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This shit again? Really?
You had one thread and far from being civilized.

Your presence only brings shitstorms

and contribute nothing

eat shit and go back to kc
you're that crazy polefag
There was also a thread about Jews that was going really well. Surprisingly enough, /int/ was mature as fuck.
But then the janitor accidentally the thread.
>Your presence only brings shitstorms

Ban the Shitstormers, Not me.

>Contribute nothing

This is /int/. We talk about Culture of countries. I've had many questions asked only to have the thread deleted. You're not letting me contribute.
shut up, kikes. you are always complaining about something.
your threat turns always into /pol/ that's why they always 404.
And whose fault is this?
>implying all other threads don't turn into /pol/

nigga, do you even browse /int/?
it's your fault because you exist.
watch it, kiddo. You don't want to lose a finger from all that edgy
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Poor Jews: always the victims and it's never their fault.
>can't into history

also, this isn't only about jews and israel. The autistic mod is shitting all over /int/ by deleting everything he dislikes.
>mod is shitting all over /int/ by deleting everything he dislikes.

I have never seen mod deleting a threat for no reason.
Explain my screenshot.

He never has a valid reason.
>"sine our discussion was deleted due to the tread turning into /pol/"

you have your answer
You clearly don't browse /int/ regularly.
You can also see in any thread people linking to deleted comments. A lot.
Yea, No.

People were turning it into /pol/. So I opened a new one with a different subject.
>comment deleted
>HURR DURR it must be mod HURR DURR

you know that people can delete their comments, right?
Have you ever tried posting there as an Israeli?

They delete my stuff. A lot. I can vouch for that.

I'm not even saying anything controversial
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here we go.
this is bullshit
we've been complaining about this for months and not so much as an acknowledgement from a mod
you're fucking flooding /int/ with you shit threats about israel, of course he's going to delete your them.
I dont know why mod didnt ban you.
Wasn't me.
That's not exactly flooding when the janitor is so overzealous there's exactly zero threads about Israel on the board at any time...
It was always that way

even before jani
deal with it

or try /pol/ you will find tons of those there

>It was always that way

Time for a change.
Get a load of this big bad racist fuck.

The only that is merely bringing the shitstorms are you. And that's because you hate jews.
Can confirm janitor for being a nazi again.
opened a vocaroo thread becuase im interested in accents, got deleted instantly.
Israeli here,

I can testify to it as well. Literally anything we try to post gets deleted, even if it has absolutely nothing at all to do with politics. It's been going on ever since the flags started.
Proxyfag making troll thread and bad one

not much here to see

/int/'s janitor is the most autistic guy on the internet.

You should have seen Krautchan /int/ the day after the flags showed up and he began deleted everything, it was flooded with refugees to the point that we literally couldn't even make a single thread without 4chan newbies showing up.

Seriously, how that guy was even considered for the position of janitor, is beyond me...


Ata rotze sheani yatchil ledaber itcha beivrit ceilu?
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Call me a proxy fag one more time faggot.

IDF guy here.

Is that you, Herzliya?

lo makir

Where from then?

Or is it Tel Avivi?
ani me-rishon.

Eize yechida?
Kele 4
az tamtziu leatzmechem shemot, lama em ha berdnshim baim veshoalim tetztarchu.

Fuck, I'm innocent.

What about you, Haifa?
Im shalish there, not kalu
Not saying.
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Sup Sdot Micha.

Oh shit, did I just write that in English?

Fuck, how do I delete this post, quickly, quickly, before the Goyim see it.
Hey Israeli/s - you should make an "I'm an Israeli ask me questions..." thread in /b/.
>on /b/

Explain why there?
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>Jews wondering why janitor keeps deleting their threads.

pic related
>implying that isn't a reaction to the janitor's autism
stop hiding yourself janitor
Because your shit will get deleted on /int/ and it would be interesting.
That's a reaction, not a cause.
That's after trying to make 4 serious sane threads.

What do expect?
No, this a reason to delete your threads.
>>221783 (OP)
/int/ monitor won't let us convert to islam, ffs someone do something about it
see >>221991

He deletes everything. Even if its not controversial.
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I started 3 threads (which all have been deleted in a matter of minutes) and there seems to be a global consensus (it's quite something to see a Paki and a cube agree on something). I'm not going to try again but I'm sure the vast majority of /int/ wants this guy removed from the staff.
Yes, remove him and you could ban him at the same time. He makes me angry. He constantly deletes totally relevant posts and threads, doesn't take users critique, and he's an absolute moron with his own agenda.
The fuck?
Okay, yeah, this is fucked up.
Fuck off, mod. I emailed moot thrice about this and he hasn't responded. There has been countless threads on /q/ providing feedback about how constructive the janitor is. How about you do something for a change?
There was a thread about Ethiopia a while ago and it was deleted just because an Israeli posed in it. I don't care whether Israelis can post or not, but deleting perfectly good threads that have noting to do with Israel is just unacceptable.
My thread got deleted

I'm from qatar

>Im from qatar

who gives a shit.
The Iranian had his thread deleted as well. And for once he wasn't even shitposting.
That's because there are several Iranian guys on /int/.
He is deleting your threads because he knows you are some fucking JIDF . go to /pol/, kikes.
>vocaroo thread

Go back to bed, janitor.
yeah because OTHER retards turn it into barnstorming shitparades, you ignorant fuck.
How do I contact moot on IRC?
I donnu about them. But as I stated. I'm not JIDF.

I'm IDF.
I got banned too. What a prick.
are you fucking stupid? Did you even READ what you posted in that pic?

I'm not Israeli or a frequent visitor of /int/ but dude, you have got to get your head out of your ass.

Me too. Fuck, what an autist.
That's a reaction to his deeds.

Also that's not me.
He mentioned it for a reason. And his thread was completely legit and relevant and didn't break any rules etc.
If enough of us spam moot with complaints on IRC maybe he'll do something.
>vocaroo thread

typical post from kikes
>implying that guy from canada didn't ask him to say this
Confirmed for angry Polefag.
You know what, I hardly ever go to /int/ so I started just last week after seeing so many threads complaining about the janitor there.

Jesus fucking christ he's a worse nazi than the jews!

Fuck that mod in the ass and fuck moot too for doing nothing; censoring is a fucking stupid thing to do and deleting threads or comments or banning people from certain countries is fucking ignorant.

I hope I DO get banned just so you faggot mods prove my point. I have never once been angry or upset with a mod or moot in my entire history of browsing 4chan.
moot doesn't really go to IRC, as far as I know.
Now they banned me for evading the ban they gave me for no reason.
this means they read the thread, and ignore it.
well played mods.
I don't get it. Why do they do this?
please change the janitor on /int/ he's a massive faggot

I don't get it either. If Moot's so intent on sending /int/ down the shitter, why doesn't he just delete the entire board? What the fuck is he trying to achieve with this janitor?
please god this
Banned from ALL BOARDS.

Well done mods.

Posting the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
moot doesn't care about any board but /a/, /v/ and /r9k/.
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ITT jews getting mad
Not true. He dearly loves /b/. Why do you think /b/ is the only board to get party hats on the birthdays?
Forgot /b/. He also goes to /g/ from time to time. Other than these, he doesn't give a shit about any other board. Why do you think they ignore board requests?
I'm not jewish but I am angry, not mad; mad means insanity.
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>Check your privilege, cis scum!

At least add something to the rules of int if israel is banned.
There was an interesting thread about it that was deleted and I prefer to speak with them on int, pol is a mess.
I think /fit/, too, because he started working out and stuff. But he says /q/ is his favorite board.

Oh my. Just... fuck.

Please tell me that this is a shoop.
It's my ban for asking if the janitor hated jew or wanted us to not discuss (insult) with them on the thread of the portuguese.
Go read Global Rule 17
Janitors cannot issue bans.
checking if im not banned
I don't know how it work, I was just saying to 222092 why I was banned.
I quickly read the thread there was nothing interesting. Are any moderator going to give us some information about the janitor pilicies on /int/?
Mods are mad because they can't be part of the jewish legacy and they will never will
There's people acting like total retards making an enormous effort to cover /int/ with shit almost 24/7 and they simply don't get banned for it

Half of USA, Australia, UK, that annoying american proxyfag who pretends to be dutch, and a big amount of other countries who cover the place with shit and break the rules every time in the name of the "LE EPIC TROLL" mentality are simply tolerated

Israeli threads turn into /pol/ because the own janitor make the necessary effort for it, and then he deletes the thread pretending that he didn't tried to make a shitstorm himself, he is probably a 15yo pseudo-nazi /pol/ user who can't even answer a post going against his opinion without deleting the post

For the fuck sake, moot, stop accepting anonymous members in the staff
Sums it up nicely.
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Please remove kike from premises.
There are plenty of things that need to be deleted in /int/. It's a board that requires a lot of moderation, but this fucking janitor takes it WAY too fucking far. I've never seen such a trigger happy janitor before on any 4chan board.
lol... that's crazy.
I too think that we need to get rid of that fucking janitor, he does nothing but fuck the board up as much as he can. It's reached the point where most of /int/ would prefer you just get rid of moderation entirely on the board then keep him there.
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I laughed really hard when a Palestinian was having a casual normal conversation with some israel guy (jokes and everything) while the thread surrounding them was turning into /pol/ arguing with itself.

Also, flag related thread on /int/ should not be deleted as they are an extension of the hands around the world threads. They are meant to share experiences with posters from rarely seen countries. and encourage people to threat them nicely. I know we usually bring the Pokemon thing but that's the fun of it. I don't really get why It's against the rules and to my knowledge we haven't heard any single administrator or moderator response regarding this. A good part of /int/ thinks those threads should not be deleted.

As I say we can share experiences and everything. For instance, today janitor deleted a thread created by some guy from Anguilla why? He created the thread again and this time he limited himself to deleve every single "catched" reference the other users made. He had a nice time and we learned some things about that country. So what's the big deal? other truly shitposting dedicated threads are left alive while the ones who could be used as a gateway to really learn about the way other people live (culture) are deleted.

/int/ has good and active moderation, but this guy goes a little far.

PIcture related, capture of the first thread created by Angilla bro who was deleted shortly after.
and to boot we've had no replies from anyone on this site
Bumping this becuase the mods promised me they will prevent the janitor from being an idiot in the last thread from a while ago
yeah where is that guy?
OP here. bump
I'm bumping this out of solidarity. I never go to /int/, but I'm all for cleaning up the boards in general. Maybe moot should make some sort of effort to remove the nazis and racists from 4Chan the same way he does so with the pedos.

>putting pedos and nazis down on the same level
Yeah, that's right.
Bump, this really bugs us all
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>Removing nazis and racism
No, that doesn't solve the problem.
4chan is about posting whatever the fuck you want. (providing it doesn't break united states law)
We shouldn't get rid of the faggot janitor because he's racist, we should do it because he keeps destroying information and and trying to censor harmless productive discussion.
>4chan is about posting whatever the fuck you want.

...no it isn't.
No it isn't, which is why the rules prohibit things like posting dubs threads outside of /b/. Some things aren't illegal, but disrupt discourse and should be either cleaned up or result in a ban.
Why wont a moderator reply to these?
There's been like 10 complaint threads this week alone? Jesus christ.

Also the janitor keeps fucking posting.
becuase ignoring is easier.
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I just noticed it to. I dared to post- even made some OC today. While my posts went undisturbed (afaik) I left for a few hours and came back to find the aspie janitor had once again skipped over troll threads to delete perfectly innocent ones that he either didn't like, or - as history has shown- just deleted threads that had too many posts he didnt agree with.

I'm only bumping because the thread is truth. The "int has a psycho janitor" threads have been up since /q/ started and not a fucking thing has been done about him, so there's no reason to believe by now the mods give a fuck enough to start now. It's pretty obvious the janitor must have been sucking their e-dick for a while and they aren't going to dispatch the janitor unless he stops. So /int/ is fucked.

At some point, when I work up the care, I mean to start posting the other /int/s available so new people don't feel stuck in that prison board which-

-I say again, and has been proven-

-is run for the enjoyment of the janitor, not the users. ...
here, my thread has been deleted again.
over 100 posts, did not became /pol/ but still got deleted.
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... The board culture has been sterilized, the humor is gone, the trips left for better /int/s, and even running gags that have been around since it's inception are now verboten, thanks to fucktard.

The fucktard will appear in this thread eventually and will accuse me of being 8 different people and assert that I must be /pol/, tell me to go to KC, and insist that the 9000 threads trying to expose what a shitty janitor he is is the result of some one-man conspiracy, and that we are all the problem, not him.

I've said this in every "/int/ janitor is pants-on-head fucktarded" since /q/ opened, and will keep saying it every time there is such a thread because its true and everyone knows it.

I made the last thread about it two months ago, theres no sense in making more. When the mood strikes when I would like to use /int/ and know theres no point trying, I'll just go back to posting the shit that pisses him off 10 times a day. It's the only justice there is, since /int/- and apparently this board also- are worthless.

inb4 the aspie angry child janitor retorts with some trite faggotry
>Giving a fuck about tripfags

whatta moron
he's at it again guys
three perfectly civil and interesting threads just got deleted
another thread deleted. this one was talking about "the weirdest thing that happened in your country"
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>While my posts went undisturbed (afaik)

My mistake. I forgot to mention he also likes to surgically delete posts he finds offensive so the board looks more like how he think it should.

In response to another poster, I posted this pic & simply "lol"

It was deleted. A classic meme invented right on /int/ vaporized because the faggot janitor doesn't like American jingoist humor, a staple on /int/ for years.

I dont blame the janitor or the mods anymore. Moot has been aware of this of r months. People have emailed repeatedly. As far as I'm concerned , this flaming pile of shit is wholly his fault and he owns it rather he wants to man up to it or not.

It's been rather sad seeing him crawl back to 4chan and try to show an interest again with the same old crap oversight now that canv.as is a renowned joke. As 4chan dies, so does moot. The dream of becoming some web legacy with is teenage venture is fading to a dark void. Its only a matter of time for he's one of Zuckerburgs pencil pushers.

And no, constantly cycling captcha so positing is like playing 'whack-a-mole' isn't going to get me to pay you for a pass. This place isnt some exclusive club. Its a web toilet for people to shit in between other tabs. If it wasnt before, it certainly is now.
lmao i noticed that too. that's pretty funny
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We had some good ones. Only one was really a troll (and we all know who that was) but he was still fun, if a little hard to follow.

It was a nice little community.

Then after years of allowing 50 'who's white" threads a day on /int/, moot closed /new/ because it made him cry, so naturally all the stormfags went to /int/, and /int/ acted surprised.

That begat the new regime which- while annoying- was at least grounded in some set of rules. Then apparently moot got joo'd and- as moot always does after making a mistake- claimed there was no mistake while swinging wildly in the other direction and appointed some ass-raging ass-licker anti-Israeli who had been making 40 reports a day to be the janitor. That apparently was more than the trips could handle and they fled, presumably to the better /int/s emerging.

Does anyone remember moot swearing up and down 4chan would never, ever have captcha years ago? Yeah, thats moot.
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That is pretty pathetic if it's real. That's KC levels of faggotry.
What's wrong with keeping JIDF/IDF on /pol/?

It pollutes the board.

We don't need "Why Israel is Wonderful" five times a day. We have enough Americans doing that as it is.

/int/ should be far from /pol/ but the janitor/mod keeps deleting threads that do abide by the rules.

Incompetent as f.
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My complaint isn't exactly related to Israel, but it's still about the moderation on /int/.

There's a mod/jan who keeps deleting stuff that's related to Quebec, even if it's strictly stuff about the culture.

I made a "Ask a Quebecer anything" thread, and got banned (pic related)

Yet, there are constantly "ama" threads on /int/.

Could I please get an explanation?
You sound like the autist.

AMA is shit.

for fuck sake you autistic bitch, most of us aren't going on /int/ to protect israel or say how great it is. we just want to post like every other country without getting deleted
>AMA is shit.
Then why the hell are so many AMA's being untouched?

And I'm not just talking about "unique countries" making AMA's...heck, there was a guy who made a "Ask a Canadian anything" thread not long ago and it stayed up for quite a while.

>This board is for the discussion of foreign culture and language.
The point of an AMA is for people to discuss the specific culture (and perhaps also language) of a place. Why is it "shit"?
AMA isn't shit, stop blindly following other people's edgyness just to fit in.

AMA threads are always really interesting and informative. They are also part of /int/ culture, and it sucks that whenever a rare country comes up and opens an AMA thread they get banned because the janitor/mod is a total faggot.

Moot, fuck you. That is all.
Made a thread to catch all this stuff so we don't have 5 of them a day. Care to join?

>>224151 →
It's just that AMA is a contributing factor to the cancer on /b/ so it's just routinely deleted.

It's probably that the resident /int/ janitor might not be on very much and the AMAs get deleted automatically.
Added my reply.
not much to add, israeli threads and some other specific countries thread (qubec, qatar etc')
Just tried to strike up a thread about Israeli culture TWICE on /int/ both 404'd within 2 minutes and already had a few posts in them.

What the fuck /int/? You claim to be about international culture and politics and then just shun one whole part ofthe world away. fucking janitor sucks.
I was the guy who replied first in the thread (the first israeli, that is).
the mod promised me that he will allow 1 thread for a beginning, but that lasted 2 days.
now everything gets deleted.
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>janitor picking on Canadians

I don't think it gets any lower than that.

That's the int-janitor equivalent of child-rape-murder.

You're a sick fuck, janishit.
Remove janitor from premises!
> Half of USA, Australia, UK, that annoying american proxyfag who pretends to be dutch, and a big amount of other countries who cover the place with shit and break the rules every time in the name of the "LE EPIC TROLL" mentality are simply tolerated

it's not trolling, it's called banter you fucking retard
FUCK this mod and janitor that banned ANGUILABRO
anguillabro is banned? wut?
bump /jan/ thread etc etc
>>221783 (OP)
bump originalee nr 2
Do the staff give the 1 thread they leave up more of a chance or are they as quick to delete it for a smaller rule violation? Do they let a second thread go as a backup in case signifigantly bad shit happens in it and they feel they really have to delete it?
And after 80 replies, A good going thread of mine was deleted

Reason? none.
Bump becuase mods ignore.
There are at least three /int/ threads here posted daily complaining about moderation.

Why hasn't anyone addressed this? Are the mods/moot just going to keep ignoring this?

The least they could do is just say stop crying and deal with it.
That is absolute fucking bullshit. AMA threads on /int/ are NOTHING like the ones found on /b/. AMA threads on /int/ revolve around the poster's country/region and are some of the most informative and interesting threads that we get on the board. Personally, they're my favourite threads on /int/ and one of the main reasons why I use the board. I've learnt a lot from them about countries I previously knew next to nothing about, and then this fucking prick deletes the thread AND bans him for posting it because "they're shit"? Fuck that mod.

And before anybody asks - yes, I'm really fucking mad.

Welcome to the club, guys.
Just fuck off, you Jew cunt. Nobody wants you there anyway, the janitor has every right to remove your shit threads.
hate to, but have to bump this again.
How's it feel to be a complete newfag and one of the cunts that browse /pol/ who think jews are nothing but shitposting scum?

I happen to recall browsing /int/ a few days ago and things seemed to be fine. What idiotic bastard spat the dummy to make the janitor treat jew posters like nuturutards on /a/?
Jesus Christ. There are no less than 6 /int/ threads on the first couple pages of /q/.
You faggots are worse than the faggots constantly complaining about ponies.
>implying most of them arent done by the samefag
Donnu about the others. I opened just one.
Meant to quote the other guy.
I too am fed up with him, can't wait till he dies.

I felt like opening one up, but was glad to see one already existed, if you can't handle that people have a concern then fuck off and jerk it in San Fransisco
I'm not saying you guys don't have a legitimate concern, but keep it to one thread for fuck's sake. Hard to take spammers seriously.

>>221783 (OP)
>>224151 →
>>224280 →
>>225030 →
>>221951 →
>>222151 →
>>216174 →


well I think that's spontaneous, I almost made a thread before I saw this on the front page.

so I think you're misdirecting your attention
The mods don't seem to notice one thread, and this shit has been going on for MONTHS now. maybe we need more than 1 thread.
joos pls go
Still no response?

The janitor thing is that big of a goddamned problem. Ponies were maybe an issue with lax moderation, while this is an issue with excess and seemingly arbitrary moderation. It's terribly inhibiting to posting.
The moderation on /int/ fucking aggravates me to no end. /int/ is one of the few genuinely good boards on 4chan; sure to an outsider it might look like we hate each other but it's all just daft in-jokes. It's probably one of the friendlier boards on here. We make dumb jokes about national stereotypes and say things like 'remove kebab from premises' but at the end of the day we're all friends and there's no hard feelings, and the board is overall very on-topic.

So why is the mod a useless shit?

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