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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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I want to talk about Toonami in /a/.
Or have a weekly designated toonami general.

The regular /a/ community doesn't like Toonami; this doesn't mean it isn't anime-related. Yes, shitty dubbed casual anime for normalfags is still anime.
People shouldn't be going to the western animation board or the VIDEO GAMES board to find and post their Toonami discussions.
Look at the pokemon board. We had somewhere around half the threads on /v/ taken up by pokemon. They weren't sent to /co/; they stayed put in /v/, regardless of the bratty self-entitled populace, until an actual pokemon board was created.

/a/ does not have nearly the same problem with regard to thread volume, yet they bitch.
The situation pains me.
you are free to post toonami as much as you want on /a/, and /a/ is free to yell and jeer at you as much as they want.
such is life on a user generated content website.
/a/ doesn't have to like your shit anymore than /mu/ has to tell you Linkin Park is good
From what I've seen, /co/ have filled the Toonami thread void.

Look, you can post about Toonami on /a/, but /a/ hates it and will shitpost the fuck out of your thread.

Sometimes the community really can have the power to decide things like that.

Evidently, the mod agreed with the users as Toonami threads were initially redirected to /vg/.
Toonami is an american televison block, not anime.
Go talk about it in /b/.
This is very shaky ground you're treading on. While it is technically on-topic, the stigma of Toonami prevents it from being sanely discussed on /a/. It's not so much the actual content per se, but rather the crowd it appears to draw. I say this as someone who's a big fan of Toonami.

Much of it is bigoted paranoia. I think that's a self-evident truth. However, this situation is not unlike the case with Naruto. Where should one draw the line? We've discussed (argued) about this for years, and yet no definite conclusion has been reached.

I think what the moderator did was pushing it. Frankly, an answer from moot himself would be best in this case.
I've posted this on /co/ a dozen times but I'll post it here again.

Big problem with discussing Toonami on /a/ is that /a/ doesn't give a fuck about some western anime block. And why should they, really?

Other problem: You are watching "new" episodes of a show that you've never seen and you want to talk about them. Meanwhile every one on /a/ saw them when they were actually airing, so there's no one to actually talk to there.

Other problem: Deadman wonderland was always considered to be a bad show.
/a/ at this point is full of newfolk fighting and arguing about things just to fit in. Refer to the monkeys and ladders argument.

That sums it up quite well I think.

And if these people are watching stuff like Casshern and Deadman for the first time, /a/ probably isn't the best place anyway as they're likely to be spoiled.
>/a/ doesn't give a fuck about some western anime block
That's the only argument I ever read against it. We were never even discussing whether or not /a/ should like it. We are talking about whether or not it even belongs on /a/.
Maybe technically it's within the rules to be on the board but

A) Mod said no
B) Users get to determine what they like

4chan aint a big ole hugfest where everyone gets what they want.

And actually come to think of it I saw a really big Toonami thread last week I think.

i agree. you get flak for posting clothed loli on /a/ now. times have changed.
>redirected to /vg/
and this is a crime

A linkin park thread in /mu/ would be much more civil than a toonami thread in /a/. discussion might even last long enough to spark new musical interests in the plebeian mind that listens.
Besides this, we don't have a huge population -specifically- of linkin park fans who are constantly bitched out of /mu/ with nowhere to seriously,"legally" discuss it other than /b/, where threads die before they are even created.

>american televison block
anime aired in america is still anime, regardless of the framework
the framework may be a computer animated robot, fabricated in america, but it's there with the prime directive of supporting the anime. it is VERY anime-RELATED. something anime-related first and foremost should be posted - or more importantly found - in the anime board.

>anime aired in america is still anime

Then I have an idea! Make a thread about the specific show, not a "Toonami General"
End of the day, moot can't make people be nice to you. /a/ isn't as welcoming as /co/ or /v/ or whatever. You just need to deal with it and lurk more to figure out how things work.

No one should be posting on any board at all without lurking for at least a week anyway.
But they barely talk about the anime airing and mostly circlejerk about TOM or Toonami's schedule or what they should put on it.
Meaning they talk about the block itself, not the anime.
>Oh my god? Did you hear that? Tom said bitches.
>a week
A fucking week? Don't ever say that again.
>they barely talk about the anime airing and mostly circlejerk
same goes for waifu type threads

Waifu's come from anime or manga though, Tom doesn't.
Yes a week. It would increase posting quality dramatically.

At least refrain from posting threads until you've lurked enough.

I've done the same before, posted an Eva thread on /a/ before I really went there, posted a House of Leaves thread on /lit/ before I went there, and they were obviously poorly received because they get that stuff all the time.

I've learned that just hopping over to a board and posting a thread isn't going to end well

I believe that poster was implying a week is not nearly long enough.

People should lurk far longer than that before posting.
>And why should they, really?
they don't have to care. they can go on posting whatever they want to post. when the mod starts deleting and redirecting threads that aren't even flooding the site, that's when things are messed up.
toonami threads aren't inhibiting nichijou or /a/culture threads.

>meanwhile everyone on /a/ saw them when they were actually airing
except for the people on /a/ who didn't, and are trying to talk about them. or at least trying to talk about why toonami shouldn't be playing them. and then they're moved to /vg/ and /co/ and /v/.
this is the problem - assuming that one group of people has and always will be browsing /a/, and that they must be catered to.
In that case I'd agree. But for some reason half these people think that they're entitled to just go post whatever threads they want, so I thought even a week would be pushing it for them
>and that they must be catered to.

that is, at the expense of other boards
>nichijou threads
I wish

>except for the people on /a/ who didn't, and are trying to talk about them
except people on /a/ know that unless it's currently airing talking about a show before you finish it is stupid. I mean really, do you want to be spoiled? Because that's what is going to happen.

>assuming that one group of people has and always will be browsing /a/, and that they must be catered to.
That's because people on /a/ see what has happened to /v/ and /co/ and /tv/ and don't want the same thing to happen to /a/. So learn how to post on the board or don't post at all. Stop thinking that YOU must be catered to just because you watch Toonami

>except people on /a/ know that unless it's currently airing talking about a show before you finish it is stupid

Never understood why people do this. Why do people make threads about an anime they're mid-way through watching? People on /a/ watch anime, and they're generally not very considerate. They'll jump at the chance to spoil an anime that has finished airing, or even stuff that hasn't finished airing if it's based on other material.
Barring the creation of a catchall foreign media board for this and other controversial things, I'm fine with it being on /co/. It airs in the west in English and appeals to different fans than subtitled currently airing in Japan stuff does.

There's a huge culture clash between toonami fans who basically enjoy cartoons for an older audience and otaku who focus on stuff normal western audiences would never watch. Any time you try to mix two incompatible communities on one board, there's going to be trouble.

Yeah, instead of a week it needs to be until they get a clue, which often means their entire lifespan.
"Generals" are not tolerated by the /a/ community as they are threads that are up 24/7 for the sake of being up, have little discussion, and are a hub for shitposting tripfags. I'm sure anybody that visits /v/ will understand.

Feel free to make a thread about a toonami airing show to discuss it with other people.
When you're in the middle of something is when you are most emotionally invested in it. Whether it's airing or not.
This is OP.
I've had a shower and re-evaluated my anonymous life. I'm going to have to accept defeat on this.
The reason being that I've told plenty of newchaps to lurk moar in my years browsing the site, and I maintain that it was right to tell them to.
Being so used to not being told to fuck off, I had forgotten that I too must concede newfaggotry sometimes. Fine, the people of /a/ don't want to talk about it. I won't push it.

But any argument stating that toonami isn't /a/ related is tenuous bullshit. And any post redirecting a toonami fan to other boards out of bitterness is cancerous and shameful.

I withdraw, faggots.
Do people on /a/ even bother to have cable? Don't they just download everything and stick to their pcs? Most of the shit on toonami were already discussed during its initial airing in Japan. That's why /co/ threads are so great and lively because they're new viewers.
Just live with it, OP. About 98% of /a/ hates Naruto and Bleach, and yet every week there are thousands of threads about those series.
Just try to not be too obnoxious.
You should have realized by now that telling people they should go back to >>>/v/ is the new way of telling them they are autistic faggots whom you don't like.
It doesn't matter if they ever been there or the topic has anything do do with vidyagames

toonami threads get deleted quickly from what I've seen
What is the point of toonami in the first place?

It's like having Naruto threads. Just go somewhere else. There's no need to discuss a western anime block with shit we've already seen years ago.

And besides, if you're on /a/, why are you paying a Nielson household?
Don't say Toonami then. Just use the name of the show without using the word Toonami

This is a concept people seem incapable of comprehending.
You are obviously not a regular on /mu/..
I'm a regular on /mu/ and /a/ and I think that /a/ is a far better board than /mu/ where /mu/ has a shitload of shitposting tripfags (These trips are on so people can know about their hipster-level)
My sides.
Toonami is an american block for viewing anime, but it is NOT anime itself. Do not bring it to /a/.
It's not like /v/ has anything to do with videogames in the first place
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Yeah.. you can't really force a subject.. as shitty as it is.

Then again, I gave up discussing good anime on /a/ ages ago. I never expected even on older /a/ dub anime discussion to be popular. Hell, I think even in the early days you couldn't get talk about Toonami / Adult Swim shows. And of course /co/ posters and even mods are pretty strict with postin animu there.

So.. SOL for Toonami threads I guess?

>>1395 /a/ doesn't have to like your shit anymore than /mu/ has to tell you -LinkinPark- is good
wait.. are you trying to say Linkin Park is not good?!
[runs off to room to cry]
The problem with "going somewhere else" is that then you have to deal with all the shit "somewhere else" entails.

I'm pretty sure the people wanting to discuss Naruto on /a/ don't want to deal with postcount dick measuring contests or moderator clique circlejerks.
Well, just as /v/ doesn't like discussing certain games, /a/ doesn't like discussing certain anime.
Namely Naruto.
If you want to discuss Naruto, there's a place for that.
Posting Toonami on /a/ is equivalent to posting CoD on /v/, asking for dumbell exercises to lose weight on /fit/, and as mentioned earlier, Linkin Park on /mu/.

I'm under the impression that the main thing that brings people to the boards on 4chan is a deep enthusiasm for the topics here. I get that anime is really niche and that most of the people on 4chan feel as if their time growing up watching DBZ, maybe even Fooly Cooly if you were feeling especially adventurous, are enough to make them anime viewers because of how niche it is, and have a reason to be on /a/.

But as far as /a/ is concerned, Toonami is casualscore and doesn't warrant a reaction from anime enthusiasts, which is what /a/ posters are.

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