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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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Hey, moot/everyone, why isn't posting allowed from China?

Pic related: it's China.
from qhat i know 4chan is not banned in china
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In fact, now I think about it I don't think it works from Taiwan either. Although Taiwan is kindasorta part of China, depending on whether you'd prefer to get beaten up by Chinese people or non-KMT-supporting Taiwanese people.
IP address blocked, preventing posting. I assume it's a China thing, since I never done nuffing wrong.
Block from the grat firewall of from 4cham itself?
...so it's not China blocking 4chan, it's the other way round. Ironically enough. Turns out the People's Republic is not suitable for display on 4chan.
4chan itself. Same happened in Taipei, which doesn't even have a great firewall.
No we will have to see what moot says about this
Probably due to spammers or some shit like that. You know how they can be.

>Some Chinese people spam the website
>4chan blocks THE ENTIRE OF FUCKING CHINA in return

Think again.
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I don't actually know that it's the whole country. It seems a safe assumption though.
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All of Venezuela is banned. Word on the street says it's because of Toady the BRo.
It can't be, there are Venezuelan flags on /int/.
Something sad, in /co/ we had a venezuelan VA who tald many secrets of unaired shows
>A number of international ISPs are disallowed from posting. The blocks stem from repeated abuse coming from these ISPs/countries. At present, there is no way to exempt a specific user from these blocks- we apologize for the inconvenience.

Huh, answered my own question, I guess. Still, a fifth of the world's population would like to get on 4chan, dammit.

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