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Apparently there's a janitor in /v/ called dongfix who takes personal requests from friends to ban certain posters,
the guy who mentions his name in the picture was a /v/ janitor for a while who got removed when he had freely mentioned he was one.

Are all janitors this corrupt?
Not all, but all who browse 4chan are.
Janitors can't even ban, faggot. Learn how this site works and keep conspiracy theories on /x/, pls. I wish I could sage this thread, it isn't worth bumping.
Well whoever does the banning, I appalls me that they take direct requests from friends, it stinks of Nepotism, especially since the guy who mentions this dongfix said he's trying to get him added on to the team.
Pretty sure Dongfix is a mod.
He is mod and this is basically an attack on him. Delete your thread.
Janitors can't ban, they only delete spam and off topic threads.
They are gentle suckerfish cleaning up the board.
The ones that ban are mods, given a fraction of moot's almighty admin powers they can banish people, sticky threads and more.
Sadly they often go insane due to having so much power.
>/jp/ faggot
Wonder if he was responsible for the general shittiness of /jp/ as well
It is well within my right to bring to light what may effect the quality of the boards, this is one of those things.
Absolutely disgusting. At least use Steam or IRC. Fuck.
Criticizing the staff of being corrupt is a pretty stupid thing to do. I could post a log of any IRC and claim anything. So really don't go believing every single
thing people say.
My dad works for 4chan and he said you're an idiot.
Fuck off /jp/ is fine you FAGGET
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Mods are dicks. Invisibro blew up my car just before a race in the last Just Cause 2 MP mod weekend.

Made me burst into treats.
>some one says they are "requesting a ban" in some chat
>must be true, mod is corrupt

>a mod beat me in a game
>mods are dicks

you people sound like gullible and whiny children
Not strange that the person knows the mod by name and their schedule?
Mods take requests for intervention (friends or randoms) as long as rules are being broken and they feel like dealing with 4chan at the time. I've personally dealt with dongfix on numerous occasions. What's your point?
>banning people

And this is how you know the OP is full of shit.
Do janitors lurk on #4chan?

I know they can't acknowledge themselves, but has anyone ever gone on the IRC to complain and find the thread taken care of shortly thereafter?
>not knowing what a joke is
I think you're the child here.
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Back to /b/ with you. I've talked with Dongfix as well as a few other mods in IRC, and they have all been helpful and friendly (albeit somewhat suspiciously alert, it being 4chan and all). The only moderator who needs ousting is the "inane and irrelevant" guy who permabans people for evasion knowing full well they have never ban evaded, deletes on-topic threads, and generally shits up all the boards.

PIc related, this is the kind of shit that mod does. Mind you, this was the SEVENTH time he had banned me for ban evasion-- and I've had the same IP for over a year, proved I had never evaded to several mods, and had every permaban overturned. They even asked the "inane and irrelevant" guy to stop falsely banning me, and he outright refused.

There's one problem-child mod, and only ONE. Get rid of him and watch 4chan flourish.
>the SEVENTH time he had banned me for ban evasion
>I had never evaded

Is this not standing out to you at all?

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