Just a little something that I think everyone on /vp/ could agree with: Could you..maybe play the Pokemon theme on the board? I don't know if it's possible to make a button or something to turn it on or off, or maybe have it play on a certain day (Perhaps Saturday, when they air new eps of the show)That'd be pretty cool, and we'll love you forever. Thanks for your time.
Here's you button: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdzY9TGu1cit's even copy&pastable
It's pretty easy to see that he waifu and creepy pedophilia are problems on /tv/, but if they're removed it would just become a Games of Throne board or BrBa, etc. Flavor of the month TV show board.Not to mention it would become painfully slow.How to solve this problem?>I made this topic earlier but 4chanX ate it
>>4697That's pretty good example. I wish we could have more great on-topic thread like that or this one >>>/tv/24948684
>>4741>implying it's not gonna be made into a movieXDXD
>>4688>then what the fuck are you doing on /tv/ if you do not care about the art of filmmaking or television.I can appreciate art, I'm not passionate enough to have a discussion about it. I'm not passionate enough to remember the intricate details of an unremarkable 3 year old film that I saw zero or one times.Hey, people have different interests. Whadyaknow....
>>4764>I can appreciate art, I'm not passionate enough to have a discussion about it. Then seriously, what the hell do you do on /tv/? Judging by your post I could say that all you do is lurk or?
>>5756What are you on about mate, seriously.You think> the sound design, the cinematography, the creature designare common themes on /tv/? Lurk more. You act like it's something completely unusual and extraordinary for not wanting to talk about "the art of film making", when a quick survey of the first page shows I'm in very good company:>BO-BO-BO-BO-BO-BONFIRE>107 posts and 14 image replies omitted>Last show/movie you watched and your reaction>12 posts and 8 image replies omitted.>ITT: Shows you wish you'd dropped when you had a chance.>14 posts and 2 image replies omitted.>Nadine's kinda fat.>40 posts and 5 image replies omitted.>mcnultyComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Personally I noticed that recently Moderators/Janitors acting strange on /v/. I have seen videogames thread deleted which had hardly break any rules or contained any (maybe a minimal, but there is very rarely a thread without any shitposting on /v/) shitposting. Also at the same time some off topic threads (no gf threads, for example) have been going on for quite a time without deletion. Of course there are times when they are doing good work.I personally I think there are good off topic threads, and deleting all of them is not necessary, but deleting vidya threads IS a problem, and I don't think this is only my problem, because I've seen other people complaining about it too.Also, please, mods, DON'T advertise your shitty bf3 server's here.
I'm pretty sure the only reason the BF3 guy got his job is because moot goes to the gym with him or some shit, which is a stupid fucking reason.I could pluck any individual from /v/ that could do better work than him.
http://spiderchan.com/srch/Could something like this be implemented in the 4chan boards? Maybe in the official extensions?Seems to me like it would cut down on the problems that boards like /vg/, /tv/, /co/, and others have with duplicate general threads showing up.
>>5728Sorry, I meant to quote>>5706Also, is the robot9000 script stronger here, or is there a minimum field length?
>>5728>alternate displaysWhat kind of alternate displays?
>>5855Different ways of organizing the posts on pages. It'd be purely aesthetic, like having tiles such as >>5706or something
Yes I'm sick of having to search through pages of NSFW boards because no one has a catalog for them.
I want the ability to search for posts with a keyword, not just thread OPs.
Do we still have both flood detection and capcha?
>>5356This. This shit. And it still expects you to type it out
>>5919>>5356You don't need to type the one you can't read out. Just type a space. If you get good at it, you can tell what the real word is for all of them, and then you only need to type one word.For example, I only typed " toeouse" for this.
>>5356>>5919the ones you can't read aren't required. Just type "nigger" for all of them. Or " " for the politely inclined.
Because captcha prevents automated bot spam and flood detection prevents manual spam.
>>5356I understand that we currently have at least 5 threads about getting rid of captcha, but this is essentially everyone's real issue with it, I think.Do you think maybe it's time we graduated to using another one of the various spambot tactics? Like maybe the ones where you need to click a specific point on the image or something similar.
Hi Moot and co. Is there any way to avoid https. I keep trying by removing the "s" and always seem to end up back in https mode after not long.>Be ruralfag on dialup>Painfully slowIt wasn't that bad before https all the time.>How to escape https???Pick totally related and all OC bar the modem pic.
>>4832Also I run squid to try and help speed thinks up some. I got banned once with the reason "proxy". Does cloudflare make that type of ban redundant? I'm hoping so.
I have no idea why I spend so much time on this, or if it will work. download and install https everywhere.find the .xpi and open it with 7zip.In the chrome/content/rules folder you'll see a file called defaultsopen it with a text editor(I used notepad++) and replace the ENTIRE FILE(ie:ctrl+a, backspace)with this:<rulesetlibrary><ruleset name="4chan.org"><target host="4chan.org"/><target host="www.4chan.org"/><rule from="^https://www\.4chan\.org/" to="http://www.4chan.org/";/><rule from="^https://4chan\.org/" to="http://www.4chan.org/";/></ruleset></rulesetlibrary>
So a couple years ago, maybe two or three, I suggested an idea to moot that would help the /r/ board have more of a function. At the time it seemed a bit involved, since 4chan's layout and functionality had been static since inception, but considering the newer board settings and codings, I think this might be doable now.The idea is basically this: Advertise /r/ posts. For the most part, a majority of requests go unheard and yet people are still told to go to /r/ for requests. So instead of making people who could help also go there, why not have the posts come to the people who can contribute?The post could show up at the bottom of whatever board or thread is currently being browsed by a user. This would lead them to seeing the request and most likely, if it pertains to them, oblige said request. The best results would come from adding a function to advertise the request on the board most suited for it, as well. Meaning when you first post your thread in /r/, you select the board it would be most relevant to from a drop down menu.The boards this would help the most are likely /h/ and /d/ but would also have an overall benefit to the site in general.
>>5856That is part of /r/'s function, but a lot of it is people being sent there because they're requesting mass quantities of images.
I like this idea.Combined with a slightly different input field this could work.Though I see a HUGE potential for abuse.
>>5856There really should be a sticky about this shit but I still like OP's idea overall. I'd think it would encourage more people to go to /r/ for their requests.
/r/ in its current state is just a porn dump.
Also some kind of archive feature with an apropriate search engine would be useful so that requests don't have to be fulfilled over and over again.Just an idea though, dunno if that would be possible to integrate.
Am I the only one who finds CAPTCHA to be a giant pain in the ass?Maybe instead of having to type in the verification for every post, you should have to do it every other post.Thoughts?
>>4063I type nigger out of pure reflex now.
I love moot, but I'm sure he is just making money with captcha or something, why else would he use those shitty captcha ? just use http://thepcspy.com/kittenauth/ kittens already !
what about captcha every 3 post for IP?it will descrease the pain by 60% and it won't let spambot work easily.also 1 captcha for every IP for every thread should work, because spambots that spam in a single thread don't really work.if you find the captcha difficult keep in mind that 1 word is from a random textbook and only the other one is the real captcha to type.if your captcha is[math formula] sfotrdie you only need to type nigger sfotrdie.also it tolerates 1 wrong letter.
>>4070probably the most retarded captcha ever.was created by some designfag who wishes he could code.The whole fucking captcha is client side and even if it was server side it would still be easier to bot.recaptcha was pretty awesome addition for 4chan and good job with the time limit moot I knew of what people call "prefetching" years ago. Didn't expect you would do anything about it.its amazing what people will do/put up to post here.
>>4801complete client side javascript......people pointed the captchas flaw near the top comment and the creator brushed it off.raged hard at the stupidity. its called fancycaptcha i think.
A lot of folks only browse one or two boards, and never explore to see what other boards are about. This tends to make places stuffy and insular.Often the only times they visit a new board is when they see an eye catching image in the "Recent Images" field on the 4chan home page. Of course, not many users even go there, as they may have their 'home' boards bookmarked. If the 'Recent Images', 'Latest Posts' and 'Popular Threads' boxes from the home page were somehow incorporated into the front page of each board, it might encourage more mixing between the boards, and allow some of the neglected special interest boards to get new posters that they otherwise would never get.See pic for quick and dirty MSPaint mock-up.
There's a front page. And I don't want shit to be pushed into my face, no matter how "good" it might be for site.
I really like this idea, but I think deciding on the right format is absolutely key. It might be a better suggestion for the add on, since it would give the users the ability to enable/disable at will.
There's a frontpage, list of the boards at the top of the page, list of the boards when you're at the bottom of the page, etc. I don't think it can get any clearer.Also, kind of unrelated but I don't think I've visited the front page of 4chan in years. I imagine most people have their boards of choice on their tabs that they can just click on to get to.
This is a terrible idea? I don't want /b/tards coming to /lit/.
Interesting idea.Many people in /v/ make threads that should be in other boards. Having this will remember people that there is an specific place for each topic.Because nobody really checks the frontpage
Divide /r9k/ into a new board named /bms/ or Beta Male Support. This feminism whining bullshit has reached it's peak. People think this is the place to post that stuff and it gets in the way of fun, random, unique discussion. It's retarted and many users have vocally stated that it needs to be stopped or put on another board.
>>3815Yes, we need a /blf/ - Beta Loser Faggot.
Pic related is why I like /r9k/. We need more shit like this and less "baww forever alone bitches and whores ;_; that feel". I feel strongly on this matter.
/r9k/ just isn't the place for all the "feels".
You'll have about as easy a time kicking the beta whiners out of /r9k/ as you would kicking the NEET retards out of /jp/.They've made it their home board.
For what it's worth, renaming /r9k/ to /bms/ for a few days would be hilarious.
I have two suggestions that could save our beloved 4chan from faggots and kids.1.Remove 4chan from search indexes.2.Remove /soc/>implying females come on 4chan let alone the internet.>implying its not a bunch of bros/traps trolling each other.>mfw mootykins disregards these ideas especially the index one.
>>5658I thought /soc/, like /mlp/, was there to soak up shit from the other boards rather than be legitimately good.or don't you remember when /b/ was flooded with hookup threads?
>>57201. /soc/ is a reservation for bad posters and bad threads, like how New Mexico is mainly a reservation for 'dem in'juns.2. If moot did that, 4chan would do worse financial-wise than it does now.
>4chan would do worse financial-wise than it does now.Its not about the money though guiz.
Half the shit posting in /v/ is just Americans pretending to be European and starting nationality threads. Please add flags to /v/, moot. Also, please add legitimate flags to /pol/, the ones we have now hold no use and we really need legit flags.
Here is one better, how about we don't have nationality threads on the videogames board?
Why not ask for trips for everyone too?There's absolutely no reason for /v/ to have flags, /pol/ maybe, but not /v/.
I don't think /pol/ should have nation flags. Just keep the current ones, but let fags choose their flags.
>>5708Why shouldn't it? The random flags have no purpose either add the real deal or remove them altogether.
Please normal falgs to /pol/ tooalso /trv/
/v/ermin here, this is a problem in general, but especially /v/ seems to have its problems with that.Why do people accuse everything of being "shitty trolling"? What happened to a silly joke? The joke might not be funny at all, but some people seem to believe that everybody out there want to "troll" them and constantly throw around terms like pretending to be retarded.However if there is a really obvious, and I mean really obvious, case of sitty trolling the thread/post is guaranteed to get many replies. If everybody would ignore this shit maybe shitposting would decrease. The people who post pony images etc. only want to get some replies and they always get them.
The main problem is the massive amount of people who will fall for absolutely any and all trolls>guiz ur favorite anime a shit>look at me i am a tripfag>5000 replies and 90 images omitted, click reply to viewEvery fucking time.
Trolling makes money.Trolling is funTrolling cannot banned despite rules saying the opposite.
OP, it just so happens that the meaning of the word "troll" has been lost in the past few years with the popularization of memes, and considering how most of /v/'s new userbase consists of (pre)teens, it is to be expected that that would happen.
>>4881Obvious shit threads can be banned and ignored
>>4625It baffles my mind how there are still people that reply to Jupiter threads.
when i tried to load the q&a thread in the news area i got such a massive slowdown it took me almost a minute to close the thread (fucking opera, fix this shit already).could you implement something like what the kareha type boards have, where if you want to, you can display post ranges instead of entire thread at once by adding stuff like /0-100/ or l50 after the thread?so that this:>>>/b/416523158could also work like this:>>>/b/416523158/50-250but only showing/rendering posts from 50 to 250, and ignoring everything before and after that.
Are the flags on /int/ and /sp/ coming to other boards? Are those flags a permanent feature, or will they be removed after the Olympics?Also, how does the flag system work on /pol/?Administrator Reply: >>1515
>>1515Please take the flags off of /sp/ after the Olympics. It was fun at first, but now all they do is cause shitposting about which country is the best. /sp/ is already one of the most off topic boards and the flags only contribute to that problem.
>>1515I don't like the /pol/ flags, if you're interested in feedback. I have them blocked so it's not a big deal, but all they seem to accomplish is to occasionally derail threads ("Oh yeah? Well your flag says you're gay!" or "omg how do these work?? help").
>>2547Imagine what would happen if /pol/ flags were representative instead of random. The board would self-destruct in a violent explosion of Xenophobia.[spoiler]DO IT![/spoiler]
>>2547True, but laughing at /pol/ is about all you can do with it. (Hint: People still got accused of being Jewish before the flags.)
>>1515thanks for adding flags to /int/.The shitposting and troll threads decreased significantly. People are more "bros" now.