As the titles proclaims, /k/ is constantly full of shitposting, off-topic, /pol/ shit and tripfags circle jerking and samefagging. I am aware /k/ has a janitor already and he does clean it up as well as he can, but he cannot cover /k/ as much as is required. Daytime (for Americans) /k/ is accepted as being complete shit and not even worth getting on due to all the faggotry. Please Mooticus, halp save /k/.
The only time /k/ is moderated is when Dongfix, I_AM_ABIB, or some other nogunz Brit mod bans people because they think suppressors are illegal.And I agree, there is WAY too much politcal shit on /k/.
>>1715i agree with this
>>1769There have been some less-than-reasonable bans and deletions, but there have also been plenty of solid clean-ups. We just need more.
Need mod-attention on thread ASAP Rocky, pls respond.
I nominate Zed as /k/'s mod.He is knowledgeable and a pretty cool guy.Plus, he has nothing better to do.Pic related
>>2076When Zed first came around, he was a quality poster with good instructionals, eventually he progressed into shitposting and shit trolling. All he does now is hang around in that tinychat and coordinate anonymous troll threads with all the other tripfags. He would make a shitty janitor.
>>2144Probably because quality posting with good info is like tossing pearls into an ocean of piss.Zed is a smart guy that knows putting effort into a good post is wasted on all the COD kiddies and noguns that frequent the boards.
>>2348So he combats these COD kiddies and noguns by making threads that are equally as bad? Good logic.