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You know, moot, if you had made an official archive like everyone wants, this wouldn't be a problem. But no, you just have to keep up that fantasy of yours that archives destroy anonymity and ruin boards. Fuck you.

Administrator Replies: >>264485 >>265379
Archiving is useless. Thank god, it's not possible anymore
But there are automatic archives for most boards without voting shit and obnoxious ads.
>>264159 (OP)
Good. Fucking sick of constantly seeing "omg epic archive nao lol lol lol xDDDDD" posts whenever someone gets a 2 image combo.
Good. Why would you want to see what I wrote 3 years ago on 4chan. I was a totally different person. There is literately no purpose to it.

If there is for some reason a "high quality" (whatever that is) post then I can guarantee someone will have screenshotted it and it will be flavour of the month posted everywhere

If you want that sort of crap try reddit.com/r/4chan, there you can post inane comments and receive a digital penis boost at the same time AND have your post preserved for all eternity so you can link it to your friends and they can bask in the glory of your e-peen
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>people thinking this is a good thing
>>264159 (OP)
If you had donated instead of spending all your money on weed, beer and lube. It might not have closed.

Don't cry though, there is still /r/4chan and /r/classic4chan for your glory days needs.
FYI most boards are automatically archived anyway. /b/ threads can be found on a popular subreddit, don't cry over it.
>you know, moot, if you had made an official archive like everyone wants, this wouldn't be a problem.
moot can barely afford to keep 4chan going, he wouldn't have a prayer of keeping an archive going as well. and not everyone wants an archive.
>Good. Why would you want to see what I wrote 3 years ago on 4chan.

How would anyone know it was you? unless you are a subhuman tripfag.
there were a shitton of threads there that the Foolz Archives didn't have

I don't particularly care for /b//gets/forced memes/whatever, but there was a LOT of other stuff there that I liked.
Nothing of value etc.
Only sad because of the /d/ threads.
alright, capsized here, believe it or not.

i have time for one answer and then i'll already need to leave, but just wanna say a couple things.

i cannot operate the site anymore because paypal permab& me and i cannot pay the server invoices anymore. sure there would be other ways to continue running the site, but i'll add more information probably next monday on the site directly.

>>264159 (OP)
you are wrong in many ways.
4chan can only survive _because_ it has no archive.

and i honestly i wish them all the best.

if there is something that i'm sorry for then that the site has actually created a new kind of spam.

it's not about ones personal history, it is the history of the internets

there was enough money to afford a decent server setup.
Any possibility of being able to give the data to someone else? We could create another archive.
I just want to thank you. I'm so sorry to see this go. Chanarchive was my total escape from the world, it was the best of 4chan with all the children filtered out. Sure there were stupid things archived but they soon went...God I'm going to miss it.
Yeah, man. I hope your post on monday includes the possibility of getting the site back up somehow. It's basically the "best of 4chan". AND THERE'S REALLY GOOD PORN.
i have taken the backups and i will post more information the next days for people willing to continue the archive.

don't thank just me. it was the mods who were keeping things running even when i was absent for months.

just cleaning up and shutting down the old server... i'm a sad panda now, but it is the only way to go for me atm...
Chanarchive practically raised me, it's taught me so much and brought me years of entertainment. It's crushing to see it go.

I hope there's something we can do, but I'll be waiting for that monday announcement.
>i cannot operate the site anymore because paypal permab& me
So /pol/ was right, the jews are behind this.
Wow, paypal are cunts
Im neither for or against the archives, but it is always nice to be able to look back on old threads


Oh God. Why are the only posts on the chanarchive discussion page shitposting. WHAT HAPPENED.
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>Have literally 35 archived threads in my "reading queue" firefox window that I've been working through.

I am now facing potential disaster. The threads will remain up and readable so long as the window isn't closed. Should it close for any reason, either glitch or natural shut-down, even I reload (from bookmark all) it will just give me 35 instances of the goodbye thread instead of reading material.

>Pic related; It is what I'm now playing.
You can donate the archive to the main internet archive. At least do that.
I was in the middle of finishing last night's reading session, I'd only got as far as /co/ this morning. Oh the humanity.

I should have donated more.
just use a site page saver, and you have those threads as a picture.
At least you have those things to remind you of chanarchive
What if you had a friend with a Paypal or collaborated with someone with Paypal? Not me, but just throwing that out there. Also, why did Paypal permab& you? Don't have to talk bout it if you don't want to.
Could you perhaps post the source for the site and the current database? (On a torrent or something)
Perhaps people could use it to continue the archive.
>>264159 (OP)
Now I regret bookmarking all awesome threads instead of just doing the extra click and downloading them. Fuck.
My only wish is that the entire site be posted as a torrent so that even if it can't be updated anymore, the things we like don't fade into the aether.
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foolz archive

problem solved newfriends
Is foolz a permanent archive, I thought it only archived threads for a short while before getting rid of them, then again. it is rare for mr to wander into the archives
That's way too much bullshit for a single person to filter for the good stuff.
I think that the answer to your question is here </ url>
I think that I can help
And for boards that aren't /a/ or /jp/...
it is you who is the newfriend, newfriend.

foolz is totally different and doesn't perform anywhere near the same role, it's more of a 404 safety blanket
Good luck finding the /x/ oc from around ~2009 like Beau & Vox, John Murray Spear project etc.
Fucking hell those were 2009?

Goddam. Goddam.
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All those threads will be lost in time, like tears in rain...
Time to die.
>Doesn't save images for more than a month
>Only threads from the recent year
sound like you're the newfag
If source + database gets posted somewhere, i'd probably try and find some people that can do a reboot. If you want, that is.
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Memories, you're talking about memories.
You know, guys... ED was down several times and they were able to survive as well. Same will go for the archive-
FUCK! the archive was great for filtering out a lot of the reposts.....
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this is the internet equivalent of the fire in the library of Alexandria.

we don't care how big the file is, just so long as we can save some semblance of it!
Well this is fucking retarded.
Reminds me of the time you deleted /r9k/. Yeah a lot of worthless shit was lost, but so too was the good stuff. Then you brought it back, but it went to complete shit, worse then before. This will all be the same thing
That is a good historical comparison, anon.
And an accurate one.
wut r u doin
This is so sad. So many /x/ threads I wanted to read...What can I say besides, fuck this miserable planet.

all of my bandwidth
Use Foolz and friends.
>i cannot operate the site anymore because paypal permab& me

.. what? Why?
Most foolz archives only go back to 09-10, chanarchive had threads going back to 2006.
>foolz is a shit hole that saves everything ever and has no effective filter
>that feel when you had over 5.2 in worthless archive points but you just liked having it
>all that data
>all of the story times, the feels, unique threads
>all of the original content, the creepypasta, the share threads
>all of the fat people stories, the /sp/ call in threads, the Paranormal Janitor threads
>all of the reaction images
>gone forever

Fuck fuckity fuck, man.
this is to me the equivalent of a parent dying, the archives have taught me a lot about people's true nature and intentions, as well as entertained me daily and opened worlds for me i didn't even know the existence of
i am usually not one who uses emoticons but ;_;7
The major difference between Foolz and chanarchive is that you essentially need to already have the page saved already if you want to look at something. chanarchive is much better for finding random threads you never new about to read through.

They serve two different purposes so stop comparing them.
No, at the moment it seems more like a parent being told they MAY have a terminal illness, so the oldest child (MOOT) takes them out back and shoots them, before checking to see if said parent could possibly be saved, or at the very lest before all the kids could say good bye

Hey, read the thread. We might get a new daddy and things might be like they always were.


we're talking about the single greatest conglomeration of computing and internet fuckery ever seen or ever will be seen, 666tb?

darlin' we're anonymous, we've got this shit covered.

now gib download plox
I apologize.

fuck me

well, on behalf of /k/ at least, what's the size of that chunk?
its not him thats responding 666tb check the trip with

i knew the trip was different, but I figured it was some other fellow with the stats.

never hurts to ask
Goddamnit, this is what happens when you archive a Candlejack thr-
Guys listen I'm official.
Well there's this for /mu/ at least, though there's the problem of finding the good threads in all that mess.

This will be a good test to see if 4-chan's users can get back to actually doing something worthwhile and helping each other out, like we used to years back instead of spamming images, bitching and trolling.

honestly? When I need advice and a project working on with strangers online I go to reddit every time now. used to be things could get done here.

as a user here since a few weeks after 4chan started, its sad to see things/the boards turn out the way they have.

having mods who have no sense of community, purpose or direction hasn't exactly helped either.
Former mod of chanarchive here. As capsized said earlier he had discussed taking backups of the archive, it's just a matter of someone taking up mantle of the running the project again, which involves knowing the code and what not, so there is hope.

As for why paypal permab& capsized I believe it was because the account used to pay the bills violated their TOS agreement. So paypal then threw us to the wolves.
Well fuck me sideways.....this is horrible.
Why don't you go make good threads NOW instead of whining and living on the past?
You think history is to be forgotten? Without this site, we would not know the true origins of the 4chan board-tans or the origins of some of the threads on /b/.
>muh culture

Eat a dick faggot, nobody cares and the sooner this mentality dies the better.
>You think history is to be forgotten?
i don't need a website to remember things. my memory works. if yours doesn't, seek medical help.
newfags wont know how good 4chan was back then
This is a good idea and you should feel good for posting it.
You kidding? The history and the culture of 4chan is the only thing that keeps it going and will keep it going.
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The archive is working perfectly fine for me I don't understand what you guys are talking about
that faggot finally blew it. GG, Moot, or should i say, faggotlord of buttrape
Dude, it has nothing to fucking do with "culture." It's just where funny threads get kept, or useful information is stored in thread form. Nothing wrong with that.
I ONLY went on archives, I couldn't stand the new fags and ppl hating new fags and ppl pretending that they weren't newfags so I used to just look at archives to skip all the bullshit. Surely mootcunt will torrent the old archives, we can't lose all that valuble information. Side note: isn't the new archive site like a few months old? Get rid if that shit and keep the original one, the new one is shithouse anyway.
is there an effort underway to save some of it? like we did with ED and google's cache? A few archived epic threads of every year is needed. I never went there, but this is like losing a leg of the 4chan body.
Meh, the chanarchive was a pretty bad idea, all the good threads got downvoted anyway.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE publicly upload all the threads you have in the archive for direct public download. split by board or year or whatever you need to.

and thanks a lot for maintaining the site, it was great.

save a offline version of the pages, you won't be able to expand the images if you didn't expand them before saving, though. And the process is slow and resource consuming.
>caring about 4chanarchive when every single thread on it is archived elsewhere
Grow up, get over it, and stop posting on 4chan if you're so upset about losing the "epic" meme threads
a torrent would be nice too. you can even keep the dmca'd stuff in it if you still have it.
What about floaty the cat?
>what is foolz
I have'nt used 4chanarchive in years
Every board I care about is auto archived on foolz and installgentoo, the only thing I'll miss are a few really old threads that's I've forgotten about anyway.
>>264159 (OP)
by having an official archive he would have to deal with dmca's and shit, no?

>every single thread on it is archived elsewhere
Where, exactly?
two that I know of
disregard. I panicked before I could read the thread. Still, I'm really sad.And I really believe MIB's went to Sherrod at ED and capsized at 4chanarchive and said the night before the plug was pulled "This is what is going to happen, this is why it's going to happen. And if you put up any struggle whasoever, this is some of the stuff that's going to happen. If you cooperate, you will fade from the internet. If you struggle, you are going away for a very long time."
I'm going to give you a few minutes to think about how retarded the thought of archiving 4chan is, when since its inception threads have always 404'ed into oblivion.

No really... Think about it.
Use your brain numb nuts.
I'm pretty sad about this. I never bothered to look at the threads I posted in on the archive or the "epic" threads but 4chanarchive and chanarchive were, above all, some of the best sources/aggregates of good images on the internet. Good high res porn on the archived porn board threads, good high res art on the desktop board threads, good whatever the fuck on some /b/ threads. It had a lot of good content on it and it's a real kick in the dick to see it all go tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down...
They don't go back to 2006, nor do they archive images.
Plus they archive everything, rather than having the community vote on what to keep.

Many of these archive sites do not have threads during 2007-2008.
Not to mention it would destroy moots already empty wallet with all the server costs.

At any one time, there's about 100GB of content on 4chan.
10-20 days moot has already used a terabyte.
That can't keep happening. It's impossible for his budget.

He has money issues with 4chan as it is.

Also, look at the other sites.
They only archive specific boards because shit's expensive.

No one cares about the lol xD threads, chanarchive had a metric asston of magical threads from every board.


Find me a thread from 2006 from either archive. Oh wait, you can't.
>nor do they archive images
Foolz does.
It sounds to me like you'd love /r/4chan
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Terrible news.

I loved the archive. Every evening after a long day from work I'd put my feet up, open it up and see what new threads were up. It was all the crap of the boards filtered out, instead leaving us with gold. Just look at /x/: usually full of shit, but the archives preserved the absolute best threads from there, ones that stop you sleeping at night. Or the good help threads from /cgl/. Or awesome threads of porn.

I'm gutted it's gone, I really am.

I'd offer to help out, but I know jack shit about coding and servers. Moderating yes, but coding, not a chance.
>rather than having the community vote on what to keep.

Do I need to tell you why this is a bad thing?

At least if everything is archived, you can always use the search function to find what you want.
foolz goes back to 2006, are you blind? Use the search function, click on "oldest first"

I don't think it archives them permanently, does it? Most images just redirect you back to 4chan.

Are you fucking with me, or have you just never used 4chanarchive before?
It was considerably less retarded than you'd expect, but I take your point.
Posting in epic bread
/r/ing archive nao
am I the only one who really liked the community voting on chanarchive? Everytime I saw some meme spamming /b/ thread or company hate thread from /v/ get a low rating it filled me with a sense of joy knowing that this website would deliver only quality content. Yeah sometimes shit got past security but still I thought it was a great feature how come most people on this thread hate it?
Do a new chanarchive, but change the system. Some threads from specific boards get votedown for nothing.
is there a cached version of the site?
or backup?
can we torrent it?
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Did anyone screencap or save the old threads with Luka Magnotta that were on the archive by any chance? Slim possibility I know, but if anyone did and wants to be a darling and post them, thanks.

There's a lot to be said for the pro's and con's of the archive but for documenting some people's crazy it was pretty useful.
ED blink gone
chanarchive blink gone
4chan blink gone
that's the way it will happen
There HAS to be someone who is willing to keep it going. I'd prefer a system more similar to 4chanarchive, though. User regulated archives based on votes was pretty fucked up. All the /b/ repost bonananzas got a billion upvotes, while legitimately great threads got downvoted by fuckers who thought they were le epick le trollz.
Save the archive. Go back to privileged archive regulation.

Chanarchive mod here again. Indeed there was a number of pro's and cons for the archive. The old 4chan archive was ducktaped together and hard to run, so the new one was created.

It was still in it's infancy so it had a number of bugs, and there were plans for other features to be implemented, but capsized is only one man, and has a busy schedule. So unfortunately many of these things to improve the archive did not make it. Even so with his hard work he managed to keep it running pretty smoothly.
well, there goes the hentai.
Huh? I have nothing to do with 4chanarchive and never have. 4chan != 4chanarchive.

You should give the archive to Jason Scott of textfiles.com. Jason already has a large 4chan archive and is one of the leads of Archive Team and works for Internet Archive.
Oh, hey, Moot.

Yeah, this is the thing I'm worried most about. They had such a good cornucopia of pornography.
capsized does have backups, though, it's just what he's going to do with them.
Any chance of you hosting an official archive then?
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;_;7 rip

He answered that in a different thread.
>>261558 →
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faggot shut up this is all your fault go fuck yourself gtfo my 4chan
Hrm. I wonder if some type of upload of the files would be possible. I still had some treads to go threw.
>telling moot to gtfo "my 4chan"
Whether or not you were trying to be ironic, you look like the biggest fuckup on the Internet.
we want torrent nao
Sherrod's failed attempt at turning ED into know your meme had nothing to do with "MIB".
ED's not gone.
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it's okay newfriend
It is dead, though.
That doesn't warrant the creation of a whole new system. Individual threads are also voted down for nothing. Shut up chanarchive was fine, my only complaints are that thread downloads were broken and it didn't always load a full thread.
And if the majority of users don't want to be exposed to /mlp/ and /hm/ then they shouldn't be, which is what was happening.
>oh no, I see stuff that I don't like on the internet which I could easily ignore! Raaaaaaaaage! I must downvote!
first, captcha
now this
jesus christ 4chan and affiliates, official or not. you are undermining my expectations

-wowaname !COOOOOLbus
I suck massive dicks

-wowaname !COOOOOLbus
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No they aren't.
but we can still access the material
>implying they never try to extend their cancer to other boards
I don't give a flying fuck about them anyway
just wanted to say that
>implying they never try to extend their cancer to other boards
But they don't. Everyone excepts the dumbest of /v/irgins and /b/tards knows that /mlp/ regulars deliberately avoiding posting with ponies elsewhere.
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4chan is resilient, perhaps due to its popularity, but all things not condoned by the Christian or Jewish overlords will be put to sleep and accused in the media of aiding pedo's and rapists therefore it was the right thing to do.

It started with the internet being made by Anons, for Anons. After a decade the world was dependant on the Internet so everyone wants to take it over and make it their own. Anons will be forced out of the internet, and I dare say that the day 4chan is choked to death by the might of the world's elites, is the day the people of the world will no longer own the internet.

Freedom of speech is a luxury in a world dominated by rich politicians and corporations whose interests are to silence your opinion and force you to buy their goods and pay their taxes and vote for one of 2 elites.

4chan, the last bastion of freedom in the increasingly branded world of the internet.
I had that book
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>4chan, the last bastion of freedom in the increasingly branded world of the internet.

Don't you mean Reddit?

Wow seriously? Are you new to the internet or something?
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Prove me wrong.
"We don't like what you do with your internet freedoms and we are going to protest and petition until you are gone."

-radfeminazis having their way on reddit
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We don't need petitions. We have /q/.
Quitcha shitpostin.

[spoiler]...Who drew that picture? I forget. [/spoiler]


now go
I'm not shitposting, but I don't appreciate when someone misrepresents our position. Freedom? In the real world shit gets restricted. That's the way the world works. This is a privately owned website, not a libertarian paradise.
In a libertarian paradise ALL websites are privately owned, you fucking idiot. Also, 4chan only deletes off-topic posts and illegal stuff. You definitely have more freedom than on reddit, where your opinion can be made invisible by morally outraged mobs, or be put on the blacklist by the social justice league.
We over at ED may have some extra server space / bandwidth if you can outline what are your current hosting requirements.

Mail me, e (@) encyclopediadramatica (.) se

Letting internet history go away is not something I am interested in seeing happen.

ED is neither gone nor dead.

When sherrod killed it in 2011, we mirrored it's contents and started up ED2 at encyclopediadramatica.se, we are far from dead.
No one cares about ED anymore since the plug was pulled the first time. Your newer articles are also not as good as the older stuff (how is that even possible?)
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Fuckin Mother fuckin fuck


For some reason I have been on a bender the last few weeks...downloading image zip files from the archive. Some haven't even been unzipped yet.

Now I know why... just the tip of the iceberg I know.
around 120 files...but if this ship is sunk for good, I would be willing to torrent what I have and if others would do the same we could at least save some of the images.

Don't go spell-check Nazi on my folder names faggot...it's my computer and I don't care.

It's a stain on the homepage.
>morally outraged mobs

Our mods=Reddit's Mobs

You're just biased because you love 4chan so much. The idea of 4chan as the very last bastion of freedom is just plain silly. If you want true freedom you know where you have to go. Besides, you can supposedly talk about almost anything on Reddit.
Moot, did you see the Defcon talk about Jason Scott being sued for 2 billion dollars?
It's pretty cool.
Textfiles.com is awesome.


The site is user generated content. If the content isn't good enough, make some "good" content then. I only run it, I don't make articles.

The plug was pulled because the previous owner (sherrod) had supposedly been pressured by an internet stalker (brandt) to cease operations. She instead tried to cash in on the popularity of ED by turning it into KYM 2.0. That hasn't gone well for her. OhInternet is a barren wasteland, with barely any changes per day.
>Our mods=Reddit's Mobs

No threads on 4chan get deleted for having unpopular opinions.
>The plug was pulled because the previous owner (sherrod) had supposedly been pressured by an internet stalker (brandt) to cease operations.

That's why you don't give women the fucking keys. The selfish whore.
The worst part is that she refuses to give us any of the missing images / articles that we haven't been able to scrape from archives and stuff.
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This is now.
She created it, and was pretty loved up until the whole OhInternet/not giving us the fucking backups of ED thing.
You keep telling yourself that. It's not necessarily a bad thing. You can't measure the worth of a site by how many of muh freedoms are allowed. Enjoy your day faggot.
>She created it

That doesn't make it any less reprehensible. Creating a community does not give you the right to shatter the foundation of that community without warning. We wouldn't let Shakespeare strut into the Smithsonian and piss on the Mona Lisa just because he drew it.

Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa...
>You keep telling yourself that

Prove that they do get deleted.

>It's not necessarily a bad thing.

Yes, it is.

>You can't measure the worth of a site by how many of muh freedoms are allowed.

Yes, you can. Especially forums that permit public debate. Especially when they are a rare thing to begin with.
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It was the best pic i've uploaded from /s/


That's because the public was kept in the dark.
I know, I agree.
It would've been at least a little better if she'd just said, but one day it went down for "technical difficulties" or whatever it was and never came back up.

She could have saved a lot of face if she announced that she would be shutting down ED for good with a week's notice. Then again, it'd be probably like the "whale who cried wolf" considering she'd regularly announce that ED would be shut down if there weren't any donations, and the public would have probably have seen it as another bullshit donation ploy so she could buy more food to fatten herself up with.
backup does
In all seriousness, the archive was becoming shit anyway. foolz is better
I use the archive because it doesn't contain all the regular daily shit that you have to sift through for the good stuff.
But the thing is, she never wanted ED to survive. Right now we'd be talking about Lurkmoar or some other ED offshoot if it wasn't for the fact that we lucked out and had archived versions of ED.

Forget about the child porn thing already? Reddit is pure cancer.
how was it becoming shit?
Threads are deleted under "shitposting" and inane garbage all the time. You can call it all off-topic, but what's on topic is decided by the people in charge. What you don't understand is that 4chan isn't run the way you want it to be run. Everything is decided by moot and the mods and your idea of freedom doesn't play a part. Which is not necessarily a bad thing so long as they stay the way they are now. If they change too much, then we're in for it. It's all personal preference, so stop pretending we stand for something. We don't.
Good point. Wheres that backup at
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you better be trolling.
>Forget about the child porn thing already?

Remind me.

It's a good thing that the current owners of ED.se want to see the wiki survive, considering we release monthly archives and run another version via hidden service (.onion).
/r9k/ only deletes porn and illegal stuff.
Fucking sick of this bullshit. Everything is dying or going away. This fucking year. I've seriously had enough.
That would have saved everybody a lot of trouble, but alas she did what she did and just casually threw ED aside. At least it lives on through a massive community effort. I do wonder what ODB would have made of the situation, though.

>whale who cried wolf
Oh fuck, my sides.
What in the world makes you think I use /r9k/? Anyway you get the idea. Just don't go telling everyone this is a bastion of freedom. They'll just use it as a license to do whatever they want.
Cap is that you?

Legitimately good threads stopped getting archived, while shit threads were. Also very small threads kept getting archived (like 10 posts). It was not as it used to be.
Imma ask again, is there a backup? No need to pull another DeHippo on us
capsized here again...

it takes the death of the archive to even get a comment from you moot? not holding a grudge, not at all. since running the archive i can imagine what it means to run a site for such a long time. guys, give moot kudos for his long time motivation.

this is the kind of support i was looking for to save the archive. i'll get back to you in a few days.

for everyone who is interested: the archives 4chanarchive and chanarchive together take about 500gb diskspace and require 45tb bandwidth a month (50k visitors a month). using cloudflare this is reduced to 13tb/month.
chanarchive alone is 200gb files, 21tb/month (8tb with cloudflare). linux server with following stack: ruby 1.9, rails 2.3, passenger, nginx.

the older php based 4chanarchive needs to die anyways so if someone is able to provide the environment for chanarchive, then i'd even provide installation support and financial jumpstart.

i'll still post all that on the actual site, but i'd ask for some patience.

also, i'm trying to read all the feedback here and in the disqus thread on the site (200 comments in 6 hours? this is crazy!) and i'll try my very best to save the archive in some form for future generations.

If anyone can convince her to release archives to us, our offer still stands to take that content and put it on ED.se. It's really little of her (ironic considering she's fucking huge) to deny the community (one which she at one point helped build) content which they created because she's too butthurt because her lame excuse for a website is failing hard.

To this very day, she refuses to acknowledge the existence of ED.se on OhInternet out of sheer spite. Even the Wikipedia article (after a lot of wikipedo argument) has finally gotten with the times.
hello capsized
mexican here
it's a great job you did with the archive
I hope you can get it to run in an even better fashion soon

thanks, and good luck

Because of the shitty Reddit-esque voting system

I didn't like the style change when it moved to chanarchive, it's 4chan archive not fucking reddit.
She's obviously butthurt now, since OH isn't pulling the crowd she thought she would get. No one uses her shit, and ED is still alive and kicking.

I think we can help. We've streamlined hosting costs, and have cut the cost of hosting ED.se to around $250/mo, with plenty of resources to spare.

Contact me via e-mail and we can discuss technicalities.
Would you consider uploading a torrent somewhere? 500GB is a lot but I'm sure there's more than a few anons who'd like a copy.

Thanks for everything, it's a shame to see you go.

Does said archive actually exist? I seem to remember her saying there wasn't one, but I could be talking completely out my ass here.

She's told me personally that she does have backups of ED.com and refuses to release them on grounds of "liability."
just to clarify one more thing:
whatever the future of chanarchive will be, it will be definitely be without me.
That makes me sad. But, let's just hope the next owner hates MLP
you'll hear from me.

500gb is both archives together. chanarchive has more content but is only about 200gb due to efficient storage methods (no duplicate images).
unfortunately, creating a torrent that you could browse on your local machine is not as straight forward as zipping it all up and sharing it.
That defeats the purpose of 4chan OP.
for the sake of the archive i hope the future admin(s) will continue the neutral and indiscriminating way of the archive so far. as an archivist you cannot let your own opinions influence decisions on what content you allow.
>creating a torrent that you could browse on your local machine is not as straight forward as zipping it all up and sharing it.

Don't think that's all too important, as long as the actual content gets saved.


Your selective memory is impressive.


Our beloved goons:

>500GB is both archives together
Oh, sorry. Misread that.

>unfortunately, creating a torrent that you could browse on your local machine is not as straight forward as zipping it all up and sharing it.
Ah, fair enough.

Once again, thanks for everything. Never thought this day would come, really.
The image server can hold images for several months before pruning them. It seems intermittent, though.
/b/ =/= 4chan
other boards appreciate the chance of having an archive

I think it's less the image server, and more CloudFlare's cache.
>Your selective memory is impressive.

Sorry, got you mixed up with the rectalsmarted redditor defense squad.
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>feeling down
>'well at least I can always check out the archive'
>click the bookmark
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I know that feel bro

>like 12 hours ago
>awesome hot nun thread
>struggle to bump it to get enough votes for archive
>we thought it would not make it since it was above bump limit
>suddenly someone gives the last vote
>we circlejerk happily, OP is excited like a virgin that finally got screwed as it's his first archived thread

>come back in the morning to see thread again at the archives
where's the nun thread?
>500gb is both archives together. chanarchive has more content but is only about 200gb due to efficient storage methods (no duplicate images).

Does this mean that the 4chanarchive data set is a subset of the chanarchive data set? In other words, is everything contained within 4chanarchive also contained within chanarchive?

If so, I'm confident a bunch of people wouldn't mind having the 200GB worth of content. Extracting or processing it into a user-friendly form shouldn't be a huge problem for the technically apt, but you'd at least have the content saved.
It was at /b/, it 404'd a while ago
>>264159 (OP)
Goodnight, sweet prince.
It had been achived, downvoted it because fuck nuns, but my weekend is ruined.
>What in the world makes you think I use /r9k/?

The point is that some boards never delete threads. Some threads are bound to be deleted on most boards because they are off-topic. Not on /r9k/.
NOOOOOOO!!! That's wwhere I got all my cool combos. that's where I go to learn about the culture. That's where I go to relive old /b/ and you are taking it away from me? I can't blame you, obviously you had no control over it....this is like when moot took dubs and that color censor thing off.... what's next, permanent ID's?
There's this amazing new thing called bitcoin...
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Oh my love
Look and see
The sun rising from the river
Nature's miracle once more
Will light the world

But this light
Is not for those men
Still lost in
An old black shadow
Won't you help me to believe
That they will see

A day
A brighter day
When all the shadows
Will fade away
That day I'll cry
That I believe
That I believe

Oh my love
High above us
The Sun now
Embraces Nature
And from Nature we should learn
That all can start again
As the stars must fade away
To give a bright new day
disqus doesn't load here
disable ghostery/noscript/whatever other shit you use
Everything that was in 4chanarchive was also in chanarchive. 4chanarchive was left up for "as long as there was people visiting".
>4chan can only survive _because_ it has no archive.
I just wanted to read that /k/ humor thread that turned into a thread about animal euthanasia. It was fucking hilarious.
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The 3 threads I had up were.. "I see you" and "Big Brother" from /pol/... Then disturbing murder cases from /x/

Oh god, it's happening

We could have stopped this
If that's the one that starts "God. Damn. It. All." then I've got it downloaded if you want it.
Found it on another archive. Thank you, though.
share link? sounds fun
>i have taken the backups and i will post more information the next days for people willing to continue the archive.

Based +jB+yS9K.
Man this is such a deep thread, I'm gonna request archiv-- oh wait...

On a positive note, the screencaps will live on.
He likely means http://archive.heinessen.com/k/thread/S13208885
Will it ever be revived?
Exactly what brought you to the conclusion anyone gives a trace of a fuck about you or what you post?
>all the /mu/ sharethreads
All I want is a /wg/ archive. I doubt I will ever find some of the archived walls again.
I must say goodbye to those great /e/... Along with the /s/ threads

200GB then. Hell, I'll even pay just to have that polished turdnugget of glorious channery in my local storage.
Oh God that would be better than all of the blogspots in the world
If we didn't have all those friggin' porn in the archives then it would've stayed afloat longer, forever even...
They shall know my wrath!!
Me too, anon. Take solace in the fact that the backups are in capable hands, unlike a certain DeGrippo.

It was nothing to do with the content. Paypal threw a hissyfit, so capsized had no way to pay the server bill.
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I need this picture in higher resolution.
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>ads having anything to do with his paypal being banned
They would have found another reason PayPal are cunts
wallbase.cc scrapes /w/, /wg/ and /hr/.
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All the history of the boards is dun goof'd!


All that information is gone! Please no OP don't let it die for the love of the internet.

Ephemerality used to be the best feature of image boards.
He has backups and will transfer them.

This is him>>264238
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But back ups for everything? right or there will be information lost? if recent information will be lost well its ok its not that bad.

The old threads matter the most at least for my board.
apology for poor english

when were you when 4chanarchive dies

i was sat at home drinking brain fluid when fred ring

'4chanarchive is die'


and you?????????????
If you are going to publicly upload it somewhere, can you please upload all thread texts separately?
I am mostly interested in those, and the file size should be pretty small with proper solid lzma/ppmd compression.
Also, thank you for creating the archive.
gonna miss my EFG archived thread
So much information, practical or just interesting. So much porn of all types. Stories as compelling and hilarious and tragic as any I've read in a book. Luls and feels shared by all. And it's all gone. It's like dying. It's exactly like dying.
Goddammit, why?

Gonna miss the shit out of /v/'s shit stories threads. Used to bust a gut every time.
Wow, some of these stories are pretty touching. Here's my favorite:

>Be 8
>Beg parents for a dog night and day for like a month
>They finally cave, and we get a freebie puppy from one of the neighbors.
>It's a Collie, name it Sniffer, because he was always sniffing stuff (I was 8)
>Me and him are instabros, go everywhere together
>Do stupid stuff together like bestfriends. I get shocked trying to get over an electric fence, Sniffer starts barking and jumps through it, gets shocked too.
>My dad builds a hay fort, Sniffer and me are always in there. Not sure why I put this here, but I just felt that I should say it.
>Come home one day, Sniffer is walking funny and whining.
>Comes over to me, licks my hand
>I look at his legs, he's got a thorn in his paw
>Go inside, grab my pellet gun
>Stroke his stomach while I put the gun up to the back of his head
>Fire, a tear of sadness trickles down my face
>Sniffer starts yelping and runs off, leaving red stains in the yard
>Run back inside to grab another pellet
>Chase after Sniffer and hold him down. Line up my shot and shoot him in the back of the head
>Sniffer starts convulsing badly
>Run back inside and grab another pellet
>Go to Sniffer's convulsing body and shoot him once more in the back of the head
>Stops convulsing
>Finally, be at peace my friend.
their constant struggle with Bioware was heavily archived. Every thread was fucking hilarious. Like when they got it picked for worst company.
Fuck man. 4chan had a lot of influence. That Jimmy Rustles shooting incident is gone too. Everything is gone.
>worst company
Wasn't that EA though?
Request to make a sticky on /b/ (which board is better?) about this news and >>264762 playing in the background.

Tortanic best tanic.
Dammit, we lost part of our history. There were some epic threads there. Like the Alice stories from /x/.
i didnt quite get it. chanarchive is down but is 4chan itself in trouble?

nobody cares. go away.
4chan not chanarchive
>nobody cares
Are you fucking serious?
He got tripIes, man. Everything is lost.
Wailing, I tear at my hair and curse the cruel gods that allow such tragic and unnecessary suffering...
i know but still
All the great sharethreads from /mu/ are gone...

oh god...
>>264159 (OP)

>nobody cares
that's the reaction everyone would have if you killed yourself. Don't bring this board down to /b/'s level (eventhough I just did).
Just FYI Google cache still has lots of shit up, they'll most likely hold it for a month at the most though.
This is really, really sad. I'm not even sure how to react.
And those are absolute shit because the good threads are drowned in a flood of inane shit nobody cares about. The voting system garanteed only good enough threads would be archived.
don't even joke about that
Umm I don't give a shit either, but you can go kill yourself.

I might, I MIGHT give a fuck if I can find one
>to your head
>pull trigger
>brain bits
>gushing blood
>fading into darkness
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There are 2 ways to get it back:

Recreate it, preferable with all the old content
For this we need:
- The old Database or people who made backups of it
- Help the new project out by donation and assistance

Get the original one back working
For this we need:
- Clarification from the Admin about that
- Donate via BITCOIN - there doesn't need to be PayPal to donate (the admin first needs to set up a bitcoin address)
Too bad about the tiny boards that have no auto archivers. They have nothing.
>Get the original one back working
capsized is going through some IRL issues, that's why he wants to pass over chanarchive to someone else.
He wants to see it live on; hell, he said he's help whoever takes it over with a full archive. But he's retiring himself.
Do excuse me.

Alternatively, we can pray the person trying to work out a plan with cap actually makes progress.

I never read much of the chanarchive but always enjoyed it when I did. I'm deeply saddened that my opportunity to experience some of these threads has slipped me by so suddenly.
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>>265074 where ?
Its amazing that people still don't understand that Paypal will shut your shit down without any notice.
Not on here buddy, on the chanarchive thread.
Bear with me, I did save a copy.
Only related because the problem is all over /v/'s thread about this. Can we start banning shitposters?
What about all your money?
Where wil it go?
Paypal keeps it.
I fucking hate paypal

I also hate Anonymous but it would be nice if they made themselves useful and targeted those fuckers

Paypal has been doing this shit to everyone
You miss the point. Archives are a service to historians and future generations. We can all learn from those who came before us. I personally value every post ever made on the internet, "stupid" or "smart." That's partially one reason I hate the web. Even the permanent parts are depressingly ephemeral. I'm thankful for Archive.org but it just isn't enough for everything and it's getting even worse now that so many comment areas use shit like AJAX and other dynamic scripting methods of loading new ones. Also, your old posts will show you how you grew over the years and others may learn and gain in wisdom from them.

Ugh, it's attitudes like this that are the reason many of our libraries and rare, irreplaceable books are nearly lost forever.
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Found it. Sorry it took so long.
PayPal freezes it on your account for a long while then you can withdraw it.

Let me tell you my story:
>start a paypal account to buy some shit for like $20
>put around $40 on the account, thinking I might need to use some PP cash later (sending cash to your account without a CC takes forever... and if you have a CC wtf are you doing starting a PP account anyway)
>the transaction is successful
>PP sends me a notice that if I want to continue using the account I need to fax them a scan of my ID + a utility bill
>fast forward a few weeks, paypal limits my account (I cannot do anything with it other than... deposit more money on it, that's a good one)
>cannot even withdraw my cash for 90 days
>90 days later, I finally get my cash back
>can't close my account because it's in the restricted account mode
It's like they don't want people to use their services.
shame on you for using Paypal, I cannot believe 4chanarchive was dangling off the obviously circumcised cock of Paypal
If science is to be trusted, memory does NOT work. Many now say half of our memories are invented delusions or are created and modified in realtime as we remember them. We only delude ourselves into thinking memory is remotely accurate.

Now, if one ones to get all /x/ one could also argue this is a belief being spread by the TPTB to convince us our memories of parallel universes are false. I am someone with memories of continental placement and living/dead historical figures that now differ from this current accepted reality. It is either from my consciousness slipping into parallel universes or faulty memory. But whatever you decide, memory seems flawed.
Well...chanarchive was my favorite. I believe this means I should move forward...maybe put on a tophat, log off of my computer, walk off into the sunset, and engage in real life more often. Goodbye...I loved you all...
We love you too, faggot.
If you don't make us proud, I will find you and kick you so hard in the dick you don't even know.
You do realize the zips are useless, right. They're just images, not threads. (I never understood that either)
Not in chanarchive they aren't.
4chanarchive just had the images for download, chanarchive had the entire thread.
I don't see the big deal, do people actually go through the archives and look at old posts?
But seriously, yes.
It's a nice way to look back at funny/informative/whatever threads that it would be a shame to lose.
Suggestion: Release it as a VM and then all anyone who really wants a local copy has to do is boot it in VMWare/VirtualBox/VirtualPC/Hyper-V/Xen/whatever. They don't have to go through installing ruby and shit either. I see no downsides.
>>264159 (OP)
nigga betta be gettin' in touch with encyclopedia dramatica
Oh god. So /mu/ actually served its puropose at a moment, if im not mistaken mods now condone sharethreads on /mu/ right? How can people expect it to be good and not the shithole its right now? Oh boy... anyway thanks for this little piece of gold anon.
I advise against it.

It's better to die with class than to owe your life to a peasant.
I still remember when ED was good. That fat bitch shouldn't have sold it.
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This is just awful, I can't believe it.

But this gives me hope... Godspeed, Capsized.
So, my computer will have to get it's infections from some other site?

she and the people who didn't hate her at the end were goons and other forms of scum

it is a mistake to expect people like that to do anything that is risky or dangerous or requiring of any real effort
You know, you banned me because I called you a nigger once. And I meant it. I loved the archives, fuck you.

It's probably worth mentioning that the new encyclopedia dramatica (ed.se) has no affiliation with ed.com. We have no affiliation with the she-whale Sherrod.

It was never sold. ED.com turned into ohinternet.com, but a group of anons revived it as ed.se.

remember when i said whatport80 was a bad sign and you didn't believe me
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Me and tons of other people want an archive.
So pls dont Discuss with me (shut up) and make Archive!
I guess this is our time as Anonymous to support the cause.
Who of us will carry on a fraction of the archive so that one even if the archive never lives again the pieces will be there forever even if only a portion is reassembled?
there's automatic archives which are infinitely more useful though
in fact that was one of the first posts in this thread

yea you're not allowed to talk about 4chan anymore
Our mistake underestimating jewvinyl.

Capsized emailed with interest of allowing us to take over hosting. We're willing, and have the resources to do so. It's up to him to make that decision now.
I never much cared for archives. I like the "ephemeral nature of content" on 4chan. If a thread is so great you might want to read it again later, screencap it.
Well shit son, I couldn't have thought of a better comparison myself.
This is so tragic.

Will that include the website CMS & domain?
I have a feeling that it'd be silly to create a new CMS from scratch.

Anyway, I'm glad that you're willing to actually give chanarchive someone else. That way it won't suffer the same fate as encyclopediadramatica. At least I hope it won't.
Well, I just hope that if it doesn't get transferred to a new server (which is what I hope happens) that he releases all of the data in separate board-specific torrents.
You know, this is quite a lot, but portable HD's commonly hold 500 to 800gb these days, and they're not entirely too expensive.

I figure, if anything, that this can be used for a short-term solution, if this becomes necessary.
It really isn't very much for a lot of people. I'd think a lot of people here would have at least 1TB of storage space, with at least half of that free. At least I do.
I'm not sure that "Successful Black Man" meme works that way...
>If a thread is so great you might want to read it again later, screencap it.

That's a little difficult with good threads that are HUGE. And having the full images archived as well is a bonus.
Good, archive was retarded, the kind of threads they archived were all /b/like and not just for /b/ but almost for every other board.
I can see why you'd consider the archive unimportant, but to say this is a good thing is pretty dumb. The archive was the only thing preserving some very good memories for people who were around a long time ago, and with the way the future is looking for 4chan, the past is all we have left.
what's the URL for the automatic archives of /r9k/?
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I honestly cannot fucking believe this. You're fucking shitting me...seriously...what.the.fuck!! There are YEARS of good threads here...you're saying now i just have to get lucky and randomly come across good /x/ and all other board threads every now and then? Seriously..hasen't this been around since 200 fucking 6??? There has to be a mirror or a backup somewhere.....it IS exactly like burning the library of Alexandria....it had every good thread from every goddamn board for years...how the fuck can that all just be gone
No, not really, archive went from selective to archiving >mfw threads some time around 2009 (or was it 2010?) when they changed their layout, it didn't look anything like it used to be, it was web 2.0 crap more akin to reddit than to 4chan.
Seriously, who still does that.
I swear by ChanThreadWatch and I can always screencap the archived copy if I really must.

Actually, I've amassed at least a few GB between 5 computers or so by now. Who should I send them to?
Dude, 2TB portable drives are even cheap.
To your mom
Hi mum, here's some Japanese scat fucking I collected in 2009. Enjoy!
It's because that poorfag pleb jew nigger moot can't afford to keep that site up anymore. If it wasn't for the 4chan pass 4chan would of closed shop too.
Ohh, is that also why the the newer 15 page update was again returned to 10?
She wouldn't know how to extract the archive, traverse the folder structure and click the archived .html files, anyway.
>moot can't afford to keep that site up anymore

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>Worship Red Nigga
This is the kind of stuff people is lamenting its gone

You are all faggots and newfags
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hahaha holy shit is this what the current state of /b/ is like now
archiving threads such as this?
You realize that Moot is worth $5million, right?

>You realize that Moot is worth $5million, right?
Pretty sure the guy who trusts anything celebritynetworth.com says is the idiot here.
how much is 4chan worth anyway moot?
Moot while I have your attention goddamn nigga get a haircut. I saw that interview you did with the fucking jheri curls and you're not looking good for it at all.
how much bandwidth does 4chan use per month?
Shit moot, you okay man?
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult your little maymay party you had with all your epic friends
who ever was responsible for getting the archives shut down this picture is for you.
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I would be a retard if I still read /b/ in fucking 2012

>On a unrelated note, are you viewing a cached version of the site by google?
Couldn't figure that out, Einstein?
>never heard of captcha eating pic
newfag or troll?
get a Ioad of this faggot
O hai m00t, ID:aY7oR/Sj here. Just evaded mai ban.
You buttmad now?
I bet even m00t himself doesn't know of any shit named "captcha eating pic"
>Newfag trying too hard

There's definitely room for both archive versions but I much preferred the filtered archive to actually find and read threads about a specific topic. A site that archives everything is nice if you look for something very specific but if you're just browsing fro a good read the 4chanarchive was definitely superior.
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Here's my ban& page

Maybe I just never visited the place but with some exceptions all I ever saw were EPIX!!111 threads about some rehashed to death meme or post numbers and shitty porn.
Blind nigger is blind
>celebrity net worth

Hey moot! You celebrity now!
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dear 4chan archive owner....on your website Encyclopedia Dramatica said they r willing to help......also dear op remember that you could split up the 500gb in 20 parts and torrent them. or put them in several blue ray disks and pass them to other websites. or but a big hd nigga and pass on the hard disk to another site

I can't hear you with my dick in your mouth. I think you said something about me wasting my precious time on some stupid task? Go ahead and correct me, I won't read your reply.
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>implying noone archives 4chan
>implying there aren't institutes that archive everything that is been said here.
just for kicks, copy a paste of text from a recent thread and post it in google. im not even talking about feds and what not.
Read the thread. We're talking about the death of one of the oldest archives, one that didn't just archive everything.
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Oh cool, Apparently the new Encyclopedia is going to step in and save it, as they've somehow overcame the hosting/advertising problem.

Anxiously awaiting chanarchive.se
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The archive had a hard life...
i actually have an old svn repo of the site back when i was helping caps.
almost a year old if anyone is interested.
Bump in hope of updates.
New idea

Capsized: I understand the whole archive amounts to some 2TB? It ain't too much. I know funding it's not exactly a problem but: what if you were to somehow sell hard drives with the whole archive? Would they result very expensive at the end?
Hey Capsize - and somewhat moot.

Don't believe the shit the retards tell you that Chanarchive was shit or something stupid like that.

Chanarchive is the best archive I've seen, if it is going down for good, please upload the files somewhere in a torrent and allow people to download it.

If you decide not to and just decide to keep the files for yourself, then you are an idiot and deserve to be dox'd and receive pizza for the rest of your life.

But seriously, you'll be amazed by the acts 4chan can do, I mean - any one of us could at any moment go out and buy a external HD and save the Chanarchive and re-upload it on another website.

But even then, get that real-life stuff - that you might/might not need to get - together before focusing on resurrecting the Chanarchive, there are plenty alternatives to PayPal and until you have found that let it stay alive as a torrent.
>Don't believe the shit the retards tell you that Chanarchive was shit or something stupid like that.
>implying they weren't just wannabe troll newfags to begin with
>implying we would've actually listened to them
Hello, OP.

Whatever you do, do not give your files to ED and then not release them to the public.

A simple torrent (or two) of everything, plus a dump of the DB, and including any security keys that you had used (I'm assuming you based some database stuff on a SECRET of some sort), is the best way to handle this. You can make the torrent(s) right on your server and seed them until 2-5 people have a full copy, then stop seeding.
4chan is not democratic. You can't decide what threads are worthwhile by a vote.
Either archive everything or let a council decide.
>it is what it is because I said so
yeah, no
>>264159 (OP)
what the fuck. What the goddamn fuck. All my bookmarked threads from 2005 and the good ones are dead. tell me someone has saved them or has a backup for the love of fuck.
>Whatever you do, do not give your files to ED and then not release them to the public.
Oh hi there, Sherrod.
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Hurricane takes my house, most my belongings, clothes, most electronics.

and now the archive is being shut down?

Literally spent 4 hours on it yesterday while i stood in line for gas.

This is probably the worst week of my life.
You actually got fucked up by a CAT 1? Hahahaha.
>tfw when your favorite board is /tg/
>tfw suptg is still up and running
Feels good, man.
I love the chanarchive, I hope it all works out for the best for everyone.

How many times has this been cited and how many times have you responded similarly? You should keep a tally.
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>implying anybody wants Monopoly money
Over a petabyte.
You can pretty easily turn bitcoins into real money.
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>Archive everything.
Dumb as shit. People would have to wade through shit for the real gems - and if we implemented a 'popularity' filter, it would be no diffeerent than Chanarchive!

Dumber than shit. Picture related, but don't get me wrong, get me exactly right on this:
A council - when envisioned - is the best idea ever, but when you think it through, it doesn't work that way.
Who should the council consist of?

Encyclopedia Dramatica? They aren't as much a 4chan site as a general internet-culture Wikipedia, also - no offence EDiots ITT, but ED's quality has gone WAAAY down, and don't blame the whole OhInternet ordeal on that - you guys have had plenty of time to recover.

Janitors? If I had to kill a nigger or a Janitor and give a blowjob to another, I'd shoot the janitor and give the nigger the blowjob and swallow!

Tripfags? Their attitude is way too il-adjusted for this website, a Tripfag usually wants to be recognized for one thing or another - even if they deny it themselves. I for example only trip if I'm doing an image dump and even then I feel like an attentionwhore for doing it.

Eventually the council would just be filled with the worst of 4chan: Neets, Otakos, Weeaboos, Wapanese, Hipters, Bronies, Horse-Fuckers, Attentionwhores, Wannabes, 'Edgy' loser emos and underage fags.
Redundancy in this case is irrellevant.
Oh oh this is NOT good.

Archive is like a freaking library for valuable resources.

I hope they at least saved the files

Please explain how are you going to do the backups, and for how long?

I can help you put the entire thing on the Internet Archive, where they will accept even petabytes of data and make it public.

4chan can be likened to Greece; we may full of fags and pedos with shitty content 95% of the time, and a "oral" (memetic) tradition that is adverse to recording history, but this site has had a major influence on the ideas and culture of the modern day world, with the 1% of influential content remembered for generations to come.

I strongly disagree on your statement that 4chan survives because it has no archive. Have you ever taken a look at your own damn site, and taken inventory of it's contents? I believe that 4chan is getting all the worse for losing the 1% of great threads that ever existed in the first place.

We are burning the equivalent of the Library of Alexandria of the internet by bringing this archive down, and who knows what treasures lie within?

And I'm not talking about those shitty memes; I am talking about the stories, the ideas, the raids, all of that was and will be fucking important, no matter what you believe.

What we need is some sort of museum where we can assess and display the best and most important content from 4chan; what Wikichan and ED were meant to be, not the shit they are now.
4chan is a dictatorship. Moot has the final say in things with the mods being a extension of his reach.
hey you niggers i have .MAFF and .MHT files of hundreds of threads on /x/ and /pol/ and /random/ and some others too. but I don't have the full pictures. so we should make a game where i post the threads and you faggots find us the pictures to go with the thumbnails.

Hey, if you're still around, post it to a download site and I'll help out.

can you make it without "magnet link"?
i need *.torrent file, then i upload this to my server (1gbps) seedbox
magnet - is suxx

Goddamn you fagot we don't need hieroglyphics
can you reassess.
use search http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7017019/%5B2009-2012%5D_4chan_Webpages
Upload them please
Exactly what the fuck is in this torrent? Are you the same guy as >>266119 ?
Please, someone save it. I don't know what I'd do without the /x/ archives. QQ
Please save it.
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downloade it yesterday seeding whenever pc is online

If anyone wants to get a look at the awesome stories and threads that come from 4chan from time to time, get in here.

What Wikichan, ED, and the Yotsuba Society was meant to be but never was. The Bibliotheca Anonoma.

You'll need a Github account to edit it; it's based on git, so you can just clone it and carry a local copy.


If you want to get a taste, see the sidebar. Damaged Goods/Nurse-kun (remastering in progress), Tramp Anon, The Great Scam, the Well-Cultured Anonymous, the Anarchist's Cookbook, and 4chan History.

Hopefully, we can work together to save the legacy of 4chan here. Not all the content is linked, so what you see is a fraction of the actual content within.
I guess it's true what they say: Nothing /gold/ can stay.

On that topic, let's post some links to great threads on the Chanarchive, so we can get a better picture of what we have lost.
There's something even better than Wikicha, ED, YS and BA.

It's called lurking more.
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Any luck so far? Is this >>264910
going to happen?
Yes, lurk all 58 boards 24/7. Wouldn't want to miss something, now would we?

"Lurk Moar" worked fine when 4chan was 5,000 people and 6 boards.

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This is now a lostgam3r thread.

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This is really fucking upsetting to me.

The archives are what actually got me to go on 4chan, mainly the original /r9k/ threads.

The archives were fulll of hilarious, wonderful shit, and taking it away is taking away happiness from everyone. Rest in peace, internet.
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Gam3r's gonna cut you down.
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pseudo-hipster gam3r
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Challenging Casey, lostgam3r is.
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Fit check, lostgam3r?
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Check gam3r's double digits.
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suicide gam3r
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lest gem3r
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lostgam3r will beat the shit out of you

Opening an ArchiveTeam page for 4chan archives in general. Help put in more fuuka archives, plz.

i'll miss rereading the midget with wheel barrow full of croissants
Only editable by users and I see no registration.

http://archive.easymodo.net/ lists a few of the archives made public.
Really? Damn, that sucks, looks like I was grandfathered in.

Here is an alternative page on the Bibliotheca Anonoma. You just need a github account.


I replied to your e-mail, you have g-mail ,it may spam filter me, check your SPAM folder.
No archive today boss

moot's a liar
Maybe moot has gone $5 million+ into debt, but he isn't worth anything at all from what I hear.
4chan is constantly in the red and if Canvas wasn't bringing in money, 4chan would have disappeared a long time ago.
>he isn't worth anything at all from what I hear.

He's worth a lot to me. ;_;
I meant financially.
I love him too anon.
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Moot you do realise you could sell 4chan and make a shit-ton of money? I know you're hardly earning anything from it but seriously a LOT of jews would be interested in this site.

also wtf is that captcha?
Sell it to Disney. That would be hilarious.

However, this thread is about 4chanarchive, not 4chan. 4chan does not maintain an archive.

As for the captcha, ask Google. 4chan has nothing to do with the contents of the captcha.
The /ic/ archived threads had a lot of good information. Does anyone have a backup of the useful /ic/ threads that had tutorials and shit?
>Ugh, it's attitudes like this that are the reason many of our libraries and rare, irreplaceable books are nearly lost forever.

In my area, libraries don't have many "liberal" or "controversial" books because people who hate those will steal the books in order to trash them. This prevents others from being able to read/checkout those books. Our public libraries have open stacks, so there is no way to prevent the loss of books that conservatives hate. In general, the conservative books don't get trashed while the liberal ones do. It's pretty eerie but then again, conservatives believe in censorship.
just letting you know I understood+enjoyed your joke
I will never read DAT CHIN or mr bones wild ride again. ;_;7
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Are you read to witness Mr Bones Wild Ride?
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fuck me.
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Please don't mute me again, robot
4chanarchive was shit anyways. None of the good boards have used it in years.
> opinions
> op
> op
> opinions
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4chan council of 4 reporting in.
Create a torrent!
I'm not capsized, but he said a torrent would be tricky to make.

>creating a torrent that you could browse on your local machine is not as straight forward as zipping it all up and sharing it.
I think he should make different torrents for different boards, so you wont have to download everything. Also, not zipping it could provide the ability to uncheck the threads you don't want to download.
I think you are severely underestimating the amount of threads it had archived.
Plus he can't make a torrent that's easily usable for some reason, which leads to the question of what format the backup is in.
yeah the website easily had 250gb or more archived
Actually, I don't ask for the ability to browse it on my local machine "out-of-box".
200GB, according to capsized: >>264667

I think he means that creating torrent that you could use at all is difficult. I don't know why that would be, but there you have it.
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Just saw this. RIP.

Capsized, if you're still here, please at the very LEAST make a torrent for the archived /v/ threads.

I just want to go back to when it was good again...
Oh lord ...
Countless source was found in the archive, now people have to ask over and over and over again.
Plus, it often was fun to browse very old threads.

Fucking PayPal and their policies. They want to be a bank, they should mind their own business. Shutting down anything with porn, what do they care? Bloody bastards.

You have time to post this shit, while /fit/ is filled with teenagers posting feel threads, tfw when no gf threads, rate me threads, beta threads, and other teenager-related shit; it's worse than /b/; seriously, there are 200+ posts in threads of pics of teens partying...wtf man?!

I can honestly say that the board was better with zyzz around.

The mods are fucking horrible, and I understand he's your friend or whatever but how irresponsible is it that nothing is done about this? You should be ashamed of yourself for letting it get this bad.
I think it's great that mootles responds to him instead of just deleting the post and banning him like most other mods on the internet do.

If you were a bit more handsome mootles I would have tried to marry you long time ago :3

No, making a torrent isn't a problem. Using/browsing the content locally is.

Quit fucking whining about unrelated shit every time moot pops in a thread.
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There's a supposed cop doing q&a at /b/
I thought this was the right moment to reference that archived thread where Anonymous backtraced a cooked cop that stole weed and made a thread about it. For a second I forgot about my beloved archive being down.

Then I tried to reach said thread and the only thing I reached was this sad, sad reality.

Now I can't seem to find references to that thread and no one will believe Anonymous did good things for once.

Lulz were obliterated. Feels bad. REALLY bad, man.



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