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The next 4chan Q&A/PMQ session will be held on Sunday, November 18th at 8:00PM EST.

I'm also taking questions/comments/feedback/random musings via e-mail at moot@4chan.org and on AIM at MOOTCHAT. Feel free to drop me a line or say hi!

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Hey moot,

Anything special gonna happen for the 10th anniversary?

Administrator Reply: >>283652
I am also interested
any hints? anything?
That's nearly a year away isn't it?

Too early to have anything specific planned.
yeah i wouldn't think anything specific would be planned yet. but there may be some big overarching ideas that have been on the backburner for a while.
>>282528 (OP)
He will close 4chan forever for the 10th anniversary.
The sad part about that is it semi makes sense.
it really does.

hopefully he finds it in his heart not to
>>282528 (OP)
Yeah, it's gonna be grand. He's gonna put silly hats over images on /b/, and post a news post. Can't wait.
Captchas will be differential equations ... for the lulz
I hope he brings the shota board back for a day.
the introduction of 4chan gold accounts.

That would be so much win.
good god i hope so
>>282528 (OP)
It's a year away.

Wait and see!
any hints? ideas? previews? ANYTHING AT ALLL???
Dude, come on ... it's a year from now. Most people don't even know what they're having for breakfast in the morning, much less what they'll be doing in 11 months.

Yes. Don't sleep tonight. You have been chosen.
I know exactly what I'll be doing in 11 months. Sitting on this site waiting for the epic 10th year bread.

And I'll be eating french toast.

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