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This week 4chan turned 9 years old *click*


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Janitor deleting Kingdom Hearts DDD discussion thread, go suck a dick also screencapped and mailed to Moot."

/v/ janitor already 404'd 3 threads about this, please help.
/v/ was better without mods and with doubles.
have you heard about those 4chan movies smiley and we are legion? moot knew about these. captchas, mods and containment boards like /soc/ are moots attempt at making 4chan a more worksafe place, the movies are advertisement to drag even more normalfags into this shithole and the 4chan pass is a way for moot to rip off said normalfags. just as planned.
It's really bad, there are janitors on /v/ deleting ACTUAL video game threads while leaving troll threads alive, my CAT could be a better janitor than these guys.
Met one of the mods on moltenWoW without even knowing it. Kit, if you're readin' this, please try and do something about the horrible situation on /v/.

>/v/ was better without mods and with doubles.

No, make everyone else a favor and leave /v/ forever.

We need to get confirmation that this really is an unruly janitor. If it is, shame on whoever was looking at the applications.
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Doubles were a scourge, with all the fuckers using them in vidya threads.
Pic related: don't you forget.
Also the last thread that this was posted in 404'd, they are at it again.
>/v/ was better without mods and janitors
No, you get the fuck out cunt.
I still remember when the summer faggots dug up daily dose and drove that shit into the ground, and the fucking tipping epidemic. We need mods, and fucking competent ones. And don't tell me doubles were used for good, most of the time people just spammed gets for the hell of it/to derail shit they didn't like. Get the fuck out.
>/v/ was better without mods and with doubles.

original content, funny and interesting off-topic threads, it's all gone now thanks to NOTVIDYA-nazis
look, everyone, just set your differences aside for one fucking minute, alright? Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to be keeping up these threads about how this janitor is abusing his powers to delete legit threads.
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This is just fucked up.

Really hope he gets banned. Thank fuck janitors are limited to one board.
I just saw a thread about a map being removed from Call of Duty get deleted. What the actual fuck?
but CoD is shit
/v/ culture is preserved as Moot intended, anything else is NOT VIDYA, and it should be deleted.
What I really don't get is why we can't talk about Anita Sarkesian and sexism in vidya, I always wanted to ask this to mods and Moot.
here's how you can help:
the image name is 1349794989467
if you download and save it, go on to /v/
try to make a thread about it, if it says the file is already posted, go to where it redirects you, then respond in the thread within reason, no shitposting, once it 404s, rinse lather repeat.
moot should lifeban this faggot
Not a reason to delete the thread.

Besides, it was a thread about shitty developers in general and how muslims can get anything changed (in games) by whining hard enough.
How are you going to stop it when 95% of /v/ are pretty much underage 9fag browsers? games are for children and with the amount of memes in borderlands 2 it shows exactly who games are targeted towards.
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>>>/v/ was better we out janitors,
hes right >>226789
Fuck you moot.
I apply because I legitimately want to help the place I've spent over half a decade browsing, and little shits like this get hired instead.
I just fucking give up.
How is this even relevant? Some guy was made janitor that is severely incompeten, and he's underage.
He should be banned, regardless of board content.
>What I really don't get is why we can't talk about Anita Sarkesian and sexism in vidya, I always wanted to ask this to mods and Moot.
because that topic is discussed to death on /v/ every day several times
What did I just say earlier? I said put your differences ASIDE for ONE MINUTE.
Jesus man, just because it's a board you don't agree with doesn't mean you should let that guy do whatever the fuck he wants.

It's advertising.
because feminism is not vidya

go to /pol/
so what? ask someone from another board to babysit for you?
Indeed Im an oldfag from 2006 and Im not an underage fucktard. I did a huge ass essay saying why i wanted to be a janitor and that I know how to use IRC and the like but nope lets hire the 9fagger instead!
Let's not make this into a BL2 thread, but you're a fucking idiot. BL2 is a great game, references are everywhere, but they are not all about your stupid internet references, most of them are secondary one-liners you will never hear in a full game, unless you are talking about the "Cool story bro" that Axton says, and "You've just activated my trap card" from Zer0. Fuck you if you let a few sentences annoy you so much to not enjoy a game.
Moot please /v/ doesn't need shitty janitors it needs fucking MODS WHO BAN THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF DOUBLES FAGS AND /V/EE CULTURE
also Ironic shitposting
Again, how is this relevant?
Yeah, I wrote up what I thought was a fairly good piece too, but it looks like you have to be a wacky retard that isn't even old enough to browse the site in order to be a janitor here.
>>226765 (OP)
You know that picture's a year old, right?

Image in the OP is not directly related to this supposed bad janitor that has been deleting threads today.
No point in now advertising her anymore right now, she already got the initial attention she needed from us, because we were naive idiots, now the best we can do is keep talking about her so that we can come up with good coutner arguments to her shit opinions. Also she didn't deliver yet and nobody seems to care. The way I see it, the more we give her attention NOW, the better it is, since she's obviously in difficult.

It is, when it starts ruining vidya.
Really? Fucking really? Fuck... I have never raged this fucking hard, how the fuck did that little shitstain 9fag underage cunt get to be a janitor!? Fuckfuckihatethisplanetfuckgsgcsrhfkgdyvhvrghbhkcvhfj
The picture's a year old, bro
lel whiny nerds, im gunna enjoy deleting ur weeaboo threads, had enuff of neptuna shitting up /v's frontpage.

[posting wit a proxy]
I'm surprised Lucy hasn't released details on this guy.
It's not like you had a real interview with him, that guy might aswell make up a lot of shits and become a janitor, just like you could have.
because if you remove one underage fag chances are you'll get another and another, complaining about catching fish in a fish tank is just fucking retarded.
Indeed, if I ever met moot IRL I will ask him what the fuck its his problem!
I am seeing active moderation right now on /v/, good.

Video games.
It's a fucking janitor that can delete threads.

Moot made a mistake and hired somebody not fit for the job, this should be dealt with.
Stop it, those are actual video game threads, Brian, seriously, you need to get your shit together or gtfo my /v/, just because you don't like Neptunia or Kingdom Hearts doesn't mean you can delete the threads like you fucking OWN the place, which you don't.
Thats what I dont get, If were moot I would have done a real interview after selecting competent essays. Preferably on skype with a webcam.
I understand that most of the things that were deleted there are not video games, which is a good thing, but if you look close enough, there are legitimate video game related threads that are being deleted.
My god /v/ is full of gullible retards.

Please give examples.
Shouldn't talk Pokemon on /v/ because /vp/
Shouldn't talk about wRPGs because there is is /a/
Shouldn't talk about Star Wars vidya because there is /tv/
This is hilarious
Just like with anyone complaining about the moderation, go ahead and show what vidya threads were wrongly deleted

It's mostly deleting you and your idiotic spam which is against the rules (Global 8). Now, the reason why it's idiotic is that you were dumb enough to fall for such an easy troll. There are no new janitors or mods and anyone that discloses their status gets fired quickly. Stop trying to find fault with the system and post better stuff.
Do we even have any other proof? I haven't seen any non vidya in >>226835
Do we have any proof that this is fake either?
Holy shit, please be fake please be fake please be fake please be fake.

You're retarded and those threads aren't deleted.
Wait, found these:
I'll give a select few that may in some cases be thinly spread but still related:

There you go,
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/v/ really went to shit as soon as it couldn't shut up about how much it hated ponies
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You know what?

I am happy that he became a janitor.
Mainly because he wouldn't be a good janitor, ergo 4chan is a great place for him to become one.
Also, I am laughing now at y'all being mad beyond recognition.
4chan was.. 4chan IS a shitplace overrun by people like him.
I don't know what are you all doing here.

But its hilarious, I can tell ya' that.

Wasn't vidya, just a bunch of retards shitposting cause "STOP LIKING WHAT I DONT LIKE!!!"


The thread had a discussion, and jsut got worse and worse off the longer it stayed.


More shitposting

From what I see, the janitor is doing a great job.
Also I was not the one who was making the threads, I merely posted it on /q/ hence the " " because that was the original text.
xD so leejuin :P
Advertising, lol.

/b/ shit.

They 404'd from natural causes.
Troll/spam (Come on, anyone can recognize a false neptunia thread)
I agree on this one, looks like there was plenty of discussion in it.
Pony shitstorm that we've had dozens of threads already.

Not vidya/Advertising
Feels/Blog. Just because you tack on the word vidya doesn't mean it's related.

If this is all you can find, then I don't see what's so bad about this janitor. All I'm seeing is very gullible people that are now spamming "Brian go to bed" because they believe an easily faked screencap.

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