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moot seriously wtf is this shit /b/ is supposed to be the place of no rules and you can post wtf you want this mod misses the whole point of /b/ to begin with
im not argueing for the ponyfag or anything like that i hate them more than anything but still
>>175294 (OP)
>/b/ is supposed to be the place of no rules

You're dumb as shit and I hate you. /b/ is meant to be random. The reason it has no rules is because you cannot place rules of random content in the same way you could in a board with a topic, such as /a/. The type of threads the mod specified are not random, and therefore do not belong on /b/.
>>175294 (OP)
>/b/ is supposed to be the place of no rules and you can post wtf you want

>this mod misses the whole point of /b/ to begin with
No, YOU are missing the whole point of /b/. Everything he pointed out is fucking valid and you need to take a backseat on this venture.
ya and random can mean anything anyone wants to post as long as it doesnt break a global rule
what other board am i supposed to find trap loli bestiality to fap to?
The mod isn't saying otherwise. He is politely asking /b/astards to post elsewhere. It is a fair thing to do and hopefully it will work.

/b/ has very much become the same 5 threads repeated.
or he could do his job and you know actually moderate the board instead of posting a butt hurt post and then banning and deleting every comment that disagreed with him
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>Telling /b/faggots to use other boards

On /b/. When did anyone say otherwise?
>not getting the point

This shit doesn't belong on /b/, simply because there is a subboard for it.
News at 8! Mods can ban ANYONE they feel like it on /b/. Any mod could become the next W.T. Snacks, but guess what? Almost all of the mods don't give a shit about the shithole of the internet, and the few that give a shit, are trying to fix it. They don't need to explain anything to you, and their job has nothing to do with /b/, aside of eliminating personal information posts or CP.
the mod did because that fall under porn but no other board is going to have that because they arnt sick fucks like us on /b/
Fun Fact: There are no rules on moderation in /b/. Enjoy your ban.
He linked to specific boards with specific topics, meaning anything that falls under those topics should be in the proper boards. The mod never said, "loli trap beast porn goes somewhere else"
This is a classic fucking example of a moderator power tripping.
Hi. Could you give me the address and the name of the fucking Mod faggot who posted that fucking piece of shit on /b/.

I would like to slap my dick on his cunt face and inculcate him good manners, thank you.
ya and if you take out all that stuff from /b/ your left with almost nothing left besides gore cp and "you raff you rose" bullshit o and come watch my fagget 10 year old freind play shitty vydya games
Everywhere on the internet, in all forms of visual media including those image boards are not formatted for.
Global rule #1. It's technically illegal.
Global rule #1. Again, technically illegal.
/b/ is shithole, but global rules say ponyfaggots should only stay on >>>/mlp/
Roll threads are fucking cancer and, again, you are responsible for killing /b/ if you participate in that shit. Same goes for those facebook threads. Laugh lose is also fucking stupid. Gore = Gurochan, go there for it. CP = bannable and shouldn't even be there. Streaming shit should be at their respective boards, or nowhere at all.

If you think /b/ is only capable of that handful of bullshit, you are completely missing the point of /b/ and need to fucking leave.
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/b/ is not random if you have the same threads over and over again.

Are you really that upset that you lost your pwecious little porn and roll threads?

Do you really even give a shit about /b/?

Come to your senses, sell your computer, and then kill yourself after reading this, you stupid 14 year olds. Thanks.
im not saying that /b/ isnt capable of more but if thats what they want to post then they should be allowed to do it on the board full of random shit and some of those thread actually amount to cool ass shit
Not like it matters the exact same thing happens when /b/ gets a mod

>day 1-6 he goes power crazy banning anyone who says something negative about him
>day 7-14 moot gets rid of him

rinse and repeat.
>some of those thread actually amount to cool ass shit
0 of those thread amount to "cool ass shit", they amount to reposts of reposts of reposts.
>some of those thread actually amount to cool ass shit

I can tell you're underage. I know these things.
obviously you need to lurk more ive seen more OC on funny shit on /b/ than any other site ever
>moot seriously wtf is this shit /b/ is supposed to be the place of no rules and you can post wtf you want this mod misses the whole point of /b/ to begin with

Guys, read this quote. Look at this and cry. When you're done crying, cry some more. Yes, he's does this without irony. This is now the mean quality of post on 4chan. We are he. We have changed.
>>175294 (OP)

yus. go on /q/. see this. start to think...

op are an real fucking nigger who deserves to get mauled in the anus by an horse.

0 internets to you
You need to read more, because I never said /b/ was incapable of good OC. I'm saying that roll threads, facebook threads, laugh lose threads with the same damn pictures from previous thread, etc. contribute nothing and make /b/ a whole lost less random, which is what you're claiming to be in favor of.

I'd call you a troll if you weren't so sincere in your stupidity.
Poppycock! /b/ is an outlier that's skewing the data. I propose we take a median look at 4chan and see what the average post quality comes to.

Fuck yeah, I got to use statistics.
the only rule we need on /b/ is dont post cp everything else falls under the category of random
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>Than why don't you or any other moderator start to moderate /b/?
>6) THE CANCER THAT IS KILLING /B/ THREADS - quit bitching about how and why the asshole of the internet is shitty.

/b/ sure is gold quality alright
I can't tell if you're just spouting random statements or don't realize IDs are on and we can tell you're samefagging.

I'm so glad I grew out of /b/.
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anyone seen this picture /b/ has always been this
Alright so in light of that modpost I have a question, can I safely report threads in /b/ for being shit without worrying about getting banned for filling reports without cause?

If not then hell, I'm reporting every fucking facebook roll thread I see because I despise those sons of bitches.
You are aware this is fake, no?
you gotta report and sage
I'd rather follow the guidelines they had up in /v/ for a while, unless told otherwise, just report and move on.
Proof that /b/ has always used the subject field to fake being an admin and knows how to do simple shit with photoshop.

No, you'll still get banned for reporting something you personally don't like. Though I wish they'd just take away post numbers already and replace them with random letter strings, that way we wouldn't have to even worry about those shitty threads.
"Post ending in b names my chinchilla"

I guarantee that would happen.
Yeah you're probably right. Not sure what else can be done about the bullshit, though.
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Why don't they make it a global rule that porn dumps go to the porn boards?

Honestly, I just don't get how anybody expects the bronies on /b/ to "be reasonable" and "leave" when they're the only (legal) ones trying to be kicked out of /b/ with a global rule. Most people here would find it unfair if they and their interest was being forcibly removed whilst nobody else has to stick to their board, and just cause a bunch of anonymous teens didn't like what you liked.

All the ponyfags who were willing to accept being shoved out by whinging anon's have already moved to /mlp/ and stick to it.

The more stubborn ones stayed on /b/ to circlejerk and/or troll, and has been pointed out, by this stage most of them there are being stubborn for the sake of stubbornness.
I really don't see any way that posts can be counted/labeled without it being turned into a rolling game. I thought that it worked pretty well when the last three numbers were just rendered as XXX, but I stopped hanging out on 4chan for a while before that got finished, so can anyone tell me why that got revoked?
Have each persons post be numbered next to their ID. IE (ID: 1/1vyDTr - #1), (ID: 1/1vyDTr - #2) and so on.
Also, it got revoked because it didn't work. People just made scripts that removed the XXX, plus you could still hover over the post number to see what the last 3 numbers were.
Fuck off. He's the owner of this site he should be able to do whatever the hell he wants with it - including attempting to purge the cancer.
The mod in OP wasn't moot dude, if that's what you thought.
Make every post end in duplicate digits.
>Can' t tell apart moot and mod
>Call others cancer

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Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above
Don't fence me in
Let me ride through the wide open country that I love
Don't fence me in
Let me be by myself in the evenin' breeze
And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees
Send me off forever but I ask you please
Don't fence me in
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>>175294 (OP)
That's so crazy it just might work.
>implying there wasn't some round table meeting with moot and the other mods before moot gave the okay to go ahead and post the sticky
>implying moot ain''t giving orderes behind the scenes
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If there were ever an appropriate time for this...
Great idea mods, you dont realize the problem here is /b/ userbase being retarded itself, this has NO fix, telling them to go to other boards? suuuure, as if those boards didnt have enough problems already you are shamelesly sending and spreading shit to them. Oh mootykins what have you done...... also there is clearly biased "moderation" here only by mentioning specific groups twice. It would have been better to put a /b/rolls/
Thanks for pointing it, im no genius but being a mod and making yourself note seems very retarded to me, like saying hayyyy guise im hirre imma gonna banhammr so be goooood oookis, and even more making this on /b/ pfff. He could just have banned stealthy and slowly, only god knows how /b/ would react to things like this.
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>>175294 (OP)

Rule #15 you stupid pedophile clopping faggot.
>calls someone else a pedo for kid's cartoon
>uses pic from a kid's cartoon

my sides
>>175294 (OP)
That mod is almost certainly moot himself.
Why wouldn't he just post as moot then?

moot still has respect, if it were moot posting that I might consider it my civic duty to do what I could to stop the shit he described.
>>175294 (OP)
>horsefucker gets banned
keep crying bitch nigga.
I have a side to this quarrel I think many will disagree with, but I'll share it none the less. Despite moot and team's best efforts, /b/ still has many individuals who stand out from anonymous. This will always be the case. Similarly, these individuals inevitably come together, using /b/ as a social hub. Why /b/? Because the threads move so fast, their single thread can be lost in the mix without much harm. They don't get banned or removed. But on other smaller boards, social threads are easily moderated. This is why there are still pony threads. It's not really about the ponies, they've just become a way to signify "hey, your group of friends is posting here". Pony threads are so gone from their topic in fact, they'd be removed from /mlp/ in a heartbeat. So then where are these people supposed to post? They have a community built here, same as everyone else. They'll evade bans if they have to, so don't expect them to leave.

Alternatively, you might suggest that since the main point of these threads is to socialize, why not have these people go to /soc/? The answer is simple. Ponies aren't allowed. Just because the topics discussed aren't pony related, it doesn't mean that their pictures aren't. Ponies have become integrated with their community, and in fact are what inspired it in the first place.

Does this mean there is no place on 4chan for these posters? Should they just be removed? I don't think so. Nor do I think they can be.
Those were shit posting on purpose. Today people shit post because that's the limit of their mental capacity. This is due in large part to normalfagging. That is: most human beings are fucking idiots like OP.
>calling someone pedo and faggot for liking a cartoon
Are you 12 son?

>moot pointing the obvious in /b/
Im not sure nigga, honestly why would he do that? This seems to me more like an inexperienced mod who thinks things can get done in one night and is excited by the recent janitor stuff. Thats what it seems to me
That isn't to say there's no solution. If a part of the 4chan community is making it difficult for another part of the community, the solution is to separate them as best as possible. That's what was attempted with /mlp/ after all. Well in this case, the problem isn't limited to one board. There are social threads in every board, despite moderators best efforts.

So in my opinion, the solution is to recognize that within each sub community of 4chan, there are going to be people who want to just get to know other people in that sub community. That is to say, social threads shouldn't be removed on every occasion. Instead, it should be limited to one social thread at a time. This way, content is still discussed, and the social desires of the people discussing it can be satisfied.

In a perfect world, there would be some sort of new thread type, or general area, that separates the social thread from the rest of the board. That way, not even that single thread would displace the content the board was designed for.
>respond to obviously fake image as if it's real
>complain about the mental capacity of others
If porn threads are going to be eradicated, it would probably make sense to implement a catch-all "random porn" board for anything that doesn't fit into the current boards.

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