In certain boards there are special things you can do.For example: Spoilers in /tv/ and LaTex in /sci/Why are these things not on every board? Could they be? thoughts?
I think spoilers should be site wide. They're already on /r9k/, and 80% of the time they're used as jokes instead of actually spoiling. No reason to not make them site wide.
I want embedded audio players on /mu/ so people can upload small music samples.
>>1066That would be abused immediately with non-music audio.
>>1066>>1073It's also already implemented with extensions. Extensions are nice because they're opt-in.
/tg/ has inbuilt dice rolling through the email field. There's a sticky explaining how it works. There is no need for that on any other board, and as with some other features, they'd only be abused to troll / shitpost / etc on other boards.
I like that different boards have their own unique features. I wouldn't mind spoilers site wide though, it's not like /v/ uses them for their intended purpose anyway.
I think spoilers should be site wide, but a lot of the other board-specific features are exclusive because they are only really needed on said board, and would probably be abused on others.You don't really need dice rolling outside of /tg/ or code tags outside of /g/.
>mfw dice get threads
LaTex in /sci/ is heavily abusable. It's not as bad now since there seems to be heavier moderation but it would completely ruin threads in the past.
I think spoilers should only be on boards that actually can use them. eg. >>>/co/ >>>/tv/ >>>/v/The fact that >>>/r9k/ has spoilers is really pointless, since there is nothing to spoil about beta stories.If you made spoilers site-wide there would be CONSTANT shitposting. Imagine if >>>/b/ got spoilers.Just think about that for a second. Exactly.
>>4744Meh, I doubt that. I don't really care about this but I wouldn't mind seeing spoilers on other boards.