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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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Activate posteruid on all boards, forced Anon not necessary.

The only people it harms are shitposting samefags.
I'd like to think that while we aren't always perfectly behaved, we're still gentlemen to the extent that we don't need fucking mandatory name badges. I would retain the dignity of anonymity. If you wouldn't, then wear a name.
>The only people it harms are shitposting samefags.
The id's are thread unique though. All they do is link posts inside a thread to a common poster.
It makes conversations easier to follow without creating a pseudo identity, like a tripcode or username, to link posts all over the site. And it helps to cut down on the shitposting, which is pretty rampant on some boards.
i would greatly appreciate this as well
But how will I astroturf to raise thread awareness?
Nothing would stop you, people probably realize the OP is doing it most of the time in those cases anyway.
For those threads about a cartoon witha small userbase, it'd be kind of sad to see only two people discussing it at 40 posts. I get the feeling fire emblem general are the same 5 people
This too, my threads would never live past the first couple posts.

people probably realize the OP is doing it most of the time in those cases anyway.
Not in mine.
I am opposed to this idea.

It directly harms shitposting samefags.

It indirectly harms what I consider an important facet of imageboard culture: each post being evaluated on its own merits. I've never needed, in decent discussions here, to be able to identify each and every post by author, even within a single thread.

I don't think it would add anything, and I think it's move us slightly away from what 4chan is at the moment towards the kind of culture you get on more traditional messageboards.

Quoting moot
>What's unique about 4chan is that it's anonymous, and it has no memory. There's no archive, no barriers, no registration. That's led to this completely raw, unfiltered discussion.

Unfiltered and raw. That's what we'd lose.
What is your opinion on the archives like foolz then?
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I wholeheartedly endorse this eloquent statement.

While there upsides to UID in certain contexts (say, preventing astroturfing in this very board), I don't perceive samefagging as such a problem in the boards I frequent that I would be willing throw away 4chan's greatest strength in order to ameliorate it.
Very few people use them to continue discussion beyond thread death on 4chan. The vast majority of users use vanilla 4chan.

There's little reason to bring the archives into this discussion, as they already fall outside of the remit of 4chan: Large, relatively fast moving anonymous discussion with little accountability and close to zero rules regarding personal conduct (that is, you can be an asshole, call someone a "hitler-licking shitjew" and yet also take part in the discussion without fear of being banned, and may even still be considered part of a discussion despite your horrible attitude).

4chan is a unique thing. It has many things attached to it, like pilotfish around some great internet shark. They're an important thing to consider when viewing imageboard culture in detail, but should not be considered a part of the shark itself.
>It indirectly harms what I consider an important facet of imageboard culture: each post being evaluated on its own merits.
I won't say that this is wrong, I have in the past found some value between alternating between flippant and serious responses in one thread, but I don't really feel ideologically like it's necessary for each individual post to be an island. The important part to me is that what you are saying should be decided on its own merit, and that can be maintained with thread specific IDs.

I'm mostly speaking from the perspective of an /a/ user though, and I have to be honest that I think /a/'s situation is particularly sorry when it comes to shitposting samefags. Maybe not have IDs on every board, but I don't think trying them out on more boards would be a bad idea.

And I'm sorry mods for being a broken record, I know you know there are /a/ users who want IDs.
I really don't see how you guys could honestly believe it would hurt 4chan. People would still be anonymous. It literally can't hurt anything other than shit posters and same fags. And as for people judging posts on their own merit, I think you are living in a fantasy world. Anytime anyone agrees with a less popular opinion on /tv/ they get accused of samefagging. Samefagging is such a huge issue there it has become difficult to even get a discussion going on a film or show. Just look at a breaking bad thread or a Fincherfag thread. It's the same few people circle jerking so hard it puts reddit to shame. And I LOVE Breaking Bad and Fincher. I just blows because you can't have a fuckin honest discussion in the slightest.
I believe there is reason to bring the archives into this argument, one because the majority of people on boards that are archived know about them and use them, often to keep track of previous threads/posts they feel are important. foolz is even starting to archive /q/.

The other thing is that this ID does nothing more to harm anonymity than the Name field currently does. It is not a registration to link all of your posts together and it contains no information that is uniquely you. All it does is link posts within a thread to each other.

It's impact on this
>What's unique about 4chan is that it's anonymous, and it has no memory. There's no archive, no barriers, no registration. That's led to this completely raw, unfiltered discussion.
Is even less than foolz is, yet archives are generally well accepted.

Why you should never consider applying forced anonymous/IDs on thematic boards (in case you don't understand it yourself):
1) IDs work as tripcodes, even if they're thread-unique.
2) Attention whores would still find ways to do what they do, which may result in avatarfagging, cancerous signatures or even something worse.
3) You can't filter someone anymore, unless he uses a signature, or the IDs are the same for the whole board. But if you still need to filter a certain person, what was the point of implementing forced anonymous/ID in the first place?
Also. I don't visit /b/ so I've no idea whether these problems are present there or not, but whatever the situation is /b/ can't be used as an example of such policy simply because it's too fast and filled with newfags who don't care about the community rules to the brim.
These are my main points. If you need more, or just proofs, I'll post them.
One of the reasons why I state that Forced Anon is not necessary is exactly for the argument in (2).

For (1), tripcodes are a feature of 4chan that is not wrong to use, but often discouraged because people tend to use them as in (2), but they can be very helpful in some cases, such as following a conversation with someone or for people who often bring content to thematic boards.

(3), I am sorry, doesn't make any sense to my proposal.
I'm going to also vote against the idea of forcing it on all boards. I do see some places where it could be useful like /tg/ and /vg/. Overall 4chan exists the way it does because people can easily add in a post that can be regarded as its own entity.

Where information and discussion is heavy however, it'd help weed out chains of posts that are either informative or just plain shit.
>but they can be very helpful in some cases, such as following a conversation with someone or for people who often bring content to thematic boards.
It's an extremely easy thing to do even if you're anonymous.
>I am sorry, doesn't make any sense to my proposal.
That's why I wrote "reposting".
Following a conversation with someone isn't always so easy to do, because people often post as Anonymous, sometimes a people will break into the middle of a conversation and then five, six posts down the line they go "Oh, I am not the original person you were replying to".

I can understand that, in a way, this is a great thing about 4chan, that you can have a massive conversation without any identifiers, but it can often turn into an absolute clusterfuck.
If there's one thing that was good about AT, it was User IDs.I always thought they were a great idea and should be implemented here too, everywhere. Fuck "4chan culture", IDs would raise the quality of all boards considerably.
Good idea.

Samefagging is ruining 4chan.
Not to sound like one of those anarchist that is an "individual and don't play by the rules man!" But I do feel anonymity is an integral part of 4chan for better or for worse. As for samefagging issue if it's a person making a shitpost and then he makes several post praising it then it is bad, but if it's multiple post of good point, or at least points you agree with, does it matter if all those post are made by the same person?
if you can't learn to identify posts from one another then you really have no place here

it's pretty fucking easy
>"Oh, I am not the original person you were replying to".
Wow, what a big deal. It takes seconds to detect the right post anyway after that.

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