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Moot what is the correct board for:

Pony cosplay?
Pony porn?
Anthro/humanized pony pictures?

or are none of these things allowed anywhere on 4chan and we should be reporting any and all instances of them?

I mean outside of /v/ and /b/ most boards arent so autismal and don't throw a shit fit when they see a picture of a cartoon horse.
Ponies are on /cgl/ all the time and it doesnt bother anyone.
>>227199 (OP)
>Pony cosplay?
>Pony porn?
>Anthro/humanized pony pictures?
The depths of hell.
/mlp/ rule 7

>Ponies only! No anthro.
dem titties
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>"Do you really want to ban me from 4chan, moot-kun?"
>>227199 (OP)
>>227199 (OP)
Fuck off horsefucker faggots.
I think a new rule is needed : in non-autistic board, MLP could be allowed if it's on topic, and must be limited to only one thread on front page. MLP threads on /cgl/, /wg/ and even one in /ck/ ended well, so why not ?
What the fuck? What the fucking fuck? Just keep it banned horsefucker.
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I dont even like the show, but the cosplay can be hot

Im just asking whats the right board, if any?
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And so it begins


You're welcome.
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>see pic
The rage you display almost makes me want to go find a ponified version of that image just to watch you rage harder
I pretty much agree with this. no other board sans /v/ and /b/ gets mad over ponies
It could be trialed on /cgl/ and /wg/ and if it looks like no one is getting stupidly autistic over it then it could be extrapolated to the other boards
I mean, there is a wealth of content out there that can go on other boards and not just /mlp/ and just because it is pony related doesn't mean that non fans will not like it
not every board is as autistic and narrow minded as /v/ or /b/
If we let up you guys post your shit everywhere. We don't have a choice.
You're the only one who seems disturbed by pony threads. Even the few threads about MLP or its community in /pol/ were good, and it gathered /pol/iticians who were fans.
I am also against MLP related things outside of the MLP board. I feel the only reason to post MLP-related things outside of the board is to troll.
>Pony cosplay?
Used to be /cgl/ back in the days, now it goes to /mlp/.
>Pony porn?
Furry, normally /b/, but /b/ enforces rule 15.
>Anthro/humanized pony pictures?
Anthro shit is global, /b/ doesn't allow ponies, 4chan is no place for anthro ponies. Humanized ponies should be fine on /mlp/, the rule just says no anthro.
Rule-violating in /b/ and pretty much the only reason /mlp/ was made (along with people who used ponies to troll). /co/ was most likely okay with MLPG's and was mature.
Then, you were on the wrong boards. I didn't see people losing their shit about it, except in /b/ or /v/.
those spergs get their own board and they still aren't satisfied? christ
Don't have a choice in what?
Don't worry sir, you don;t need to use logical fallacies to try and prove an argument here
We like to listen to reasoned arguments
Thats not the issue, The issue is that there are somethings that are cross board
There are a wealth of topics that can be discussed in other boards, such as /wg/ /cgl/ /toy/ /fa/ (at a stretch) /diy/ etc
And people an these boards are not as narrow minded and won't completely splerg out because it is based from a cartoon show

this is about things you CANT post on /mlp/
No, I was on the board I wanted to visit. The rules currently state that all MLP-related content belongs in /mlp/. The only people on the wrong board are the ones posting MLP-related content outside of /mlp/.
But there's no mods on /mlp/, except for that one who drops in every so often, and the janitor is usually in a coma
I think this is inherently faulty logic. I'm pretty sure most of /mlp/ cannot into, for instance, art or critiquing, so why shouldn't artists be able to post their work on a board like /iq/?
In that case, you still have your answer.

>Pony cosplay?
>Pony porn?
>Anthro/humanized pony pictures?
The depths of hell.

I fucking love this image.
The rules say MLP-related content can only be posted in /mlp/. That defeats the notion that MLP related discussion could be cross-board.

This means that all the points in OP's post belong in /mlp/, no matter if they share qualities with other boards' discussion content.
there is actually some pretty decent shit out there, what is the issue on asking for critique on something that is artwork on a non autistic board that won't go into an autistic rage because it was based on a kids show?
Because the rules say so.
Sorry I read your post wrong, I thought you were saying that art shouldn't have been allpwed critique
I've seen pony threads on /e/, /h/, /r/ and /t/ that had some posts and HAD high quality content.

It's sad that humanized porn, for example, is not allowed in /h/, because there IS high quality content out there.
But it can't be posted because ponies and western.
And I think /mlp/ is ok for the SFW content, at least. Most of the pony porn is furshit anyway.
Keep horseshit on the hores board.
would you like to back that up with some evidence as to why that should remain?
Or are you going to remain in the "Fundamentalist Christian" way of arguing
Please input some actual points of discussion rather than just spew shit
Oh man, that was edgy as fuck. I better be careful, or I'm going to cut myself!
No one likes them. End.

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