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/mlp/ mod banning for proxy moot pls fix this mod is on power trip
in b4 the same old schtick with the same old posters stating things like 'containment', 'concentration', etc.
I got banned twice for proxy and I wasn't even using one.
It's true, several people have been banned for "proxy" who do not, and never have used them.
yeah alot of people are getting banned how does moot pick his mods?
this is stupid. either its a really bad mod or some sort of error on 4chans part. either way this needs to be dealt with
every 2 weeks, he selects a few random people from /b/ who become mods

didn't you know?
Well that figures. moot might as well just delete /mlp/.
Yes. Because the best thing to do about a badly-functioning prison is to just tear down the walls and tell the inmates that they're free to go.
How do you know?
they're testing the waters to see if another purge would be a worthwhile endeavor
/mlp/ should just be deleted. failed experiment and causes more problems than it solves. we need to just go full on police state and ban everything pony related, except if its on /b/.
this is stupid, i got banned for that too
>implying you have anything to do with it
/b/tard /b/read user plas leave
idea: get rid of the mod for mlp, and replace him with someone who isnt a fucking prick
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>Endorsing any sort of Police State mentality

How about no?
All of you are fucking idiots.
There is no mlp mod.
well there is a mod banning for proxy on /mlp/
If he mass banned all the inmates he'd be fine. The majority don't know how to ban evade.
If you'd read at-least the mod replies in the stickied pony thread on this board you'd know that the vast majority of people in /mlp/ aren't the problem you think they are.
That's what I'm saying. He can get rid of them, because they don't know how to ban evade.
they know how to ban evade

and those who don't will learn from those who do

this must be your first rodeo
It worked with the furries, and it will work with the bronies. He should just do it before the problem gets worse.

This is going to get off topic, so I won't follow this line of discussion any further after this.

There's no good reason to ban innocent people. If you don't believe they're innocent: >>118775
It doesn't matter if they're innocent. What matters is that ponies don't belong on here on 4chan.

go back to /b/, nobody cares for your opinion outside that shithole.

Oh just fuck off. The problem here is a ban happy mod who's picking on people who are following the rules.
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it worked with the furrys?

heh no

0 for 2 kiddo
We can't just keep the enemy next door and not expect them to leak onto other boards.
Well he's doing us a favor then.

wow you're so edgy, what are you 12? read the rules.

They're doing nobody any favors, and you're an idiot if you support such an abuse of power just because it's against a group you dont like.
The ones that state that pony shit belongs on /mlp/ and only /mlp/? Those rules the ones you're talking about?

No I'm not. What you don't understand is that the rest of us are still trying to get rid of you. And I'm free to abuse any group I don't like thanks. Fucking moralfag.

Wow, okay 12 year old. I'm a fucking /k/ommando, /mlp/ means nothing to me. If you give them free reign to start banning people for shit they didnt do, you're just opening the door for other abuses. Stop and think you moron.

rule no.2

If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

also, no. The majority here don't care about ponies.

Ohohoho, so you can handle a gun huh? Well aren't you fantastic. So can a bunch of country rednecks. It's not really an accomplishment. Anyway no one cares so long as the abuse sticks with ponyfags only. It's when other people are caught in the crossfire that this matters.

Then you'd better leave. You know I think you're forgetting your history. Why do you think /mlp/ exists at all?
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>Ad hominem
>Obvious mental deficiency
>No foresight

Alrighty Mr. Basement Dweller, thank god you don't have any say here. These people follow the rules, and they're being abused by mods. No matter what you say, you're in the wrong.

Welcome to the filter.

You're either trolling or you're one dense cunt, read the sticky.
You're the one who doesn't understand the reason /mlp/ exists. It's not there for your benefit brony.

read the sticky you braindead autistic manchild.
I've read the sticky. moot is just keeping up appearances.

I'm sure he is, just disregard everything and stay in your own deluded little world.
In my deluded little world bronies were banned left and right. Now they have my little quarantine. What does that tell you?

I could speculate, but there's no need given that Moot has already answered all of this.
Think what you want.You'd think sending mods from /b/ would give you some kind of hint.

Christ, you're a fucking retard. They (aside from /b/read) aren't bothering anyone. It's trolls and idiots who won't go to /mlp/ if your delusion is over HERP DERP PONEZ IN BEE.

If you just hate them, then you're an autistic fuck who can't ignore shit he doesn't like long enough to realize that innocents are being banned for fake reasons.
Did you even read a word I said? I don't care if they're innocent, I just want bronies kicked out. There's a damn good reason My Little Pony is the only show that can't be posted outside its own respective board. When will you take the hint? Are you just not paying attention? Is that it?

That's what you're basing your claims on? well done, sir.

and I want a new car, keep crying over cartoon horses you delusional fuckwit.
Sounds like a mod couldn't handle so much power.
It happens a lot.
It's one of the reasons janitors>mods.
Mods ban, janitors delete trolls.
A troll gets banned, a troll has more proxies ready.
An innocent gets banned, he's fucked.
Mods are only bad for good posters.
Janitors can keep a place clean of spam and other issues just as well as a mod, they send the same message that some things are not ok and they can't hurt anyone.

Like I said, an autist who wants his every need pandered to because he thinks he's above other people because HURR DURR THEY WATCH WHAT I DUN LIKE I ABUV DEM.

Kill yourself in the worst way possible.
No, but it does support my claims.
Well unlike your new car, getting rid of you might actually be a reality one of these days. Sure there will always be a few stragglers but I'm talking about getting rid of the majority.
I'm no autist. I'm not the cancer here, you are. And besides, I'm no different from anyone else here. The only reasons you oppose me is because you happen to like a silly little cartoon. And that's fine, but it doesn't belong here. You get me?

Yet I'll bet that you think Adventure Time and the like should stay. Or are you stating all cartoons should leave 4chan?
My Little Pony is a special case, and its treated as such. You're basically furries.

It does belong here, read the sticky. Just because it doesn't suit your agenda doesn't mean it's fake.

>hurr durr no moot is only putending
>You're basically furries

So damn ignorant...

So it's a special case because a shitload of trolls know it annoys you, so obviously it should leave 4chan!

It's obvious you're a /b/tard.
My god, of course he's pretending. Everything points to that, and you'd have to be blind to think other wise. Everyone is on my side in this case minus a few disgruntled bronies and some gun fanatic. Do you see any of us angry when an Adventure Time reaction image is posted? No? How about when The Legend of Korra is posted? Well what do you know! That's a no too! You're the ones who are blind.

You're treated special because you are special. Do you understand what I'm saying?


I think you're the one who's ignorant.

Actually, I'm not. That place is a hellhole I wouldn't wish on anyone.
Oh really? Because I actually look into things before judging them first? If you actually look and do research you would see that liking MLP has nothing to do with being a furry. Except for the cloppers.

>You're treated special because you are special.

Actually, from what I see on /mu/, very few people bitch about ponies because they don't care (aside from that Lazare idiot). Does that mean /mu/ is a "special case"?

If you ignore the fact that it's a pony, you have less derails. Fixed the "pony derails".
Yea, and not all furries jack off to their little anthro shit. I don't care what you get off to retard. I just know what's best for this place and you're not it. I also know what everyone else thinks of you, not just the mods. We want you gone, but so far the best we've managed to do is contain you.

Well that's against the rules brony. Do you know that? And I know you're bullshitting me. If anyone gives a shit for anything it's /mu/.
>Everyone is on my side

no they're not, very few people actually care, they just don't want it needlessly spammed. You cry over a cartoon, it doesn't make anyone special but you.
Fuck I love /q/.
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Hey, well guess what!? We're here to stay, and there isn't shit you can do! You're gonna just have to wait till' the seasons over for good. So go ahead and sperg and cry more.

>I just know what's best for this place

From what I know, /mlp/ is one of the fastest boards on this site. So no. You don't know what's best for 4chan.

>Well that's against the rules brony. Do you know that? And I know you're bullshitting me. If anyone gives a shit for anything it's /mu/.

It's against the rules because people wouldn't stop bitching about ponies.
Then enjoy rolling in your own shit, don't go ahead and complain about it, because nobody wants to clean it up.
This autist of ID: iQXKDs3U has been arguing for 2 hours over shit that's already been said and addressed in the sticky and thus irrelevant to what this thread is supposed to be about.
I'm not the one complaining, buddy. That looks like you're in charge of this one.
Oh well aren't you fucking funny huh? Look at me guys! I posted a pony! LOL. Oh that's just so god damn original huh? I'll bet you're patting yourself on the back right now because you're so much fucking smarter than everyone else because you like a stupid ass children's cartoon. Fuck, you're dense. It must be nice to completely lack self-awareness brony. Why don't you think before you next post huh? It's a little something us normal people like to do. You should try it.
Their numbers don't mean shit. That just means our problem is larger than I thought it was is all.

And why do you think people are bitching about ponies huh? Look at this fucker. Do you really think that cutesy shit belongs here? Where do you think you are?

...And shit like this is why Global Rule 15 exists.
Pfhahaha, stay classy, bro! Stay classy.

>Do you really think that cutesy shit belongs here?

you serious? you don't think there are other cutesy things poster here? 4chan doesn't like cutesy things?
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Where do YOU think we are? You're that guy who thought 4chan was a manly site aren't you?

Moot's said advertisements bring in revenue for the site; therefore, faster boards means more hits which means more revenue to the site (considering we all don't use ABP).
Maybe corrupting cutesy things perhaps.
Sorry but I don't usually talk about this sort of thing. Usually I just watch, but I'm getting tired of this shit.
moot has plenty of users already. Banning ponies will hardly have any effect on his revenue.

banning tards like you would be easier and more efficient tbh
Well that's not going to happen. It's like I said. The people are on my side.
Exactly, then he wouldn't have so many fucking e-mails about the bitching.
Yea no one is that stupid. Look if you could take a hint you'd know you're not welcome. Why don't you just read between the lines already?

yeah, no. People have been bitching about ponies loitering on /b/ (a reasonable complaint) action is being taken, fuck all people complain about ponies (a retarded complaint) no action is being taken, the people aren't on your side, they don't care, the problem is spam, have you been following the threads at all?
Okay that's noted. Do I care? No.
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I fucking love all you ponyfags and pony haters, you make me compleat with you're aids infected fagotry.
keep at it=)
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If anyone deserves a [USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST] it's this moron ITT who thinks he can speak for moot regarding how our glorious leader runs the site and it's respective boards. Massive entitlement complex is massive.
The problem is YOU.
At least you get it. It's been obvious from the start but these idiots just don't want to admit it.
I'm speaking based on what I've observed, nothing more.
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How does one run a census of site opinion on an anonymous image site?

Also, how does one read the minds of moot and his staff? Are you a mod? Did you hack into moot's weekly agenda?

>The problem is YOU

The numerous discussions on the subject state otherwise, why don't you read some?
>people getting banned on /mlp/

well they don't need to be on this site anyway so who cares
Because unlike you I actually pay attention.
I beg to differ. Actions speak louder than words. moot hates all of you fuckers and I understand why. It's because you just can't take a god damned hint. It's like I've already said. You're dense, every single one of you.
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>i pay attention

Not an acceptable answer. Go back and try again.

no he doesn't he explains all this in the sticky you've been claiming is all lies, don't try think for him.

you're the one ignoring bare facts in front of your face and you're calling people dense.
Do you watch the replies when ponies are posted? At all? I think my answer is perfectly acceptable.
Typical brony. People aren't all warm and fuzzy nice on the inside, and 4chan is the last place you'll find nice people. What makes you think moot isn't just fucking with you?
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You know what I observed?

I observed that all the hate that exists on the anon boards gets diluted my a huge margin when IDs are emplaced. I'm sure you have the braincells to figure out why that is.

what makes you think he is? why would he bother posting it? all your'e doing is basing your faulty reasoning on crap you've pulled out your ass, you don't have a leg to stand on.
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Keep telling yourself that brony. Whatever makes you feel better.
That's my line. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING but that one stupid thread points to moot hating your guts. He's just biding his time.

so you think Moot is lying in that thread then you post what he said in that post out of context as use it as proof? he was talking about /b/reads, you are actively trying to be ignorant of what's going around you, follow the actual conversation not a section you've nit picked and put your own meaning behind.
why are you even here still?
He was talking about the ponies on /b/
0/10 try harder
>blatantly take's moot's words out of context to bolster his narrative
Dont mind me but i think i saw some /b/read fags whining about getting banned, if that is the people who is getting and some inocents are getting banned, im ok with it if it happens for something like one month (im from /mlp/), the /b/read is the group who initially got people mad (read the sticky to know why) and are the ones who really need to be kicked out, again only /b/tards, 12 kids and people who think 4chan is a "manly" board (my sides still hurt me) keep bitching "moot plz delete mlp", other normal people can deal with some pony reaction faces.
Obvious retarded /b/ kid. Read that whole sticky pussy.

You are a pretentious idiot... Taking a screenshot out of context? Anyone can do that.

[X] Told with a side of fries.

have the bystanders that have been banned posted in a /b/read, contributing, complaining spamming or otherwise?

Nope. Just us laughing at either an obvious troll or an idiot.

careful, everyone is on his side.
>implying anyone on /mlp/ deserves any help

you pathetic losers can rot on your shitty board
>pathetic losers belittling other pathetic losers on a site tailer made for pathetic losers
>only show

Wrong. There isnt a pokemon board for nothing.

Damn I wish I was that cool and edgy
Nah, leave them to their ghetto
What would happen if /mlp/ is getting deleted ? Ponies everywhere.

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