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can we please get Roasted Bread!AHEROmI.qg permabanned?

he's already had one trip permabanned, but he never posts anything related to threads, everyone hates him, and anywhere he posts gets almost immediately derailed.
>Do not request bans for users, these will also be ignored and removed. If a user is breaking a rule, report their posts. If a user is a known ban evader, report their posts.
report him
and remember as always, friendship is magic
he's been banned, he's evaded bans, he's been permabanned, and reporting apparently does nothing except get the threads he posts in 404'd after 4 hours.
the janitors on /co/ are bloody terrible.
just an example of his posting.

every thread he posts in is like this. there is little to no discussion on topic, and even if people ignore him, he just replies to himself and avatarfags.
then just be patient and when the time comes ("soon"), apply to be a janitor and do a good job
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He still hasn't left. He made this thread that lasted 200 posts or so.

The thread had nothing to do with /co/ at all.
Does /co/ know how to filter tripfags?
Filtering is a placebo. It doesn't solve the problem.
I would seriously recommend just having janiors be informed to delete any and all posts made by Roasted or with the Nichijou avatarfag, who may or may not be the same person.

The latter is the most persistent piece of shit I've ever seen. He's currently ruining a "/co/ characters I can do the voice for" thread because the OP posted a picture of Tentomon. When told Moot allows Digimon, he calls him full of shit. When said he is avatarfagging, he says its okay because he didnt start the thread. When said his avatar is /a/, he says he has an /a/ tab openso its okay, then says that the same logic doesn't work for others, THEN says he never said that.

I'm not even being trolled, I'm just pissed that this fuck can ruin an entire fucking thread on a whim. Hell, it might be multiple people.
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Oh man
It would be awesome if you could filter trips, I wonder why nobody has invented anything like that
Oh well
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But why waste the Janitors time with petty posts that could be easily ignored with the proper filter or your own will?
Shouldn't the janitors be in charge of deleting NSFW and off-topic threads?
Deleting comments doesn't help at all.
This thread right? Now it's just him arguing with people. There is no discussion. OP should just delete his thread and try again.
Another /co/ user here.
Roasted is a cancerous entity. If he were just a shitposter, people would ignore him, it's the fact that he manages to get under so many people's skin just from opening his fat mouth that's made him a Cannes level threat to the board, if you pardon my overly dramatic affection for the board itself.

As was said, he evades any ban placed upon him, though I don't know if that's a matter of mod efficiency - He's the worst kind of user; Smug, arrogant, and knows what he's doing.
He barely ever contributes to a thread when he enters a pre-existing one, and the ones he starts are all about him and how "He looks like George Clooney and is swimming in pussy" or "He's the paragon of decency and the saviour of the board, we should be lucky to have him since he's so well liked on /mu/"
Example: A Captain Britain thread ages and ages ago that I started. Knew it wasn't going to be a huge thread, but we discussed continuity errors and such involving the character. Bitch Potter comes rolling in and starts trying to troll based on nationality. Thread devolves. Don't even try to say it's up to the users to filter or ignore him, because every answer or reply you see to a missing poster reads the same; All in his direction, and it feeds his ego more.

TL;DR - He's a cancerous troll who evades permabans. If our mods can't stop him, we need to go to a higher power.
Okay, I'll give you that with Roasted. But you can't filter the avatarfag. They're anon, and if you can filter the images they can just change a pixel or the size.
Me again.
Ain't it pretty fucking ironic that this guy here is posting reaction images just like Roasted in this thread:

Call me paranoid, but... That's pretty suspect of the guy posting the worst advice: Like a mother who tells her son to just ignore the bullies who are sexually abusing him.
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What if we ignore their image and only care for their comment?
Even better!
What if we ignore him completely?!
You are a master of deduction but you might be wrong
Who knows?
>What if we ignore him completely?

He still wouldn't go away, would he?
That's not be being a pessimist. Ignoring him would only make him step up his efforts and/or pump his ego more that no-one was fighting back, and the only references to him would be "Just ignore him". That's gratifying enough to a guy like him.
I do personally. I don't reply and I try to report every post they make. It's that their very presence in a thread can ruin it, either by agitating those that can't restrain themselves with faulty logic or by wasting the image limit in threads, ESPECIALLY Drawthreads that needs that, accompanied usually by whiny requests of the avatar character (Mio I believe, haven't watched Nichijou myself). Granted, that usually leads to hilarious pictures of characters beating the shit out of them.
the avatarfag is roasted. he forgot to take his trip off a few days ago while being it.
Roasted isn't him actually. They're 2 different people. Roasted just adopted the avatar to fuck with /co/.
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>He still wouldn't go away, would he?
Why would he? This place is free, right?
If ignoring is not the solution you want to use (for those silly reasons you said) why not try to just take account of his comment before start screaming like a rape victim?
Why report it? What are you trying to achieve with that? If you want to report something, report off-topic stuff or NSFW pictures
DO you really believe that deleting posts and banning people will help anything? Even ignoring him is silly, just read his comment and if you care, answer it, if not, just ignore it
Like with any poster
>ESPECIALLY Drawthreads that needs that
Is almost impossible for a Drawthread to reach image limit, it would first reach posts limit.
I like Roasted, the avatarfag, and JLH simply because there mere presents sends a wave of pure anger down the spines of others.
He's shitting up /mu/ as well.
go away bitch potter.

I'm not Roasted, you double nigger. Although thank you for the compliment, I have been working out.
roasted is a fatass you retard, no matter how much he tries to claim the pictures that other tripfag posts are of him.
Just because somewhere is free, doesn't mean people want you there.
If he wanted us to ignore him, he'd drop the trip forever and not post in such a predictable pattern that people would realise who he was. Then he could say what he liked and fade into the sea of blank faces like the rest of us.
See what I mean?
I really hope someone with clout is actually paying attention to this thread.
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Silly anon
I wasn't talking about the tripfag, a trip can be easily filtered
You know, I'd hoped this board wasn't what I thought it was; A passive attempt by the powers-that-be to stop floods of useless emails of problems, suggestions and inter-board bitching.
But even by reading the thread and posting here, I'm really not solving the problem. I'm just going to go back and do just what you suggested; Ignore it, go along for the ride by not doing anything and stop adding fuel to the fire. Hell, there'll be another boatload of suckers to do that without even thinking about it.

Troll on, you magnificent cunt.
>But why waste the Janitors time with petty posts that could be easily ignored with the proper filter or your own will?
the precedent's already there. /j/ had threads targeting shitposting users
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What if...
Just listen to me for a second
What if we use this board to find solution to problems and discuss how over come them rather than using it for bitching and call for banns/deletions?
An obvious solution for the tripfag would just teach everyone to use filters, maybe a quick guide posted here?
That sure is a waste of time, following a random guy in the internet and deleting his comments, why not use that time to delete NSFW and off-topic stuff? Would help the board more, I tell you that.
What if...
Just listen to me for a second
What if you left 4chan and never return? I'm sure it'll be a little better place without you.
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I don't see why.
nono, I think that guy has a good idea.

you're obviously a shitposter, and I think 4chan will benefit without your kind.
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My problem with Avatarfags is that it's really not that hard to just stop avatarfagging. If you just stopped, it wouldn't explode into such a problem.

Pic related. On /co/ I would occasionally avatarfag as the Question. I stopped immediately after the rule was made, and only use the images when posting links to the O'neil run of the Question.

If you can't just stop avatarfagging you need help and a new set of reaction images.
Why can't /co/ mods and janitors do their jobs?
they're too preoccupied banning people over posting one or two boobs instead of things that are actually detrimental to /co/.
I love Question.
Janitors ARE doing their jobs. His posts get deleted normally. Credit where credit is due.
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But I am just discussing the problem with shitposters on /co/
I assure you that these two wouldn't be the last ones, why not learn to deal with them now?
Better than bitching to the mods (who will probably ignore you at the end)
What jobs?
Delete comments?
Ban people who will probably get off easily?
Make stickies?
NSFW is still against the rules, I doubt shitposter who can be easily ignored should be above NSFW or off-topic stuff when it comes to priorities
Avatarfagging is still against the rules
but cant nsfw and offtopic stuff be ignored too?
/co/ doesn't have a mod. We have a janitor that's overworked because of the avatarfag
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Of course they can, why put them above the shitposters then?
Off-topic and NSFW harms the board as much as a random guy making a false statement to enrage people.
I wonder if he would be less "overworked" if he were to ignore petty posts and start to clean the board properly.
you mean by banning rulebreakers who avatarfag, like you and roasted bread?
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I don't think Janitors can ban and I doubt banning does anything to someone like the tripfag, it seems that banning him just makes him happy or something like that.
What if we just post a "Guide" to install and use properly the filter?
Avatar fag.

You complain about the rules not being followed. But you ignore rules you don't like. You are just as bad as "fetish thread" creators.
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Then why they don't get the same treatment as the Avatar fag??
Because they post the shit that the janitor wanks to?
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You guys sure are envious of Roasted. Perhaps you should grow up
Because it's /co/ related. Faggot.
because it's comics and cartoons
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That's not true
They always post non-/co/ related stuff, it always happen and most of the time it ends with NSFW material.
I think I saw some Brown girl thread that it's already filled with anime and video games characters, I am also sure it has NSFW stuff.
Except that it is. All of the porn is /co/ related. Brown girls are /co/ related. If non /co/ images get posted in the thread, that's not their fault.
>people posting things that are usually /co/ related is worse than me who posts nothing /co/ related
Honestly, Roasted Bread occasionally makes a decent post. Yunocchi is a 100% shitposter though. I've never seen him make a single board related non-shitpost. He needs to be dealt with before RB.

>inb4 yuno is a she
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Except that it is not.
All of the porn is not always /co/ related and a blue board doesn't allow porn, are you dumb?
Brown girls are only /co/ related if they are from western cartoons or comics, not anime or video games.
They never bother to tell people to stay on-topic, they obviousy don't care what it gets posted, they encourage off-topic material.
Why not make the thread on /b/? You can post brown girls from anywhere.
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Yuno is my wife, though.
He might make a few mediocre posts, but that doesn't mean that most of his posts aren't pure shit
It's really tiring to see so many people unhappy with the shit he pulls and yet he isn't banned
Go to bed Roasted.

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