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Two days ago I was banned for two entire days (with no chance to appeal) for REPLYING, that's right, not even starting, just replying, to what must have been a slightly offtopic thread. Some of the bans the mods give out are fucking ridiculous. What was that about how the updated rules where supposed to make bans more transparent, moot? Apparently that's worth jackshit if the mods do what they want and you can't appeal it.
>>231566 (OP)
If you're in the crack house when the cops come, you're going to jail whether or not you're doing crack.

Stay out of the crack houses, son. Crack is Whack.
The problem is the unclear definition of crack in this situation. I didn't even know what thread it was that got me banned, but apparently some people have a different understanding of offtopic content than others. I wouldn't post blatantly offtopic crap, I must've considered it board related enough to count as ontopic.
>What was that about how the updated rules where supposed to make bans more transparent
Must have missed this one.
>In the past, bans have been submitted individually by moderators, leading to widely inconsistent ban reasons and punishments. Although we do have guidelines in place, they don't cover every circumstance where a user might be banned, and require slow, tedious entry. Ideally, all of this should be automated - and now it is.
I was banned for 7 days for posting a list of sporting events (on /sp/) that Europe had won this year. Butthurt American mods abusing power
>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

>off-topic replies


Bans are not always for the last post you made WHY DO PEOPLE NOT FUCKING GET THIS HOLY SHIT

I hadn't posted in a week before that
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>Do not post the following outside of /b/
>macro image replies
It's not surprising that someone like you hasn't read the rules.

>Not being allowed to be racist outside of /b/

>not allowed to be racist on 4chan

Moots a fucking idiot

If you don't like it then leave. If you must post about how much you hate niggers, then there is no board other than /b/ where that would be relevant or on-topic.

Holy shit, you people really haven't read the rules have you? God.
There are entire board cultures revolved around macros. /sp/ wouldn't be half of what it is without Kornheiser and other things.
Big deal, I've been banned for "shit posting" in on topic threads.Yeah I was mad about the mods being retarded but I got over it and waited out the three days.
Not that I am racist, but being racist isn't illegal by law outside of workplace environments, and, provided it's not offtopic, it being a rule violation on 4chan is in turn a violation of basic rights such as the freedom of speech.
The rule has been there for fucking years.

You're either new as fuck or an incredible shitposter if you've never seen the rules before today.

You can't be racist on 4chan you fucking idoit. The fact of being anonymous makes racism something that can't exist. No one has a race or skin colour, we're all anonymous = racism doesn't exist
God damn I can't believe you people are this fucking stupid.

This is a privately owned website, not the fucking government. moot's rules apply here. There is no Freedom of Speech on 4chan. You follow the rules or you get banned.

Freedom of speech means the government can't censor you, not that private websites can't ban you for being a racist moron. Fucking idiot, holy shit.

Saying "HURR NIGGERS ARE ALL STUPID" is racism. Are you this fucking dumb that you don't understand that? How old are you?
I'm here for 4.5 years now. I never read the part about macros in the rules before, and I've read them several times.

How is saying all nigger are stupid raicst towards an anonymous figure with no identity/race or skin tone. I don;t know if the individual is black or not therefore racist can't exist.
So? Are you not entitled to your opinion, whatever it may be? Forbidding racism is basically the same as what the Nazis did, only on the opposite end of the scale.
>muh feelings

seriously, post a rational argument not one based on emotion.
I am seriously in awe of how stupid all of you are. I don't think I've ever seen such idiotic posts made ever

It wasn't added recently. It's been around since at least 2006 if not before.

It's racism. Not racism TOWARDS ANOTHER POSTER. Racism in general. Use your fucking brain.

If you don't like the rules, then fucking leave. This isn't a democracy. It's a dictatorship. Whatever moot says, goes. There are no freedoms on 4chan. Leave.

Man you're so mad you just sound like a fucking idiot. Racism only exists because of public opinon, the words used have other meanings but have been defined as racist words in the eyes of the public, black people call each other niggers for gods sake it's not a bad word. Grow up you child
>grow up you child

says the idiot who can't understand what racism means. The rule has been there for MUCH longer than you have. If you're too dumb to understand what racism is then you need to leave.
That logic is retarded and you know it. If you don't like it, you change it, not run away.
>your rights end where my feelings begin

Typical fucking libtard
Mods are incompetent and inconsistent, what did you expect?

If a mod wants to pull that kind of bullshit they should sticky a locked thread saying


But that would be too simple.

Racism doesn't exist its all public opinion that certain words mean something offensive, the world faggot means happy but suddenly its offensive to gay people? It's bullshit
The rules are very clear about responding to off-topic posts.

This isn't YOUR WEBSITE. No one gives a shit about your feelings. Either follow the rules or fuck off.
>The rules are very clear about responding to off-topic posts.
What do you not understand about
>Mods are incompetent and inconsistent

Have you ever been to /tv/?
>racism doesn't exist
>the word faggot means happy

my fucking sides.

meant to respond to >>231644 instead of myself, obviously
This, people aren't allowed dislike others because of the fucking PC brigade but it's ok to hate white people.
I don't see what /tv/ has to do with replying to off-topic posts. The rules are pretty clear about the fact that replying to off-topic threads is against the rules and will get you banned.
>No one gives a shit about [...] feelings.
Then why are you defending the ban on racism so fiercely?

>This isn't YOUR WEBSITE

Neither is yours.
Because it's in the fucking rules and you're too stupid to understand that your opinions don't matter in that regard. If you want to be mad about how "all asians are dumb" then go somewhere else.

No board ever benefits from racism because I can think of maybe two boards where it would even be on-topic.
But I didn't say it was. I'm telling you what the rules are. moot made those rules, you have to follow them to post here. You're the ones acting like you should get to determine the rules
>The rules are pretty clear about the fact that replying to off-topic threads is against the rules and will get you banned.
And pirating is illegal. The POINT is, if its not something thats commonly practiced (Banning people for posting in them) people will continue to do it

If a Mod actually lets people know they will do something, the people that want the boards to be better will try to help
The mod doesn't have to tell you which rules are going to be enforced. You have to follow the rules. That's how it works.

Piracy is illegal, so even though no one ever gets arrested for it, if suddenly one day you were it's not like you could go "B-BUT NO ONE EVER GETS ARRESTED FOR PIRATING, THEREFORE IT'S NOT ILLEGAL"
And we're all supposed to be nice little drones that never question any rules?
Yes. That's 4chan in a nutshell. Go back to /b/ if you want to be racist and shitpost.

Unless you can provide an example where racism improves and creates quality discussion, then shut up.
All your posts pretty much imply you dont even go to any boards on 4chan, and you dont see the shit that is posted on every board.
/pol/ for example can't even fully function with such restrictive rules in place. And yes, racism is indeed part of political ideas.
What boards do you visit where racism and off-topic threads are good things?

/pol/ is a containment board for racist idiots who think they're too good for /b/. I pity anyone who tries to actually hold conversations there.
>What boards do you visit where racism and off-topic threads are good things?
The point.
Your head.
What was the point then, idiot?


My fucking sides, it's interesting how one of you Marxists invented the term "racism" yet you can't even use it correctly. Racism def- the belief that a race has better characteristics than another race.

Explain how /pol/'s beliefs are "racist" using the above citation as your guide, rather than what your Marxist scum Women's Studies Professors call racism, and we'll talk, okay?

Retards these days...

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