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PLEASE! Someone come and moderate /sp/! There are more threads about foreskin than about sports. It can't be that there's a shortage of mods, I'm sure that there are thousands of people who would happily moderate the board and would take great pleasure in removing all of the >tfw no girlfriend, USA v Europe and other irrelevant threads.

I constantly report them yet nothing happens.

If you aren't going to improve moderation then could you at least implement a /beta/ board for all of these shitposters?
You mean foreskin isn't a sport?

/sp/ is meant to be that way
no it isn't, nobody wants it that way. These shitposting threads should go in /adv/, /pol/, /b/ or /r9k/

/sp/ is a sports board for sports
mods disagree


lets keep the amount of /sp/ threads on /q/ centrally located so we can organize and do something about it
if the general shitposting on /sp/ won't stop then the /sp/-based shitposting on /q/ shouldn't stop
the amount of "feel" shitposting that is currently filling up /tv/ is also spiraling completely out of control.
While I understand your concern, please also learn to HIDE. THESE. THREADS. FUCKER.

How about no? How about the board gets moderated?

/mu/ as well.
I actually got away with a reaction face thread last night. Didn't even post faces of anyone who plays sports. And a bunch of people contributed. So I have to say. This guy may have a legitimate complaint.
Sure that'd be nice, but people also complain when soccer threads are around during US times, and it's the same whining you see with waifu threads, just replace >PEDOS with >YUROS and >HANDEGG
So learn to fucking hide threads too
The problem is we've had countless threads saying the same thing. /sp/ is basically /b/ junior right now. I don't understand why it won't get cleaned up. How about those janitor applications guys?
If you couldn't tell, it seems a good number of boards are getting hit by the "HOLY SHIT IT'S SHIT POSTING CENTRAL". /q/ hasn't helped as now people can point out specific threads for people to go troll as well. c'est la vie

And no, I'm not saying that the "/sp/ bro culture" was some desired thing before /q/.
The problem with moderating /sp/ is there has always been certain types of off topic posting that have been accepted and really have been apart of the board's "culture," but that hasn't been the case for a while.

The waifu, feels, beta, facebook, etc. threads do not belong here at all. USA vs. Europe has gotten over the top, but that has always been apart of the board. It could definitely be scaled back, though.

The thing that bothers me the most are the threads that are pure /b/ content (not saying it is bad or poor quality) and in no possible way could it be justified to be on /sp/, but the average response these days are "well there aren't any sports on." That is an infuriating excuse to post content that has no business being there.

The main problem with trying to moderate the board, is that most people on 4chan don't seem to care for sports, so when they try to moderate it, it goes a bit too much and takes a lot of the secondary stuff that does belong on the board away from everyone. We really need a mod that mainly posts on /sp/ and has done so for years, that understands what does and doesn't belong here.

I know moderation went up in flames last time it happened, but I don't think /sp/ is beyond saving
all these fags from reddit trying to make /sp/ a nazi moderated board like /v/

fuck that shit

there's always more than enough sports and enough anon that care about sports to eventually edge out the shitposting. /sp/ is not like /v/. People care about sports there. just deal with it instead of constantly bitch, it's been the same for as long as i've been browsing, and all these new posters and faggots from reddit are demanding some sort of overregulation that is not at all a characteristic and never has been in /sp/
>all these fags from reddit trying to make /sp/ a nazi moderated board like /v/
I've been here since 2009, and no one wants that, like I said, there is a certain degree of things that are definitely a part of the culture. But it has been going down in quality for about 15 months now, the past few months even more so. Bringing up reddit over and over again doesn't make your point any more valid
does my >tfw no gf thread count as shit posting? I thought you guys cared.
There is nothing wrong with /sp/.

Ignore all threads saying there's something wrong with /sp/.

/sp/ tried to be moderated once before, and it didn't work. /sp/ can handle off topic discussion and shit posting; thats what happens when you discuss sports in real life. We're all fine with it as long as there are sports threads when sports are happening.

This whole "clean up /sp/" shit is a campaign by 1 autist-weeabo who wants to be a mod.
Judging by all the ids, I'd say that isn't the case. I want /sp/ to be helped badly, and I am not interested in being a mod. If you think feel, waifu, facebook, beta, threads belong on /sp/ you are delusioned and are ruining the board
Yes but there is one shocking difference between Soccer and threads about dying alone...

Soccer is a sport!!!
Those people complaining about soccer threads are probably flamebaiting. Besides, if you think people complain about soccer threads, wait until you see a hockey thread during basketball season.

Feces pls go
>This whole "clean up /sp/" shit is a campaign by 1 autist-weeabo who wants to be a mod.

but thats wrong
I'm not against moderation of /sp/, but it needs to be consistent. Right now it seems threads are getting deleted based on how the mod feels at that particular moment.

Also, every time a gymnastics thread shows up, some of these autistic neckbeards blow their tops with rage and try to spam it into oblivion, causing the thread to be deleted.

Believe it or not, there is a small subculture of /sp/ that does enjoy gymnastics as a sport, but we can't really discuss it without shitposting assholes coming into it and calling us "pedos" and just being complete nuisances.

To add insult to injury, the gymnastics (sports-related) threads always get deleted, while every other off-topic (non-sports) thread spams up the first page. I have no problem with off-topic threads on /sp/, but I don't see how it's fair that an actual sports-related thread gets deleted while these don't.

As long as we keep the gymnastics discussion confined to one thread, I don't see why these people have such a problem with it. I don't care for football or the NFL, but do I shit up those threads? No, I just ignore them and scroll right by. I don't see why others can't do the same.
>implement a /beta/ board for all of these shitposters?
they're posting on /sp/ (and other boards) because it pisses so many people off. making a separate board for them would do nothing, they'd never post there.
There are no gymnastics discussion in those threads, there hasn't been since they olympics. They are full blown waifu threads, just picture dumps and whining you will never get to sleep with them.

Next you'll be telling me there is legitimate interest in curling on /sp/ too
There are indeed gymnastics discussions, until shitposters come in and spam pics in an attempt to derail it.

Besides, it's Moot's decision, not yours, and so far he's allowed them, which means the mods are not doing their jobs correctly.
I agree.
This is why I want a nazi moderation.
Not since the olympics, that is a lie.

>he's allowed them
No, its just been that the moderation has been extremely sporadic and inconsistent. Unless you think that moot is okay with thetruth's mila kunis threads too that don't get deleted
Are you scanning the boards 24/7? There was an really great discussion thread when the Team Finals were replayed Friday night on NBC Sports.

Don't talk about shit you have no clue about.
Last night and the night before we talked about all things gymnastics, even mens. Please read threads before you talk about them.
4chan x just implemented a handy little feature sometime last week that would suit people who bitch about the condition of /sp/ perfectly


There is only so much you can discuss about sports before it becomes inane and stale. A good sports discussion is, has, and will never be affected by the off-topic threads.

Jesus christ stop thinking 4chan is such serious fucking business
Thread hider is old as fuck.

Dude, look at the game threads, they are filled with shitposters and dubs hunters, something must be done.
I was being sarcastic with that.

And yes, dubs and shit like that that has absolutely no meaning can go. But I really don't see a problem with threads discussing other things as long as it doesn't affect sports discussion. And they don't.

People can spam 'gback2 >>>/bee/ lolol xP' all they want, but you can't have the same discussions you have on /sp/ with any other board, especially /b/.
>Not liking bro culture
Beta detected
If an off topic thread is on the front page over a sports thread it is affecting sports discussion. It's not uncommon for the front page to be well over 50% /b/shit.

First two pages alone.

what is your problem you bassoon player?
can't you just ignore the threads?
There is a board for that stuff

i want you to make a sports related thread.
>implying I haven't already


did the off topic threads disturb you in any kind in your discussion?
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Guys, moot isn't going to respond, so just stop.

pic related
Yes, they did.
you know the israeli palestine conflict distress me, too.
you don't see me spamming the israeli embassy about it, though.
That actually does distress me too. I get jittery when war seems imminent even when the USA isn't involved. At least not yet.
But that is in no way related to 4chan. Unless, however, you go to /pol/, /int/, whatever else.
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do what you want.
be the buzzkill.

you know there is a site on the internet where sports discussion are serious business.
And I'm sure there are sites on the internet where israeli palestine conflict discussions are serious business, too.
No words on flags. No words on him shitposting. Not even some sort of explanation why /sp/ is so shitty.

Good fucking job moot.
lol good one.

i don't think such a place exists.
it was just an example, for not worrying about things you don't have control over.
Moot took the flags down for about 10 minutes and then put them back on immediately because of yuros shit posting or something.
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I know that. That was the reasson he gave. It's not good enough.
>shitposters come in and spam pics in an attempt to derail it

But that's fucking wrong. There's no grand conspiracy to ruin gymnastics threads, it's the waifu crowd from /tv/ that showed up because of the Olympics and stayed after /tv/ banned waifu threads. Those threads aren't meant for discussion, which is why the leading "discussion" questions are vague shit like "What was your favorite Olympics moment?" They're meant to be pic dumps and circle jerks.

Besides, it's not a coincidence that the threads are only pictures of one girl, including OP a good 85-90% of the time. You're not fooling the moderation. Just stop and get the fuck out, or go post on /s/ or something. Believe it or not, there is a place on here for pic dumps of girls you find hot. Use it.
Who the fuck keeps reposting the your mother dies shit?
>This whole "clean up /sp/" shit is a campaign by 1 autist-weeabo who wants to be a mod.

Pretty much. I don't see beyond a few individuals who want to fucking sterilize the board. The whole fucking community likes it as is, and will do their best to stay how it is.

Last summer was worse. /q/ just got a bunch of summer babbies who think their opinion matters more than everyone else.
We don't want a mod over there. Fuck off OP.
I've been on /sp/ for a few years and it's really gotten out of hand. Incessant shitposting has become the norm. Power rankings are the only thing I can tolerate besides sports but now it's an endless barrage of >tfw no gf, college threads, feet threads, semen threads, the list goes on and on.

You know it's bad when you have to go to page 2 (or sometimes 3) to find a fucking SPORTS thread.
That isn't true at all, there are plenty of sports threads.

I had to go to page 2 four times today. I never had to that before.
That get buried under the shitposts.
Look at the ids, you are lying.
> The whole fucking community likes it as is
no, a lot of us hate it


i think it's actually the tripfags and spammers that are the vocal minority

How about you shits try to make decent threads instead of bawwing here.
Because some autist will come in and attempt to derail the thread by >HURR CZECH EM

If you want I can bawww on /sp/
i try to makes sports threads and what happens? they are hidden but the numerous shit posts
> instead of bawwing here.
the whole point of /q/ is to dicuss 4chan which we are doing
Wrong. We are the majority.
No. No, you're not.
shitposters are loud minority

the state of /sp/ has been bugging me for months, the past week or 2 ive noticed significantly increased mod presence and it has been better
Would be cool if there was less shit posting and more sports.

The amount of ridiculous spamming and dubs faggotry in game threads is saddening.
>Power rankings are the only thing I can tolerate besides sports but now it's an endless barrage of >tfw no gf, college threads, feet threads, semen threads, the list goes on and on.

Pretty much this, I used to be annoyed when at times the front page would be covered with power rankings threads, but even that was probably better than what goes on now.
All /sp/ needs is a week of very strict moderation, the mods cannot give in to the inevitable whining from shitposters and they will all leave, after which the strictness can be stopped.
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sure is beta that can't handle the banter in here

but in all seriousness /sp/ isn't even that bad. /sp/ is one of the few boards that revolves around real time events, there's a lot of in between time. sure there's a lot of shitposting, but it has never effected me being able to talk about the sports issues that I wanted to. you know what happens when I come across a shitty off topic thread? I scroll right past it and don't even pay it any mind. they've never pushed a thread that I was discussing sports in to 404. /sp/ isn't just a place where people discuss sports, it's turned into a board where people with the same interests discuss all kinds of shit that they like to discuss. it's a sports board after all so I understand if moot and the mods want it to be that and clean it up, but all I'm saying is you're a fucking aspie if it is bothering you to the point where you have to bitch and moan to the mods. if it's serious and respectable sports discussion you're looking for then you really shouldn't be on /sp/ in the first place. /sp/ sports threads consist of asking if Aaron Rodgers is the best gay quarterback or why the Cowboys aren't going 19-0 this year. all this bitching is just making us look like annoying faggots.
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you're the cancer
>can't handle the #bant

You know you're part of the problem, right?

I'm not though. You guys are more than likely contributing to shitposting more than I am. You guys are probably the faggots that make thread after thread about why people should stop shitposting on the board and "calling all mods threads". All you're doing when you make these threads or go into their threads and sageing them is making them want to do it even more. They've been getting banned. Theses people are just resetting their ip's and coming right back. I can't count how many times some person has tried to come in and force their memes and shitposting into /sp/. Eventually they get bored because people's interest wears out past the first week or so. Making a big deal about it is only going to make them post more. Like I said, it isn't hard to ignore or hide the threads and find sports related ones. If anything these threads are keeping people from coming into sports ones and shitting them up.
> I can't count how many times some person has tried to come in and force their memes and shitposting into /sp/
Considered we have stuff like leshiggydonatello as meme I'd say that forcing meme works.
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>I can't count the amount of times that someone has tried to force shitposting on /sp/

I don't think there's any "try" involved here. It's half the board on a good day.

>hide the threads

You mean so I can see this every time I go on /sp/?

I don't make any threads about the state of /sp/ on /sp/, because I know it's just flamebaiting. I've only made two threads on here, and one was suggesting a sitewide ban of waifu threads. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if half of those threads you complain about aren't shitposters trying to stir up a shitstorm. They're basically guaranteed replies.

I'd say that shit is pretty much the board in a nutshell right now. Forced, unfunny, tired garbage that was never amusing to begin with and certainly isn't the 500th time we've seen it.
I would like to see any non sports posts and threads deleted. It is a sports board after all. All this "it's a sports bar" and "bro culture" shit is just infantile and embarrassing, and this attitude spills over into legit sports threads with off topic shitposting and trolling as well as knocking legit sports threads off the front page. I don't understand how this is allowed at all when there are dozens of other boards for all types of non sports posting.

Seriously, I don't fucking understand it at all. Why has non sports discussion been allowed to become such a huge percentage of posts on that board?

I just refreshed the front page 7 times and didn't see the need for you to be hiding that many threads. Seems like you're over exaggerating your case with that pic.
>Thinks it's June 25th

Maybe you should look at the picture a little closer. Point is, hidden threads still clutter up the front page.
What an absurd post. The shitposting is the fault of the shitposters.

I saw the date. My point is that extreme case is hardly the norm like you're trying to imply. I'm good either way about this whole strict moderation issue, but for the non autists it's still really easy to find plenty of sports threads and discussions.
>Seriously, I don't fucking understand it at all. Why has non sports discussion been allowed to become such a huge percentage of posts on that board?

When you consider the owner of the site himself promotes non sports related shitposting on the sports board, you begin to realize why it's become that way. I'd love to know the motivation behind some of his actions, but judging from his response to others regarding the state of /sp/ I won't hold out any hope of an answer anytime soon. The way I see it he either doesn't care about the board or large sections of its userbase, or he's just a fucking moron.

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