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Evening y'all, I just like to ask if any of you have seen any notable improvements/changes on your respective boards.

Being from /co/ the only threads I've seen on /q/ were idiot suggestions for a split of cartoons and comics into different boards or toonami to be banned. Overall we haven't changed at all. I'm curious to know how other boards are doing
Naruto is back in it's rightful place amongst all the other top-tier /a/nimes
More whining, stupid people and more drama, shit storms and angry people.
No improvements. None at all.
Can we declare /q/ the biggest failure new board already ?
Actually, yes, the ambient shitposting on ameriblob-mu has according to recent readings declined from 4-6/10 to 3-5/15.
Note: These readings are only based on topic correctness. The values state off-topic posts/posts total.
/v/ DRAMATICALLY improved, but that's the only change I've seen for the better.
/a/'s gone to shit from people escalating a minor spam problem and potentially the outcasts from new-/v/ going there to post irrelevant shit.
Just because you didn't like it doesn't make it a failure.

Personally, no, I can't say /lit/ has changed that much, but it wasn't too bad to begin with.

I had to go all the way to page 6 before I saw an actual moderator reply, and even then it was an admittance nothing could be done.

Seriously moot stopped giving a fuck about this place two days after he made it.
/v/ is still shitposting, waifus, and awful arguments general.
/a/ has been swamped by nurutu and dbz shitposters, although the quality threads appear at the same frequency as before.
/int/ has gone to shit really fast for some reason.
/vg/ has gone to hell in a handbasket recently. Mods don't exist there at all.
/sci/ is still Homework & Religion.
/lit/ has somehow managed to become even worse and even more elitist.
/q/ is still "I'm not part of, and not a regular of, a board, can we get rid of the board or make it suitable to my tastes?"
/a/ has been dead since the creation of /q/.

Thanks, guys.
All /q/ has done is cause a massive increase in spamming and troll threads from butthurt narutards and casual scum on /a/. /q/ is nothing but a breeding ground for cancer.
/v/ - improved
/a/ - wasn't affected by /q/
/int/ - seems fine to me. Any specifics of this going to shit?
/vg/ - I don't know myself.
/sci/ - I agree.
Yes, yes. /lit/ is so elitist. You should never come there. Ever. (Stay away.)
/q/ - Funny how I don't see any of those threads in the first few pages, eh?
i guess /q/ is good for something, then
Whichever faggot mod said it's okay to post Naruto in /a/ has spawned a swarm of shitposting that called back accelspammer. Nice going, asshat. My only hope is that the spam will send the gaiafag narutards away.
CGL still sucks because of all the fucking bitchy ass lolitas, I really wish Moot would split the board in to 2 "cosplay" board and then a separate "Lolita/Japanese fashions".
>that feel as a /co/mrade

Feels good knowing /co/ is still pristine and wonderful. Can't fuck with perfection baby!
How are those /Jp/ and /tg/ niggas doing are doing. They had some crazy long threads
You spawned the MLP craze.
You have nothing to be proud of. Not anymore. There is nothing you can do that will rid you of that stain.
Ok, I take that back.

More whining, stupid people and more drama, shit storms and angry people.
Almost no improvements.Almost none at all. Except /v/, because it really needed help, it was in horrible state and it had been evident for a while and the improvements happened because moot finally took action and not thanks to some board that wasn't needed.
Can we declare /q/ the biggest failure new board already ?
/soc/ has seen some improvement, yes.
I think /jp/ has improved. Still some hiccups but nowhere near as bad as it was in it's darkest hour.
No, /g/ is still shit and hasn't received any attention.
/g/ is still shit.

Pretty sure that fixing another board gives /q/ some cred.

/q/ fixed /v/. You've gone through denial ("YOU'RE ALL NAZIMODS!!"), anger ("WHY DO OTHER PEOPLE HAVE OPINIONS!", and now you're bargaining. Better pre-order some Prozac, 'cuz you're going to be really depressed.
/co/ had nothing to do with that. All /b/ and /v/ pony mod
>/v/ is better

On the front page:
>3DS vs Vita hahah sonyggers hahaha nintenyearolds
>/v/ingo bullshit that nobody cares about and turns into a circlejerk of I HAB OBSCUREREST GAEMS dont hit on me you silly nerds
>tfw new fetish
>KERFUFFLE THREAD pit is overpowered i hope they keep lucario WE NEED SANIC IN HERE how about chunli
>Max Payne thread that has actual discussion but is on the verge of devolving into HAHA CONSOLIZED GARBAGE MASTERRACE 4 LIFE
>ARCADE MACHINES TIME jerking off to old arcade machines GET OUT OF HERE YOU 10-YEAR-OLD REDDITOR
>STEAM AVATAR THREAD GO so edgy images you will really show those TF2 players now
>I HAVE DISABILITY so I get money and I want a gaming laptop OMG GET OUT PARASITE pc master race best HAHAHA >2012 >LAPTOP
>Dark Souls is coming out for PC WHY ARE YOU ALL DIRTY DIRTY PIRATES you goddamn PC users master race vs consoles
>that nostalgia when favorite game is 10 years old i know that feel bro
>VIDYA MUSIC lel /mu/ raid your music tastes are shit get out of here
>DRAWFAG THREAD omg waifus waifus draw my waifu

/v/ has improved marginally, maybe, but it's still at May-levels of shitposting.
/a/ got a lot worse. People started spamming Naruto threads, and now it's full of Accel spam. Fuck, /q/ has just made /a/ worse.
I like that depiction of /co/.
>Feels good knowing /co/ is still pristine and wonderful.

>Sexism threads
>Politics threads
These pop up on a daily schedule. They aren't even about the comics in them. Someone comes in, posts a single political cartoon, then the entire thread explodes into a political shitfest.
/q/ spammed /a/?

See, this is how morons argue. They make the grammar look bad, to emphasize their point.

OC/Drawfag thread
Minecraft thread
EA thread
Steam Avatar thread
Questions about Valve
Comments on a video game
Sorta irrelevant that could be deleted
/v/ Bingo
questions about a game
Spam thread that should be deleted
question directed towards /v/
question about video games
question about gaming hardware

I didn't even need to exaggerate to make the threads look better.
A thread was made on /q/ complaining about a ban someone got for posting Naruto on /a/, that post got linked to /b/ and /v/ and so began the raid.
/q/ didn't spam /a/, but people bitched enough that Naruto threads became allowed, and so people started posting them more. The problem with Naruto threads is half the time they are troll bait. After it became okay to post them, people started to spam them and somewhat spam DBZ threads. Now Accel spam is back because of the Naruto spam.
Alright, fair enough. Naruto should go. I concede that.
>pop up daily
Nope, even if it's posted jans will delete the troll feminist hate threads like finest quickly.
Political comic threads only come up occasionally and everyone laughs at he comic.artist's idiocy
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I think /q/ has started a transitional period.

If we don't get to the root of these problems, we may see 4chan devolve into a shittier place than it's been in a long time due to so many people using /q/ as their blog to complain about the latest troll thread or shitposting avatarfag. The problem there is that what this is doing is essentially exposing the bruises and sore spots to other boards (namely /b/) and saying "Hey, it really pisses me off and hurts when you punch this. How about we make a rule that says you can't punch this bruise?"

Case in point: Accel and Naruto Spam on /a/, pony threads on /b/, dickspam on /d/, anime threads on /co/, etc.

However, at the same time, I get the feeling like we are zeroing in on some core issues. Namely that we don't have enough mods, the mods that we do have are incredibly biased and sometimes outright inept, and they don't enforce the rules evenly and fairly. Sometimes they'll wander off to boards they aren't familiar with and start banning and deleting without warning. Other times, they'll leave threads to stew and sit for hours or even days at a time, with only the eventual auto-sage and 404 to help them.

There's also the distinct issue that the current method of banning is outright worthless and only serves to encourage shitposters to come back and shitpost even more. That's an issue that can't easily be solved by discussion and arguing, though.
Except /q/ didn't fix /v/. If it was fixed at all.
/v/ needed help, that was evident with or without /q/.
Now /q/ was made and moot was in the mood to help boards, so he took action on /v/.
He could have taken the same initiative with or without /q/.
I feel /q/ serves the purpose of allowing the community to express how badly a shape a board is in, without metathreads being deleted on their home board.

It could be argued that the same purpose could be fulfilled by emailing moot, but what about the people that don't have Email accounts, or don't know that it's even possible to contact him?
>anime threads on /co/
A very small minority have problems against anime threads on /co/ unless it's "Why isn't cartoons as mature as anime?" troll threads.
/co/ picked up MLP to ironically shitpost. That bit of retardation bit everyone in the ass, faggot.
>This board isn't vocal enough to oppose this content even though it shouldn't be here
mentality is exactly what makes boards go to shit.
/v/ was fixed? First time Ive ever heard about it.
Nope still a shithole.
I agree with you so so much, on all of it.
Absolutely all of it, 100%.

And one of the ugly implications of what you said is that things will get worse.
moot has already made it clear that finding good mods is hard so we can't really expect him to do much about it.
So most of what /q/ can bring to light won't go fixed, not much will realistically change.
Or at least not much would change if it wasn't for the trolls you mention.
We can expect them to get more savvy, more active and more destructive.
/b/ and /v/ again. Ironic shitpost is theory game
Yes and no...

I'll try and keep this short, but the original people who started the MLP generals on /co/ unironically liked the show, but they ironically behaved like total weeaboo retards and started drawing fan art and writing fanfiction and using the word "waifu"

Problem is the act got very convincing and it attracted the sort of people who thought, "Good lord! My people! I've felt excluded for so long, but these people love to do all the shit I love to do! I'm so glad someone else has had dirty thoughts about Fluttershy's ass also! I can't wait to go and tell them and shout it from the rooftops!"

Then the people who were just having a lark with it slowly came to realize the sort of company they had attracted and left the threads they had helped create.
>I just like to ask if any of you have seen any notable improvements/changes on your respective boards.
/a/ is spammed because of the Nurutu debacle.
/tg/ has spoilers.
/co/ hasn't changed.
/r9k/ is still a containment board.

Overall, negative outcomes.
/co/ has always had anime threads and everyone's been fine with that. In moderation no one cares about it. I doubt you even visit the board at all.
/v/ got some moderation.

...for about a week, and then they got bored and just let the board rot again.
>/co/ has always had anime threads and everyone's been fine with that.
No they haven't. Just because we don't gorespam threads doesn't meant we accept it.
We COULD have good moderation, but our precious "culture" has to be protected.
>It's always been accepted!
Isn't a good reason to post off-topic things, nor is it often true.
/a/ has gotten much worse. Still has good threads but it also looks like the shitposters have migrated from /v/ over to /a/.

/v/ seems like it's been improving.

I do like how /tg/ has spoilers now, but I haven't been on it as much lately.

/jp/ has improved immensely. There was way too much board culture and too little substance before.
I brought up this idea in another thread but I want to know what you guys would think about this.

Instead of /q/ the board for all boards a /q/ sticky for every board.
Same purpose, same function. But every board can discuss it's issues internally in a designated place. Same benefits of getting rid of meta discussion threads because it's still designated to one thread and letting people bring up issues but now people of each board will have an easier time dealing with their own issues without the often not very useful insight of the casual passerby and at least the internal issues of every board won't be so visible to everyone and less people will be tempted to troll a board after seeing its issues unless they are browsing it specifically to troll like in the older days.
/vg/ is still a shithole and generals are being ruined by avatar and tripfag circle jerking.

But moot just made the board as a garbage bin anyways so I know he won't help. Ever.
>Just because we don't gorespam threads doesn't meant we accept it.
Why is there so many willing participants? Factor in nostalgia from their childhoods and we love discussing it. I've never seen complaints about it.

>Isn't a good reason to post off-topic things
Why? Is it harmful to the board? It's not like people make anime threads every day. Most loved it as kids and want to discuss it. It doesn't overrun the board the least.
/g/ is still full of tech support threads WITH NO MOD OR JANITOR.
Fuck, just give 5 regular neckbeards janitor on there so they can delete all the PLZ GIEF TECH SUPPORT threads.
/co/ shouldn't have anime threads, though. Not to ascribe any intrinsic value to threads or page 0 or anything like that, but /co/ has a topic and it should be kept and enforced.

I can understand feeling comfortable with the atmosphere of a board, but that is a distinct problem when people feel the need to post off-topic threads because they feel that the board hivemind is in sync with them (it never is, because there is no such thing) or that the board that is belongs on is too intolerant or unwelcoming for them to post on.
Don't mistake a large amount of posts for a large factor of participation, most of the time it's a small group of people posting a lot.

And it is harmful to the board because it encourages off-topic discussion.
Single threads are an awful format for meaningful conversation.

Anyone who has ever tried to get some attention in a general thread without posting something stupid or incendiary can vouch for this.
You keep saying this bullshit but from your first post you browse /g/. You have no idea how the board works or functions so I have no idea why you're even commenting on it. Anime/manga is just the other side of the coin that's western animation and comics.
With /vg/, which generals are being ruined? I've always had a pleasant experience with /vg/, but I only go on the VN general. I'm guessing SC2 and KSG?
Don't start a dick waving contest. It's pitiful. I've been regularly browsing /co/ for 3 years at this point and I still don't think anime has any place there, even if there is a relation. Anime and manga have their own board for a reason and despite the superficial similarities with Comics and Cartoons, there are enough distinct differences to warrant them staying separated.
I've seen daily threads on how /sp/ needs moderation and although it has improved a little bit it's still completely fucked.
>anime has any place there, even if there is a relation
Most people considered them cartoons when they were young. If it airs in America in the 90s then you can be damn sure people with fond memories want to discuss it. Digimon and toonami are allowed on /co/. If you want to bitch about anime being on /co/ then go ahead. E-mail moot or make a thread on toonami. So far there isn't enough complaints to warrant toonami, digimon or anime/manga to be banned/deleted on sight.
On the subject of anime on /co/, I do agree that subjects such as Toonami are probably better suited for /a/, but good luck trying to convince /a/ of that. Even the mods agree with them.

Until you can have a Toonami thread on /a/ without getting banned, I don't really see the harm of having them on /co/. They don't happen very often, and the sort of people who enjoy it are mostly nostalgiafags from /co/ and /v/.
>If it airs in America in the 90s then you can be damn sure people with fond memories want to
discuss it.
And thanks to based Moots unfaltering foresight, we already have an entire board dedicated to them! It's called /a/! And it's just for those weird chinese cartoons that were different from all those other cartoons!

>Digimon and toonami are allowed on /co/.
And that's also an issue.
/a/ doesn't mind talking about the actual shows, it's just all of the associated stupidity that we don't like. If you want to come over to /a/ and talk about what happened in tonight's Casshern Sins, that's fine. You want to talk about Tom, "feels" and other nostalgic circlejerking? take it somewhere else.
>wanting to discuss anime in /a/
Absolutely not, they're the worst board to discuss anything in. There's a reason toonami is in /co/. People want to discuss anime with people from /co/ and is that such a huge issue with you? It's what the board accepts and it shouldn't be changed because of whiny kid. Anime on /co/ isn't an issue at all with the board.
Go on, tell me what awful evils discussion of anime will bring upon /co/ which has been going on for years.
Sounds like we should slap /a/'s shit around then, huh?

Add that to the list.
contrary to popular belief, /a/ actually does discuss anime. Just usually currently airing anime. Most threads for older ones devolve into shit like "remember when anime was good?" due to already being talked to death. If you watch anything that's currently airing in Japan this season, you can almost always find a thread for the most recent episode.
Indubitably good sir but as it stands anime will be accepted on /co/

Like this gentlemen says /a/ discusses current anime. We just like to discuss cartoons we wanted as children and /a/ isn't the place for it.
Not implying that /a/ doesn't discuss anime or that everyone on /a/ is a terrible aspie fuckwit who refuses to allow in outsiders. However, there is a very vocal minority that is pretty bad and most of their arguments are "We don't want people like that on OUR board!"

However, on the topic of discussing shows that have already aired, /co/ has a majority of its threads dedicated to new material and only new material. Occasionally we'll get a "hey, remember Batman:TAS?" or whatever, but for the most part, /co/ doesn't look back because everything that could be said about that show was already said during its airing and for a time after it was aired.

Korra, for instance, was overflowing /co/ with the numbers of threads it had during it's airing, but now we get a scant few every other day or so, if that. The weeks following the finale were still fairly active, but still.

Digimon threads, for instance, aren't anything more than a nostalgic circlejerk with people talking about how they'd like to fuck Angewomon or how Tai and Sora didn't end up together, which honestly sounds like the sort of stuff /a/ wouldn't be terribly shocked by. Would also make the discussion of those digimon shows that didn't air in the US less rule breaking. In fact, that shit would be outright allowed on /a/, instead of wedged in there with some sort of excuse like "Moot said it was okay!"
/a/ is for discussing current season anime and mature anime.

/co/ is for childhood nostalgia and childish(superhero) cartoons/comic
>/a/ is for discussing current season anime and mature anime.
>and mature anime.
You should spend some time outside of the SC2 and KS generals, dumbass.
>However, on the topic of discussing shows that have already aired, /co/ has a majority of its threads dedicated to new material and only new material. Occasionally we'll get a "hey, remember Batman:TAS?" or whatever, but for the most part, /co/ doesn't look back because everything that could be said about that show was already said during its airing and for a time after it was aired.

This is the case with most boards. The difference between /co/ and /a/, however, is that /co/ is fine with threads about older shows. /a/ "self-moderates" them to hell and back.
No, they really don't. The issue is that people will start a thread with absolutely nothing to discuss and then be surprised when their "DBZ general" gets saged.

/a/ is perfectly fine talking about older shows, but the OP does need to try to start a conversation.
/v/ is better
/a/ got shat all over
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I've noticed less interracial porn/East Aryam spam on /pol/ lately. We're also getting some cool selectable poltical flag function.

I think moot is tsundere for /pol/.
/v/ still needs some work in terms of stopping shitposting, but there are now far more on-topic threads than before: obviously off-topic threads like
>tfw no gf
are being deleted before they can reach 30 posts, and shit like Jupiter threads is being deleted on sight.
Other than story timing old comics, of which there are many many MANY more than there ever were cartoons, /co/ isn't a board that mainly focuses on old shit and nostalgia. I mean, honestly, go browse the damn place for a while. There's a lot less "oh man, <old show> was super awesome, wasn't it?" than everyone seems to be insisting.

Yet again, been browsing for years. /co/ doesn't even discuss most of the webcomics it approves on a regular basis because they don't update often enough.

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