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Why don't we figure out who the most autistic board is, /q/? Go to http://www . wired . com/wired/archive/9.12/aqtest.html , take the test there and then report back with your score and your home board.

I'm from /a/ with a score of 32, by the way. Normalfag average is 16.4.

Moderator Replies: >>231310 >>231370 >>231377 >>231391 >>231406
/v/irgin here, my score is 38.
27: /g/ & /mlp/
/int/ and /mlp/ : 23
/v/ here. Got 18. There must be something wrong. I'm pretty antisocial as well as socially awkward. I tend avoid people as well.
/sci/ reporting in: 38
/mlp/ and /v/: 16
30 /g/ /s/ /mlp/
I scored 26, which is unusual because I'm a diagnosed aspie.
Also, /q/
/a/non: 27
/adv/, /sci/, /b/

/adv/, /b/, /q/, /g/, 24
/int/, /pol/, /a/, /r9k/ - 21

/tg/ /co/ /a/ /v/ /sci/ /int/

Damn I have a lot of hobbies

What can I say? Tabletop games require social skills.
I got 25

I mainly a /int/olerant and /pol/ poster. But I do visit /v/, /wg/ and /wsg/ sometimes.
18: /mlp/ & /vg/
Score: 19
is that good or bad?
score: 30
home board: /g/
score: 11
Home board: don't really have one, I browse a shit ton
If I had taken this a few years ago my score would be a hell of a lot higher
/mlp/ /g/ /q/ /mu/
15 - much more normal than I expected

/mu/, /vg/
st/a/nd, 36.
13; /co/ & /mlp/, used to browse /pol/
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9, I browse probably half the boards on 4chan regularly. What does it mean if you're below average?
/v/ and /m/ here, got 24.

I require at least some autism to keep going in my career.
/a/, got a 16.
17, bitches!
/co/ and /tg/ 4 LYFE
7 /k/ is my home board

/mu/ & /q/

/q/, /sp/, and /v/


/mlp/, /co/
>I am fascinated by dates.
The fruit, of the week, or social?
Didn't mean to quote a post there.


/u/ - 18
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>>228687 (OP)
Agree: 12,23,26: 1 point
Disagree: 1,25,30,49: 1 point
Score: 7

/u/, /q/, /a/
39 from /a/ and many other boards
Honestly wasn't expecting that low. /lit/, /mu/, /co/, /mlp/, /tg/
I always hate these tests, because I get autism points for remembering phone numbers and shit. I'm just analytically-minded, goddamn.

/mlp/ /v/ /a/ and /co/.
>not autism
Just embrace the 'sperge you gigantic faggot in denial.
You have to understand that all humans are Autistic and Epileptic. It is the degree to which we have these things that changes us.
Do not fear the clammy, half-hearted embrace of autism, anon.
That's some heavy misuse of real clinical terms, there.

I don't care what the test tells me specifically. It's just dumb that that's the way it construes that sort of thing.
>heavy misuse
Actually, it isn't. It's no different than saying all humans have brown skin, just in different degrees.

It's the simple truth. We all have some form of autism. If you don't think so, then you need to look up the word "autism" and realize that it is an all encompassing blanket term for a great many human conditions.

I realize 4chan wants you to believe that "autism" is synonymous with "raging faggot", but 4chan is wrong 100% of the time about 100% of everything.
"Brown skin" is not a clinical term with a scientific definition. "Autistic" is.

You're quite right about 4chan's definition of autism, but that's not point. It's like you're saying that everyone is mentally retarded, just some more than others, which is also not true.
>I don't care what the test tells me specifically. It's just dumb that that's the way it construes that sort of thing.

It also asks if you prefer going to the museum over going to the cinema, you think someone is going to diagnose you with autism over that? They're typical traits of the average autism sufferer, they're not supposed to be exclusive to them. It just measures how much you have in common. Relax.
That's fair.

probably mootblox
Autism is not a mental retardation. That's your first mistake.

You need to go look it up before you post again.
I never said it was. I said your "everyone has some degree of autism" statement is ANALOGOUS to stating the same with retardation.

Autism is a mental disorder.


Notice the constant use of the words "diagnose," "symptoms," etc.? Those are there because autism is not a spectrum where everyone falls. It is a disorder that some people are born with and some are not.

There's no argument here. You're just using the word wrong.

/pol/, /b/, and /q/.
33 from /v/

/a/, /c/, /mu/, /pol/, /tv/, /sci/
/tg/ & /a/. 10.
19 /mu/ /pol/ /q/ /r9k/

Is there something wrong with me?
/co/ and sometimes /tg/ for MTG threads.
I mostly lurk though.
>>228687 (OP)
/q/, 1000000
After all, every single thread on /q/ is "unban me" "new mods r shit" and "ponies plz go"
/v/ 8
19 /sp/ master race
Agree: 4,5,12,13,21,41,43: 1 point
Disagree: 1,24,30: 1 point
Score: 10

/v/ resident. frequenting /vp/, /k/ and /g/.

/v/, /a/, /pol/
Main board is /u/, but I frequent /x/ and /co/ as well.
/mu/, /r9k, /x/, /pol/. /b/, /fa/, /tv/ and /q/ every once and a while.

/a/, /jp/, /sci/
/int/, /sp/, /fit/, 20
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where can i pick out my trophy?

/a/, /q/, and the porn boards.
>I find myself drawn more strongly to people than to things.

I really hate when they don't include a Neutral choice.
>I find it difficult to imagine what it would be like to be someone else.
I'm from /tg/. Pretending to be other people is half the board. This isn't a "slightly agree" or a "slightly disagree," it's neither. It's neutral.
/q/, /tg/, /co/, /x/, /int/ and /mu/ One meta, three fantasy, one muntilingual circlejerk and other musical circlejerk.


>implying there aren't types of autists that are just extreme cases of immaturity, and that it isn't possible that some so-called aspies may be just immature fucks.

We all have a certain branch of autism that is directly related to maturity and other shit. There ARE other, incurable forms of autism that you are born with.

>mfw all the aspies either browse /a/, /c/ and /jp/ or /v/, /vp/ and /vg/


Woah holy shit. Hipster as fuck.
Final score is 27. Mostly /tg/, sometimes /v/, rarely /k/ and /co/. Sometimes /gif/ to fap.
>/co/ /mlp/ /a/ /v/ /vg/
Seriously what do you expect? It's people obsessing over kiddie shit. Bunch of manchildren who need to grow the fuck up
Stop posting your personal information and trying to get attention by being autistic.
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>I'm from /tg/. Pretending to be other people is half the board. This isn't a "slightly agree" or a "slightly disagree," it's neither. It's neutral.

Actually it would be Highly disagree, being unable to comprehend anything outside your own experiences is a problem many autists face, given that you do that as part of a hobby I'm gonna have to say that's not an issue for you.

If you havn't read "The curious incident of the dog in the night-time" I'd highly recommend it if you're interested in this.
I got a 40. I frequent /g/ and /o/ usually, but I drop into /v/ occasionally. Oh, and /b/ very, very rarely.

/co/ has none 32 or over, /mlp/ has one at 30, /a/ has a few but there are much more of them here. The only thing it proves is that people really dont know the first thing about any of the buzzwords they like to throw around.

But good job playing doctor, I think I stopped doing that when I was like 5.
Why are you responding to a troll that obvious?
/v/, /r9k/, /soc/
I honestly don't know.
Now really, A case could be made for games since there are a lot of games, flash games and indie stuff made for the art and to pass on a message.

For anime, well...there ARE a couple of hidden jewels, but just a couple, the rest is an ocean of NEET catering bullshit.

And surprisingly many from mlp are bellow the line, maybe it's explainable, they are very social and tend to meet up a lot (And fuck each other dressed as ponies).

And /co... well, given that it's essentially fused with tumblr these days, and that it's two communities in one (three if we add HSG)...Yeah, complicated.
/a/ and /jp/
My score is... 6... what?
Well anyways, I'm mainly from /an/
/tg/ almost as much as /an/
occasionally /b/
and very occasionally /mlp/
I'm mildly autistic and I got a 17
I have /v/ /jp/ /a/ and /k/ open up simultaneously, so I don't know.
I go to /tg/ sometimes too
>enjoying entertainment for children
You're still autistic as fuck, you took the goddamn test just proves it.
shootan games and oooo colorful graphics~


It's a show primarily targeted towards little girls

I can't wait for fucking epic batman and furry cartoons

There is something clearly wrong with you if you enjoy this shit as an adult. These boards are the most juvenile in 4chan and it certainly shows from their threads and posts. Heck just browsing /q/ proves how fucking pathetic these people are

Then tell us what you browse, faggot. The suspense is killing us.
I'm pretty sure getting this angry about a stupid survey adds a couple of points to your score, buddy.
/lit/ where reading lets you actively pursue knowledge instead of gulping down brainless entertainment and violence.

>getting angry
Well excuse me for pointing out what disgusting man children you people are
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Boards: /co/, /vg/, /g/, /pol/

Score: 25

Hm, I'll sometimes go there to get implied recommendations for books. It's good because there's no shitposters, but next to no moderation due to that. Not long ago, I finished Paradise in The Divine Comedy. A bit overrated, but great literature nonetheless.
I honestly hate this term being thrown around. Everything that's remotely popular or held in high regard is considered overrated. It's nice you read divine comedy regardless of it being christian material
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I go to /co/ for Korra, is that still autistic?

Just because something's Christian/theological material doesn't mean it can't be well-developed, poetic, and have excellent prose.

I've also skimmed through Machiavelli's "The Prince" at a friend's house.
What do you think of non shootan games that don't involve colorful graphics?
I can see you enjoying the Lost Journey, if /lit/ is what you browse.
>Well excuse me for pointing out what disgusting man children you people are
If you truly feel that way, I don't see why you're nettled about the posters on those boards. If anything, wouldn't contempt be more appropriate than working yourself into a tizzy?
I don't have the reaction images necessary to laugh at this the way it deserves to be laughed at.

negative 80 out of 10

If you're really that anal and autistic about it then sure I feel nothing but contempt for the boards
Keep going. You're the best comedy on /q/ right now.
>complaining about manchildren
Welcome to 4chan! Don't forget to tip your janitor.
More like the only comedy, but I concur.
21: /g/,/mlp/,/b/
I'm glad I could brighten your day my autistic friend.
That's a bit weak. Don't reuse your material!
What? You admitted you've tested positive for autism numerous times before in the thread.
For someone that considers himself superior to a large percentage of 4chan, you sure bandy about buzzwords like they do. I've a feeling you'd fit right in, champ.
>ou admitted you've tested positive for autism numerous times before in the thread
Just saying things that are obviously false isn't comedy, you know.

I've got my rotten tomatoes ready. You better step it up.
>I always hate these tests
You take them regularly
>always get autism points
You're an autist son
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Our intelligent /lit/ anon everybody. Let's give him a hand for that dazzling demonstration of reading comprehension.
Sheesh buddy no need to compliment me that much! I'm blushing here
Oh, now I get the joke! You pretend to have these totally ridiculous interpretations of things, and you pretend to be really stupid! Funny stuff.
You regularly take tests for autism and you're always graded with autism. I don't see how I misinterpreted your post in any way.
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Overdoing it.

It's like you're trying to get a rise out of your audience, or something! Unprofessional, and if I do say so myself, you're just bad at it.
>I always hate these tests, because I get autism points
Direct quote right there from your post. Acting like a dumbass(you are right?) isn't helping your case.
>direct quote
But it isn't. Do you know what "direct quote" means? Somehow I can't imagine you fitting in on /lit/.

I take back what I said. You aren't funny at all! I think I'll go read one of those "delete board ___" threads; those are always good for a laugh.
>Do you know what "direct quote" means?
It's right there in my other post. Why are you denying you're an autist? Stop being in denial when tests have confirmed this. Autism is nothing to be ashamed of, you can still function in society if you try hard enough ;)
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>I feel nothing but contempt for the boards
Im autistic whats so bad about it?
Your autistic
home board: /mu/

score: 18

So is that good? Maybe I'm just socially awkward.
I got a 13, does that mean I'm more or less of an autist?
(From /tv/ btw)
45 im from /b/... are you people really suprised?
11 from /b/. I lurk mostly.
/a/non with 13
/v/ and /pol/

Do we even need to do this exercise to know it's /jp/ and /mlp/?
/v/ /g/ and /r9k/
/tv/, /co/, /pol/, /lit/, /x/ - 26
It's funny because the highest-scoring people ITT are from /b/, /r9k/, /soc/, /v/, and /mu/
Score: 13

/fa/, /c/ and /mu/
28 /mlp/, rarely /v/ or /g/.

Also the test is bullshit.
Got a 12, mainly from questions that tested analytical skills. I'm pretty social (met about 15 new people this week alone, last week was similar, the week before that as well, fuck remembering all those fucking names) and most people whom I tell that I'm actually autistic (I don't prance around with it, but sometimes it comes up and I'm not afraid to say it) are usually surprised, but those who've known me 8 years ago (when I was diagnosed) acknowledge that I've changed a since then.

The simple cure to autism is: socialise with people, go to parties and whatnot. The first year or two are going to be pretty awkward but it gets more natural and natural and by the time you get laid you're usually a complete normalfag.

I browse /a/ and /g/.
/mu/ 23
Score: 21

the concept of a "home board" is stupid but I'll say /jp/ because fuck you
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Absolutely disgusting
16 which is average, I usually browse /co/.

the only problem I had with this is the questions about social situations, I don't like them because I've been diagnosed with Schizotypal personality disorder. This excludes Asperger's syndrome so I should have scored lower. this test is kind of crappy.
/mu/ especially doesn't surprise me, it's not even the recent influx of users from other boards. Their elitist attitude has always been a dead give away.
Agree: 12,46: 1 point
Disagree: 3,11,38: 1 point
Score: 5

35. Quite troubling. Main /u/ and /g/.
I haven't been diagnosed with anything.
But what board do you browse the most? We all know you have one.
13 /r9k/
This doesn't make sense.
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18. Main /jp/
/r9k/ is full of wannabe normals. Seems to make sense to me.
The entire site misuses the word.
No kidding.

The anon quoted in >>229163 seemed to be substitution 4chan's incorrect definition for his own incorrect definition.
either /v/ or /b/
/soc/ seems more bi-polar than autistic

I mostly go to /a/ and /m/ and sometimes /jp/

When I'm just browsing for fun:
/fit/, /v/, /tv/, /b/
Oh god....how do you put up with them? There as bad as /soc/ and /r9k/.
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I am a professional at ignoring what I don't like. I have ignored over 12,493,291 posts.
Too bad leading by example is impossible for something like that.
>12,493,291 posts

Man look at this pleb. I have ignored every bad post ever on the history of the internet.
>Keeping count

More like 231380 posts.

down syndrome

when did jokes stop being a thing, 2009?

Shall I come to your favorites - /co/ and /tg/?
I'm more of a /v/ person.
But pls go there.

As a mod, how much shit posting are you required to do daily?
>inb4 muh anonymity
Dynamic IP, broski.
But it's not much help here. I'm the only person from my country who posts here.
The mod would know.
Hey mod, on the subject of IPs: If janitors have no means to see them, doesn't that make it hard for them to keep track of things and accurately ban request repeat offenders?

Janitors should be able to see non-thread-specific IDs or something. That way, they don't have access to users' personal information, but they also can identify them.

Unless you post your name, I'm not aware of any way to find out who you are. We can see the general area of where your IP is, but that's also not very accurate.


Good idea, not sure about implementation since I'm not a dev, but I'll bring it up.
Fuck, too fitting to the stereotype. I barely leave my house for fuck's sake.
Mr. Moderator, would you kindly take a stroll to /mu/ and delete some bad threads? Thank you.
/a/, /g/ and /sci/ reporting in: 41
/v/, /a/, sometimes /mu/, /fit/
I'm from /sci/ got a 28.
Naw, he should stay there. that place needs some serious fucking help at this point.
You were right
/g/, /mlp/, /lit/, /pol/, /vg/

Because I was bored as shit I decided to calculate the averages for each board in this thread from highest to lowest score, not including boards with less than 3 users for the sake of fairness.

1. /sci/ - 32 (7 users)
2. /g/ - 26. 8 (14 users)
3. /pol/ - 25.4 (11 users)
4. /jp/ - 24.7 (6 users)
5. /r9k/ - 24 (7 users)
6. /b/ - 23.2 (9 users)
7. /u/ - 22.6 (5 users)
8. /q/ - 22 (11 users)
9. /v/ - 21.9 (22 users)
10. /a/ - 21.4 (23 users)
11(tie). /x/ - 21.2 (5 users)
11(tie) /tv/ - 21.2 (5 users)
13. /mu/ - 19.5 (13 users)
14. /int/ - 19.3 (6 users)
15(tie). /vg/ - 18.4 (4 users)
15(tie). /mlp/ - 18.4 (12 users)
17. /co/ - 17.1 (13 users)
18. /fit/ - 16.7 (3 users)
19. /sp/ - 15.7 (3 users)
20. /k/ - 15.3 (4 users)
21. /tg/ - 14.3 (8 users)
dat autism
>/a/, /v/, and /a/ are less autistic than /u/
Hahaha, oh, wow.

I get that a list like this was the idea behind the thread, but man, do these numbers not add up.
It's official, /mlp/ is one of the least autistic boards on 4chan.

I-its pretty surprising.
One of those /a/s should be /q/.

>/a/, /v/, and /q/ are less autistic than /u/
18 - /int/
Just recounted and realized I had missed a score for /a/, the average is now 23.8, moving it up to 6th place in front of /b/ and behind /r9k/
27 - /int/ and /sci/

Surprisingly it's pretty close to the average between the two boards.
makes since. unwarranted self importance general
16, /co/.

Obviously the most autistic /mlp/ users are the types of people that would never come to /q/.
So the most autistic users wouldn't come on one of the most autistic boards? i'm not sure what you're trying to imply.
Score: 15


/v/ /n/ /o/ /p/
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/a/ /vg/
It's pretty much level with /co/, just shoes that people who enjoy cartoons aren't all that different from each other.

/a/ and /g/
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/g/, /mlp/, /3/, /toy/, and /v/

Agree: 2,4,6,12,13,16,19,22,23,26,39,41,42,43,46: 1 point
Disagree: 1,10,11,15,17,25,27,28,38,44,47,49,50: 1 point
Score: 28

Also have assburgers.

Ultra normalfag.
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Score: 29
/a/, /g/, /3/

But as someone who has a good knowledge of autism I fail to see how 75% of these questions are related to the actual condition.
Score: 29

/r9k/, /g/, /mu/, /mlp/, /int/, and /wsg/
>>228687 (OP)
>http://www . wired . com/wired/archive/9.12/aqtest.html
37 /a/
Score: 39
/a/, /g/ and /int/

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