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The next 4chan Q&A/PMQ session will be held on Sunday, November 18th at 8:00PM EST.

I'm also taking questions/comments/feedback/random musings via e-mail at moot@4chan.org and on AIM at MOOTCHAT. Feel free to drop me a line or say hi!

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Are there any updates on dealing with the thereisnosanity.com issue?
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List of the top tracked trip-users.
>>278860 (OP)
i/mlp/ier here
Tried suggesting full fledged attack against thereisnosanity, people shot down the idea
Is this really a thing?
I still can't believe that people actually believe that all avatarfags across 4chan are an "organised coalition of shitposters" out to somehow destroy 4chan.
But hey, since noone can just scroll past stuff they don't like after reporting it if appropriate, maybe it'll work.

I'm surprised no one got any further on /g/. They could've gained root if they continued working on it.
What would drive someone to do this shit? I'm really bewildered as to how some people find shitposting this fucking fun. Do they have no other hobbies or some shit.

There was a big shitstorm about it on /g/ and /q/ the other day. From what I've seen, this shit seems to be real.
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>>278860 (OP)

this is drama for drama's sake.

if we did not know that this was a concerted attack, would we stand around saying "who the fuck is attacking us?".

they released this because they failed. nobody noticed any attack, until they showed us this.

4chan cannot be attacked from outside. our main threat is from within. on every board, we should cast out the mundane and mediocre.

that is the only threat to 4chan. the idiots within.
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>damage control
>maximum damage control
It was a serious question. Most of those assholes have been around doing the exact same crap for at least two years. Why suddenly does everyone think they are the worst thing on 4chan?
People have long thought they are the worst thing on 4chan. They are the reason /mlp/ was created, and the intention failed subsequently, because shitposters gotta shitpost.
Because /g/ exposed them the other day, so most people have only recently found out about this.
Wasn't this just some guy's site that was set up to track them?

Guy was trying to help moot. It's not some site to coordinate shitposting - it was tracking them.

There's a pastebin out there that gives all the steam profiles of the ponyfags. You'd be better off trying to get them banned from steam.
Not that unbelievable, It's more than likely JIDF trying to destroy anonymous boards because they tend to be bastons of free speech.

All they need to do is destroy the idea of 4chan and people will leave.

Though you'll probably just ignore this like a brain-dead sheep because it conflicts with your world views.
Actually, I know for a fact it isn't. One of the groups (the "anime" one, which isn't even in OP's image) is actually an offshoot of the "Alice threads" of over a year ago. And I can assure you the separate groups on /b/ are in no way coordinating together, except in that they're posting stuff they like.
here's that pastebin I was talking about


I wonder what options are available for harassing them via steam
You don't think they could be possibly pretending to not be coordinating together to throw the heat off themselves?
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can't you guys just play a vidya


this is pathetic.

go play a game.
If they are, it's news to me, given I've been a regular poster in one of them and an occasional poster in the others for over a year myself.
Then you probably weren't paying attention when you were there.
It was a honeypot. Moot has control of the site.
No, I think it's more likely that given the site in the "infographic" is under a month old, the creator is someone who deliberately made it in order to cause this to take down all the stuff they don't like on /b/.
Or as put better by >>278924
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>Why suddenly does everyone think they are the worst thing on 4chan?
Easier to blame some outside force for your board being shit then it is to blame yourselves.

/v/ for example is more than capable of fucking itself up with threads like

it doesn't need "help" to do this from some "shitposting illuminati".

It wasn't an attack, though it was drama.
The idea was to incite drama within conversation threads. It started out as just a tracker for the threads to locate the active ones, then Seff had the idea to archive old ones, in which they would also be sorted by poster. He claimed it was so that people could catch up on past conversations, but it was obvious from the onset that it was just sot hat people within the threads (and without) could go and screencap archives and use them to incite said drama.

/g/ exposed nothing. The website isn't even that old.

I will concede that furries did this in the past. However, that was not what the site was for this time around. There wasn't even a way to communicate on the website.

You're just making assumptions there.

Check out >>>q278283 for an image that shows when the site was created.
I was just about to post that. The guy's using a bot or something to spam dubs shit.

I failed at linking.
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It was a honeypot. Moot has control of the site.

You can stop posting now.
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People are apparently mostly OK with "dubs" idiots, though.
Thankfully the amount of it on /b/ has dropped a LOT in the past while since that change to the post numbering, but there's still a massive amount of posts that are just "REROLLAN" 24/7.
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>>278860 (OP)
wait, what is there to deal with?
our counterthingy wasnt that important
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It just really annoys me that, for the better part of a year, 4chan was completely trolled by shit posting. Not only did people not learn to ignore obvious shit posting and drive up the problem, the trolls were so successful they were able to affect site policy and set a whole popular tone.

The only people who were punished during this whole thing were the pony threads on /co/, the one place were ponies were supposed to be and did nothing wrong. They werent any better or worse then the other general threads, but were scapegoated into a quarantine board with the /b/ shit posting.

Not that it should be undone. The start of season 3 was just a few days ago and there was hardly a ripple of notice outside of /mlp/, which I'm thankful for. The whole pony drama seems to finally be dying down. Undoing the board or rule 16 would just bring on another new wave of shitposting. The damage is done.

I just hope people will look back on this whole ordeal and know that it was shit posting and boards like /v/ and /b/'s inability to deal with shit posting that was the problem.
I've seen this post before, not that it isn't valid or relevant.
What was the point of this post? It doesn't change how the users of 4chan feel about ponies.
Nothing will. The average user of 4chan has lost the ability to scroll past and ignore things they don't like.
I got some information on only 1 of the members from murmurs and some of his buddies but it won't get anybody anywhere with just that. So here is the entire list of them (I still haven't seen the other 2 parts or whether they exist.)


I say just nip their entire operation in the butt.
>entire operation
>something that has been happening for over 18 months and nothing has changed except for that site pretty much none of those people wanted being made
Is that so? I'm just a parrot. Doesn't stop them being ban evading idiots however.
That's certainly true, but becoming a personal army requesting retard doesn't exactly elevate you above them.
No you don't. There is already like 50,000 steam groups that are being looked at. I honestly believed it was the /b/ pony bread one when a lot of people confirmed that's where the pony shitposters congregated (That's a fact by the way.) There is no definitive group however.

Anybody that tries to dismiss it was just a "honeypot" are just ignoring the bigger problem that there are idiots wasting time shitposting. Fortunately they stopped when this entire drama was let out.
Yes, there are idiots wasting time shitposting. But going full personal army idiocy on a small handful of genuinely seperate groups just because some retard made up a horribly spelled image based on false assumptions and incorrect information isn't the way to go.
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>Personal Army request
>You meant this
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>lurk moar, pls
>posting information on people's non-4chan activities
>wanting people to attack them
>thinking this isn't a personal army request
I don't think you know what this means. Nobody is requesting "HEY LETS RAID THIS SHITTY PLACE XD." Nobody has. The pastebin has been around since the 9th. Idiot.
Most of the members just joined because there was a pony pic i guess and they dont match with the tripcodes info. Get your info straight anon.
Then why keep on linking people's contact info without their consent in such a manner? You do know what global rule 4 is, don't you?
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>implying any other rule matters
sadly no
beep beep i'm a jeep
>Invite only

Totally bro.
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>Yeah! I'm totally not from said group and I'm totally not trying to prevent being caught by calling all information directed to me "an army request"

Nobody is after you, ya paranoid fucks, but you insult my intelligence to think /q/ users are this stupid.
Hey, people believed the shit in that image in the OP, I think I'm allowed to believe that in fact people ARE that stupid.
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can you into read?
try once more, ill wait
So is everyone going to do something about the small group of for profit spammers that have been hitting the site with survey, scam link, ref, steam and paypal and email harvesters "this site is glitching", coupons, blog, adsen and every other for profit link spam variant known to man for years?
Do they use Namesync?

Not sure what tools they use but they obviously have had various forms of automation for some time.
So long as they're not using namesync they're not in any organized group to ruin 4chan.
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>For once a mfw image is actually quite accurate to how I reacted.
They are not "out to destroy 4chan".

But they ARE an organized group all using a script to bypass /b/'s forced anon.
I still dispute the use of the term "organised group".
Fair enough. Fact remains that they are subverting a restriction that was put in place because of them in the first place.
Like how people had scripts to bypass word filters? Or the ones people used to still see post numbers when it was filtered to show as ending in XXX so they could still roll for dubz?
Subverting the restriction isn't the issue
Hell, I had the namescript for a while after someone linked me to it
And the site is hardly organised, its more of a gathering place where they can see where shitposting is happening so they can add to it.
>word filters
That's different, word filters are just for fun anyway.
>post numbers
Yes, like that. The numbers were replaced with XXX to cut down on GET nonsense, yet people used scripts and did it anyway. Forced anon was put in place to cut down on tripfag circlejerking, yet people use scripts and do it anyway.

>restriction put in place on 4chan
If people hadn't been so quick to dox the guy and get him to lock it down, the site could've also been used by people to find their threads easier to spambot and ruin them, to make them want to leave.
Don't think that would have done much but increase the frequency of the threads.
No shit, but we're talking about people who blame legitimately unconnected groups of avatarfags across all of 4chan for being the only reason the site sucks.
Blaming all our issues on this one group is a bit bullshit
I wonder how this site tracked its users though, would be nice if it tracked them with a more permanent means of identification other than IP or trip
By my understanding, it used data from that "NameSync" script that let you still have names/trips on the forced-anon boards.
More permanent than IP? I didn't know anything more permanent than that existed.
>I can't into dynamic IP
So if they use the namesync script (Assuming they haven't fucked with it to stop it tracking) then they will be logged with that site
Awesome, I hope moot puts a mod on that site 24/7 to just keep permabanning them
Heres hoping
With the NameSync script.

Then it kept the Unique ID and carried on with it, I think.
I've yet to be banned.

I just tested my trip out on another board, too.
Eh, I had that script too but I never used it with a name, infact I don't I ever posted on /b/ using that script
I believe that was the plan, which was why in the threads on /g/ the OP's image came from, moot himself (with his damned admin capcode on) said to leave the site's maker alone.
>>I can't into dynamic IP
Still doesn't answer my question...How do you even track someone who's IP has changed? I'm sorry I'm such a noob.
You know, after some time has passed, I can't help but compare /b/ to the Church of Scientology. That group was hit for their "part of us or against us" attitude, and for the reactions.

Circlejerks and ponies are put into a "you're one of us or you're a pony" and any sign of pony fandom (as well as anime, for some) send people off into tangents, and are guaranteed responses.

Its funny how it has all come back full circle.

It required you to post while using namesync, and for at least 3 (or was it 5?) others to have done the same in the same thread.
Probably because the PC you use to post with also carries some string of numbers that identifies it with 4chans servers
I think, don't quote me on that
This is the kind of shit they pull as a group.





They make a thread on any board and just talk random shit to eachother.
However it wouldn't surprise me if they shitpost anonymously when alone. Maybe the repeated shitpost threads you see on /v/ so much.
Three other posters with a unique ID using namesync
Because it couldn't possibly be different people, right?

Some clients would use a hash of mac, HD serial numbers, cpuid's etc.
Well, every site uses something like that...it's called cookies. As I'm sure you know, those are easy enough to get rid of.

Meh, not important right now, I guess.

Yes, there are a handful that do these things, and they coordinate it within the threads, while others call them idiots, and follow to report the threads.


Some of the posters are the same, and they're notorious for being trolls.

Please note that sync stalker was only created on the 19th of October.
>and follow to report the threads.
Which has no effect.

Well, on /a/, there was a time when it did. Actually, I'm sure one of those linked got all the posters banned due to reports.
So all it takes is a crappily made "infographic" with a dozen spelling mistakes and wholly flawed information to motivate "the legions" apparently.
I'm going to edit one up right now to drag the autistic knuckledraggers that spend all day "rolling" for "dubs" into this.
It could be but i mean this is a really large group of people that have this really shitty attitude.

I'm sure some of them have the shitposter mentality. It wouldn't surprise me if at least some of them shitpost on other boards on a regular basis.
If there was anyway of getting rid of them all permanently then it would make 4chan a much better place.
Sadly i don't think there is a way to do that.
shitposter pls leave
The group has existed well before that site was made i think.
Yeah those threads work a treat.

Shame the mods delete them and then go back to sucking their own cocks instead of cleaning up the board.

>No a thread devoted to cleaning up your board isn't allowed, that's my job and i'll fuck it up as much as i want to

I disagree, as a poster from those threads.
I've explained this before, but I contribute to a lot of threads, on a variety of boards. Are there shitposters? Yes, they're in every thread of every board. We would be lying to say that we don't have a few. However, to assume that we are all shitposters is a logical fallacy for those that just want to take the easy way to deal with at least a few shitposters with a viewable result. That is what it comes to - how obvious the results are.

If we could get "banned" text on a variety of threads again, rather than just thread deletions, I think it would start to do the same thing.

Then again, we're trying to moderate what can be rather hard to moderate.
Yes, removing those few people would improve a lot.
Just look at /b/ right now -

rolling thread - "weapons" variant
count to 10 and i'll (doesn't fucking matter what)
you laugh you lose
camwhore that isn't delivering - /soc/
foot fetish thread
assassin's creed 3 - /v/ or /vg/
post itt if you're - a virgin
animated gif porn dump - /gif/
furry porn
"friendzone"/"beta" crap
socialising over alcohol thread
"post your reaction faces"
rolling thread - "how i'll fap" variant

Removing the ponies and furfags would sure improve that!
>I disagree, as a poster from those threads.
>I am a shitposter, please listen to my opinion

Whatever you say has no merit because you admitted to being a part of those circlejerk shitposting threads.

Just because you post normally on occasion doesn't negate the fact that you are a shitposter.
Leave 4chan.
Define "shitposting".
Hard mode - nothing that's your subjective opinion.
I don't give a fuck about /b/, it's a shithole anyway.

I'm saying that the people from this group also post in other boards and they more than likely bring their shitty shitposting trolling mentality with them.

/b/ will always be bad but getting rid of these faggots will improve the rest of 4chan.
There are plenty of members who are in it simply for the ironic shitposting, backstabbing anons who post in their threads just to get their own way and trying to be funny with everyone.
>note ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Anything that doesn't contribute to a thread if you are posting in an already made thread.
Anything that's posted for the purpose of baiting other people. Like feminism or pony threads. Retards will always reply
Anything that's offtopic.

I think that covers it. Got anything else to add?
Well, the threads are used as a medium to talk to others on a board that is 'Random'

So, iunno.

See, now you're just acting like Scientology.


Except, the threads that I'm "shitposting" in are discussion threads, so they are on topic.


Most of those on the list contain themselves to /b/, at least in the case of the anime circlejerk threads. I don't know about the furfags or bronies.
I cannot disagree with any of those. That's actually quite impressive, to be honest I was expecting a massive rant about how I must be a ponyfag in disguise for not agreeing with you on 100% of things.
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>not just going on a full-fledged attack, DDoSing their site, hacking all the shitposters and dumping their personal info everywhere

Ancientfag here, jesus fuck you guys are pussies. Are you faggots REALLY just gonna sit here and let them ruin your 4chan?

>"b-but we can solve it peacefully and diplomatically no need to be 'hurr hurr lejun' about it"

Raids are still fun, and if you don't do shit when people try to fuck with the site, more people will come here and attack/shit the place up. Let's face it, you niggers have gone soft. Man the fuck up and stop relying on Moot and his shitheaded mods.
DDoSing their site would do nothing since it's a just a stat tracker.

"Their site" is essentially 4chan, so might not be a good idea to DDoS it. Even if you do they will just go to their steam group or stream.

Finding their personal information might work though, i dunno. They seem pretty neckbeardy, not sure they would care.
You're talking about a 4chan that with over a month of focused attention on one specific individual, managed no more than a handful of prank phone calls and a few pay-on-delivery pizzas. The days of "the legion" are long gone.
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Bronies are exactly like furries. Every other part of the internet/the media/etc. treats them exactly like furries. The only ones that haven't figured this out is 4chan (or specifically /v/).

/b/ is no longer functioning as it was in 2007 - it cannot provide the mass ridicule needed to keep bronies in line. Nor are they motivated to, since bronies started in part because of /co/ and are thus ostensibly resilient to trolling (although /mlp/ has proven otherwise time and time again).

However, I'm not particularly concerned since /mlp/ is doing its job as a containment board whereas furries still run rampant on /v/ and /b/ due to neglect.
>Finding their personal information might work though, i dunno. They seem pretty neckbeardy, not sure they would care.

Whether or not they're "neckbeardy" is irrelevant. The full Encyclopedia Dramatica treatment always works. Other than the shear embarrassment, it assures that they'll be continuously unemployed and thus never be able to post stupid shit here again because they can't afford internet.
Also, you're still acting like this is some group from outside 4chan entirely that has only recently made a concerted "attack" against it.
When the ponies have been posting for nearly 2 years now, the avatarfags for longer, and the furfags for even longer than that.
I got banned 6 times in an avatar thread earlier, hit a button on my router, 30 seconds later post again.
shit was so cash.
>not banned again
probably got bored.
What a life you live.

You sure showed him.
On your last post quote, the animefags do stick to /b/. The fur-avatarfags stick to /b/, the anonymous furfags, who post porn and complain about avatarfags RUININ DERE IMAGE LIMIT do tend to shitpost on other boards.
Couldn't tell you about the brony threads, I find the autism level too high there, compared to the other two.

Also, for the record, the three groups you mentioned tend to not like or interact with eachother much, and I'll explain why.

>I avatarfag in the [blank] threads
>I don't know people in the other thread/s
>the few I've seen, that cross into our threads from one of the other two only come over to shitpost
>form the belief that all of [other] thread is similarly stupid
>never go over there because I think they're stupid and wouldn't know anyone
I'd be much better off waiting out my bans like a good person for talking at people on a site.
explaining the mentality with greentext, I don't necessarily mean myself when I said I.

Interesting to note that all of the tripcodes listed on seff's site are now banned.

That'll teach us.

Moot, the threads tracked were, for the most part, self contained threads of users. The tracker was used to locate them, and most people thought the statistics thing was stupid.

What you are doing now, however, is laying the foundation to make people a little disgruntled, which will only encourage shitposting. The act of banning the tripcodes will do nothing to deter us, as most of us were just on /b/ to begin with. Those that went outside will still post anonymously, and avoid the ban.

So, your ban on the tripcodes is a moot point.
Shouldn't be abusing tripcodes in the first place.

Follow the rules of the site or go somewhere else.
I've seen that said before. How was using a feature meant to give an entirely optional means of self-identification without requiring login, as a means of self-identification, "abusing a feature"?

Can survive without, and can easily create another tripcode. They weren't really abused, as the name and trip was only used in one place, to keep up with conversations.
Banned on /q/ yes, it's not banned on /b/.
I'm talking to people as we speak.
Although, a lot of them seem technologically impaired and can't change IP.
and what is with saying 'your'?
Anonymous image board. You want self-identification then go post on reddit or something.

Everyone using tripcodes so that they can recognise eachother is abusing tripcodes. Well i think it is anyway.

That was the part of the message to moot.


The name still isn't associated elsewhere. Not like we have true anonymity, anyways.
Then why even have the tripcode functionality on the site, if using it is grounds for being banned?

That was very insightful, gfH4hjZy.
You know i could swear i saw a rule about Tripcodes somewhere but i can't find it.

Maybe i was wrong but i thought they were only used to identify certain important individuals in a thread that need to be identified like the OP in a specific thread.
If you want to know everyone that you are talking to why not just chat on steam or something?
In retrospect I swear there used to be one too, actually.

And I actually agree with you. I've rarely if ever used one myself, and the one I did use a handful of times is site-wide banned because it got caught in one of the attempts to purge ponies from /b/ when there was still a namefield there.
I've always tried to convince the "anime" circlejerk at least that they should piss off elsewhere if all they want to do is sit around talking about nothing of value amongst themselves.

Because I like to talk to monsters on a website for monsters. On steam, others could get involved. /b/ related content should stay on /b/.
Lets get to the point here, not that anything is going to come of any of this.

Is making a thread that people tend to stay in, and talk amongst themselves, really that bad?
It's basically self-containment. The only problem is that people have names so they can recognize eachother, have images to add another element of familiarity that text can't convey.

There is no conspiracy, no leaders, no followers. More liked people, sure, but the person who starts the threads have no power.
They might think they do, but then they're just fucking retarded.
if they are, they shall be laughed at.

Is it because there's no originality or helpful content?
people would be hard pressed to find it elsewhere.
The reason they're not on another site is because they started here, enjoyed it, got passed the gore, the stupidity, the attempt at drama and long dead memes and saw people talking to eachother, and decided to join in.

Personally, the threads are something I keep open and see what's going on. Offer my opinion on something if I feel it necessary.
I post porn in porn threads on occasion, cont. r34 for those with requests, report cp, generally be helpful.

But get banned because I talk with people in specific threads.
So yeah, call it shitposting.
I've been here, I like it. I don't feel like leaving yet.
also yall can suck my dick.
I felt like giving you a serious response until you showed that you are underage.
I'm a '91 fag.
Can you see the effort here? This guy is deeply concerned about 4chan and bronies. Give him the faggot-award.
>It's basically self-containment.
Which failed only a few hours ago. They FAILED to keep it to one thread.

I still say the solution is just to get more mods so that the threads can be deleted faster.
You mean if you provoke trolls, they'll respond by trolling? Stop the god damned presses.
There's some CP on /pol/.
Mods want to get that
That...that doesn't follow from what I said at all.
Until this shit blew up, I hadn't even seen both ponies and furfags on a page 0 refresh in months. Now they're going nonstop.

Giving a group an outside aggressor to band together against only makes them stick around longer.
Then stop acting like a '96 fag.

It was when the bans stopped that things died down, for all 3 of the circlejerk threads.

Also, trolls will be trolls. People that aren't ponies will use ponies to troll, because it works. It is an easy way to generate rage, because people reply to it.
Ah, I see.

HOWEVER...yeah, more mods and janitors. Shorten the response time for reports. They WILL stop if they can't actually keep their own threads for more than a minute.

Wrong. That intensified everything 18 months ago (give or take) when pony and alice threads (as well as fur, a few times) were constantly getting banned. The result? The communities are still there.
They sure will.
It wouldn't work so well if the rest of 4chan could calm the fuck down and not fly into an autistic rage at the mere implication of a colourful Flash-animated young horse.

Absolutely agree that 4chan needs more mods and janitors. Especially in "off hours".
>People that aren't ponies will use ponies to troll
>People that aren't ponies
I know what you mean, but I lold
But yes, ponies are literally the easiest thing to troll with on 4chan
Post a pony on /b/ and people will respond


This one's been up for an hour now.
On slower days, which it hasn't been at all since all this shit over a site that links to threads, it'd be 3 or 4 hours, just to get it to max.
Mods are being lazy as fuck across all boards it seems.

This shit has been up for like 2 hours on /v/.

It's clearly an /an/ raid.

Have you looked at that thread? How is that different than any other thread on /b/ right now?
If people still possessed the ability to just ignore shit they don't like, or at least to just silently report it and move on, none of this would have happened at all.
Looks like a chatroom to me.
Can't they just use a chatroom?

There are dozens of messenger services out there.
Nah, shit goes to fast for me to even care about the animefag threads.
The problem is a lot probably do, it's only the ones that don't that you see.
vocal minority
Anyone who didn't bother reading that shitfest will be interested to know, even the anime avatarfags are opposed to this "Seff" person's little website now.

We were from the start.
Quite a few had problems with it, and Seff kept tweaking it and tweaking it.
I only used it to get to threads cause it was slightly more useful than getting on 4chan browser and looking for 3 to 5 seconds.
I wasn't even aware there was one of these list things.

The list was created like, last week.
still don't see how linking people to threads means it's organized.
From my understanding, it's because "as a joke" this "Seff" changed the headers on the tallies of each person's posts to things like "number of shitposts".
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I like the site.

I'm just saying. Although I can't access it right now - not even *I* have that privilege. (for now)
Yes, yes, we know.
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We're not an organised group deliberately shitting up 4chan. We never have been. That site pertains only to 4chan, and we all (usually) just keep to our own threads and leave everybody else alone.

And the "shitposts" and "shittier posts" thing WAS a joke.

It's a good site [random animu circlejerker here], even if you don't get it.
Feel free to contribute something other than "you're wrong because [exactly what you just said]" or "it's good because I like it" and your stupid name and avatar any time.
I'm starting to understand why people hate avatarfags.
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The site had a good purpose at first - it helped people find the threads easier, it saved the images we posted, and it also acted as a decent topic of conversation. It also acted as an archive. Or was going to.

Sure, things went a little sour (to some, I liked the lulz it generated), but those goals are mostly intact... even if they've been halted for now.
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>hurr hurr hurr

Kill yourself.
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>Kill yourself.
Damn it, Bartholomew.
Go to bed, or college or whatever.
holy shit. shut the fuck up you damn retard.
>Not laughing at /pol/ antics

Oh come, it's funny shit.
they only attack shit boards so it doesn't concern me
What board do you stay on?
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you have a wierd idea what a attack is
I've heard these guys hang out in the archive at /foolz/ or at least a small part that attack /a/ do, they're responsible for the "Every Chuuni thread" spam that goes on under a trip with that .gif

Unsurprisingly the /a/ part circlejerks over precure which is anime version of MLP
Holy shit... What a ridiculously sad group of people...

I have no idea who you are, what you are trying to do and I don't care.
But having a dedicated group for shitposting on a forum of the internet is pretty fucking retarded
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>But having a dedicated group for posting on a forum of the internet is pretty fucking retarded
you cant be this stupid, nor serrious?
You do realize that we have IDs here, right? There's no need to avatar.
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im not posting with same browser at all time in threads (different ID's) also there is the ban thing
Why would you use a diff browser?

>Hurr Hurr Hurr

Kill yourself. Also >>279824
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-4 portable + chrome + chromium
oh there are reasons, post limit beeing one
but prime one was the little race we had going, see OP pic
soo why is pylons on that list?
why are you people still posting

It was a honeypot. Moot has control of the site. /thread
What is with all the avatarfags on /q/ these days? I'm not really annoyed by this, it's just that I find it odd that half the threads have some pony avatarfag on them.
I doubt it's Pylon the Porn Dumper
Real deal aspergers (unable to tell they are unwanted), need for attention, etc
it's the same

he's a known member of their order

it can't just be circle jerks; all forms of their cancer must be purged including image dumping

He is listed because he used the userscript of /b/ name sync. That is all that was required to end up on that list.
does it change anything? if he's not with us he's with them, he needs to be purged

There's no /b/ related discussion going on in those threads; dumps are just as cancerous

I'm sorry if you like that guy, but we can't start making exceptions our resolute must be crystal clear

The black and white scenario of "with us or against us" doesn't really get you that far.

Also note that those tripcodes are only banned outside of /b/. They can still be used with namesync and no ban will be given.
so that's the plan we just surrender /b/ to them? These guys move slow but they're relentless, if we give them any ground their just gonna creep into the other threads. It might take years, but they'll do it
*other boards

they already raid and "takeover" other threads

The main time that people creep into other threads are when there are reactions like the one being displayed now.

The best part is, it usually isn't even those from said threads, but those that save the images in order to troll others and lay the blame elsewhere.

Quit being so easily trolled and learn to hide threads you don't like, and there goes the problem.
I just can't stand this unstoppable shitposting illuminati

they make me so mad

It isn't what you think it is. It is a community that likes to discuss things with each other.


Also, those are trolls that do that to multiple boards.

The people listed on Seff's site have all been hit with a "ban evasion" ban on their tripcodes, which it a lot of people that have never done so.
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It started.

We were asking him to take it down anyways.
what is /b/ related discussion really?
pylons dumps are better than shitty you get 69 you become a mod other shit roll threads and spam threads
Nah, it's just that they're vulnerable to a specific DoS attack affecting Apache servers. It's trivial to launch it and consumes tiny amounts of BW
stop lying and discouraging people by calling them names and insulting them, shitposter. we all know you just try to divert attention away from it because it's true.
Tripfagging on a forced anon board is a pretty clear violation of the rules.
There are tripfags on boards like /x/ that don't get banned, or for that matter even hated on that much.
Time to rejoice.

Suck it, tripfags.

one of us does not know what forced anon means.

i was under the impression that forced anon was like /q/ and /b/, where you cannot use a name or a trip.
>people that use NS
I think your tinfoil hat is on to tight OP.
some people are just idiots.
think about. Let's say there IS a group plotting to kill 4chan. Would they really use Tripcodes? AKA something to identify them by?
I dont think trolling is a bad thing, but all those threads lack any sort of creativity. Its like circlejerking for the unimaginitive. That being said, I just hide them like any other shit thread i dont care to read (most of them).

Although, I wouldnt mind fucking with these nerds, for the lelz.
yeah I hate nerds

Heh, you appear to be one of them. I enjoyed beating you queers up in high school, good times.
They tried to move to 7chan but they got ignored so they gave up.
Attentionwhores gonna attentionwhore.
lol really?
Yeah, a few people were samefagging for attention, got no attention apart from a few sages at the end of the thread and it just slipped off page 0.
All they crave is attention and we don't give it to them so they give up.
Nah man, the only way to defeat them is with bypassable bans.
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I bow to your superior knowledge and methods, anon. [also sarcasm]

Should have sent them to /eh/
Seff claimed just yesterday that he/she/whatever is the only one with access to the site, despite many of the group 'members' opinions against it.
Good. Stopped them cold apparently. There will probably be a new website for them eventually.
Seff said this in a thread I was in.

And bailed after one of the more 'well known' posters game him/her/whatever a tongue lashing.

No one wants a site except for Seff.

Only reason anyone was listed on ThereIsNoSanity is because of Namesync.

I personally hope Seff stops trying with the site all together.
And all of this because some people want /b/ and the rest of 4chan to be their personal chatroom.

It's sad, really.
It's mostly /b/
only /b/.
when you think about it the CJ's are the only good threads left.
Well, that last consistently decent thing.

/b/ surprises me at times....
But not too often.
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was just about to make a thread about this
thank fucking science i decided to lurk first and check other threads
>3/10 swag
damn I need to step it up!
I was talking about this since months and no one believed me.

Some threads were shit up so quickly it must have been an organized group
quick question. If there IS a group plotting to destroy 4chan wouldn't they do it anonymously?
That site was only up for 3 weeks.
They wouldn't get attention or the ability to take credit if they did it anonymously.
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you guys are talking things to far, were not some organized shitgrp to destroy all of your porn threads.
we just want our /b/read, this is just what we need to do to keep it up
>no. 27

Wow, I thought I scored higher than that.
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why am i not there
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it's not like they've achieved anything by shitting up /b/, they should target actually good boards if they wanted to do that
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about fucking time i got some recognition
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What, people are still fussing about this?
You guys all thought this was real?

Everyone on the board got trolled, I think.

Why am I even on the list? Who even made that list? Did I say something to offend someone? Are you telling me somebody actually cares who I am? I wasn't even trying to be an attention whore.
at least you're on the list

What is the point of posting that list? It looks like it was fan-made.
what's the point of credit on a destroyed site?
easy for you to say! you got a higher swag score then me!
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4/10 isn't even a good swag.

If I'm going to be so low on the list, why even put me on the list?
That's assuming I've contributed anything at all, I don't do anything but talk to the people I know. I stick to one thread and I don't go around in other threads to troll or make a scene.

As far the 'ocean of piss' analogy goes, I don't get the whole uproar, but I admit whoever set the stage to get the /b/ personal army to rage did a pretty good job in directing the pitchfork mobs towards what I think is a pretty decent group of people (save for cancer like bern and haikus) who have kept me from being bored to death on /b/ for lack of any better threads to visit.

In fact? I got addicted to the airport game recently, that just shows you how poor in quality the average thread is and how little I'm interested in traps and rating your penis.
I always thought you contributed in some shape or form. And yeah there are some decent non-CJ threads on /b/. Sadly they are far and few in between.
> I don't get the whole uproar
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Wait a second, people are getting pissed off about /b/ trolls? As in, people who are on fucking /b/? As in, people still use /b/? In 2012?

I seriously hope you guys dont do this.
> a pretty decent group of people
>implying there is anything decent about human trash
Good stuff

>implying I give a shit about b
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Might as well post this

>can we are banned now?
>wanting to get wise banned
he also posts on /g/ and knows allot about mechanical keyboards.
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wise is a retard
I'm still not sure what's worse.
That people actually bought this crap that it was a globally organised confederation of "shitposters" trying to "ruin" 4chan by... having conversations and using names, or that anyone thought that one thing was the worst garbage that's on /b/ anyway.

exactly. if they wanted to hurt 4chan, they could destroy any number of slow moving boards.

my opinion, is that part of it is idiocy, but part of it, especially the pony threads, is a protest at how much shit is accepted by /b/. frequently the pony thread is the only one on page 0 that has anything resembling intelligence.
Ben Davies, fuck off.
>>278860 (OP)
Can't moot sue the webmaster of thereisnoinsanity?
Seff has been doxed and harrased IRL
Also what can Moot sue him on? Making a shitty website?
I don't know, disrupting his business or something? I 'm not a lawyer
how? how is thereisnosanity disrupting 4chan?
The only people that disrupt 4chan now are the people bitching about "organized shit posting"
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you faggots are taking internet to serrious
b-b-but the tripfag's are ruining mah 4chanz!
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tripfags dont exist
they are all npc's controlled by moots servers.
they serve the purpose to adjust the board quality to moots desire for the day
>not knowing this
shhh! the general public must never learn about this!
What if we're all A.Is living in the 4chan server, and our real lives are just a simulation so that we don't realize that we are just A.Is made to inhabit this stupid website?
kinda sounds like a waste of money.
Also what if I am the only human and everybody else is just a AI?
Raiden, turn the game console off right now!
Why don't we just ask them why they do this?

Wintermoot, why is there a secret tripfag circlejerk party?
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not secret, we link namesync to those we see stop by more than once
seff set up a site to track stuff like posts and how often a certain words was used. Some idiot thought it was a secret club plotting to destroy 4chan.
That's it.
wintermoot, imma start calling you Mootcicle
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>yfw Tripfag civil war of 2009 all over again.

The witch hunt is already starting. 4chan is done guys. It's the end of days. It's like the bible, the second onslaught is the last. EXCEPT REAL!
maybe this is what that mayan prediction is all about!
The best part is how people acted like Seff was the "leader" of a group that's been around for years, all because of a website that was up for under a month.

They posted about 9 hours ago to insist they've taken it all down for good.
You're fucking retarded. I'm great friends with one of those trips, they're not part of any supposed organization.

Damage control: ON
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retardmode : engage
I'm real, check my last.fm, my Steam, whatever the fuck. There's no way to talk you guys out of this. As much as I generally dislike tripfags, they're not plotting to destroy 4chan.
is there any proof that there is a boss or some kind of program. Like "day X month Y raiding of board Z will commence"
with all respect your pony posting isn't really helping.
Super Hyper Mega Ultra Nega Damage Control: ON.
you know I have a theory: There IS a group plotting to destroy 4chan but it's not the tripfags. It's people like OP plotting to set the mods up against a innocent group of posters. Once those are gone they'll move on to the next group and so forth.
Have you even seen any of those threads? They can't even agree on something among themselves without nearly combusting, let alone across separate groups.
you know what. Just ignore him. I doubt he will listen to any form of logic or reason.
I just felt like saying something. I really have zero idea what's going on, except for the fact that kids think 4chan is their personal messageboard and there's something about some Shitpost Illuminati.
in short.
Some people use /b/ as a chatroom.
Somebody kept track of all of it's posters and compiled a list of them.
Somebody found that list and thought it was a group of tripfags plotting to destroy 4chan.
Followed by a tripfag witch hunt.
sometimes we use the subjectfield to make hidden messages.
the people who post in those threads use a extension that allows names/tripcodes on /b/ and /q/
Oh. Awesome. I don't see why it would matter because /b/ is a random board. But sure.
That's funny, man.
See, I knew that much, I just didn't know anything about the site or anything like that.
>Oh. Awesome. I don't see why it would matter because /b/ is a random board.
sadly the people who started the witch hunt weren't that mature.
Well. That is a shame. I would say that there are outlets to have conversations like the ones they have on /b/ in a continuous thread such as instant messengers, but it's not like /b/'s any worse for the wear because of their threads. Besides, there really isn't much that can be done even if mods were told to crack down on this.
>screencap archives and use them to incite said drama.

you don't have a clue...screencaps are taken on the spot any way and drama is already part of it so this did not create much more
gotta love the blank mystery poster at #17
Who could that possibly be? I haven't a clue.
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anon, obv
An to be perfectly honest most of us that are in these chat threads are only shitposting there...outside those threads we do not avatar and stick to the topic of the thread
Here's the Joke.

That list was made up before Namesync.

Point is, we were doing this long before some idiot decided to track post.

We only getting attention again cause of /g/ 'discovering' Namesync.

See you in the threads.
Darn me for having my name on.

Show no fear...just cuz we use namesync does not mean we should fear these people...we need to come to a compromise
bump because mods have been ignoring this for too long.
most of these threads aren't even bothered by your average /b/ user anymore. they're largely ignored. Not deleted mind you, you still see these things on page 0 everyday, but it's gotten to the point where no one really gives a shit anymore.
Why should we compromise with anything? Them shit posting isn't them making some sort of legitimate movement, it's a campaign to make something worse. To compromise on this is stupid, and you're an enabler or a full-blown supporter.

Also go read a list of Logical Fallacies, you'll find one about compromising on a lot of issues.
Fun fact: 4chan is not a chatroom
There are several chat clients out there on the internet, which would make it a lot easier for you guys to chat. You also make these threads using pony pics, furry and gfur among other material which is either against the rules or known to be annoying to the userbase, but somehow you still claim that you do no harm and just want to enjoy /b/
Yeah, bullshit
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Yes /q/ knows this by now and they post in them all the time. That's why that Pastebin of their shitty group is there on the very top of this thread. Their faggots, they aren't gonna listen.

Now if you excuse me, I have to go get called an EPIN PERSONUL OORMY fag again when the Calvary return for the 4th time.

>thinks people post that stuff purely because it annoys others
>doesn't think it's because they legitimately enjoy it
Another pony thread on /b/, front page, first thread. It's been this way for weeks. Mods are bronies now.
If only there was some way you could notify the moderators that a thread broke site rules, instead of just whining like a spoiled child that page 0 wasn't 100% "fuk dis bitch up" and trap porn threads.
If only there was some way to teach people not to get so buttfrustrated at stuff they don't like

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