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The next 4chan Q&A/PMQ session will be held on Sunday, November 18th at 8:00PM EST.

I'm also taking questions/comments/feedback/random musings via e-mail at moot@4chan.org and on AIM at MOOTCHAT. Feel free to drop me a line or say hi!

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So, I thought raid threads were against the rules?

/pol/, and to a lesser extent /b/, have had dozens, dare I say hundreds, of threads inviting members to visit the White House petition page, and sign petitions allowing states to secede. And/or, demanding the expulsion of citizens who signed petitions to secede.

Visit the White House website and look at these signatures. Currently I'd estimate that 2/3 to 3/4 of them fall under one or more of the following:
- non residents of the states requesting secession
- non American citizens
- fake/nonsense names
- duplicate IP addresses

Moot, you're administering a raid, by 4chan, against the President of the United States of America.

On one hand, its impressive. Your mutant army's greatest accomplishment ever.

On the other hand, this is the kind of shit that can actually get a 20-something budding internet enterpreneur into a lot of trouble and blacklisted from venture capitalists just when he's trying to launch new products.

Plus, like I say, raid threads *are* against the global rules.

May I respectfully submit that the White House petitions page be added to the list of banned URL's, and persons linking to them enjoy a short auto-ban?

At least, until this all calms down.

It's your call. But you should expect to be on the news again soon. And that just invites cancer.

>NB4 "JIDF detected", "good goyim", etc..
Wait, this is still a thing? Listen to me, OP. Here's what we should do: nothing.

It's going to be much more hilarious when it fails if you just sit back and watch. Nothing is going to come of this except a bunch of butthurt rightwing freaks. And that's always something you should laugh at.
no, fuck off

keep your bitching to other boards

i'd rather /pol/ isn't neutered and overmoderated like the rest of 4chan
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>tfw he will never be directly responsible for our actions
>banned URLs

That has never stopped anyone.
moot doesn't care about /pol/.
he said from day one it would be more or less unmodderated
>At least, until this all calms down.

Hasn't it already?
Dozens of threads a day with hundreds of posts.
Shit there's one right now hovering between page 3 and page 0
Trying to get people to join you in taking political action is different from going to other boards to troll them or crash them through info overload.

If you can't handle the First Amendment, the right to petition the government, go move to China or somewhere.
Also, note that other political websites do this sort of thing all the time. Ever heard of "freeping" polls? It's where the strange alliance of confederates and neocons on Free Republic go and raid news websites to skew the polls.

Free Republic is one of the most heavily moderated, hard to post on, imageboards on the web. If they are allowed to raid, /pol/ should be too.

There isn't a first amendment on 4chan, retard. There is no freedom of speech on a privately owned website and there usually shouldn't be.

This is essentially a site-wide discussion. This applies to all boards.
>>283605 (OP)
Being "against the rules" does not render people physically incapable of performing said action.

As for the White House Petitions, those are taken about as seriously as Facebook status updates.

That doesn't mean that people shouldn't be allowed to speak up and rally for political action. I value 4chan for the fact that it has free speech compared to most other websites. If we aren't allowed to use the political forums on this website to plan political action, then you're basically neutering it. Are you making this thread just because you don't like /pol/?
>just because you don't like /pol/

You're probably on to something.
>That doesn't mean that people shouldn't be allowed to speak up and rally for political action.

Yes is does, actually.

I'm dead serious, it gives the site full permission to ban just anybody for just anything, including the 4chan equivalent of screaming directly at somebody's face for 12 hours until they agree with you just to shut you up.

>political forum

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