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What can we do to dispel the batshit insane rumour that the JIDF are watching /pol/?

No one is interested in your silly racist circlejerk. Not the JIDF, not the US government, no one. Basement dwelling neckbeards are literally the last port of call for anyone trying to gather intelligence.
>>267390 (OP)

This is exactly what the JIDF want.
>>267390 (OP)
The same way we always do it. We create an even crazier, wilder, and much larger lie that they'll all flock to.

Right now they believe the JIDF thing because we made them do it. Maybe it's time for the next step in World Wide Jewish Domination (WWJD).
the JIDF is just a metaphor for the rabid, hateful, entitled, racist pro-israelis that can be found on any internet forum. They're literally more mouth-foamy than fucking skinheads. These posters not necessarily israeli or even jewish either, alot of brainwashed american christians too
>just a metaphor
JIDF please go.
>>267390 (OP)

JIDF lost its original meaning long ago.

JIDF means "idiots like the people who post in /pol/".
Um, because they are.


This is the verified twitter account of the JIDF posting a screenshot of a thread on /pol/.
OP is literally a JIDF disinformation agent.
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you aren't making yourself hard to spot anymore.
the JIDF is currently the biggest threat to 4chan and our life's. it's not just /pol/, they have agents on each board paid to post pro Israel and ant racist content and they will stop at nothing until free speech on the internet is dead. if you spot a JIDF agent report them and email moot to block Israeli IP's from 4chan all together. you think reddit is bad for this site? the JIDF is a thousand times worse.
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Except they are.
Eh, you do know there are more Jews in the US than in Israel, right?

That couldn't possibly be fake or anything, nah.
>scream JIDF DETECTED for 3 years straight
>the guy from JIDF finally stops by for a day to see what the fuss is about
>laughs at you, never comes back

What the fuck did you expect to happen?

>reddit bookmarks

>defending the JIDF
>OP wanting anti JIDF comments censored
Actually, nobody from reddit really comes here.

Just like the JIDF. Also, I though you guys liked free speech? What next, people who disagree with you in anyway should be banned?

Guess that's how it is with you libertarians, our rights end where your feelings and opinions begin.
It's the whole "communities that get their laughs from pretending to be stupid will eventually etc." deal, OP.

Jews have been the butt of jokes on 4chan since it was formed, but that right there is the keyword, "jokes". Very few people seriously believed that "jews did WTC", it was just a meme. However, these memes were so pervasive that newcomers to the board took them seriously. Between all the jew jokes and the general lack of political correctness, a few Stormfags got it in their heads that 4chan was a save haven for their racist faggotry, told all their Stormfag friends about 4chan, who in turn told their friends...and the rest is history.

What began as a joke making fun of the very type of people who now infest /pol/, nowadays will be taken seriously by most of /pol/'s residents and even quite a few folks outside of /pol/. Post "Jews did WTC" there now and you'll get a good chunk of people who actually believe you, whereas before it was a rare sight to see even one person taking it seriously (and even that one person was usually just trolling for the funz).
I am from jewish heritage myself, and the JDIF can go fuck off. They and zionist overlords make us look bad.

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