. /pol/ must stay to contain all of that retarded political shit that no one else cares about.
I don't know what's worse ... the Stormfags themselves or the idiots who think there's some global conspiracy against /pol/.
No one is advocating deleting /pol/ in this thread. They're complaining about users from /pol/ trying to evangelize to other boards.
Do you go on other boards to try and open peoples eyes to your political views? If not the thread doesn't apply to you. Nobody has a problem with you.
Who said it needs to deleted? Only thing I'm saying is that it needs to keep to itself.
>>284599 (OP) (OP)
(ID: TZdqaVQE)

What the fuck is this cunt on about?
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People are working against us to get us hated and discredited. What's worse is that a few posters and supporting it.

This is an attempt to get /pol/ deleted, or at the very least discredited. We have had many posters from Israel within the last 2 months or so, and all this redpill shit is recent.

Or it could just be a tiny handful of our posters being idiots.

But take consideration of both possibilities.

Psychological warfare is real and it's occurring all around us. Once you start seeing it, you can't fucking stop.
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oy vey, the 6 trillions

we must prevent another happening

thank you OP, shalom
>>284599 (OP)

This would be classified as raiding. Fuck /pol/. I'm so fucking sick of threads about movies or tv shows being derailed by their racist bullshit. Having to argue with holocaust denier trolls is not something I enjoy doing.
It's doesn't matter who's doing it and it's not going to get /pol/ deleted. It's still annoying and needs to be addressed.

This isn't an issue with /pol/ it's an issue with raids.
>These storm threads are fun to watch, anyone who has even a slightly differing opinion is JIDF. (To clarify, I am not in support of the JIDF, it's not a very well organized group, anyway.)

They're mostly a boogeyman.
>all this redpill shit is recent
No it isn't, actually. /new/, after being deleted, was recreated on a certain *chon. Redpill is a popular meme there. Oh course when /pol/ was created, the culture harvested there was injected into whatever /pol/ culture is now.
>It's their belief that people don't hold their positions because they haven't seen their arguments yet that really tickle me.

Creationists, and every other fringe group thinks the same too. That their ideas are just outright bullshit never occurs to them.
I agree. /pol/ is to anti-semitic, it's like they deny the horror of the sho-err, Holocaust, and want to persecute my people even more.

Moot, please ban all these people for anti-semitism.

why argue with them? all of the camps we still claim were death camps were in east germany and our brothers working for stalin destroyed those records ... just our word versus theirs now and we own the media.

the goy will never wise up
Still, it's harmful to /pol/ and definitely does not reflect the will of the majority.

Also the fact that that thread was made encouraging raiding with a message about jews with this one appearing shortly after is suspicious.
>thread is created the date the "redpill" meme starts spreading on /pol/
>OP only has 11 posts

Gee I wonder who could be behind this post...
But back then, being redpilled was something that happened to you after you'd been browsing /new/ for a while (though I seem to remember the meme being "At last, I truly see"). /new/smen didn't go out and try to actively "redpill" people. That's something that was borne from an influx of /b/ into /pol/.

I just want to talk about anime, movies, comics, and cartoons. Stay in your concentration camp.
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what is megaphone for $100, alex?
The redpill shit has only been around the last couple of months, if that, and is confirmed on the SF thread linked earlier.
The /new/ created on that *chon is now only a shadow of it's former self. The whole forum has died and it saddens me whenever I browse it.
If you entertain the notion for a split second, wouldn't it be concerning if history had been revised?

it's only concerning when people revisit history, silly goy
>Still, it's harmful to /pol/ and definitely does not reflect the will of the majority.
This thread is about getting rid of these threads, not about rising against /pol/, we want the same thing you do (hopefully). Rather than turn this board into an anti/pro /pol/ or left/right discussion you should shift the focus on to how we can stop these threads appearing in the first place.
Leftists from other boards have been raiding /pol/ for weeks with their PC dogma horseshit. Stop them and we won't have to conquer all of chan.
>Leftists from other boards have been raiding /pol/ for weeks with their PC dogma horseshit

PC dogma horseshit belongs on /pol/, it's hardly a raid.

>JIDF/reddit crew invade
>/pol/iticians bombard them with facts
>popular meme is hard to forum slide against

oi vey, the red pill threads are cancer! nevermind le interracial porn, le italiano no whitey, le slavshit! zeez are great signs of le progressive tolerance
>JIDF/reddit crew invade
Again that's not an invasion, it's board related, why not red pill those threads instead of /a/?

>oi vey, the red pill threads are cancer! nevermind le interracial porn, le italiano no whitey, le slavshit! zeez are great signs of le progressive tolerance
It's "cancer" to other boards, keep it on your own where it's relevant.
/pol/ is for discussion from all across the political spectrum. It's not "My Little White Power Circlejerk". Conservatives/racists may be the dominant group there, but they don't own the board.
You don't own the other boards so we can spam them all we want, faggot.

this, this, and only this.

Leftism is not a real political position though. It's like saying Margaret Sanger was pro-choice because she wanted to kill off blacks.

You can't adopt an ideology of racist extermination, stamp a peace sign on your forehead, then call it a political viewpoint.

"Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race."

"The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."

"Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need ... We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock."
I'd normally say stay on /pol/ but in this case stay off it, they probably don't need you. Just don't post here ever.

>Hidden for likely troll.


Similarly, it is only the JIDF, known and proved progenitors of myth, who actually go about advocating the cancer of racism.

On the silly end of this is their "is she white" threads, "slavshits," etc. Of more consequence is the degeneracy of perhaps the most famous "feminist" of theirs:

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

No matter where we look, the left is nothing more than thinly veiled hatred and contempt of others for superficial reasons.

Yet we are suppose to believe that examination of historical fact is a more pressing concern and more worthy candidate of censorship?

No, of course they don't own it but can easily dominate it and shit it up. I disagree with the idea that these people are after discussion also; when it's the 50th thread you've seen over a 2 day period that starts off with the query "why does everyone hate jews" and then degrades into a mass shitposting of the same racist graphics and jokes about the holocaust it's pretty obvious political discussion isn't on the agenda. To be fair to /pol/ I don't think this reflects the overall character of the users of the board, think it's likely a only a couple of people doing it. They're not simply trolling or doing this once in a while though, they're posting these threads all the fucking time, keeping them going amongst themselves etc...

A mod could easily confirm this I think.

Sure, you can ignore those threads I suppose but the instigators are looking for a reaction and will only start shitting up other threads, and yes, other boards as well, when they don't get it.

Some kind of temporary id linked to ip perhaps ? Just to knock back on some shitposting ?
>>284599 (OP)
>4chan is acknowledged elsewhere as a base for racist propaganda.
No, we're acknowledged for being able to say whatever, whenever, not any one thing in specific.

Yes freedom for all etc, but the structure of the board allows racist or other groups with an extreme viewpoint the chance to set up shop and spew with no checks at all at present
This is what has happened on /pol/ and it's just what did in the old /new/ also. The board was exploited and things got out of hand, nasty, and then it was closed.

So, you either change the board in a technical way to disallow that kind of opportunistic posting that 's now going on, or you moderate it more, or you trust other users on the board to step up and report when they see repetetive and and obvious hate posting or shitposting.

And I'm not saying censorship here at all.
But that's exactly what you're saying.
The fact that you won't even give race-realism a chance speaks volumes about how ignorant you are about how evolution did not stop making sense at human beings.

There is literally no reason that people of differing geographical ancestries should have equal intelligence. The very notion is insulting to the science of genetics, and yet people still believe the same inane bullshit in order to not hurt anyone's poor feelings.

It's madness.

Nope, it isn't at all. The structure or management of the board is flawed and it can easily be exploited is all - change that.
>Yes freedom for all etc, but the structure of the board allows racist or other groups with an extreme viewpoint the chance to set up shop and spew with no checks at all at present
Yes, that is how this website works.
God damn, this is so true. It's like you can't have a liberal/leftist viewpoint without being shouted down as "reddit", "JIDF", or some other buzzword.
>with no checks at all at present
Are you an idiot? Have you never actually taken the time to browse /pol/? We get called out all the time, and we defend our points with concrete, non-biased evidence all the time.

Yeah, I'm pretty ignorant because I won't give "race-realism" a chance... I'll get over that.
Thanks for proving my point. I'll be toy acknowledge IQ tests if they're stratified by US state, but reject them when they're stratified by race.

What the fuck ever. The point is, /pol/ is as legitimate a board as any. Plenty of other boards are bigger shitholes.

JIDF samefagging

Everyone knows /pol/iticians want racism GONE, i.e., no racist affirmative action. Only le merchant friends argue that ending racism is promoting racism.
>/pol/iticians want racism GONE, i.e., no racist affirmative action
This isn't true. The affirmative action part, yes. But I've seen MANY racists on /pol/ who want to take it much further than ending affirmative action.
Affirmative action is currently being deliberated in the Supreme Court.

I'm pretty sure "open season on brown people" isn't going to be a reality. What the fuck are you bitching about?
I've seen them saying thing like we need to take back our county, or only allow whites to vote, etc. You can't deny that there was a shitload of racism on /pol/ following the election results, especially because the exit polls shows minorities went heavily for Obama.

Bullshit ! I've spent wayyy too much time on pol over the last couple of weeks and the number of threads that are just 2 guys screaming "jew" or "nigger" repeatedly is amazing. There's no rational discussion with posters that do that because challenge isn't what they want. I've no problem being trolled on 4chan, have no problem being labeled a faggy spineless libtard for disagreeing with someone in a discussion either, but when it's just a wall of race-hate it becomes rhetorical and annoying.
I've tried debating those threads but all you get is called kike or JIDF - pretty pointless really...

>JIDF finds community that knows holocaust is a hoax
>starts posting racist filth like slavshits
>clamors for board shutdown

your MO is old and worn, brah
95% of blacks voted for Obama.

if 95% of whites voted for Romney, how long would it take anyone to figure out that they only voted for him because of his race?

Whatever ! You're barely coherent still but at least you've toned down the language and I don't have to look at some shitty graphic about the "holohoax"...
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Have you tried not acting like a JIDF?
Blacks go heavily democratic regardless. 88% went for Kerry in 2004, and 93% for Obama in 2012. Is the 5% difference really that huge of a deal?

Regardless of whether or not the racism on /pol/ is justified, you'd be in denial to act like it doesn't exist.

But I'm not JIDF, that isn't a core belief of this community, and I'm not wanting to shut down anything ? The board will get shut down if you do threads like that Anne Frank one from last Sunday though, if only because the pressures of the outside world (remember that ?) will lean in and force it's closure. But I don't see you as really caring about the board so much anyway, think it's likely a tool for you and nothing more than that.

Blacks for democratic because democrats are racists. Affirmative action.
Of course it exists. Humans naturally gravitate towards people who look more like themselves. You can see this everywhere.

Racial preference and segregation into racial groups is a natural phenomenon. Forced mixing of races creates conflict, and in fact our public schools are suffering for it. There are regular race riots in public schools that need S.W.A.T. teams to break them up.

Multiculturalism and diversity is a feelgood liberal sham that creates nothing but discord. /pol/ is the only forum we can discuss this REAL problem in without being called "Racist" at every turn. We still are, by the way, mostly due to people like you.
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>friendly reminder of how far le merchant goes to control narrative
>democrats are racists
Why does /pol/ act like every liberal is a social justice warrior? God damn, stop associating me with them.

You don't understand my position. I'm for the most part against affirmative action. I don't think diversity should be forced, but I don't think it should be discouraged either. Things should be allowed to naturally play out, within reason.
>You don't understand my position. I'm for the most part against affirmative action. I don't think diversity should be forced, but I don't think it should be discouraged either. Things should be allowed to naturally play out, within reason.

Case in point. This is the opinion of most of us "Stormfags".
Yeah. Real racist shit, this is. Total KKK party we have here. Clearly, race is a discussion that should never be had under any circumstances because we might hurt the number of Moot's daily hits.
No. Fuck off.

Because they are.

Be an independent or something if you are not.
Anyways, this whole discussion is besides the point. I don't really care about goes on in /pol/, but this red pill raiding of other boards needs to stop.
Alright, whatever man, I tried to keep it civil. I don't care if you discuss race and whatnot, I'm just saying racism is very prominent on /pol/. I don't want the board deleted.
I'm a /pol/ regular, and I agree. That shit's just stupid.

You can't force the red pill anyway. People have to seek it out themselves.
The fact that this thread has degenerated into yet another poisonous slanging match, with words like "holohoax" and "racialist" being used as if they were a part of normal, everyday discourse, is an indication of how bad things have gotten here.
It's either cede 4chan to the racists, or do something.
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/pol/ is fucking constantly in /jp/ these days.

How am I supposed to take it easy like this?

Fuck off /pol/.
This. Let us take it easy, please. Keep the anti-leftist rhetoric in /pol/.
>It's either cede 4chan to the racists, or do something.
Now you're the one sounding like the paranoid faggot.
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>>284599 (OP)

You don't like rascist discussion, stay the fuck out of /pol/? simple fucking soloution faggot.

Also fuck you JIDF
Case in point
Injection of racist shit into every possible thread.
>implying all racism originates from 4chan's /pol/ board
The problem is that the racists are refusing to stay in /pol/ and are using /pol/ to not only share tips about how to insinuate themselves into every other board on 4chan, but also to stage raids of other websites.
Its really not a big deal. /pol/ tends to turn into a shitstorm every time there is a big political event occurring. Last week it was Obama, this week it was the Gaza crap. If you really want to fix what may or may not be wrong with /pol/ than you should turn on poster ID instead of having it be all anonymous all the time.
Words like "holohoax" and "racialist" are not a part of normal political discourse. They're words used by the extreme racist fringe. They're not normal on the mainstream media, they weren't normal 5 years ago on 4chan, and they're not even normal on most political websites. The fact that they're just thrown around like anything normal is definitely an indication that something is not right.

If it makes you feel any better to think that there's some massive JIDF presence here then go ahead. It seems to me you find it useful to claim you're constantly being persecuted and censored by JIDF but that's YOUR whole M/O as racists anyway. I'm not JIDF but after a couple of weeks of your constant hate filled shitposts I'll certainly fess up to Antifa...


Sorry, but what is being discussed and resented here is not some genteel difference of opinion but the constant shitposting of extreme racist ideology, hate filled propaganda, and the spillover of such stuff out of /pol/ and into other boards. Say what you like within reason, but do not expect to be able to constantly spam holocaust denial, suggestions of racial genocide, or hate threads that offensively target the same groups all the time, without there being some kind of reckoning or comeuppance. This board is free to a point but does still exist
irl - you guys abusing as you have been will make it less so. Stop shitting it up !

>reality is becoming mainstream
>please shut down this forum before another 6 trillion die

Just stop it ! Stop posting and go for a walk or play with your cat or something... Fuck...
>extreme racist ideology, hate filled propaganda
Acknowledging the differences between races =/= racism. Not the negative connotation of the word it currently has, anyway. I would think the word "atheist" had a similar negative connotation during the Cold War.

>hate threads that offensively target the same groups all the time
Let me tell you something. No one is automatically "offended" by something. They make a conscious choice to be offended. That is no one's concern but theirs, and anonymity makes it so that people can discuss these ideas, however controversial or insulting. We hammer these ideas because they are worth discussing. Personally, I prefer intellectual discourse, but the butthurt and trolling often disrupts this.

>This board is free to a point but does still exist
Fine. Give us a janitor. One that doesn't stifle free speech and eliminates the cuckold porn-spamming and other such nonsense. Know, however, that most of what /pol/ says is "controversial". That was the point of the board, wasn't it?
6 million, not billion, you ignorant strawmanning piece of shit.
he said trillion.

blox etc

But the 'holocaust' is a hoax?
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>ITT butthurt liberals make baseless assumptions with no proof

hey new/new/fags its always been this way
I don't think "survived" is the correct word.
More like "assimilated"
We discuss -why- these words are on the "extreme fringe" while you blindly accept it for what it is.
The only thing I got from this thread is that /pol/tards are hilarious. You people are the creationist equivalent of historians. There's no way in hell I can read anything you idiots post without falling on the ground and laughing.

In b4 predictable hurf durf da jews goy libtard etc
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How are you defining fringe?

Jew owned networks obviously don't talk about the fact that the holocaust was faked, but most people know this anyway.
I don't see them discussing the Rape of Nanking either. What's your point?

The point is a few fringe zionists do not get to define what words the rest of us use.

But by your logic, if we set up a Megaphone type app to spam the world, that makes the words we use more acceptable.
>But by your logic, if we set up a Megaphone type app to spam the world, that makes the words we use more acceptable.
Well, yes. It does. The words will lose their original meaning.

>But the 'holocaust' is a hoax?

Your ID is showing...
The term "confirmation bias" comes to mind

They've completely missed the point of this thread, which is that they are intentionally stirring up shit on other boards which is AGAINST THE RULES..

Stormbabies miss the point of a lot of things. Take a shot each time one of them says "freedom of speech". 9 times outta 10, they're using the term wrong and have no idea what they're talking about.
This right here.
This thread is just one giant JIDF coalition, I swear.


Just fuck off.
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/pol/ is FOR stormfags, silly. The idea is that people that want to post about racism-related topics can piss off to /pol/ and not mess with discussion on the real boards.

If you want all the racism removed from it so you can go to /pol/ and talk about how awesome Obama is then you're going to see the results everywhere else. It's a roach motel.
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REMEMBER THE 838254263109562395462395T231965923756892375672569832659326592635931629563290756932756890325690283658
6329856238956239856238956239856982365983265958968 TRILLION GOYIM!
Again these whiny liberal faggots from reddit making the same thread? Fuck off, nigger lovers, /pol/ is here to stay.

Another poster, another person missing the point. No one here seems to care about /pol/ besides stormbabbys. The point is that it's leaking onto other boards, where it doesn't belong.

You may be guilty of not giving a fuck, but you're also guilty of being retarded and not reading.
The "point" is a retarded one. /pol/ doesn't raid other boards. /pol/ posters might post racism-related threads on other boards, but it is not an organized effort.

Same here man, its also funny that /q/ cries and throws a bitch fit over trivial shit, instead of reporting it.

I'm actually laughing my ass off at /pol/ and /q/ at the same time.

Including this thread mate.
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>>>/fit/ posts mirin threads on >>>/cgl/


>>>/cgl/ posts trap threads on >>>/fit/


etc. etc.

there are a million examples of this. you are just mad about one. everyone knows what is going on here
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Cry more.
Shalom, there, brother.
Yes, freedom of speech is bad for the goyah. A slave that thinks is a dangerous one.

Whether or not the OP has a legitimate argument or not is irrelevant. I was pointing out that retards keep coming in here and responding to the OP when they haven't actually read what he's talking about.
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>The point is that it's leaking onto other boards

People tend not to stick to a single board, so it's no surprise that their opinions are seen elsewhere. People with opinions on movies post on /v/, people who are fans of Warhammer post on /pol/, people who enjoy dicks in their arse post on /q/ and so on. The only way you'd get rid of it is by banning politically incorrect talk on other boards, but that's retarded.
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Stormfags think they have "freedom of speech" on a privately-owned message board using privately-owned servers and internet connections.
>but that's retarded.

Why is it? No one cares about your opinions on the jews on the video games board. On that same token, no one cares about how you feel about final fantasy on /pol/.

It's almost like 4chan has several different boards to talk about stuff. Wow.
I'm a /pol/ poster and would argue that we should keep our shit to /pol/, though.

I fucking hate threads like that.

>hay /fa/ what is ur fav anime?
Fuck off. If I wanted to talk about anime I'd go to /a/. I'm here to talk about Rick Owens.
>Stormfags think they have "freedom of speech" on a privately-owned message board using privately-owned servers and internet connections.

As long as Mootles is okay with it, it's fine. Quit being a petulant child.

Actually, no. moot isn't okay with /pol/ outside of /pol/ for example.

No one here is discussing what goes on at /pol/. We're talking about the rest of 4chan.
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Moot created /pol/, therefore he approves.

Stupid argument against Storm-Friends Schomo.


>hurr why is it retarded

Because your opinion isn't any less valid than mine.


Sure you are
Sure, but it's inevitable that that stuff gets posted from time to time. There's nothing special about /pol/ talk in that regard, so why pick it out from the others?
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>Because your opinion isn't any less valid than mine.

Okay, no one said that. The point of my post was that such discussions are not on topic on the rest of this site. Can you read, by any chance?


>so why pick it out from the others?

Because this is a thread about /pol/. Like the guy up there said, if it doesn't belong, it needs to go. Just like his anime on /fa/ and just like my final fantasy on /pol/
>thinks that opinions don't have validity
Real smart guy we got here.
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Show me where he said that little Jew.

Oh wait, he never said anything such as that. Better luck next time Schlomo.


Oh so your the hypocritical faggot posting off topic shit in the war threads.
>Show me where he said that little Jew.

Read the rules page.

>Oh so your the hypocritical faggot posting off topic shit in the war threads.

First off, it's spelled "you're". Second, I have no idea what you're talking about.
>Because this is a thread about /pol/.
I'd rather it was about offtopic posting in general, picking out /pol/ specifically reeks of some PC faggot with an agenda. Besides, it's already against the rules, so what's this thread going to achieve anyway?
>I'd rather it was about offtopic posting in general

Maybe because he noticed a rise in it?

>specifically reeks of some PC faggot with an agenda.

Everything is a conspiracy with you morons.
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>read the ru-

Show me where he said that little Jew.

>hurr you're your, that'll show him

Typos happen. I'm sure a crusty Jew like yourself knows this.

>hurr i dunno what you're talking about

Read what you posted
>Everything is a conspiracy with you morons.
I'm not talking about a conspiracy, I don't believe in some vast organised network out to get little 'ol me with my right-wing views. However, there's plenty of individuals out there ready to get butthurt at the drop of pin.

>Everything is a conspiracy with you morons.

says the guy saying stormfriends are conspiring to delude the goy into false beliefs

Global rule 3. I'm not going to link you to the rules page. If you've been here longer than a week, you should know where it is.

And I wouldn't make fun of your spelling if it wasn't obvious you got a backwoods hick education.


But I never said that. This board has IDs. Use them.

what is the point of IDs?

shall we compete to see who can use the most proxies to prove they are the majority?
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Daily reminder that Jews control America culturally and religiously.

Yes anon, everyone is the same person switching proxies just to fuck with your head. Every last one of us.
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/pol/ or stormfront or whatever the fuck is constantly in /jp/ these days. It's fucking ridiculous how often threads are derailed by unibomber manifesto dumps and other bullshit.

I hate these guys. They're the new furries polluting boards with their filth.


Way to give yourself away

Oh how clumsy of me. And the Jews and the illuminati and Bill Clinton and liberals and Burger King made me do it.

Well, start reporting this shit when you see it ? It isn't going to stop unless people start complaining as those posting are clearly not interested in turning it down.

Tick the box in the corner of the post, scroll down and hit report...
I do every time I see it I was just venting. It gets frustrating when one of your favorite boards is swamped with stuff that doesn't belong.
/v/ here. We'd like /pol/ to stop posting all the feminazi shit on our board. Try as they might it's not vidya. It always devolves into bitching about feminism or /r9k/-level whining.
Maybe it's because their numbers are growing? I don't support all of stormfag philosophy, but I've definitely taken a few red pills in my day...especially after lurking /pol/ for a while...You know what I do when a thread doesn't interest me though? I ignore it...minimize it, and it's gone. Everyone has the same amount of power on 4chan (besides janitors and mods of course), and if the whole thing is anonymous, what do I care of the reputation of the site? As long as it stays up, and everyone can say whatever they want, and I still enjoy the parts of the site that I enjoy, then who cares about the rest of the bullshit?
Anita Sarkeesian is vidya related, though.
Maybe at one point but every single thread about her these days devolves into feminism bullshit and that's why they're deleted on site by janitors on /v/ these days.

Same thing with game grumps. Vidya related? Possibly but the community makes it not so. It's like a naruto thread on /a/. No good will come of it.
>Maybe it's because their numbers are growing?
That's a nice theory, I like it. Who knows what the truth is though
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>/pol/ is a containment board
No, it's a breeding ground.
>so my rights end where your feelings begin?
No, your rights end where you advocate stripping the rights of other people because they are sub-human.

Seriously moot, do you want 4chan to be stormfront 2.0?
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Agreed 100%

Likewise, I'm not sure if I even agree with the policy of "containment boards". It never seems to work, boards will always "leak" and no site owner owes it to anyone to use his board.
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The opinion that a racially homogeneous society is superior in many ways to a racially heterogeneous society is so offensive that it must be banned.

Not because it offends me personally of course, but we can all agree a priori that such an idea is of no use to anyone and therefore must be banned.
hahaha wow
what the hell is that picture all about
>/new/ -er /pol/ being racist
In other news, a new study finds Santa may not actually exist.

it's pointing out the hypocrisy of liberals or "stathiests", people who insist on how religious fundementalism is bad for society but don't realize that they are following a civic religion that does EXACTLY the same thing.

"behead those that insult mohammed" is not fundamentally different from "shame and censor those who deny racial egalitarianism"


>"behead those that insult mohammed" is not fundamentally different from "shame and censor those who deny racial egalitarianism"

Uh, yeah it is actually, since the latter aren't advocating for the death of those the disagree with.
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>"behead those that insult mohammed" is not fundamentally different from "shame and censor those who deny racial egalitarianism"

Pretty sure it is.
>Behead those who insult Mohammed
Ostracise people who do not follow our god.
>Shame and censor those who deny racial egalitarianism
Ostracise people who wish to ostracise others.

Your argument is flimsy. It's the same as saying:

"'Censor those who insult the pope' is not fundamentally different from 'Censor those who deny free speech'"

You're using the liberal principles of free speech and equality to spread censorship and inequality for those that you do not like.

same crime different punishment. the same effect is achieved, silence of dissenters.



look, a modern liberal politically correct multi-culturist trying to define what free-speech is. Never seen that before!
If you want free speech, you have to censor those who would deny free speech to others. If you want tolerance, you cannot tolerate the intolerance.

What a childish notion of free speech you have.
Yeah, see this is where that whole "hypocrisy" thing trips up Stormfags.

This is also where fascism fails--you can't kill your way to a perfect society.

>same crime different punishment. the same effect is achieved, silence of dissenters.

Contrary to what you believe the methods do make the difference.

You're making a straight up false equivalency.
Ban this merchant jidf shit like cp. This cancer spreads everywhere and ruins threads and whole boards. I don't wanna read about this shit on completely unrelated boards like /sp/ stay at /pol/ you fucking subhuman propaganda spouting trash.

Yeah I mad
What's wrong with racism on 4chan? It's fucking 4chan.

Anything with the word jew or having to do with it should be banned until all these pro/anti jewish spam lately goes away though.
I know the guys at /pol/ think they're the greatest shock comedians of the decade, but fuck, this shtick is getting tedious. The whining about free speech is just another layer of the troll.

I say autoban all of their favorite memes for a month, just to shut them up for a bit. Nothing of value will be lost. Maybe they can spend the time-out coming up with some original content for once.
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Oh Jesus, it's called fucking POLITICALLY INCORRECT. For fucks sake people, the very existence of this crybaby circle jerk of a thread proves that the board is doing exactly what it was designed to do - offend PC fags.
>People actually think red-pill is about holocaust denial and nazis.

Sure is JIDF disinfo in here.
they need to do it in their own board though.
>the very existence of this crybaby circle jerk of a thread proves that the board is doing exactly what it was designed to do - offend

Edgy teenagers pls go away
I know your ego/sense of worth subsists on "offending" others with your edginess to feel like you've had SOME effect on the world around you, but no one is "offended" and we don't need you to make that assertion for us. Whatever Stormfront retards do on their own board which it was "designed for" is their own business, but they need to keep their shit to themselves. It's not offensive, it's annoying asinine off topic cross-board raiding/trolling. /v/ wasn't "designed" for some misunderstood genius dumping infographs and links about darkies takin' muh tax dollars or whatever you people do with your time.
It was only a matter of time before JIDF took to /q/. This thread is seriously some of their best work.
ITT JIDF who can't accept that goyim is finally waking up
>goyim is finally waking up
What do you mean "finally"? So, like, the Egyptians never had Hebrew slaves? The Arabs never taxed Jewish prayer? The Syrians never tried to enslave the Jews, which lead to the Maccabbean revolt (hanukkah)? The Babylonians never tried to wipe out the Jews, leading to the events of Purim? The Spaniards and Italians never forced Jewish people into ghettos? The Holocaust never happened?

Only now are the goyim finally waking up?

Waaaaaaaahh evul racists scare me help me momm- uh moot!! You're not the first bitch to cry about /pol/ on /q/ and it has been established in earlier threads that the situation will not change. Suck it up like the bitch you are.

Hey Stormfront - your propaganda is very easy to spot because it's always the fucking same, is shittily written, and the techniques you use to get out are as transparent as fuck.

> jidf threatening my freedoms
> yes it's awful, and let me tell you about those fucking jews...

There's no JIDF here you lying faggots, just shit posting wannabe tough guys spamming their lame racist ideology. Fuck off back to whatever shittly designed website you crawled out and stop posting this shit up all over 4chan.
it's your fault because you think anyone who makes these posts is from stormfront.
Does this mean I can go make threads about video games, TV shows, etc on /pol/?
I don't know, have you asked your mom?
This thread has become a perfect example oh how shit /pol/ is and how its users are a cancer on the rest of us. Just make a board specifically for the stormfront crowd where they can.be as racist as they want and make a real board about news and politics.

Even better make that racist board have permanent IDs.
That's what certain people did to certain other people during the holocaust. Are you sure you are not a nazi?
>This whole thread
JIDF please.
Why are there actually people on 4chan who are upset over /pol/? Could you be any more of a whiny uptight faggot?
If you really can't handle the existence of /new/ or /pol/ or whatever kind of board then leave 4chan.
"A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires."

No, the Nazi's didn't give the Jews, Communists, Gays, and Gypsies their own internet chat forum - they either used them as slave labor or simply murdered them in extermination camps.
They gave them jew stars on their clothes, assdick.
Why'd you include me in that, eh? I asked a series of questions to someone who made a completely asinine statement.
While I find /pol/-style content unsightly, I'd be cool with it if they kept it to their own space.

>person says relatively mundane thing
>a ron/pol/ responds with jewishcaricature.jpg
>One gorillion posts hidden. Click here to view them.
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As a fellow /pol/ lurker (even though I'm leaning left, I just treat the board mostly as another news source, since there's lots of stuff I'd miss otherwise - especially if it's not all that politically correct), I'll have to say that the "let's red pill the other boards" thread it the first one of that kind I ever saw there.

As harsh as /pol/ may be at times, everyone visiting it knows the risks involved. If you lack the balls to handle a few insults here and there, you shouldn't be browsing it. And if you'd rather fight back, there's no down-voting, so you will be heard, even if you'd have to go against the constant stream of shitposting. And there's plenty of Israelis, blacks and what have you posting on /pol/ too.

The difference between them and the little sissies crying "bawww, let's delete everything" is that while one group managed to man the fuck up, the other is trying to infringe on the freedom of speech of others even though there are other websites that should, at least theoretically, cater to them - like Reddit for example.

I'm a Pole, I saw plenty of "hurr-durr let's hang all the slavshits" posts and the like, I never honestly gave two shits. Why can't you? To add to that, just because I find it insulting and/or retarded doesn't mean others should be censored for shit and giggles. Protip: words usually don't cut, nor do they kill.

Maybe you whiners should come up with a working time machine design, build it and move to Poland back when it was under the commie reign, you might find it somewhat attractive - at least judging by this thread.

Pic definitely related, sums up my feelings pretty darn well.
Again, the issue isn't /pol/ ideology, dare I say culture. The issue is that /pol/ is leaking. I just wanna be able to post without someone being all "HAHA YES GOYIM lemerchantface.jpg"
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I'm the creator of this thread. I'm glad that it's still alive and that people are still posting to it, because I think it addresses a really important issue.
I'm not Jewish and not a member of JIDF -- I only know what the acronym stands for and don't know anything else about the organization. I'm not coordinating with anyone else in creating the thread. I'm just a WASP who has been coming to 4chan for over 5 years and has seen a decline.
We are now at a point where:
- Threads on /pol/ are regularly derailed by anti-Jewish and anti-Black propaganda.
- Threads are created regularly on many other boards, including most that I visit (/sci/, /g/, and /lit/), for the purpose of spreading anti-Jewish and anti-Black propaganda. The only exception that I can think of is /int/, where janitors have to be so aggressive at deleting any thread mentioning Jews that they are coming under attack in /q/ for censoring "normal" threads about Israel.
- Threads just about anywhere have the potential to be derailed if the anti-Jewish and anti-Black propagandists decide to attack them.
This happens to a far, far larger extent with anti-Jewish and anti-Black extremists than any other kind of extremist. Of course we have the Ron Paul libertarians on /pol/ and elsewhere. We also have communists, 9/11 conspiracy theorists, bestiality advocates, pedophiles and many other people espousing wacky, fringe views.
But we simply don't see the kind of aggressive, constant and pervasive proselytizing from those groups that we do from the anti-Jewish and anti-Black propagandists.
The problem is not the existence of /pol/ or the existence of racist comments and threads on /pol/. The problem is the aggressiveness, constancy and pervasiveness of the anti-Jewish and anti-Black racists in spreading their message on other boards and, now, as the thread containing the original picture demonstrates, beyond 4chan to other websites.
>They disagree with me so they're wacky fringe elements and everything they say is propaganda
Wow, it's like you're actually retarded.
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But 4chan is constantly leaking as a whole, friend. Myself, I hate the pleb/patrician bullshit that most probably (?) spawned on /mu/, but I'm dealing with it.

At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter all that much. It's irritating, yes, but either way, no matter how much I'd bitch about it... Pic related.

I don't know how long you've been on 4chan (mind you, I'm not trying to compare e-dicks here, so please read on), but the website is constantly evolving and shifting. You'll have to learn how to ignore some crap sooner or later if you want to remain sane.

And if you (well, not you in particular, rather - moot, should he get enough requests for that) do choose to censor the board one day, please, for the love of God do it after the whole Israel/Palestine conflict (the current situation, I do realize this shit has been going on for years now) gets resolved.

It's pretty heated right now, but I dare say that the majority of media outlets are extremely jaded and it's hard to remain truly objective while following only the sources that meet a certain agenda.

Whereas when it comes to /pol/, where there's JIDF, MIDF will follow and it's easier to get a clearer picture of the whole situation.

PS. And I might keep a secret stash of tinfoil in my closet, because I find the timing of the thread to be extremely sketchy. I'm sorry OP, I wish you all the best, but I shall remain skeptical.
>Posted 11/16/12
>Operation Pillar of Cloud started 11/14/12

I mean honestly, who from /pol/ didnt see this one coming. No board should 'raid' ANY board or website with shit material. Ive been on /pol/ since it came back because no other boards can hold discussion of anything political. Much like all the other 'shit' boards you have to sift through it all to find the quality stuff. Theres a little feature on this website where you can report content to have it removed try using it.

-I laugh when they crack jokes at my race and nationality
-I laugh when they crack jokes about other races and nationalities.
-There are stupid discussions and golden discussions on various topics.

So, deal with it. treat it like /mlp/ if you want.
My most frequented boards are /sp/, /pol/, and /g/, in that order. I have to say I have not seen a single instance of this "redpill" raiding. I haven't seen it happening, I haven't seen others referring to it. This is literally the first I've heard of it.

Besides that, if it is happening, it needs to stop. I have some mildly "racialist" beliefs, I'm a very hardcore libertarian, but assuming raids are happening, then they clearly need to be stopped. That's the mods job.

Closing down /pol/ is not the mods job. I admit to being a little suspicious of OP's intentions, since I have yet to hear about this. But giving him the benefit of the doubt, shit nigga, it's just raids. Ban the guy enough times and he'll get bored.
>I find the timing of the thread to be extremely sketchy
Which thread are you referring to? The original "redpill" thread on /pol/, or this thread, which was a direct response to it?
>Posted 11/16/12
Which thread are you referring to here? The one on /pol/, or mine?
>Which thread are you referring to? The original "redpill" thread on /pol/, or this thread, which was a direct response to it?

Both. Once again, I've been browsing /pol/ for a while and that was the first thread of that kind I saw so far.
The reason you see /pol/ on other boards, is usually because they created an on-topic post, that slowly veered off into a related off-topic thread about politics, or when they say something stupid like "diversity is our strength" this is where /pol/ usually comes in. Though the red pill threads are dumb.

Also, I think it's kind of funny how /pol/ is associated with stormfront, even though many stormfront users think we're nothing but a bunch of degenerate neckbeard loser, which is true.
Exactly. If you actually read that stormfront thread that was posted. they still think we're pedos.
Where I'm coming from is the whole concept that /pol/ is a "containment board". How do you think people would feel if /mlp/ started going to other boards and spamming ponies and pony accessories? Or if /d/ (this one's a stretch I'll admit) started posting "futanari" pictures everywhere?
>How do you think people would feel if /mlp/ started going to other boards and spamming ponies and pony accessories?

They do, constantly too - it's called ban evasion, rules are rules, but "life will always find a way".

And people would feel irritated, as I am at times (I believe I also stated that in the post you're quoting), but if you can't get over it, perhaps you shouldn't be spending so much time on 4chan.

/mu/ browsers use the whole "pleb" and "patrician" lingo, /v/ browsers give themselves away by using the term "vidya", /g/ browsers will fairly often tell you to instal Gentoo if you'll ask someone a stupid question, /pol/ will accuse you of being JIDF, manchildren will post cute little ponies for shit and giggles.

Whole 4chan is leaking, always, constantly. Why did it occur to you just now? Why would you think that censorship is a way out?
Free speech is not set up to protect popular opinion.

It is set up to protect unpopular opinion. Even if it's bad. The solution to bad speech is more good speech, not bans on speech.
You're talking to a WASP they're all retarded. If anything they should be the ones getting killed off.
>implying stormfront doesn't use their own site as a base
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>extermination camps

quit lying please

I don't understand why that matters.
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If a thread is off topic for the board it's on, there is a nice little button to minimize it in the top left hand corner, and you'll never have to see it again. If EVERYONE on your board does this, then these threads will never gain ground. But you don't, you want to force restrictions on 4chan and turn it into something it's not, rather than use the controls already in place to safeguard against "raids".
Beyond that, there are some subjects that are cross board relevant, and if a /pol/ subject happens to meet the criteria for on topic on /v/ (lets say a thread about banning of violent vidyas), then you need to STFU and realize that the majority of the board decides what it wants the board to be, and you STILL have the option to ignore the thread.
I understand people getting upset about off-topic shitposting, but every board I've visited experiences this from time to time without exceptions, it's your responsibility as a user of that board to make it a better place, by NOT FEEDING THE TROLLS.
God, it's like people ITT just started using the internet yesterday, this shit is common sense.

I don't even know where to begin on this post. You're really stupid.

1. Ignoring threads does not excuse people posting in them. I don't ever post in feminism threads. That doesn't mean I like to see them.

2. A discussion of violent video games is still video games and has absolutely no reason to be derailed into "THE JEWS THE JEWS THE JEWS"

3. You're an idiot.

4. Telling people who are already ignoring the thread that they need to ignore the thread is stupid.

5. Threads should not be getting derailed to the level that they don't reflect the board's subject.
God are you really that ignorant? I was on /jp/ the other day and someone was doing a fucking anti-leftist copypasta dump in the middle of a thread that I was trying to enjoy. I reported all the posts and nothing was done.
oy vey! the goyim are waking up to our shemes, quick moot ban these goys!
I'm saying I want people who bring /pol/ shit into other boards banned. I don't care about your WASP superiority circlejerking as long as you keep it in /pol/.

A lot of people in this thread are missing the point and seem to think that people are offended by what they think. It's not that we're offended, it's that we don't care, and boards that aren't /pol/, /b/, and (to an extent) /r9k/ don't need discussions about why people hate Jews. I don't care that you hate Jews. What does that have to do with comics/anime/video games/etc? Nothing.
>You're really stupid.
You're off to a great start here.
>1. "...That doesn't mean I like to see them."
"I don't like it so no one likes it!"
Threads get derailed. It happens. First time on 4chan? Derailed thread = abandon thread.
>3. You're an idiot.
Way to keep the momentum champ.
>4. Telling people who are already ignoring the thread...
So, if you're ignoring it, then why are you bitching about it? I'm sorry maybe you're not familiar with what "ignore" means.
Ignore: to refrain from noticing or recognizing.
Furthermore on this subject, if other people aren't ignoring threads you don't like...must mean that someone wants to see it! Fancy that.
I agree completely, I'll do you one further and say that threads shouldn't be derailed to the level that they don't reflect the OP's subject! But again, these things do happen, and it is the nature of the beast that is 4chan, it is both beautiful and hideous at the same time (see my response to point #2).

And for the last time, if you don't like Trolls, don't feed them. Encourage others to do the same. It really is the best thing you can do.

And for the record, I don't think YOU'RE stupid.
>"I don't like it so no one likes it!"

People on /v/ like dragon dildos. And fur porn. Does that mean dragon dildos and fur porn belong on the video game board?

Not reading the rest of your post since you're this retarded.
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OP is jidf
It's not even censorship it's just removing unrelated topics. How much you hate jews isn't related to a board for discussing politics. Make a jew hatred board if you want a place for it.
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>the racism here that it's a small, vocal minority on the site.

You serious nigga??
Fucking this jesus christ

I'm trying to talk about video games. I don't give a flying fuck about jews.
Either stop it or make a board specifically for antisemitism. Because it doesn't belong on any other board.
good goy

hehehe... stupid goyim
I'm sorry to hear that, I hate when an interesting thread I'm in gets derailed...But such is the fluidity and life of a thread on 4chan...It is what it is. Abandon the thread, or ignore the troll, report, etc. For the love of god, don't respond to it though.

Is it not already a bannable offense to post off topic on any board? What more do you want? Don't single out /pol/ like it's the only board that does it >>285768 poorly attempted to link to a thread on /pol/ asking what /pol/'s favorite video games were... Is that tolerable? People from /pol/ were more than happy to answer, so apparently they had no problem with it.

You make a good and valid point. I think the grander point though is that this is an anonymous image board, and as such there is no cohesion. People have trouble with the concept of anonymity. My point being, I could be a member of /v/ /a/ /fit/ /pol/ and any number of other boards that share my interests. But I'm about as much of a "member" of any of those boards as I am a "member" of 4chan at large. There is no membership. So what you have (beyond just trolls) is people with cross interests, using multiple boards, and wanting to mesh their interests from time to time. Moderation, like irl authority, can only do so much given the freedom we enjoy here on 4chan. The point that I want to make, is that it's the "members" responsibility of any particular board, to keep the board more or less on topic. That's why boards are so volatile, because it's constantly changing and evolving. That's why there's another /q/ thread on here somewhere about the state of /cgl/ - but the fact of the matter is that /cgl/ has a certain majority that keep the state of /cgl/ a certain way. Such is the state of ALL boards on 4chan.
>it is both beautiful and hideous at the same time
Would you really change that?
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>Doesn't read counter arguments
>Calls ME a retard

It's hard to admit when you're wrong I know.

If /v/ majority enjoys dragon dildos and fur porn, and people post it, and others respond to it and feed it, and it continuously comes up, then I guess it does belong on /v/. Is it on topic? That depends, are the fur characters from video games? Are the dragons replicas of video game dragons?
All this JIDF, is it really a coincidence that all this bullshit comes any time damage control needs to be done for Israel?

Inb4 "huehue stormfag" I'm a fucking communist.
I visit /pol/ every day, never once has there been a "raid" thread of any sort, if I've seen anything similar (including to skew an internet poll) it's been deleted by janitors.

OP is just fucking butthurt.
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There are people on this website who get upset from racism? HAHA oh wow. I thought you guys would be used to this kind of shit.
One more thing I meant to include before hitting submit: Stormchan. If anything /pol/ is being "victimized" by racists coming here to post shit, Stormchan links directly to /pol/.

Really go back to Reddit if people disagreeing with you gets you so assdamaged.
A lot of people showed up within the last year.

2012 saw a massive population surge on 4chan.
Nobody should support censoring truth.
Looks like OP is mad that the truth can only be surpressed for so long.

Protip: The longer you supress it, the greater the anger you will suffer once it finally is acknowledged.
"Truth" is subjective.
"subjective" is subjetive
Everyone here is missing the point. We don't give two shits about your racism over at /pol/, but keep it off of other boards, god damn.
RamZPaul has posted a video on this, including what free speech is or isn't.

plz watch.


Also watch his other videos on his youtube account.
"Your Mom" is subjective.

Racism has been all over 4chan since day 1. Maybe you should adapt to 4chan rather than trying to force 4chan to cater to you.
Stop acting like we're trying to "censor" you. We just want you to stop shitposting in other boards like /jp/.

See this? http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/10064918/#10065187

Please don't do that.
I don't think it's so much a matter of censorship as it is enjoying watching you cry.

Just hit report, hide the post/thread, and move on to other threads. If you run screaming to mommy about it, the trolls win.
Also OP stop acting like stormfront is the only White Nationalist board.

There is also AMREN.com. VDare.com, VNNforum.com, WhiteNewsNow.com along with various White Nationalist, Racial Realist and HBD blogs.
>There is also AMREN.com. VDare.com, VNNforum.com, WhiteNewsNow.com along with various White Nationalist, Racial Realist and HBD blogs.

All of which are full of middle-aged normalfags who wouldn't touch 4chan with a 20ft pole because Fox News says pedos and OWS come from there.
Stormfags from /pol/ are mostly oldfags who grew tired of /b/ (you can tell because they often use 2005 memes like Bix Nood and mention /n/ all the time).
>Racism has been all over 4chan since day 1. Maybe you should adapt to 4chan rather than trying to force 4chan to cater to you.

I'm pretty sure his point is that "I hate da librulls and da juice" does not belong on /jp/. Or most other 4chan boards. And he's entirely right.
>The opinion that a racially homogeneous society is superior in many ways to a racially heterogeneous society is so offensive that it must be banned.

I studied and now work in the field of politics, and that fact is not banned or racist at all. I don't know what crazy people you are encountering. Are you American?

Read any dissertation about sociology and they'll link increased success in societies to increased homogeneity and sameness. Almost every sociologist even liberal ones accept that the reason nations like Denmark are so clean, happy and successful is the homogeneity of them as a huge advantage.
>i dont agree with it
>it must be banned

i sure hope you're not american
You guys are taking him literally. He was trying to imitate liberals with a strawman.

Holy shit, you mean people can use more than 1 board?

This is such a goddamn revelation, I never knew people could have more than one interest represented on 4chan!
Perhaps, but there is an over-reaching 4chan culture. Even though Ohio is an individual State, it is still American.

So, while such things may not "belong" on /jp/, they're still going to happen. No board is an island.
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Fuck off, jews

Doing something that's legal in California while in Ohio does not excuse it.
It's one thing to have more than one interest, and another to blatantly shitpost on other boards. Stop taking what I said out of context.
No, but something being against the rules/law does not render people physically incapable of doing it.

I'm not saying to accept it. I'm saying to expect it.

A few years ago I moved from Louisiana to Texas. I got a ticket in Dallas for carrying an open beer on a public thoroughfare, which is something permitted in New Orleans. I explained to the judge that it was just habit and was unaware and the judge dismissed the ticket and told me I should remember next time.

I wasn't "omg b& for life from texas" ....
I'm pretty sure racism is politically incorrect, and therefore belongs on /pol/. Besides, I participate in that shit from time to time and I'm really not even racist. I've never had much of an issue with black people or jews irl, unless they were complete d-bags, just like any white person. It's just fun to pretend gaiz. If I had to guess I'd say most people on /pol/ are just fuckin around. And the stormfags deserve to be heard, their opinions are censored everywhere but the internet already, so don't be gay 4chan.
>Seriously moot, do you want 4chan to be stormfront 2.0?

It's obvious that you are to sensitive to /pol/'s trolling. If you don't like seeing viewpoints that you hate (Protip: Biological differences among humans, IQ and skeletal differences between race, and jewish influence exist), there is a website called Reddit, where you have the power to "moderate" extreme viewpoints. After all, it's pretty obvious that you are just going to start bitching about /k/, /int/, and /x/ and the fact that the use of the word "faggot" is making the 4chan userbase dehumanize and want to kill homosexuals.
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>>284599 (OP)
>how can free speech exist? nooooo!
>Politically Incorrect
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>people on /q/ bitching about /pol/ conspiracy theories

>lurk /pol/

>people try and debate them

>they always have facts and sources to back their logical arguments up with

>come to /q/ and complain about "stormfront"

Cumawn you faggots.

They're scared, it's obvious.

Free speech on the internet!?!?! How horrifying!
>free speech

Probably doesn't mean what you think it means.
Well what do you think it does?

Oh so it means only ideas which are acceptable to you,
Okay cool, can I talk about Adventure Time on your board then? I should be able to convince people why the show is good, it's not a raid. Free speech and all that.
If you can relate it to semi-political topics, okay.
>constant off-topic shitposting on other boards >MUH FREE SPEECH This is why no one likes you, /pol/
Yeah, if it's related to politics, or if a discussion veers to something off-topic like Adventure Time.

The fucking board is called "Politically Incorrect"

Get a grip, you're hysterical
Really you don't mind?

Who's your favorite character? I thought season 3 was best how about you?

The dark overtones of most of the episodes really bring the show to life, but it's the humorous contrast between that and the inhabitants that think the word is a harmonious happy place that really get me, it's like liberals.
I don't watch a lot of Adventure Time.
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>constant off-topic shitposting on other boards >MUH FREE SPEECH This is why no one likes you, /pol/

Who supports the posting of /pol/ related threads on other boards?

Obviously that shouldn't be tolerated.
Read this thread again.

You should it's so awesome! it's math bro.
Frankly, this is our fault.

We went to their house and brought them here. They had no idea this site even existed until we raided. Moot said that raids were cancer, he was absolutely right, the more we raided the shittier this site got with the influx of masses of people.

Ever since then a dedicated handful of them have been here using the site as a platform, and have probably managed to delude a few angsty kids looking to rebel against their peergroups.

But honestly, most of /pol/ is trolling, and it always has been, through all incarnations of the board.

Think about the kind of people who take them seriously, either kids looking to be snowflakes with a cause, or retards that have never ever read more then a single study on a subject to be able to interpret data within multiple contexts. They think Rushton is legitimate for god's sake. The guy's body of work wouldn't cut the mustard in grad school. They don't know this because they have no experience within academia let alone science and have never even read cited studies to see that his own citations contradict his work.

At most they are ineffectual burger warmers. Why care? Its like any the group of tards that have drifted in due to our bullshit, harness them for amusement or gain, or ignore them.

>this anon in charge of reading comprehension
Could you be any more obvious, Rabbi?

>politically incorrect discussions are off topic on a board named "politically incorrect"

What am I missing here?
>Read this thread again.

What, the part where people want to see /pol/ get shut down because it says things they don't like? That has nothing to do with shitposting on other boards.

>Frankly, this is our fault.

"our" fault? The fuck are you talking about? From what I seen, most far right organization don't even like 4chan, we are a bunch of pervert degenerates.

>Rushton is legitimate for god's sake

Yeah, because Rushton is the only guy who ever did research into racial IQ differences. Because without Rushton, all the stormfags will just disappear. Yeah, I'm starting to understand why you hate /pol/. Next, you'll tell me you still believe in Lewontin's fallacy.
this thread reeks of jewish butthurt.

Any intelligent, open-minded gentile can see the kind of country that Israel is, and the kind of people its supporters are by looking at the chronology of events documented here.


/pol/ is completely right about Israel and zionist jews.
Don't be so indoctrinated and dogmatic.

>being surprising when people with unpopular political views gravitate to anonymous imageboards

>implying most, even a significant portion of the "stormfags" actually post on stormfront
>What am I missing here?

Everything, apparently. Protip: This isn't about /pol/ itself, it's about off topic discussions creeping up on boards where they don't belong because of shitposters.
>What, the part where people want to see /pol/ get shut down because it says things they don't like? That has nothing to do with shitposting on other boards.
No, the part about /pol/ red-pilling (raiding) other boards and websites.

Very few people are asking for /pol/ to get shut down, /pol/ won't get shut down and the people who say it should be are fagets.

Are you sure? OP links to a thread on /pol/, not anywhere else.

OP also mentions them spreading to other 4chan boards, not that you'd know, since you probably didn't read the OP's post like 90% of this thread.
Hey if it's board-related material, who cares?
The thread on /pol/ was a meeting ground for raiding other boards, they were focusing on another site at the time.

Pssst. Protip: It's not.

Oh, my mistake.

Yeah, that's not a good thing.
technically its a bannable offense to post Racism outside of of /b/

but as we all know, the mods are lazy and /pol/ would just have a giant bitchfit and shit up other boards if that was actually enforced well

they shit up EVERYTHING when /new/ got nuked
No probs, with the amount of "delete /pol/ they raciss" threads you see on /q/ I can understand the confusion.

Read the pic in the OP it should give you a better idea of the issue.
If it is, it is.

If it's not, it's the janitors job to clean it up.
Oh, janitors, janitors... my kind of people, Chicago...

>and then, you realise that you are doing the same despicable tendencies towards those on the right

Wow, such fiction
>it was an obscure and much slower board that most people didn't know existed

>baww i don't like change

Shut up, grandpa.

>textbook liberal denial
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>animooted for your benefir
I really hope 4chan doesn't go the way of somethingawful
That's why we need Based /pol/ around.

They are a constant supply of red pills.
relax guise

this is just OP being a newfag from reddit

lots of redditards jumped to /pol/ because obongo election

now that a lot of them have left and /pol/ is back to being its regular self, the remaining redditards are just butthurt

>advocating against higher education

Here you go, I fixed the error.
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whoops, pic related
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pick 1
lol wat's JIDF wat's dat

lol wat's dat shit tl;dr wtf

lol pretty pictures cool pictures
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I know you're joking, but here.

Shit nigger, why the fuck should anyone care?
Why should moot be forced to hire more mods to protect other boards?

>don't censor
>but censor

>free speech
>if i agree
this thread reeks of JIDF
>could you not raid other boards with off topic shitposting
>censorship, jew, jidf m-muh freedoms
If you can somehow link it to political incorrectness, then yes.
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>>284599 (OP)
Just because we are generally White nationalists doesn't mean we go to stormfront at all.
If anything we advocate equal rights of all races, not special treatment based on how non-White you are.
But of course just like everyone else in the world, you believe that if anyone stands up for White people's rights it's evil nazi racist hate propaganda.
>Black pride
Right on Black man, fight the establishment.
>White pride

And don't pull the old,
>White culture is the opression and rape of other cultures so there is nothing to be proud of.
Again your found tripping on your own dick.
When we bring up the fact that Blacks have much higher rates of crime and disease, you say we should judge people on individual merit, yet Whites are all evil and should be held accountable for the actions of our ancestors.

why can't i hold all these strawmen

/pol/ is great for a laugh

>And don't pull the old,
>White culture is the opression and rape...

Yeah right, as if anyone on /pol/ is likely to do that - don't be so fucking ridiculous.
The issue here is not "m..muh freedoms", is not the brainwashing that's made us resistant to your great race teachings either. The issue is your promoting race hatred and Holocaust denial by trolling and shitposting on a board where such topics are clearly against the rules. You want to do it, do it elsewhere - go to /b/ or go to the park and set up there. Get the fuck off /pol/ though, or shut the fuck up with this shit.

>Race hatred.


>Holocaust denial.

Why does this make you so butthurt? Hideing something?

This. Why are people so scared of Holocaust denial if there's nothing to hide? This is coming from someone who believes that it happened.
>only 2 million jews instead of 6 million were killed so the Holocaust wasn't a big deal, lol

This is basically what arguments against the Holocaust amount to.
Because the only possible reasons to deny the holocaust are either ignorance, unbelievable racism, or both.

Nothing good can come from denying history with such significance, as the whole world use the holocaust as something to learn from. No one wants to let these morons pave the way for something like that to happen again with their ignorance.

Historians freely discuss the details of the holocaust, as that's what historians do. Any historian who flat out denies it is going to need to have an absolute SHITLOAD of evidence, not just a few out of context things that look a bit fishy. This is why they're ostracised from the academic community - because they're either morons or have an ulterior motive.

JIDF detected.

Not even trolling, your reasoning is purely jewish in nature.
So ... only JIDF can have that opinion?
It means that the government cannot censor you.

4chan is not the government.

Jews or people controlled by jews, yes.
That's rather extreme, isn't it?

I'm not Jewish nor controlled by Jews, but even I accept that the Nazis made an effort to wipe out a shit load of people during the early 20th century, even if the exact details aren't accurately portrayed.

Or am I only allowed to believe that Nazis were happy friendly German Party and wouldn't harm a fly?

>The nazis did bad stuff but I can't prove it, go off my word and ban anyone who says otherwise, if you don't over 100 trillion jews will die.

This is what your argument ammounts to and it sounds incredibly jewish.
You didn't read what I said, did you? Matter of fact, you completely changed what I said.

"even if the exact details aren't accurately portrayed" ...

So, let's say it wasn't 6 million Jews killed, but rather 1.5 million. Still a pretty shitty thing to do.

But you think that if I believe even 1 Jew died by Nazi hands, then I am JIDF?

That's kinda sad, bro.

You realize everyone that died of starvation is counted as a holohoax victim, right?

You realize that more people died of starvation in the USA during the depression, right?

You realize by the holohoax proponents standards, the US regime is more horrendous that Germany, right?

You realize that every camp inspected by the west (i.e., not in east germany) was later deemed a concentration camp rather than an extermination camp, right? That is, every camp we actually have records of being inspected is universally agreed to have been no different than the US detainment facilities for Japs.

The Jewish line is a LIE, a FRAUD, a HOAX, and no reasonable says otherwise.
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That's not my point.

Geeze .. no wonder nobody takes Stormfront seriously. Read what I actually said and respond to it.

Don't argue at me in favor of holocaust denial. This is a pic of me ... do I look like I giving a flying fuck what the Jews say happened?

>but even I accept that the Nazis made an effort to wipe out a shit load of people during the early 20th century

This is complete fiction though.

Your worldview is unequivocally, factually wrong.
ITT: kids don't realize that /pol/ is the place where people go only after they're banned from both Stormfront&VNN.

Yes, you heard me. Stormfront has as much to do with free speech these days as niggers have with working for a living. Stormfront of today is no longer about exposing the truth as much as it is about circlejerking, worshiping hitler ("hurrrr he toly had the right to start teh war amirite gaise durrrr" repeated ad nauseam) and begging for donations, and btw it is full of Jews too (protip: kikes thrive in openly hostile environment). The more you know.
So ... World War 2 never happened? At all?
And if you believe that Germany had the right to march into Poland and force Jewish people into ghettos (a proven historical fact), then do you further believe that Israel now doing that exact same thing to the Palestinians is right?

Cuz then I'll have an issue.
Yeah ... I know. I'm just trying to understand the mentality that says, "If you're not 100% in agreement with me, then you are part of a vast global conspiracy against me."

It's weird.
Troll somewhere else please.

WW2 itself was a relatively bloodless conflict.

Almost all of the deaths associated with WW2 are from starvation which was a consequence of economic collapse in the 1920s as a consequence of monetarist economic policy instituted after WW1.

Not coincidentally, the same western allies that instituted insane economic policy after WW1 are the ones that firebombed cities.

The Nazi wars with Poland, France, etc., were all virtually bloodless and over in days or weeks.

It's simply not historically accurate to portray these guys are some mass murdering regime. If anything, they were victims of mass murdering regimes like the British Empire.
And this is what you believe? Well, ok. I suppose whatever helps ya sleep at night.

I disagree, but I reckon that just means I *must* be part of the vast global conspiracy against you, right? Oh well ... I guess I'm just going to have to live with that.

You can't respond to a single assertion of fact.

If you were intelligent enough to be part of any conspiracy, you could at least muster a respectable effort at spin.

No, I just think you are ignorant of history.
You haven't provided any evidence. You've only made statements that you believe to be fact.

You kinda have to actually cite your sources before they can be refuted, you know. Calling me ignorant doesn't make you right.

I may be ignorant, but I'm certainly no fool. I don't take anyone's word for anything.
>hitler did nothing wrong, you dumbass
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>WW2 itself was a relatively bloodless conflict.

Anyone can google starvation death numbers and compare to total deaths.

Over 7 million died of starvation in America during the war era where life was relatively easy, more than the holohoax advocates claim were murdered.

Over 2/3s of the alleged WW2 deaths are in China and USSR alone, both contributing about 20 million. Look up estimates of how many starved and you're setting at about 100% of their casualties.

No one actually disputes these facts. Pick any source of your choice.

The problem with the holohoax narrative of WW2 is that this mass death is blamed on the "Nazis" when in fact the starvation started before Hitler ever had the slightest bit of power.

There is no distinction drawn between deaths which should be attributed to British monetarism versus deaths that were a consequence of the war. Indeed, without Hitler, there would have been little prospect for worldwide economic recovery.

All Americans are taught that FDR saved America from the great depression thanks to the economy starting back up for WW2. This is largely true, albeit not the entire story. And the same is true elsewhere in the world. Who knows how many tens of millions more would have died without Hitler.

comedy gold. hitler saved people.

How do you propose the world economic crisis would have been resolved otherwise?

Keep in mind that people were starving to death at the rate of ten million a year.

Every 9 months or so without Hitler equals an entire holohoax.
So ... Hitler did nothing wrong.


I disagree. You're just going to have to learn to live with that.

You're also going to have to learn to live with the fact that I equally despise the British and the UN for their post-WWII actions, most notably in taking Palestinian lands and handing it over to someone else and is now looking the other way while they take more and more and more.

If you have a certain hero-worship for Hitler, so be it. I won't stop you or call for you to be removed from 4chan.

But if you can't accept that folks won't share your hero worship, then maybe you should just drop out of human society all together.

Why do purposefully make things up?

I expressed neither admiration for Hitler nor the opinion that he did nothing wrong.
>MFW jewish trolling lead to an informed disscussion of the "holocaust" and WW2 history.
>Why do purposefully make things up?

I don't. Sucks when someone assigns to you a social position because of simple disagreement, eh?

I'm no more JIDF than you are a Hitler worshiper, but you openly and readily accept that I *must* be JIDF; so it's only fair.
I think the dispute is also over HOW those 2mil perished. Dying from poor conditions due to reasons beyond anyone's control (losing a war) and being murdered, are two very different scenarios, and that makes a pretty big difference as to how the people responsible are treated, and how much validity the Jewish community has in parading this event as a horrific injustice. Just saying that the arguments against the Holocaust DO have a point other than "oh well not THAT many people died".
>ban opinions I don't like! t-tolerance!

Fuck this thread. Ron Paul would be ashamed.
To have tolerance you cannot tolerate intolerance, you absolute clown. What a non-argument. Fuck off.
>your reasoning is jewish
you really are a stupid man
Using 4chan as a base?

Hardly. Maybe on /pol/, but most of that is a joke.
>most of that is a joke
If by "joke" you mean unbelievably hilarious. Some guy in this thread LITERALLY just argued that Hitler actually saved people.

It's happening man. It's fucking happening...

Can't say if trolling or just plain stupid.
>Tolerance of intolerance is no tolerance at all!

What a cliche. Watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gciegyiLYtY and get fucked.
So you think that tolerance is doing absolutely nothing in the face of intolerance?
Calling people bigots because you disagree with them is intolerant.
I've seen this before. He's arguing against intolerance.

So are you. So am I.

The difference is that I'm the only one who understands that if you want tolerance you have to crack down on people who want to impose their bullshit on the rest of us. Are you saying that people should be free to oppress women? To oppress blacks? To oppress gays?
I'm just not sure how a bunch of fascists that think black people are subhuman can defend their right to free speech. The hypocrisy is gigantic.
>The difference is that I'm the only one who understands that if you want tolerance you have to crack down on people who want to impose their bullshit on the rest of us.
Fuck no you don't, "hate speech laws" just oppress more people and breed resentment.

>I'm just not sure how a bunch of fascists that think black people are subhuman can defend their right to free speech. The hypocrisy is gigantic.
How is that hypocritical at all? If you position is so superior then you should be able to prove them wrong with logic and reason.
*your position

stop being intolerant of my opinions please

do i need to call the SPLC on you?
I'll just leave this here




>>284599 (OP)
4chan was founded on complete Anonymity and Freedom of Speech. "Hate speech" is covered, and if it isn't, it's whatever the Mods say it is, which leads to oppressive banning and suppression of opinions.

And if you don't like it so much, why don't you counter it with intelligent counter points to disprove them?
You can do that, right?
>>284599 (OP)
What if I told you
that this thread
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Also morpheus.jpg.
Then you would be wrong, because I started the thread and I'm not part of Operation Redpill, the JIDF, or any other supposed 4chan disruption group.

Joking. But the idea that it might just seemed funny enough, you must admit.

Also illustrates how paranoia and the impulse to control everything could easily turn against you.

Also the fact that I'm not taking my own idea srsly doesn't automatically discredit it as false. Others are still free (and encouraged) to believe it because everyone must use their own brain.

Also responding "I'm not lying" is no guarantee of not lying.

OMG, this joke is now getting out of hand... I must be Jew or German or something...
>free speech does not cover shitposting and raiding other boards

If /mlp/ posted constant threads on /pol/ about the politics of equestria, you would be complaining

>but it's about politics
>why does it bother you so much, free speech, don't censor me
Goddamn, you stormfags are hilarious. There is no free speech on 4chan and there never was. Check global rule 17 and feed me your tears.
A "politics of Esquaria" topic would be perfectly legit in /pol/.

Multiculturalism is a direct result of jewish intervention.
Honestly what do the jews expect, people hug them for forcing them to live next to pedophiles and rapists.

/tv/ - Pedophiles

/v/ - Furries

/mlp/ - Bronies

We contain

Jew, the reason we hate you is because you turn neighborhoods into crime ridden shitholes so you can live in super-mansions in Beverly Hills.
u jelly?
>>284599 (OP)

Why do you care about "racism" Jew?
When /b/ was raiding boards child porn and gore you didn't say anything, but as soon as someone criticizes you shoot racism/terrorism at the top of your lungs.
Child porn isn't made of hate. Gore and stormfags are.

So you approve of child porn, jew?
After all you're defending it and the exploitation of children.
You idiot, I've just defended gore.
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I think despite the intentions of OP, this thread gives a lot more attention to the idea of the "red pill", perhaps to those who were previously unaware of such a metaphor. In that way I think you're totally correct.
Mind = Blown.
> There is no free speech on 4chan and there never was.
You're a fool if you think rule 17 means there is no Free speech on 4chan. Rule 17 is the same as those signs in businesses that "Reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason". It's to give them authority, but it's rarely used, because if they were to deny, say all men who came to patron their establishment, people in general would stop going, and that's exactly the opposite of what is good for the business, and 4chan.

>inb4 check your 4chan privilege

If 4chan had free speech, we wouldn't have rules. The closest thing we have to that is /b/ and even that place has rules.
I'm not disagreeing with that notion, simply that saying "free speech" doesn't exist on 4chan is untrue. Generally speaking, people can and DO say pretty much whatever they like regardless of the rules, this includes but is not limited to shitposting, trolling and off topic discussion. There are consequences for these things, but the moderation on 4chan is light at best. My argument is that it is the communities responsibility to keep these kinds of posts in check, by reporting, ignoring, and hiding them. But it's mob rule when it comes to that, and as an individual you may not be catered to if you don't like what everyone else likes.

see now you're just repeating incorrect buzzwords taught to you when your beliefs are threatened. the only hypocritical thing here is that you think these 'facists' and 'racists' dont have a right to voice their opinions, but you have a right to voice yours.
>Hypocrisy is the state of promoting or administering virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually have or is also guilty of violating.
>Hypocrisy often involves the deception of others and thus can be considered a kind of lie.

You are correct sir.
Freedom of Speech means the Government cannot censor you.

4chan is not the Government.

Therefor, there is no Free Speech here.

That is all.
OP is a liberal reddit fag.

If you don't like it go back to
/r/politics you faggot

90% of /pol/s population is libertarian conservative, not ultra-right wing nationalist you fucking dumb nigger
I wish more anons could comprehend this
Doesn't mean we should turn the entire site into a liberal circle jerk. There's already a place for that


no one is advocating that

>anonymous in charge of making relevant points
Well, He is claiming that Freedom of Speech does not apply here, thus leads to OP's argument that all racist should be banned because there is no freedom of speech for these people.

Deductive reasoning

Besides As I stated before, /pol/ has been, Since it's creation been conservative. The only real people raiding anything would be the liberals, Hell most of them had never visited the damn board until the elections. Thank god that mess is over and everything is going back to the way /pol/ was.
Is it? I still don't know who is the new president of the USA.

It's lucky that Anonymous can't disrupt my bliss because Anonymous is a liar.
The part OP is missing is that he, personally, does not dictate 4chan policy.

While Freedom of Speech and the First Amendment do not apply here, the only person who is authorized to determine what is and is not allowed on 4chan is moot.

In the 9 year history of 4chan, moot has never listened to people like OP. OP's just pissing in the wind and wondering why his face is wet.

It's equally sad and comical.
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What makes you think you belong on 4chan if you oppose racism?

There was a time when 4chan didn't have any rules, and everybody was content with the situation
Honestly, The only thing these reddit invaders have to contribute are RED vs BLUE, Obama our god and king, and LEL U MAD CONSERVITARDS xD threads. Its terrible.

I wouldn't mind the **real** left wingers if they came back on /pol/ preaching their Communism and Socialism as they have done before and what not but these guys are just plain shitposters. They are the Stormfront of the Democratic left.
>There was a time when 4chan didn't have any rules

No, there wasn't. 4chan has always had rules.
Yeah, shows how long you're here. Before 2010/11 nobody gave a shit about the global rules, and people coexisted without shitposting.
If 4chan never had rules, /l/ would still be here.
>Before 2010/11 nobody gave a shit about the global rules

>I'm pretending I've been on 4chan longer than a month.
So, nobody ever got banned for rule violations prior to 2010?

Wow ... you've been here all month, eh?

Sorry, kid. The rules we have now have pretty much always been in place. Since the beginning. They've also always been enforced.

Welcome to 4chan.
You are newfag clearly.
>he doesn't remember Snacks banning everyone for every reason possible.
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But at least I'm not claiming that 4chan never had rules before 2010.
Let us have a moment of silence, and give thanks to based Moot.

Thank you based Moot, you are truly based.
> ITT newfags falsifying 4chan history.
That screenshot has never happened.
Unlike some people, I can actually cite my source.


Want to try again, chump?
Oh, you trust the Web Archive... you fool!
Take the red pill, man...
Oh, I see ... you're just being deliberately obtuse.

>The sky is blue.
>Look up.

I'm done with you. filter > user ID
>you're just being deliberately

It's fun!

After all, that sums up /pol/ pretty well, no?
>I'm done with you. filter > user ID
I'm starting to think that this guy is not from 4chan...
but why would people be happy to see the racism threads on the vidya board?
if they want racism they go to the racism board. if they want vidya they go to the vidya one.

it's like putting a pinch of cinnamon in the salt can because "people like cinnamon! it's delicious!"
Because ultimately the community of the vidya board decides what is acceptable on the board and what isn't. If they want to have threads about racism or sexism in video games, and some gamers find that completely relevant, then that's the way the board will develop. It's the reason why /fit/ is so overrun with "feel" threads, which arguably aren't /fit/ related, but the majority of users on that board enjoy them, so they exist...
It's just the way it is.
It's not your ideas that piss people off but your constant strive to spread them on other boards.
>"Hurr durr freedom of speech"
Might as well remove captcha and allow spams in, because that's what your raids appear to me sometime, blatant guerrilla marketing (falsely called "viral marketing" on /v/) spam propaganda spree.
Problem is it's not really a pol board.
It would be for the best that we had new and pol as distinct boards.
>Child porn isn't made of hate.
>Freedom of Speech means the Government cannot censor you.
No, that's the first amendment. 4chan runs on free speech principles too, which means that moderation policy should be content-neutral.
>It's not your ideas that piss people off but your constant strive to spread them on other boards.
That wouldn't be a problem if you kept the tumblr fags off your boards. I don't go on other boards and evangelize my beliefs, but the tumblr fags do, and you bet I'm going to respond to a tumblr fag and explain why he's wrong.
We do, you adding to issue doesn't help.
>We do
They get deleted, this isn't minority report you dense cunt.

You replying off topically to an off-topic is still off-topic and it doesn't excuse stormfags from posting off-topic crap either. You have /pol/ keep your shit there, comprendo?

If 4chan starts to run on content-specific moderation it is going to turn into the kind of shit-hole that Something Awful, Reddit and Digg create. It is bad enough that the bronies were threatened with bans and destruction before they were concentrated on their own board, why create a similar situation with the stormfags?
Jesus Christ, the most obvious JIDF thread in ages
>They get deleted
It takes a while, so we have an obligation to let them know they're not wanted here.
If I was a member of JIDF I would post pretty much the same thing you just did, you discredit /pol/ by making them look like paranoid illiterate monkeys.

You sure *you're* not JIDF

anyway, JIDF or no, pro-israel shit still goes on /pol/, why aren't JIDF free to express their opinion?

You're freedom ends where criticism of my views begin.
>It takes a while, so we have an obligation to let them know they're not wanted here.
They are allowed, just direct them to /pol/ if you want to tear them apart, don't do it on other boards.
OP/you if you're OP probably made the image in question. I highly doubt /pol/ as a whole supports an obvious attempt to lower them to kike levels.
Wow, this thread is still going?

>You're freedom ends where criticism of my views begin.

Jesus christ see a therapist. That schizophrenia is taking control over you.

You do realize where you are posting, right?
"What is, joke?"
That was supposed to be green text, implying these supports of "freedom" are crying over pro-Israel posters. I just find it hilarious.

/pol/ is free to discuss what it wants, it's not a hug box.
In this thread, OP can't into free speech.
Racial realist /pol/lack here, stormfaggotry does exist on /pol/ but it is the minority and not the majority. Most of us are simply racial realists, we do not harbor views based on bigotry or ignorance but scientific evidence. To lump us in with such cultural wreckage as stormfront is insulting and dimunitive. If you have a problem with our logic, then join a race realism thread and debate it, don't come over to /q/ and misinform the 4chan user base with lies and character assassination. We will discuss race issues all day everyday, join the discussion if you do not agree.
>mfw i remember when the photoshopped e-mail of moot saying he was going to shut down /pol/
>mfw /pol/ began talking about turning another board into /newpol/
>mfw the decided on /mlp/
>mfw for the rest of the day until moot confirmed it a lie /mlp/ was constantly spammed with nazi/communist/jidf posts

[spoiler]It was a good day.[spoiler]
Also, the people who run the redpill threads amount to roughly a half dozen or so people in the same thread operating out of AU TZ. Ban them for raiding and the problem goes away. The threads are always super slow. Stormpheus is a tripfag who runs most of the threads.
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Oy vey, the goyim are organizing on your website moot! We gotta stop them, it's like another shoah in here!
That is exactly how freedom of speech works. Judicial precedent says I am correct.
Black guy here
I don't like what ISrael does, and I voice my opinion on /pol/, I'm obviously not stormfront either

You are just upset that someone isn't pro-israel and THINKS with their BRAINS

The ones you don't have moran
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Good guy
In all seriousness though, it's a nonissue

1. If you destroy /pol/ the posters will go elsewhere ON 4CHAN, not elsewhere on the internet. Remember what happened with /new/?

2. This place never had a good reputation and never sought one. Allowing offensive content never seemed to be a problem in the past. 4chan is bigger than ever (unfortunately).

3. If you're so anally devastated about it, don't go on /pol/. Go post on reddit if you can't handle offensive content. 4chan has always been a nexus of offensive content. It's par for the course. I'm sorry that it's not living up to your reddit ANONEMOUS IS LEGUN XD standards as a website for concerned youths to speak about prejudice and social justice.
Op is jidf

The jews are getting mad we are shittingf up their operations and don't want us reaching to the youth with proof

Sieg hiel

Youth for proof

Go back to reddit jidf scum you make my blood boil with the passion of a million burning jew cremating ovens
Allah akbar mah nigga
/pol/ is the last bastion of free speech on this site. /q/ and the overzealous mods and janitors ruined most other boards with their bullshit. I'm not even white.
I go to /pol/ all the time and you guys are missing the point entirely. The ENTIRE purpose of /pol/ is to contain really off the wall political theories and ideas (its called politically incorrect for a reason). There is no doubt a high ratio of racists go to the board, but it also attracts many smart people that are actually curious and want to get out of their bubble. I know I did, and while I have adopted some socially unacceptable views, I can sure as hell defend them a lot better than my contemporaries. /pol/ doesn't give the redpill with nothing but racism, it gives the redpill for everything, sometimes including racism.

Its a board full of things you will not find anywhere else, and wanting to get rid of it for a single group you dislike is the very reason we need it in the first place.
Thank you. Just, thank you.
>racist propaganda

Remember, if you're left wing, you can advocate your views all you want, but if you're a right wing racist, you're a "stormfag" and it's OK to censor your views.

Not whiite on pol daily live and let live

If stormfags want to debate I just shut them down everytime
You ass sore faggots need to migrate back to reddit and I'm raised in nyc so you can't tell me shit eat a fat fucking dick filthy hypocritical ffascist niggers
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pic related
Your welcome.

>implying mods are the sole authority of what a board is.
You know they are like glorified lurkers right?
What types of views have you adopted that are not acceptable to most?
Blacks, as an average, are less intelligent than whites. Same could be said about whites to asians, although its seems whites might have some currently untested trait that gives them an advantage. The west is setting the trend in this world is not showing signs of outsourcing that, though we have outsourced plenty else.

I think government should try its best to stay out of the market. The reason people blame the fatcats on wallstreet in the first place is because they bribe the government for an advantage. Take that away and just leave all together would be best.

Public schooling is only getting worse every time someone wants to help the under-privileged classes. No Child Left Behind is the major reason high school degrees are worthless now.

Woman and minorities setting up everything as a woman's issue or a Latino issue are just making sure that we will continue to be prejudiced.

Pulling out of the Middle East in its entirety would help us more than an undeclared war could ever hope. All the current terrorists hate us because we bombed their homes, and their numbers are increasing rapidly. On a related note, the Arab Spring will amount to zip as Muslim extremists just retain power.

Israel should be left to rot in the filth they have spewed across the Middle East. Fuck Israelis, they get their own damn children to sign bombs that will end up killing innocent Palestinians. US should cut all support and watch them burn to the ground after they realize their military is nothing on its own.

Iran is only getting nuclear power, and even if it was getting a bomb, they deserve one to negotiate with Israel on equal terms.

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