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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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One of the most requested boards I have ever seen on 4chan is a board for the discussion of History and other Humanities based subjects.

The problem we have at the moment is the only place to discuss such issues is /pol/ and /pol/ is by far the worst board in the existence and any thread you post there will be hijacked by stormfags or "LOLOL LIBFAG GONNA LIB/CIS PRIVILEGE" trolls who ruin every thread on that board.

Now the major issue for History & Humantities is the same /pol/fags trying to hijack the board with holocaust denial threads, but I think this could be countered with some clever wordfilters.

So please, can we have a History & Humanities board?
Should just name the History board /WW2/ and /Hitler/
Remember that we're still on 4chan.

No matter what there's always gonna be a certain level of faggotry that you'll have to tolerate.
That is already /k/ also outside of /k/ I don't see many WW2 threads, mostly medieval ones.

Indeed, but trying to discuss anything of merit on /pol/ that is pretty much darn near impossible.

I would like to atleast have a history board that moves at a decent speed on 4chan and deal with some faggotry, than use 420chan /his/ which has a grand total of about 1 or 2 posts a day.
I was told to post here saying I want a history board... please don't ban me.
since litfags have their own board why not histfags
i would love for there to be a history board
/his/ is the only board proposal I know of that I actually support.
/his/ would be nice
/lit/ does haev some decent history threads sometimes though, since some posters have read a lot of nonfiction
I would like a history board.
I support this. History board please.
I concur, but it would need heavy moderation to keep Stormfags away
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Anyone down for the history board to be called /gsg/?
I just feel that /his/ shouts "Hey stormfag, Come make a thread discussing about how awesome Hitler was." and i feel like those threads could get old quite fast.
However i'm in love with the small community of Grand strategy Gaming threads on /vg/ and most of the time we talk about history, or alt history anyways.
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why does nobody read the sticky?
OP Here, read the sticky, but somehow missed the giant red text.

4chan as a whole is a shithole infested with trolls, this is something you are gonna have to deal with..
>Implying they are actually stormfags on /pol/ and not a minority group of samefag trolls, posting the same threads over and over.
>The problem we have at the moment is the only place to discuss such issues is /pol/
actually /tg/ discuss it very often especially the medieval times
yeah a /his/ board would be nice, we could talk about humanity's greatest accomplishments such as... who am I kidding it will be HITLER HITLER HITLER all the fucking day.
/int/'s doing alright lately, save for that one butthurt janitor, why not discuss history there?

I saw a history thread running last week
Coming from someone who frequents /pol/ a lot, there is like hardly any Hitler threads if at all, every once in a while one pops out but whats the big deal? that's what free speech is all about, my rights dont end where your feeling begin.
Well, /tg/ is historical /k/, so it actually fullfills some parts of /his/.
Every time I go to /pol/ I regret it. Absolutely EVERY thread devolves into Holocaust denial/Jew hatred/something really fucking obnoxious sooner or later.
If there's a history board I think it should also have philosophy as on topic.

Philosophy & History
As a History student, I am absolutely and forcefully OPPOSED to a history board.

Anytime there's any history discussed on a board it's an appalling demonstration of ignorance and retardation.

And who actually believes it wouldn't turn into /pol/ 2.0 ?
That's why it should be a philosophy board as well.

Having it also history-oriented would help prevent the board from becoming a "dude, what if the blue I see nad the blue you see rae like, different?".

And having it philosophy-oritented in its historical discussion might prevent it from becoming another /stormfront/
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I have desired a history board for years. I don't think it would turn into Hitler and WW2 threads constantly. It would be /his/tory, not the /History Channel/.


Ignorance and retardation, in my opinion, only serve to prove how helpful a section for it can be. There are plenty of anons out there who would love to ask questions or just find out more information on historical subjects and they have no real place to go for it. /pol/ is garbage and /int/ is so full of nationalism and arguing which culture is better that any history threads get drowned out in the refuse.

A history board would help those of us who enjoy the subject to share and discuss while people who want to learn have a place to go without sifting through the stormfront and ethnicity threads.

Every board has its trolls, it obviously wouldn't be perfect.
Sure. I actually love to talk about history. The problem is that this possible /his/ would be overrun by stormfags and I have absolutely no interest in interacting with them. I would in fact love to talk about politics but I never ever go to /pol/ because this place is a shithole.

Besides, I can already see the content of /his/ :
Balkan flamewar threads
Christian vs muslims flamewar threads
holocaust denial threads
Hitler threads

I could actually see a /his/ board working as long as it would be heavily moderated and janitored so as not to turn into another /pol/.
You cannot be serious.
You retarded, son ?
Go on /tg/ some time and start a thread on that subject. Fa/tg/uys love that shit.
Hmm. I might.
Make it a general humanities board, and hopefully you'd keep out the /pol/ scum.

...Also seriously; can we please delete /pol/? it really is the worst board on 4chan. By a long way. It's a cesspool even compared to /b/, for fuck's sake.
I'd get behing both.

Fucking /pol/. I've never hated a board so much.
And you want those people on other boards, why?
That's what I'm saying, though, I don't see it happening outside of trolling. Trolling happens in every board and it's inevitable. The stormfront idiots already have /pol/, that is essentially their quarantine board. I'm not arguing /pol/'s quality at all, though, because I agree with you for how bad it is. If it has to be done, then make all the Stormfront garbage bannable and let a few mods or janitors delete any stormfront threads that crop up.

/int/ already has a monopoly on Balkan nationalism. Religious debates, even if they're stupid, would technically fall under the board's intended subject so just ignore them. Holocaust and Hitler are stormfront and can stay in /pol/ or get removed if they're being spammed nonstop. The rest of us can discuss things like the Roman Empire's decline, European royalty, the Holy Roman Empire, papal politics, or whatever the heck else since there's way too many potential things to cover in a single post.

As long as there is some moderation, I think a history board would work.


I seriously doubt historical discussion is /tg/. Many of us don't want to talk about fictional history, we'd rather enjoy talking about true events.
You make it sound like it would be awesome. Under these conditions I could get behind that.
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I agree.

I have wanted a Philosophy board for a long time, but sharing it with History would make it more popular.

I think this has been requested many times. And the only place where people try to discuss philosophy has been on /sci/. And you know that Philosophy is NOT science and the /sci/bros don't want these discussions there.

This >>5370

/pol/ is a necessary evil. It keeps Stormfront and their trolls in one place. If we somehow did get a history board and /pol/ was deleted, they'd just move there and to /int/ and it would ruin the whole point.

Thank you. A history section can cover a lot of things that don't fit under a specific pre-existing board or which technically do and get drowned out anyway. I've seen history threads appear on /v/, /co/, /k/, and many other boards. While some get deleted and others don't, they still aren't technically on topic and it's not really fun to discuss something with other anons only to have the thread deleted because it doesn't fit the board's purpose and there isn't another board to actually talk about the subject on.

Using a previous example I gave, what if I wanted to start a thread talking about Medieval nobility and certain people in royal familial lines? The closest board to the topic would be /int/, but /int/ is about culture and language. I'd just like a place I can post and discuss stuff like that and know I'm not in any danger of being banned or seeing the thread 404 because it wasn't relevant to the board's intent.

Sorry, this probably all sounds longwinded. I intended to sleep a few minutes ago, but I saw this thread and just wanted to give my input. Getting a history section is a long shot and probably won't happen, but it's the only board I can think of that I really want to see added.
You can make that thread there fine

if someone is /int/erested

than fine if not , oh well...
>/pol/ is a necessary evil. It keeps Stormfront and their trolls in one place.

No. It attracts more stormfronters to the site, who then spread out to other boards. There's been WAY more racist shit on non-/pol/ boards as well since moot resurrected /pol/.

Letting it stay to keep the trolls and the racists in one place is like keeping a pile of rotten meat in one room of your house in the hopes the flies will all go there. All you're doing is attracting even more flies.

I could make a thread, sure, but I could also make one on /co/ or /v/. Just because it's slightly more related to the subject of /int/ doesn't mean it's /int/ material. /int/ is officially supposed to be about foreign culture and languages, not history or philosophy. There are plenty of historical and philosophical subjects that would never fly in /int/. Get what I mean?
>There's been WAY more racist shit on non-/pol/ boards as well since moot resurrected /pol/.

Shit you're right. I main /sp/ and I've noticed so much racist shitposting on a board where it was generally unknown until recently.

I've not noticed any significant raise in racism on any of the boards except the usual trolling and slurs. If /pol/ wasn't around, they'd simply swamp /int/ and /sci/ making the same threads about Hitler and Eugenics as they always do.

Getting rid of /pol/ won't help, it'll just decentralize them and make them find a new place to stay.
Not really /int/ use to have history threads every once in while
/lit/ has a LOT more philosophy discussion than /sci/ ever did
>I've not noticed any significant raise in racism on any of the boards

Then you haven't been paying attention. There was a racism thread on /tg/ a couple days ago. /TG/, for fuck's sake; the nicest board on 4chan.
/his/ - hitler, holocaust, rome
Can you give an example of what boards are more "racist" and what has been posted on those boards?
/sp/ for one is definitely more racist.
and here i was thinking /sp/ was the most nigger invested board on 4chan
I heard from someone on /lit/ that we ad /phi/ for a while, but it was deleted.

Any truth to this?

But why should I have to go to a literature board and scan through it in the hope of there being a philosophy discussion?

Are you kidding? /pol/ is nothing like /new/ ever was. /pol/ is filled with edgy 16 year olds and reddit liberals.
We have quite a few. Also, if you can't find one, make one. It'll still be more relevant than 99% of everything else.
Read the sticky.

I'd still like a philosophy board. Coupling it with history would make sense because the board would otherwise be slow moving and there is *some* overlap between history and philosophy
1. Read the sticky. No baord requests.

2. There#s a history board on 7chan, go there.
I'd like it too. In fact, I'd like it enough to say separate it from history, to prevent the likes of "HITLER HITLER HITLER" pervading into philosophical discussion.

We have, but I think there's such a large support for a history board that it deserves serious discussion

Have you been on 7chan recently? It's slower moving than /tg/
It's not actually a board request though. We're discussing the logistics of a /his/ board and if such a thing is actually desirable.

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