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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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Anyone else think we should have a metal board? I've noticed a lot of metalheads on a few boards, and it'd be great if we had somewhere to discuss bands/shows/being metal in general
I honestly believe it be a waste of time and resources
Music covers all music subjects. Go there.

Doesn't matter if they don't like you either, that is where it belongs.
Honestly I think it's a little too niche for its own board.

I dont frequent /mu/ but I take it a metal general wouldnt do well there?
Isn't that what /mu/ is for?
Metal fits perfectly in /mu/.

Also, /666/, so dark and edgy.
>Unless we are explicitly accepting board suggestions in a stickied thread, board requests will be ignored.

I wish moot hadn't disabled sage.
it'd probably get more traffic than, say, /n/ or similar boards
No. /mu/ is perfectly capable of housing metal.

I want /5/ back.

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