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Once, /new/ became /stormfront/, so moot shut it down. Now, /pol/ is turning back into /stormfront/. It is literally impossible to have an actual intelligent conversation without it turning into Jewspiracy/racist crap.

I would like to see a *real* politics/current events board, rather than this. Keep /pol/ if you must, I'm not telling you to shut it down. But we should at least have an alternative; a real news/politics board that filters out Stormfag shit.
>Yes, good goyim, complain to take the spotlight off of us!

the above would be a typical /pol/ response. Seriously, it is pretty much made up of "east aryan", jewish hate, and cis privilege threads.
It sucks but at least it's containing the cancer.
OP here again.

>Seriously, it is pretty much made up of "east aryan", jewish hate, and cis privilege threads.

Oh yeah, and MUH DICK.

This is why I think it would be a good idea to have a board like I described, only with rules similar to what /int/ (which is pretty decent) has, i.e. stormfag shit and off-topic nonsense gets you banned.
no it's not jew hate is everywhere, i don't even go to /pol/. it really bothers me
Butthurt liberals are really complaining on /q/?

Fuck this board. If you want to talk about gay pride and Obama black jesus, go to >>>/int/

Stay the fuck off /pol/
inb4 100s of replies with JIDF/goyim pictures
Maybe thats what Politically Incorrect means don't you think OP?
Do I need to find the thread where a conservative "defender of free speech" was asking moot to ban everyone on the left side of the political spectrum?
That's what the board is for.
Go to /int/ if you actually want to discuss mainstream politics and other inane things.
>Banning leftist faggots

And this is bad... How?
Because that's banning people who disagree with you, which turns it into an echo chamber, a la /r/Politics on reddit.

It's also banning people who disagree with you, which is a generally stupid thing to do.
For fuck's sake, I'm not asking for anyone to be banned, I'm asking for a new, non-shitty, non-Stormfag board to be created.
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>it's not "real" politics because they don't agree with me
What's disturbing is the fact that stormfront fags seem to know more about what the fuck they're talking about than the liberals that argue with them.
>Circumcision is purely aesthetic. Cock feels like cock!
>Not all feminists are like that! What? What the fuck are these "waves" that you keep talking about?
>He sure LOOKS white to me.
You have every circlejerking forum on the internet to be praised for your inane drivel. I'd recommend Bioware's forums, or perhaps TGWTG.
>Post Naruto on /a/
>Post Call of Duty on /v/
>Post Liberal shit on /pol/
>Guaranteed replies

Seriously it's not even funny anymore, it's the same troll everytime, and people STILL fall for it.
>intelligent discussions on 4chan

Welcome to 4chan

I was here for old /n/. I was here for /new/. I'm here for /pol/ now.

/pol/ is not as bad as /new/ was.

Fucking relax.
>What's disturbing is the fact that stormfront fags seem to know more about what the fuck they're talking about than the liberals that argue with them.

I'm not suggesting that there aren't leftist who are stupid as hell (see e.g. tumblr), but stormfags? They have one answer for everything: DA JOOS.
>Post Naruto on /a/
>Post Call of Duty on /v/
>Post Stormfag shit on /pol/
>Guaranteed not only replies, but people will agree!
>They have one answer for everything: DA JOOS.

This shows how much you really go on /pol/

Stop repeating shit you've heard about stormfags and/or /pol/ and go look for yourself how they really are.
>but people will agree!
>Not trolls

Pick one
Actually, you could say that each ideological perspective has its own primary enemy

The fundamentalist/extremist
>Critic of Ideology
>Populist fetishist
The Jew
>Cynical fetishist
The Idealist

Look, I don't like Nazis and Stormfronters either, but this is the price we pay for having both an anonymous political arena where people say the things they're not afraid to say in everyday life, and also because of the raid on Stormfront which drove some of them here in the past

The amount of Stormfaggotry has decreased a lot since /new/
Go there now and tell me that >>125169 is wrong.

You're right, what I copied from was wrong.
THe circumcision one is fine. The post is spiced up with some silly antisemitism, but it's a real issue. And it's actually related to Judaism because Jews are the ones showing the biggest protests to these circumcision bans in San Fransisco and Germany etc.
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You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Do you even /pol/?
Politically Incorrect was joke name that wasn't supposed to be taken seriously.

That and the fact that global rules are supposed to apply there makes you're statement revisionist to a tee.
delete /pol/ and create /his/ and /news/
...and /phil/ for the three-pointer.
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Create FUCKING ANYTHING that will be a better alternative to /pol/. I don't care if people say "oh, but it's not as bad as /new/ was". Perhaps not in a relative sense, but it's still shit.
The worst part about /pol/ is that their users go and intentionally shit up other boards. They pretty much killed /int/ and were in the midst of shitting up /k/ over the summer.

In short, they're as bad, if not worse than, /mlp/ shitposters.
I've only been on 4chan for a year and a half. I don't understand: was there /new/ AND /pol/ at one point, or did the latter replace the former?

Because if there were both i don't see how the stormfags could have invaded *both.* Wouldn't it work if a current events board was added again?
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Deleting the board/changing it won't change the people which browse those threads. If you want good conversations it just looks like you'll have to go elsewhere.
God no, we need /pol/ to quarentine the other boards. /v/ was miserable without /new/.

That being said, this shit is still leaking out. I'm getting real sick of /v/ threads getting derailed easily by JEWS AND NIGGERS AM I EDGY YET bullshit.
>New board created
>same users migrate
>new board is shit too

Its almost as bad as thinking the creation of a shitposting board would get rid of shitposters on other boards.
Don't forget /pol/'s other problem. The fact that everyone there laughs at liberals, even though most of the stuff they say is pretty damn liberal. Then they say "libertarian=/=liberal", because they are too fucking stupid to realize libertarians and liberals share quite a few views.
>first there was /n/
>got invaded by stormfront
>quickly becomes worst board
>get's purged

>moots then tries again with /news/
>even more stormkids and edgy teens show up
>/new/ becomes infamous in it's shittyness
>moots drops that shit like a cinderblock

>unfortunately, this time the /new/fags stay, and proceed to go shit up other boards with their cancer and autism
>/int/ is effectively destroyed, and /k/ is forever changed into a safehaven for extremist bullshit and tin foiling
>the issue is site wide to the point that users are demanding an immediate solution
>moot goes ahead and makes /pol/ to quarantine
>/pol/ gets invaded by stormfaggots and immediately becomes worst board

And the saga marches on.
Perhaps... perhaps we should start banning for shitty opinions?

I mean, these people aren't going away. That's been established. What else can you do? You can't just keep making more and more boards to cater to every shitposting subgroup.
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Oh look another JIDF

fuck off OP
I don't get it, what is so bad about /pol/ just make a thread discussing current events. Not pertaining to the jews(so avoid any form of major media outlet)

I don't go to /pol/ but I think I share a lot of the same views.

Also what's with their flags? How do they get different ones?
>/pol/ gets invaded by stormfaggots and immediately becomes worst board

It was never invaded by stormfags. From the start it was full of racially aware people. And this grew more because a lot of lefty riddit faggots came into /b/ and /int/ when Occupy became popular.

If you don't like it then leave or go back to /b/ and play your cool hipster lefty gay fawker anonymous shit there.
Looks like someone linked this to /stormfront/. Oh well, this thread is busted.
Even if you got rid of all the racism, I think 4chan is just an inherently shitty place for political discussions. The problem isn't anonymity or anything like that, the problem is that the fast and loose nature of imageboard threads is poorly suited to subject matters where what you want are detailed arguments exploring an issue. So you get lots of one-liners, and you get lots of people spouting out poorly thought out rhetoric, and it's harder for an actual conversation to be had. Of course, lazy shitty political arguments are all over the Internet, but I try to avoid those places too.
I don't know OP. They've made a home here. Banning and deleting posts will only clear up the things you see on the surface. There's a hive and a mother deep within the walls of /pol/. The only way to clean the board up for good is to tent it and bug bomb it constantly for 2 weeks. And possibly make a little meth on the side.
>lefty riddit faggots
>hipster lefty gay fawker anonymous

Well, we like using strawmen, don't we.
Nah we should leave /pol/ to its own devices and ban all political discussions on every other board.

Keep all that cancer in one place. I haven't seen athens shit up a thread in a long time and I want it to keep it that way.
In the end, I agree with this.

I want to see the Ayn Rand ban back on /lit/, as well as a ban on political discussion.
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The whole OP and most posts ITT are pure infantile straw man, if you weren't just another braindead redditor you'd know most of /pol/ regards stormfront as a stale circlejerk that likely has connections to the FBI, none of us come from there but it's pretty obvious from your "ban what I don't like" retardation where you come from.
I never said to ban what I don't like.

This fellow from /pol/ sure did: http://archive.foolz.us/q/thread/119244/

In the end, just keep /pol/ off of the other boards. No more shitting up /sci/ or /lit/ or whatever.
/int/ isnt for politics

stay in /pol/
But that was one of you libruls pretending to be conservative, it was pretty obvious too.

/pol/ is for freedom of speech, it's meant to be POLITICALLY INCORRECT.

Shit like
Just shows how ignorant and worthless your opinion and self really is. Seriously, just fuck off back to your reddit circlejerk.
We have someone agreeing with the idea higher up in the thread. Also, they seem pretty anti-liberal to me.

Way to disassociate people who say stupid things and claim they're the opposition in disguise though.
>guy from /pol/ says something aligned mostly with majority opinion of /pol/
>writing style is similar to your average post on /pol/

Hahaha you guys crack me up.
>I am above the site rules

/pol/ cancer confirmed for just as bad as MLP spammers.
Woah, people on a board called "Politically Incorrect" are being...Politically Incorrect!?

That was only the OP.

I'm perfectly fine with /pol/ acting as a containment board. Better they be circlejerking elsewhere than ruin the discussion of my hobbies.
There's a difference between having an edgy opinion and being an obnoxious, autistic asshole abouth that edgy opinion.

That and the fact that they're literally ruining boards for anyone not right of Dick Cheny. It's just copypasta, ad homs, assumptions and spam. If they remained in their little hellhole noone would care.
It's pretty obvious who started that shit thread, it's obvious because you reddit chucklefarts can barely string a sentence together without glaring and facepalm inducing spelling errors. When you've spent a while on a website you get a feel for the different writing styles of the user-base and yours is unmistakeably "Reddit"

>Way to

Shit like this, it reveals you to anyone who's been on 4chan for longer than a summer.
>oh no. they be racis! das bad mistuh
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>I don't agree with stormfags so they should be filtered!
I hate them too, but censoring them? You're being just as idiotic as they are, just ignore them and move on, or go on another website if you want a real conversation.
>anything that makes me look bad is a false flag

Yeah, sure buddy. Also:

>implying statements like that aren't posted over 5 minutes on /pol/.
forgot to mention, there's a website called "RevLeft", you might like it there OP
>OP post
>I'm a libertarian from California. I am pro gay marriage, pro-choice, atheist, anti-war, and I think patriotism is fucking retarded. However I am educated enough to know that niggers tend to be criminal scum, affirmative action and federal aid programs are bankrupting and ruining the country, socialism is a retarded and flawed idea, and that on average liberals tend to be much stupider than Republicans.
>Not all of us are rednecks, in fact most of us are informed Libertarians.

>hates blacks

Sounds like someone from /pol/ to me. Please point out which part of this statement sounds more like what a redditor would say than what a /pol/ user would say.
>ultra edgy viewpoint that implicates the mass murder/displacement of millions and dehumanizes a sizable portion of the userbase
Proceed citizen.
>a reaction image of a pink cartoon horse

Moot should seriously consider instating rules similar to those regarding MLP when it comes to /pol/ and it's site wide shitposting.
>Still believes the Holocaust happened
>it's site wide shitposting.

This. I don't give a shit about /pol/ I don't go there and I don't wanna go there.

What fucking irks me is that their cancer is taking over the whole site. Fucking racism threads, and /pol/ and shit all over 4chan. What good is /pol/ as a quarantine if their shit spills all over other boards.

Keep your retardation to yourself /pol/.
>no arguments

Politics discussions, /pol/ style.
>no substance replies, just shitposts

>inane wittering

A faggot like you who doesn't even try to make a coherent post hardly cares about the site, you merely seek to censor opinions you deem "politically incorrect" on a board titled "POLITICALLY INCORRECT!

That's all it is to your type, you feel duty bound to be the thought police for the internet, you have no desire to participate or argue with logic only to censor. This is why your kind - redditors/newfags/antifa are the real cancer of /pol/ and a threat to the freedom that is the very spirit of 4chan.
>argue with logic

You are a bitch ass nigga.
>spirit of 4chan

Any oldfag can tell you that athens was a cunt and they're glad that people like him are now forced to stay in /pol/ instead.
>spirit of 4chan

Monoboarder detected. Lemmie guess, you came here because someone linked board on Stormfront back in March.
It's called Politically Incorrect for a reason. Moot killed /n/ twice but still brought it back because he knew stormfags and political bitching are hand in hand.
He didn't have to bring it back. And why do we have to tolerate their shit other boards ?
Why are you even here? just to shitpost and make bullshit accusations? I already told you shit eating retards that none of us come from that dumb forum.

It's a baseless and boring accusation you've got with this "stormfag", it's even worse than "nazi" or "pleb".
Are you actually going to justify the cross board shitposting or are you just going to continue your aspie rage?

If you intend to continue the latter then you can he'd on back to your quarentine board like the good little tumor your are.
>just to shitpost and make bullshit accusations?
Oh the irony.
You're shitting me, right?

BY FAR /pol/'s biggest problem is blatant trolling and race baiting and MUH DICK threads.

People's opinions that you don't agree with is not a problem.
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>Expecting to have rational discussions
>on a POLITICAL board
>on 4CHAN

Its like everyone here is new to the internet.

Has anyone here ever had a discussion of politics that hasn't been /pol/? You guys realize its no different, except /pol/ has the anonymity factor that increases the trolling potential and butthurt by a large factor.

Overall /pol/ is an ok board, but the East Aryan shit really needs to be fucking handled. Its getting way out of hand, and I'm sure its just a couple of people having a circle jerk.
>Overall /pol/ is an ok board

No. It's a piece of shit.
/pol/ was pretty cool for about 2 weeks after it was made.
Then the shitposting retards took over and 99% of the people who knew what they are talking about left.
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Deal with it and read the first sticky.
/pol/ wasn't cool for 2 weeks, not counting all the new ''memes xD'' the ONLY thing that changed is that there are no Ron Paul threads, someone should update Encyclopedia Dramatica for /pol/.
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/new/ got canned because moot was trying to get jewgold to start a populist image site so he could hang with the popular internet fags in jewyork. 4Chan gets him mad fatboy asshole at furry conventions but it doesn't make him a lot of money. It was a business decision. No hard feelings. But in a move that no one could have ever predicted his investors tried to jew him out of his jewgold and then /pol/ was born. To be honest I find your objections nonsensical. If you don't care to slog through cuckold porn and aryanX threads to speculate on what the jews didn't do and why they didn't do it then there are thousands of places on the interwebs where you can discuss politics without having your opinions challenged. 4Chans core user base is misanthropic creepers and autistic tryhards when they talk about politics /pol/ is what you are going to get. If its not for you then why don't you try some of 4chans other exciting products.
/pol/ is meant to be the place where that stuff goes to stop it infesting other boards, mostly /k/.

And btw, it's pretty sad that a mod had to point that out.
>to stop it infesting other boards

It's useless then, because it's fucking failing.
Brb starting a thread on /pol/ as to why you need ponies in your life.

Not that guy, but I agree with what he said. /pol/ represents everything about 4chan.

The site has always been a place for people to air the fucked up shit in their heads for which they have no outlet in real life.

And before you call me a monoboarder, I also go to /ck/, /k/, /vg/, and /int/.

So fuck you, niggerkikefaggot.

JIDF detected
>being from reddit
>being a faggot
You obviously didn't visit the board when it was new. (and not /new/)
>lets shitpost and never post an intelligent, well thought out response ever
>that's what 4chan is for
>discussions are for normalfags
/pol/ was born because Stee's site resurrected /new/. TL;DR the ADL contacted moot and had him bring it back so they could try to keep stormfaggotry in check with their JIDF cronies.
There are plenty of intelligent discussions on /pol/ if you do a bit of digging, or hey, how about starting your own threads?

Most of the shit threads are started by COINTELPRO agents.

Note the tactics they use.

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>yfw moot will never give just as much attention to your favorite board than to /pol/
>yfw your favorite board will never get that kind of special treatment

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Typical libtard.

get attention by mootles*
moot already jerked us around with the random flag bullshit.

He asked if we wanted flags, we responded with a resounding "YES" and then he gave us the random shit that no one likes.

>he gave us the random shit that no one likes.

Well, they were funny.....for like 5 minutes.
I'm looking forward to being able to pick my flag, though.

Swastika all day err day.

inb4 April Fur's Day 2.0: Night of the Long Knives edition
I believe at most moot should create a new board, "politically correct", and leave /pol/ as it is. Unfortunately this will invite more reddit fags to 4chan, which I do not approve of.

But with a "politically correct" board I don't have to read the unobstructively false claims from the leftists about feminism being good, homosexual marriage actually accomplishing anything besides stroking the ego of gays and running us further into debt, jewishness not getting us into this banking crisis, race being a social construct, et cetera.

I also won't have to see race mixing threads or east aryan threads.

Honestly you leftists can go hang out on your /poleft/ board, or pretty much any board ever on the Internet because almost all of them are leftist.

/pol/ was made for us hardcore stormfags. This is why it is called "politically incorrect." If you don't like it. I suggest reddit.
>homosexual marriage actually accomplishing anything besides stroking the ego of gays and running us further into debt
Nah, you're fine on /pol/.
Racism was officially against the rules before /pol/ was created (and before /news/) and /pol/ was not exempted from that rule when it was created. If you want "zomg none" that's what /b/ is for.
Ponies can be legitimate political discussion.
>moot should create a new board, "politically correct", and leave /pol/ as it is

So both boards can become complete echo chambers where no one ever has to see opposing views? Screw that. One politics board is fine. I have no problem with leftists posting on /pol/. If they have a problem with their political views being one among others, they can just fuck off to some strictly moderated internet forum like revleft where only leftists are allowed.
WTF are you talking about? We responding with a resounding NO.

Typical libtard revisionist history, lying about something that happened last week.
>anon links this thread to a /pol/ thread about, ironically, censoring all "leftist garbage" on boards other than /pol/
>his cronies arrive
>they still don't understand why /pol/ is the worse for site health than /mlp/

>anon links this thread to a /pol/ thread about, ironically, censoring all "leftist garbage" on boards other than /pol/

Can you show me that link?

It's in there somewhere.

What is so bad about /pol/ and /mpl/, they are doing their purpose, you either like ponnies or not

At least /pol/ does not shitpost, unlike the leftards, with their inappropriate usage of "lolsoedgy" and other tumblr related faggotry
>At least /pol/ does not shitpost
>/pol/ does not shitpost
>not shitposting

The only difference between /pol/ and /mlp/ is that /mlp/ doesn't actually believe the shit they shitpost.
The problem is that they aren't going to leave. They may be dominating one board's discussion, but the only solution to that would be to either introduce more liberal posters or get rid of the stormfags, neither of which is really possible. They'll keep blaming everything on the Jews and bitch about strawman "libtards"- see this thread. I don't think making another board would change that.
The only thing I want is to get rid of /pol/faggotry on other boards. Make it bannable to post /pol/faggotry anywhere else than /pol/, just like pony shit.

They can wade in their own pool of shit and delusion if they want, just don't shit up the other boards.
Makes sense to me. I don't know how well it would work, /pol/ would probably get analhurt and post it everywhere, but it could be worth a try.
Every single political board on the internet consists of one of three groups:

>douchebag liberals
>douchebag libertarians
>neo-nazis, racists, and stormfaggots

There's no way to discuss politics on the internet without it turning into a batshit insane circlejerk. Politics, like religion or any other issue involving society, is an issue that requires maturity and life experience, something that teenage and college-age basement dwellers lack.
Or they could go the way of /fur/......just sayen.

>The only thing I want is to get rid of /pol/faggotry on other boards

There are people with different opinions who have the same interests like you. Deal with it.
Sure, you can have your shitty opinions if you want, but on /v/ for example, there are often threads which will get derailed with DA JOOZ and HURR I HATE WIMMENZ FUCK DA FEMMYNATEES. That's not related to the topic of discussion and you can fuck off with it.
Not everyone who says something racist on other boards is from /pol/. Racist humor has always been a part of 4chan.
>different opinions
That's actually called paranoid delusions. Don't bring your shit to my board period.
>my board

That's what I call delusion.
It is when tehy use that fucking stereotypical jew image that has been proliferating like a fucking pest on all fucking boards since /new/ was resurrected.

And it's not only fucking racism, it's entire threads with made up statistics about how white people>black epole, about holocaust denial and about hurdurrfeminism.

/pol/fags are easy to spot.
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Having pretentious cultural marxist that keep spamming "lolsoedgy" is way better

>The only thing I want is to get rid of /pol/faggotry on other boards.

What kind of faggotry, on which boards can I found that faggotry.

All I see is stupid liberals that can't stop saying "lolsoedgy" at everything they disagree with, even though there is nothing edgy about the post he is replying to.Can't even have a thread about fucking cigarettes without a straught edge faggot derailing it because I am "lolsoedgytryingtoohardtobecoolbysmokingcancersticks".
>racist humor

Emphasis on humor. That isn't what OP is talking about.
The word "edgy" does get overused, but it's frequently in response, at least on /v/, to blatant off-topic racism or hatred of women or what have you. It's basically telling the person to stop going "LOOK LOOK LOOK HOW MUCH BETTER I AM THAN OTHER PEOPLE."
>cultural marxist
Stopped reading there. You are a fucking child. The day you can argue without resorting to buzzwords and ad-hominems in the first 5 fucking words of your post is the day you will be taken seriously.

Go back to your shithole.
Not him but it's pretty funy how you accuse him of ad hominem and you call him a child.
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Forgot my image.
>cultural marxist

The difference is I am not making any argument.
>you type like a retard

pls die
Not only am I not making any argument, but I am clearly insulting him. .
Ah, I've read his post. I just see someone trying to use pathetic excuses and throwing a few insults to make his point more valid. If that's how /pol/iticians act like, I'm glad I don't go there often.
it isn't really, it's just one or two people who post the goy shit in every thread, ignore them and the rest of the board isn't great, but it isn't /stormfront/
The opposing views leftists give are, MUH FEELINGS! Emotional arguments aren't relevant to a political discussion where us men are trying to come to a logical solution.
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Stupid underaged ignorant christian bigots fucking up my board.

Please go back to stormfront.

Leave 4chan for da adults
You can't make sweeping generalizations about your opposing side and then expect to be taken seriously.
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I just want to make another post on /q/ in order to thank moot for caring about us so much. Thanks in advance for the new flags.
>complains about narcissism
>"omg look at me I cynical and smurt!! I reel man nao!! Look at mee!!! LOOK AT MEEEEE!!!"
It's funny because emotional arguments are the bead and butter of the /pol/fags.

Now you are projecting, I don't even go there, I just hate when one side is acting just as retarded and yet it thinks it is superior


Generalization is only true when the left is doing it

You can't make sweeping generalizations about your opposing side and then expect to be taken seriously.This is why they are so hateful.

Look at the first post of this thread.

>Yes, good goyim, complain to take the spotlight off of us!

>the above would be a typical /pol/ response. Seriously, it is pretty much made up of "east aryan", jewish hate, and cis privilege threads.

That prejudice and ignorance.
Female gamers are related to /v/ discussions. They are invading a completely male space and expecting us men to change the environment for them while at the same time saying OH I LIKE GAMING! I WANT TO HANG OUT WITH YOU GUYS, BUT YOU HAVE TO CHANGE EVERYTHING FOR ME, ME, ME!!!

No, I don't want female gamers.
No one is stopping you from posting your leftarded Reddit and Tumblr faggotry on /pol/ OP.

You hipsters need to fuck off and die. Get out of 4chan and go reblog some shit on tumblr.
But after a very short while it has nothing to do besides woman hate threads and anti-feminism, not related to games at all. That shit doesn't belong.

>Generalization is only true when the left is doing it

When did I say that generalizing is ever good? God, you're thick.
Here you go, here is the best arguments to refute the "holocaust". I can lead a horse to water, but I can't make it drink. If you really want to know, you merely have to watch.
This ain't no peer reviewed scientific publication.
>But after a very short while it has nothing to do besides woman hate threads and anti-feminism, not related to games at all. That shit doesn't belong.

I agreed, but what these men are are discussing is systemic sexism and destruction of male culture. Video games are one of the few male spaces left. I completely understand why the discussion would go into anti-female rants, though /v/ users should come to /pol/ for that shit.
>systemic sexism and destruction of male culture.

Oh boy.
And I think it stems from them not having any real experience with women beyond what they see on a surface level. Video games have not been male-only for a long time, and frankly I think it's retarded to get butthurt about women wanting some equal representation.
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never forget when /pol/ was good for one day
Don't you get it, maaaan? The scientists are all jews and jews in disguise maaaan. We can't go trusting those peer reviewed investigations maaaaan. It's a conspiracy maaaaan.

We had the best April Fools' Day.
I was there and it was fucking glorious.

inb4 JIDF
Dude, it is a video game, not a human rights group. Women don't need "equal representation." And letting women into video games will destroy competitive gaming as we know it. If devs start catering only to women we aren't going to have good games anymore. We are going to get more wii waggle shit.

Just by women taking interest in games they are possibly destroying it.
By that post alone I can tell you're never talked to a woman who wasn't a gamur gurl. Stay deluded, though.
>"we should go about banning women from videa"

My sides are moving on their own!!

A very small non vocal minority exist, means now that they are the majority.
inb4 was only pretending to be retarded
>implying women aren't already destroying gaming
Problem these stupid gurl gamerz are shaping/ruining the current industry and journalism ... Gaming now is more about feelings and socials agendas than about the fucking games.I don't like to use the term cultural marxism, but yeah....

A guy lost his job because he insulted Felicia Day for being what she is



>Gaming 'journalist' calling someone else's profession useless

Oh the irony.

> Gaming now is more about feelings and socials agendas than about the fucking games.I don't like to use the term cultural marxism, but yeah....

Do you even play video games?

Feminists closed my steam group
>A guy lost his job because he insulted Felicia Day for being what she is
>insulted someone while on the job

Holy shit it's fucking nothing. Do you even professional work environment?

>Why can't I play shitty obese space marine casual shit that gives 12 year olds entitlement issues durr

It's true. The feminazi movement is fucking bullshit and they wont stop until they fuck everything up.

But whats bullshit are the fucking men out there who have been browbeaten so hard by shrill Tumblr Feminist harpies that they exist in a perpetual state of apologizing just for existing. fuck you guys

Oh dog...

private twitter, he was not even speaking to vher, just stating his opinion
Again, do you even professionalism?
>Implying feminists can hurt you
>Especially tumblr feminists

Do you cry when a fat girl calls you cis scum? Fuck me. If it's not 'normalfags' who are 'oppressing' you guys it's 'feminists' and if it's not 'feminists' it's your high school bully.
So what does this have to do with Stormfront being a pile of shit? Sounds to me like you're just using /q/ to whine and bitch because your tinfoil hat is loose again.
Keep /pol/ alive. Otherwise /sp/ would be overrun by stormfront tards if it isn't already.

You've never listened to aggressive adolescent boys on Xbox live freak out before?
ITT: /pol/ demonstrates to us how they derail threads outside of /pol/

I rest my case.
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Lets ban critics that give negative rating to games... especially Yahtzee, fucking unprofessional.

How dare you to question things.

I'm not /pol/ motherfucker
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>implying I said that at all

Back to reddit with you faggot. I'm "implying" that feminism is a misguided and horribly outdated concept that lashes out an inane bullshit. The only reason that shit is still around is because theres money to be made through fear. Do not even deny it
every poster on /pol/ should be permabanned and the board should be shutdown
Oh, I apologize, you're just painfully stupid.

>I'm "implying" that feminism is a misguided and horribly outdated concept that lashes out an inane bullshit.

So exactly what my depiction of you portrayed, you whiny crybaby.

>Money made through fear

At least your tinfoil hat is on straight. Are you afraid that said fat girl is going to walk up to you and call you cis scum and threaten to cut off your balls?
Holy fuck who gives a shit what you think. I mean really, you might as well throw on a trip with how much you're attention whoring over this. "LOOK AT MY SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE IDEAS GUYS, THE WHOLE WORLD IS BLIND BUT ONLY I CAN TRULY SEE."

All you're doing is proving the point that /stormfront/ is cancer of the highest order. Your kind are the same fuckers ruining discussions on /co/ and /v/.
Thread after thread of:

>all blacks are responsible for the actions of their peers
>all jews are responsible for the actions of their peers
>all feminists are responsible for the actions of their peers
>all liberals are responsible for the actions of their peers
>all muslims are responsible for the actions of their peers
>all gays are responsible for the actions of their peers

But then, suddenly:

>"waaaah why are you holding me responsible for the actions of my peers?"

All that cognitive dissidence.

>At least your tinfoil hat is on straight. Are you afraid that said fat girl is going to walk up to you and call you cis scum and threaten to cut off your balls?


Look at all that. Do you really think that those are just going to go away through the times as women gained more and more power? Or will they try and scoop up as much money as possible through donations from strong independent womyn? You tell me anon, I know you are one of those "SO SORRY WOMYM" fags like Iike I said above.

>So exactly what my depiction of you portrayed, you whiny crybaby.

Nope, you said I was threatened by feminists. I know they can't accomplish shit besides being annoying shitheads, much like any left wing shitshow.

If you want to donate $1000 to Anita so she can bitch and moan about video games, go right ahead. But dont try to take the moral high ground when you are just indoctrinated with tumblr feminist bullshit.

Oh and by the way.


There, I just made your next post for you, so dont take the time to respond
>I don't get jokes, delete the board mods!
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Got it all out of your system, champ?
>while on the job
[citation needed]
Apparently you can't say what you want on your twitter account on your own time without getting fired these days.
No, you can't. There's a such thing as acting professionally. If yo have your name on a twitter profile you might as well be saying everything publicly. I know your type loves to think this as a horrible crime against free speech and the evil jews and feminazis and bronies out to get you, but it's not.

If you're going to say stuff like this publicly then you need to be responsible for your actions. The guy went on an offensive, uncalled for rant against another person in a public environment. He didn't just make himself look bad, he made the people who hired him look bad.

Christ, do you know a damn thing about the real world? I can't believe I'm even having this discussion.
To add to that, what about the woman who lost her job for ranting about how awful her boss was and what a piece of shit he was on Facebook? I'll bet you laughed when you saw that, because yeah, she fucked up. Facebook is public, everyone sees it, just like twitter. You're free to say whatever you want, but you better be prepared to deal with the consequences of your actions.
>bawww, people are critical of my misinformed and infantile opinions and I'm sensitive to criticism, please make them stop posting mean things

You're on 4chan. If you can't handle a bit of shitflinging and racism, you need to get the fuck out.
I think the overall point is that this shit doesn't belong on the boards it's leaking into. There's this massively retarded notion I keep hearing people pass around that "it's 4chan, that means I have to be a racist woman hating faggot and if I'm not then I don't belong." An idea that if someone doesn't like their thread being derailed by the dregs of /stormfront/ shitposting then they don't belong here.

You're a part of the problem, and yet your only response is "you should be a part of the problem too or you should get the fuck out."

I don't give a fuck what you faggots call a "discussion" or "criticism" on /pol/, but I don't need to see your refuse slathered all over /v/ or /int/ or /k/.
>/sp/ would be overrun by stormfront tards
Too late.
There has been racism on 4chan long before /pol/ got added. Long before /new/ got added.

Grow a thick skin and get over it. /v/'s a shithole already, you should expect people to be talking about other races and people on /int/, and you can't expect much from /k/ to begin with. The only problem here is you and your inability to cope with something that has been prevalent on this site for years.
>what are global rules?
No you shut the fuck up. There has been anime on 4chan longer than there has been casual racism yet you don't see anime in every fucking board. Your argument that because it's always been there, shitting up every board with your retarded notions is okay, does not fucking fly.

So fuck off. I don't have to put up with your idioocy and I will let you and you ilk know every chance I get. Nobody wants you outside of /pol/. In fact, the majority of 4chan hates your fucking guts.

Stay in your shithole board.
So what, we should all just deal with it because "hey, that board is shitty to begin with, so it's cool if we keep making it shittier, because Gaia told me 4chan was the scum of the internet!"

You can go fuck yourself. You and your kind are the frontlines of cancer because you've become complacent in your shit. You're so used to retardation that you think things belong that way. You can't just keep shouting GET THICKER SKIN, because the issue isn't thick skin, the issue is having our goddamn boards overrun with shit that doesn't belong there, shit that goes against the board's culture. "hurrdurr4chan" is no excuse for leaving /v/ in the mess that it is, and it's no excuse for turning a halfway decent board like /int/ into a shithole.

If you're fine with retardation and warrantless racism then stay in your little circle jerk /stormfront/ box, but keep us out of it.

i'd like to talk about guns on /k/, not have to deal with "I know there's no politics board, but you're the closest thing so let's talk about _______" or "GUNZ R BAD 2A OUTDATED" or "So this bix nood comes over to pick up your pure white virginal daughter for a date, what do you do?" or something else.
It's funny because you can easily replace /v/ with /k/ in that post and the outcome is the same.

Really, there's no excuse for this shit. Shitposting and racism do not "belong" on 4chan. Boards are different, and surprise surprise, some boards don't want to be associated with a bunch of faggots throwing stupid ass arguments at one another and circle jerking over being white.
I'm seconding the rest of these replies, faggot. We don't want your shit on /v/, it is cancerous and ridiculous and it destroys everything it touches.
you faggots are overreacting. words like nigger have been acceptable on 4chan since the dawn of time. i agree that making racist threads outside of /b/ or /pol/ is stupid, but saying nigger in a thread is not
>implying any of us have the issue with the word nigger

We don't, read the thread before you type.
There's no problem with the word in itself, but it always manages to attract an unwanted group of faggots. Plus some boards simply don't use the word, so when you use it on the board it makes you stand out really badly.

OP here again, on a different computer.

This is another thing I love: anytime anyone criticizes stormfags, they fall back on MUH FREEDOM, even though this is the internet and no website owner is required to offer them a platform to spew their idiocy.

Perhaps you are the one who should fuck off. I'm just asking for an alternative.

Using slurs and insults is a problem because it sets the tone for the rest of the discussion.

That's what the racists and misogynists and what-have-you fail to grasp: it's not just the argument itself, it's the way the argument is presented. Saying "women, minorities and the transgendered have received unfair treatment in the past, and we need to work to have them better integrate in society" will always get less attention than "CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE STRAIGHT WHITE CIS SCUM," and saying "Blacks commit crime at a disproportionate rate than whites; this a problem that needs a solution that may not be agreeable to everyone" will always get less responses that "THE WHITE RACE IS DYING PROTECT WHITE WIMMIN FROM THE NEGRO MENACE." If you decide to fling shit at people, expect to have shit flung back at you.

Saying "it's always been this bad, grow thick skin and get over it" is a being disingenuous. Politics is a contentious issue and everyone discussing the topic feels that they have a personal stake in whether or not their idea is taken seriously. Consequently, when you insult their argument outright, rather than explain why you disagree, then the quality of the discussion diminishes. You can either have meaningful discussion or a hands-off approach to moderation, but you cannot have both.
>People shrieking about objectively correct progressive opinions and thrashing about with purile, manufactured right wing bullshit

/pol/ in a nutshell, folks.
No, the reason you don't want to read arguments which are straightforward and kick you in the balls is because they make you feel uncomfortable.

We can put the argument in the politest manner possible but you fags will still start bitching and moaning anyway.

Don't confuse politeness with you being intolerant to opposing opinions.

Also you don't have the right to police language on 4chan, so put on your big boy pants and suck it up or go to reddit.

We have no intention of making you feel comfortable or safe. If you actually like 4chan, then accept it for what it is and stop trying to change it.
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Could always do what they did to /k/ for a year or two. They made posting "Nigger" an automatic bannable offense. As disgusting as it was for them ti do it, I have to admit it worked.
There is an alternative for little whiny bitches, reddit. Fucking go there.
But how did it work, exactly? I'm not trying to be a smart ass here or anything, and I don't often go to /k/, I'm seriously asking. I don't see how that's supposed to do much good because you don't need the word nigger to post racist bullshit. And in /k/'s case the racism always struck me as mildly humorous as opposed to annoying, embarrassing, etc.

I've thought about whether filtering permutations of the word autist on /tv/ would improve things, but I don't really see how banning one imbecilic catchphrase is going to keep them from moving to another.
Because it wasn't just nigger that was bannable. Nazi was bannable text. I think for a short time Roodypoo was, too. The idea wasn't that it stopped us from being racist; it discouraged us from being racist.

But yes, about the humor part, you are correct. Now that I stop and consider that, you're probably right. It'd be nigh impossible to discourage legitimate racist faggotry.
There's nothing wrong with /pol/, you're free to hold whatever opinion you want.

If you want a circlejerking liberal hugbox I'm sure Reddit will take you in.
Well the waicism has gotten a tad more serious lately from all the /pol/ users running away from legitimate debate on /pol/, but usually racism on /k/ is mostly satirical or in good humor (/k/ has the best best sense of humor of all the boards)

Banning the word nigger didn't really stop the racism, but it had some pretty hilarious side effects, such as forcing everyone to start using the words "roodypoo" or "redguard".

Racism on /k/ has been around for a while, but these days people are actually taking race and ethnic issues seriously. Stuff like Occupy Detroit is indicative of this.
>Now, /pol/ is turning back into /stormfront/.
>implying it hasn't been this way since it was created

Go back to reddit, newfag.
You sound like someone who first visited /pol/ a week ago.
>forgets about the Glorious 2 Weeks Of Sanity
>calls other people new
>banning political opinions you find offensive on a board for discussing news and politics

Yeah, sounds great.
>not reading the thread before posting to avoid looking like a redundant idiot
Not him, but what was that?
The first 2 weeks when /pol/ was made.

Things actually got discussed back then.
I was at /pol/ since it's creation and was part of /new/ before it got shut down.

The only difference that I notice from it's creation until now is that JIDF is spamming the board with East Aryan threads and other blanda up bullshit.

If anyone is ruining /pol/, it is the liberals.
We did, the first few days of a board are often it's best, just like with /r9k/, /vg/, ylilauta's /int/ and even this board.

But for the first week or two of /pol/ there were hardly any libruls, it was mainly, /new/smen who had spent the rest of 2011 exiled on another imageboard, most of the discussion was Holocaust denial at the beginning and there were mercifully fewer yanks spewing HURR OBAMA DEFO GONNA WIN SUCK IT REPUBILITARDS and vice versa.
I agree that you shouldn't have to put up with the East Aryan or whatever, but look at the front page, it's completely libertarian.
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>East Aryan and Blandah Up threads
>done by liberals

You actually believe that?
Jews and Niggers are the worst that ever happened to THIS BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY

Also natives
This isn't entirely accurate, you know. It's probably true for a lot of people, but it doesn't come close to explaining all complaints about board content.

"Stop liking what I don't like" is a great verbal irony to mock people who whine that (for example) some video game they don't like is getting discussed, but it doesn't ring as strongly when the content in question is actually detrimental to the purpose of the board. Because, you know, sometimes it is.

This so much.
Who is it done by then? KKK members?
Why would liberals do that, exactly.

Don't say: "Because they're too dumb to come up with an argument" because it would make you look kinda hypocritical.

because jews
Because liberals want to troll conservatives who don't support race mixing. Is it really that hard for you to think of this?
No, it's because trolls want to troll stormfags into intensifying the circlejerk and making liberals look more retarded than they really are.

It's the exact same thing with the goddam pony spams on /v/.
>Now, /pol/ is turning back into /stormfront/. It is literally impossible to have an actual intelligent conversation without it turning into Jewspiracy/racist crap.

/pol/ is just a concentration camp for Nazis so they spend less time on the other boards. Simple as that.
The pony spammers are more than likely, MLP fans. Same with the liberals on pol. They are probably cuckold liberals.
Do you even know what trolling means?

this. people post what they really think. People don't pick up on what people hate and spam it to get a reaction, that's just mean.
This shit is why you can't hold a conversation with stormfags/polfags. Their discourse is so devoid of any logic or reason that you can't argue.

Just fucking quarantine /pol/faggotry to that shithole and be done with it.
>thinks someone would seriously use interracial porn in the absence of a legit argument
>thinks /mlp/ wants to fuck with you

You really can't be this retarded. You have to be trolling. Think before you type.
>don't pick up on what people hate and spam it to get a reaction

Yes they do.

what? you're fucking with me? I can't see why anyone would want to do that, on 4chan of all places.
>completely ignoring the new name of the board
Also sup JIDF
Alright, I'll play along.

Yes, Virginia, there are mean, mean people who say mean naughty words to make you feel sad or angry.

See posts like >>130569
for an example.

See, posts like that annoy me because they make an unsubstantiated argument, if you can even call it an argument, for whatever reason.
>"You can't be this retarded"
>To a stormfaggot
>Trying to use logic
>With a stormfaggot

Guys, we're talking about retards who *ACTUALLY* believe there's Jewish worldwide conspiracy (including scientists, academics, gov'ts, professors, teachers, etc.) controlling Arabs and Muslims in general to make them mass migrate to "White" countries and "make" their men gay, cuckolds or traps and/or their women have sex with Blacks to have "lower intellect inferior mestizo" children who will ultimately be slaves to Jews.
Seriously, guys, arguing with these kids is actually more useless than argue religion with a Muslim extremist.

I know sarcasm doesn't work well on text but that was about as obvious as I could possibly make it.

Thanks for your well thought out reply anyway.
but if we get rid of /pol/ theyll just go to other boards...
The ban /pol/ shit on other boards. Voila! Problem solved.
>something is not allowed
>it automatically disappears!

I just happened to scroll by... But damn, that is pretty politically relevant. Kind of like drug legislation.
That's a retarded metaphor.
WHY not just have TWO boards? /pol/ (current one, unchanged), and /poli/ (censored where no one can be racist.)
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back to reddit faggot
This is why we can't hold a discussion with liberals, lol. They start name calling and questioning their opponent's intelligence instead of presenting an argument.

Good job guys, you are much more rational.
(I'm being sarcastic. You people act like children.)
Woah woah woah, I'm a bleeding liberal myself, but I'm not about to start asking for a different place so I won't have to deal with stormfags.

The best way to make /pol/ better is to counter "shit" threads with threads you want. /pol/ can be a great place when we are talking about legitimate political events. Sadly, when nothing is happening politically, then that's when shit from both sides starts to sprout.


To be fair, conservatives in this thread have been doing the exact same thing.

oh the ironing!
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I'd argue with them but they seem to think most people on 4chan are here to troll when maybe 100 are out of
>holds up mic
of daily visitors are.

yeah, I'd destroy liberals with logic too, but I save my breath. There's no point.
Casting pearls before swine, my friend. Liberals refuse to listen to logic.
Notice what happens when presented irrefutable factual evidence of the holocaust not being possible. >>126557

They seem to operate under the logical fallacy of appealing to authority instead of listening to reason. Apparently the education system has proven itself infallible to them.
The same education system they accuse of systemic racism towards blacks apparently has no flaws when it comes to history and science.

I feel ya bro, it's like they think a peer reviewed study is somehow better than a video you find on youtube. They don't understand that you don't need sources for something to be used as evidence.
>no website owner is required to offer them a platform to spew their idiocy.
Moot doesn't do it because he's required to. He does it because he wants to.

Deal with it, libtard.
You obviously do not know that academia regularly censors people when it comes to holocaust research. Holocaust denial is illegal in Europe.

Scientific studies that factually refute it, well the people who lead these studies often find themselves in prison.

Here is what happens to geneticists when studying IQ:
The largest issue that we face at the moment is publication bias. You can generally study what you want, however, the results decide whether your study is published or not.

There is for example the idea of "stereotype threat". The idea is that black students due to racism are afraid of making IQ tests, while white boys love to make IQ tests. Hence black children perform worse than white children. Hence it is thought that by calling IQ tests something other than "IQ tests", much of the racial difference in IQ can be eradicated.

This is a very comforting thought of course. Hence, editors are very happy to publish studies that discover the existence of stereotype threat. However, a large number of studies has also been done that found that stereotype threat does not occur, or actually occurs in reverse, with white children performing even better than black children when the IQ test is not labelled as an IQ test.

There are two reasons for this. First of all, it's boring to read about people who find nothing. Nobody is particularly interested in reading about people who come up with an idea, only to do a study and find that their idea was wrong. Second, we prefer good news over bad news, and success in raising the achievements of black children through simple interventions is of course very good news.

google scholar is your friend, Holocaust deniers have not been taken seriously for the most part but there are papers there that would give rise to much healthier discussion than a youtube video. Just be sure to quote parts relevant to your points rather than linking to a 400 page wall of text.
>academia regularly censors people when it comes to holocaust research

Once again making claims without any sort of evidence.

But I won't argue further. There will always be some sort of excuse for you to reject everything
>but censorship
>but jews
>but conspiracy

That sort of rejection of reality is baffling. You are mentally ill.
>google scholar
lol, I highly doubt it.

I noticed another liberal strategy when it comes to talking about the holocaust. I DON'T WANT TO LOOK AT YOUR EVIDENCE BECAUSE I'M LAZY, strategy.

Okay, here is some evidence in text. The next liberal strategy i'm going to get is, NOT PEER REVIEWED SCIENCE, LOL.

And the cycle repeats itself.

A detailed forensic examination of the site of the wartime Treblinka camp, using sophisticated electronic ground radar, has found no evidence of mass graves there.

For six days in October 1999, an Australian team headed by Richard Krege, a qualified electronics engineer, carried out an examination of the soil at the site of the former Treblinka II camp in Poland, where, Holocaust historians say, more than half a million Jews were put to death in gas chambers and then buried in mass graves.

According to the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (1997), for example, "a total of 870,000 people" were killed and buried at Treblinka between July 1942 and April 1943. Then, between April and July 1943, the hundreds of thousands of corpses were allegedly dug up and burned in batches of 2,000 or 2,500 on large grids made of railway ties.

Just coming into the thread. The jewish conspiracy and holocaust denial parts may be bullshit, but there is a lot of self censorship of academic papers. I've seen it happen a couple times in gradschool.
Yep, no proof at all that holocaust denial will get you imprisoned. You got me guys.
Why the fuck would anyone want to do research on it when they go to jail for it?

>The Institute for Historical Review (IHR), founded in 1978, is an American organization that describes itself as a "public-interest educational, research and publishing center dedicated to promoting greater public awareness of history." Critics have accused it of being an antisemitic "pseudo-scholarly body"[1] with links to neo-Nazi organizations, and assert that its primary purpose is to disseminate views denying key facts of Nazism and the genocide of Jews and others.[2][3][4][5][6] It has been described as the "world's leading Holocaust denial organization."[7][8] The Institute published the non-peer-reviewed Journal of Historical Review until 2002, but now disseminates its materials through its website and via email. The Institute is affiliated with the Legion for the Survival of Freedom and Noontide Press.[9]

Cool fucking source.
Your knowledge of holocaust denial is lacking to say the least. To believe that holocaust research is in any way censored in Europe is retarded.
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>not biased
wish students, paid by Hasbara fellowships from the Israeli government, are mobilized to edit Wikipedia in a pro-Israel manner.

The images and text below are from a Hasbara newsletter dated May 2007.

Hasbara is an Israeli institution that gives fellowships to wish students around the world and also aids them in organizing "Israel Advocacy", i.e. Israel-propaganda.
>but conspiracy
Also, I have absolutely no intereset in arguing with you on this matter. You are insane and I am gone.
What conspiracy? That actually happened, lol. Look up israeli war crimes on wikipeda.


did Jews steal your source on that conspiracy too?
What the fuck are those icons on the board?

[spoiler]can the other boards get those too?[/spoiler]

[spoiler]>implying spoilers work[/spoiler]
>This page has been deleted.
Oh wow.
Joke flags. moot's planning on adding selectible flags. Not sure how many; probably the main political alignments though hopefully also some fictional stuff.
Are you saying that Israeli has done no war crimes, thus does not need a page?

The point of posting that page was to show it was deleted by pro israel activists. Because israeli has indeed committed war crimes.

I have a copypasta about why politics discussions just don't work on the internet, but the robot won't let me post it. Here it is in the archive: http://archive.foolz.us/q/thread/118546/#118660

They're random icons now; moot plans to make them selectable.
>complaining about racism on anonymous image board
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>To believe that holocaust research is in any way censored in Europe is retarded

Did you even read that article you fucking mouthbreather?

>Holocaust denial was made illegal in Belgium in 1995.

>In addition to Holocaust denial, denial of communist perpetrated atrocities is illegal in the Czech Republic.

And many more. again, you morons don't want to debate, you don't even bother with reading what anyone else has to say, you simply don't care about 4chan and just want to make this place like reddit.

Fuck off.
face it OP

the majority of people at this site are probably conservative. fuck off over to reddit if you want a libtard circlejerk where all non majority opinions get censored.
Way to:
1. Generalize
2. Make assumptions
3. Ad hominem

Mind you, I'm not trying to address your argument, just thought I'd point that out.
AMEN BROTHER! REDDITORS SHOULD GTFO! They contribute nothing but childish discussion and shit trolls.
Thank you for wasting everyone's time with that vacuous reddit style post. Go away please.

You should have countered if you could.
And more name calling. Seems quite like a place I've heard of called, what was it again? Ah yes, it was Reddit.

As for an argument: dat testimony.


>inb4 Jew source. It's no more biased then yours.
Do you actually think Germans got a fair trail at Nuremberg? This was a trail to demonize and crucify the Germans. They presented evidence that everyone knows to be false these days, such as bars of soap made from human fat and lampshades made of human skin.

The trails were a joke at least, and at most a crucifixion.
And allow me to correct you, my source isn't biased. Wikipedia is and the Nuremberg trails are.
Doesn't matter.

Or do you think we can weave Jew magic that will make all those folks hanged for Nazi war crimes come back to life so we can say "Sorry!"

Or are you proposing that because the Nazis didn't receive a fair trial, that we should go ahead and exterminate the Jews as planned?

What possible difference could it make? What is your endgame? What do you want to have happen?
Alright, how about Hitler saying: "Today I want to be a prophet once more: if international Jewish financiers inside and outside Europe again succeed in plunging the nations into a world war, the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth and with it the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!"

Yet there was never any order from Hitler to exterminate the jews. You think with language like that in his speeches he wouldn't have a problem writing such an order and sending it down the chain of command.
I don't know why this is an issue.

Moot brought /pol/ back knowing it would become /stormfront/ almost immediately.

And to be fair, /pol/ actually seems to be less fixated on "niggers and jews" than /new/ was.
And we know there was no order how?

How about this: http://www.holocaust-history.org/auschwitz/holes-report/holes.shtml

Yes, yes: "ITS A JOO SOURCE"

Can you disprove it, though?
>Doesn't matter.
Yes it does. People were killed under lies.

>Or do you think we can weave Jew magic that will make all those folks hanged for Nazi war crimes come back to life so we can say "Sorry!"

I think the families of these people are due for an apology and possibly some reparations.

>Or are you proposing that because the Nazis didn't receive a fair trial, that we should go ahead and exterminate the Jews as planned?

Yeah, that is what I'm suggesting. How could you tell?
No, i'm suggesting that the holocaust is completely exaggerated and this error in history should be corrected.

What possible difference could it make? What is your endgame? What do you want to have happen?

I want real history to be taught. I want jews to stop playing the guilt card over the 6 million people that never actually died. I want Israeli to be exposed as the extremist aggressor nation that it truly is. The holocaust is the only genocide who has a shitload of survivors to talk about it. Don't you find that odd? I thought the Germans were efficient jew killing machines. Why are there any survivors?

You don't hear about holodomor genocide survivors telling their tales because they are fucking dead.
Sure they do.

"Holodomor survivors tell their stories"

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>Combining engineering, computer, and photographic techniques with historical sources, this research note discusses the gas chambers attached to crematoriums at Auschwitz I and the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. Among other things, the authors identify the locations of several of the holes in the roofs through which Zyklon B was introduced: all four in Crematorium I, and three of the four in the badly damaged Crematorium II.

I don't think you understand how dangerous Zyklon B is and that merely sprinkling in through the holes on top of gas chambers would kill the Nazis who were doing such a thing, along with anyone down wind if all of that power did not get perfectly into that gas chamber.

Also it takes days upon days to clear a room out with Zyklon B. You couldn't just go into a room that has been gassed with that shit without a full hazard suit on. Not only that the bodies of the dead being taken out of the chamber would contaminate everything as they were removed.

If the Germans really did use zyklon B, everyone would be fucking dead by the accounts of how these historians said it was used.
Any source for that?

Also, see http://www.deathcamps.org/gas_chambers/gas_chambers_intro.html
Thanks for the link, will watch. Holocaust is still completely over exaggerated, though. I gotta get to bed.

Read this if you want more of me talking about the BS of the holohoax.

I read it, and disagree.

Interestingly enough, I have to go now too.

I don't even have time to look up how to say goodbye in Jewish.

Is Shalom like Aloha, or whatever?

Shalom = hello.

Ex: Shalom, Arab neighbours! Please excuse the genocide I am performing on your Palestinian friends. It's ok because exactly six million jews died in the Shoah halfway through WW2.
>I want real history to be taught.

No, you want YOUR version to be taught.

I'm sure the people who can absolutely prove that we never went to the moon and that aliens built the pyramids also want "real history" to be taught.

They have evidence as compelling as yours.
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The source lies but the zyklon deadliness stuff is true.
Also from your source
>To avoid panic, a lot of Nazi gas chambers were camouflaged as bath rooms. Signs were installed, with inscriptions directing the victims toward their final place. In the gas chambers themselves, fake plumbing was added and fake showers installed in the ceilings. Even pieces of soap were handed out sometimes (at Auschwitz and Chelmno), before the victims entered the gas chambers.

>A gas chamber is an execution facility whereby a deadly poisonous gas is introduced into a hermetically sealed room.

A shower is not a hermetically sealed room.

How do you disguise a thick airtight door?
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ITT: more example of /pol/ shitting up and derailing any thread it touches

>liberal liberals liberals liberals libertard libtard communist liberals liberals liberals

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