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Political cartoon thread? Political cartoon thread.
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thats kinda funny, they should make shit like feudalism is an ant colony and communism is a bear whose head is heavy and fat while this body is frail
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i love this one.

and >>9551483
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and this one
I like it
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love this comic
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>>9547682 (OP)
except the media does have a heavy liberal bias and elections are won not on issues but on lowest common denominator tactics and pure exposure and image control
>wanting humanity to reduce to basic "survival of the fittest" behavior
>criticize everyone/thing while offering no valid solutions
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Awww poor Lucky Ducky...
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this is disgustingly misleading in too many ways to name
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like what?

3 and 4 frame actually happened
/pol/-tier comic. It's essentially "X a shit", with a bit of dressing on top.
this is trying to make fun of libertarian business but it really just proves why it works. provide a poor service and nobody will patronize your business
>Implying in a free market, another lemonade stand wouldn't open up across the street, providing good lemonade at a competitive price.
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Welcome to /pol/.
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I thought that was the point?

Shitty businesses drive off customers and can only continue to exist w/government support.

I like that comic, but it fails to separate left and right anarchism.
because it doesnt illustrate the part where corporations and wealthy people pay huge amounts of taxes to give the "poor and disenfranchised" a free ride
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It's great how that can apply to liberals or conservatives.
>Do that again but REALLY put your back into it this time

nah C&H it was a liberal thinking he was making a clever observation of corporate greed while really only illustrating one biased viewpoint
that part got me too
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at last they finally see, the wage gap doesn't exist

Beat you to it.


Mine's better.
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True, and this principle can be applied to any of the presidents in the last few decades or so.
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>always relevant
The cartoonist forgets that the people who paid into Social Security all their lives and are now in their sixties are not receiving any money, thanks to the government paying for illegal aliens' health care.
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It can apply to Obama over all.

People literally overlook that the guy KILLS CHILDREN because he's got a nice smile.
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Every wartime president "kills children". Get over it.
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>I own the machine, the material that goes into the machine, the building that houses the machine, the electricity that runs the machine, and I pay the worker a fair wage for his labor so that he doesn't have to assume any risk.

>I am not entitled to own what comes out of the machine.

Hate the game not the players. Obama is no worse than any other president and likely better than our other options.
Ha Ha Ha
Every single insane person with a rifle kills innocent children. Get over it.
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I'm sure the people whose lives are ruined by his actions will 'Get over it.'

I'm sure this will never come back to bite us in 10-20 years.

Nah bro, I'd rather not my money be spent killing brown people in foreign countries. Get over it.
but based on the cartoon, theyre still struggling with personal choice
but progress is progress
Definitely, but I'm new to /pol/ so I don't show my true biases yet.
The worker's 'fair wage' is less than the total value of what the worker produces. The profit made by the capitalist is a form of rent extracted by the capitalist for use of the factory, which the capitalist owns because the State protects their already arbitrary claim to it.

Ricardian socialists wrote a lot about this topic. So did Karl Marx.

Polite sage.
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>likely better than the other options


Maybe if you assume there is only one other option.
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Gary Johnson has such shit policies
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More accurate version
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Don't make me rape you
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You are an excellent and rational person.
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The worker could bargain to receive a wage based on the sale of the products he produces.

But since business has its ups and downs, this could mean there are times when they are paid little to nothing because the business didn't turn a profit in a given year.

So generally a worker will prefer the certainty of a standardized, steady wage to the inherent risk of ownership of capital. They don't have to worry about anything other than doing their job correctly.

If a worker wants to own the means of production, they can buy stock in the company they work for.

Chicago School Capitalists wrote a lot about this topic. So did Thomas Sowell.

No sage because I don't give a fuck who sees.
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Is that all you have?
Is it wrong to not see a problem with any of this? Why should we let any old person into the country?
>Opponents of immigration are telling foreigners to wait in line
No, want them to stay the fuck out.
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>which the capitalist owns because the State protects their already arbitrary claim to it
I suggest a course in basic economics. The Capitalist got the factory because he accumulated capital through profit from prior ownership of capital or through labor that made him money.
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You do realize that corporations pass 100% of their tax rates on to the consumer, right?

You also understand that the rich have designed the tax code to include plenty of loopholes they can jump through to pay minimal amounts of taxes, right?
this is so true!

Well nowadays he may have gotten because he cozied up to a Washington legislator and got some stimulus funds thrown his way through political cronyism.

But yeah, that's how its ought to work.
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I guess it answer why people come here illegally
You realize that even with those assumptions, they pay more taxes than the rest of the nation?

>Implying that illegal immigration is somehow justified because it takes a long time to become a full time citizen

lol wut are all of the people that dealt with that process and came here legally
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saw this during sandra fluke nonsense
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>media bias
yeah a republican one
That's brilliant. Saved.
the solution is clear, we must flatten all mountains.

it's the only way to end murder.
>but it fails to separate left and right anarchism.

that's because there is no such thing. anarchy is anarchy. once you have achieved it, you don't get to decide what comes next. it's Anarcho-Outofyourhands
>Quotes of the candidate
>MSNBC ranks much higher on Romney than Obama
You realize that most quotes are attacks on the candidate, right? Gotcha moments and such.
That would be the middle class.
7th panel, why would no one be trading if he now has lots of fish? He has fish again so now he can get his house fixed and the house fixer can get his coconuts.

or am i not getting this
>lists where Mitt Romney was the subject
>counts both when they ridiculed him as well as when they cheered him on
>not biased
Prove it.
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A comic insulting a small party that in the future could represent a threat to the 2 party status quo. Who could be behind this one?
What is the strawman fallacy.

Threat to their power? I Wish.

Actually having GOOD ideas? No.

I never said the ideas were good but its never a bad idea to try and stop power from conglomorating too heavily.

A whole bunch of splinters are a lot harder to manipulate than one block of wood.
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>You do realize that corporations pass 100% of their tax rates on to the consumer, right?
not true, they wouldn't sell enough units to maximize their profits if they did that.

they adjust their prices based on supply and demand. basic microeconomics, see graph

in the future please try not to sound so confident and authoritative when you actually don't know what you're talking about. thanks

At any rate, I think libertarianism would work........if we could somehow reset the world so we all start off with the same amount of money.

You do realize these are both facts and the only assumptions here are yours, rigt?

Hint: They still move enough units to embed enough of the tax in each unit. Whether it be direct sale or taken from employee salaries, it's still being fully passed on to the consumer.
They get more out of the state than they have to pay through subsidies, protectionist regulations, IP, rent seeking, etc.

which all gets funded by the taxpayer.
>Libertarianism would work if preceded by a communist revolution

HEY! I can think of plenty of other ways we could accomplish reshuffling the deck without a communist revolution.

Uhhhh....errrrrr.hmmmm..what if?...no...no...that won't work.
I never said reshuffling the deck was possible. I just said that if it happened it would work.
The comic doesn't work at all. It's attempting to express a macro-economic phenomenon through 3 dudes on an island sitting right next to each other.

The thing the comic's trying to express is a break down in the price system due to blah blah blah and the necessity of stimulus to prevent lawlquidity traps. I dunno, mate. Google it.

>Not debating the option of not having kids

Career or children. Pick one.
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>ignores human nature
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What part of human nature?

Are the people in government not subject to human nature as well? If so, is it a good idea to give them power over others?
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>gov't is made of angels
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Mah nigga.
>So nothing should attempt any governance because imperfection
>*Poops in a sock*
Oh my god that man could easily be cut out, and placed ontop of any image with something in his hand.
Like a massive dildo.
Cemedy geld.
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Rather, nobody should be forced to submit to the rule of a particular person or class simply because other people want to impose it on him.

If you can't trust men with freedom, why should men trust you with authority?
>Everyone's peaceful until some looners decide they wanna "point a gun at everyone else's head" and put REGERLATIONS and TAXEZ on them.
>The state of nature isn't chaotic and miserable
>Freedom isn't protected by the rule of law
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You're mixing things up.

You think that government creates stability? That law creates freedom?

Mixing up cause and effect.

Society created stability which is what enabled them to create governent.

Law was created in order to preserve freedom.

Society can exist without government. Government cannot exist without society.

Both government and law have been perverted. Imperfection happens because humans are imperfect. Government just lets those imperfections drag everyone down.

But hey, if you want to be ruled and live for another man's purposes rather than your own, that's fine. Just don't put it on me.

I mean c'mon, what's the point of living at all if you can't live free?
Buddy, you're gonna have to do your reading and come to your conclusions on your own. Lemme just say that the history of violence tells a different tale than the fantasy you'd like.
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Violence perpetuated by who? Or more specifically, what?

Is the state anything other than a system of monopolized, institutionalized violence?

Can you tell me all the great wars that were fought in the name of anarchy? Of the great genocides perpetrated by anarchists?

Or is it perhaps that this 'history of violence' results when the violent humans are given a seat of power with which to commit acts of violence?

You're gonna have to do some reading and reach conclusions on your own, I guess. The history of state sanctioned violence tells a different tale than the fantasy you'd like.
How does this makes sense?
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If you look at modern history, the super-powers have been at world war 3 for a long long time. They just take it one little step at a time
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>that retarded picture

That's merely because people don't live in anarchy. Sure, make up any retarded model and it will, by anarchist logic, better than our own just because it hasn't had a chance to crash and burn.

You are also mistaken when you think that states are the reason we are imposed rules. Most evolved animals have some sort of hierarchy in which the ones or top choose and the others have to comply. A state is only a systematization of this. Take it away, and you still have an economic hierarchy, and powerful people imposing rules in order to get a job or to buy land.

And at last, no anarchist has ever proposed a reasonable way of maintaining security. All i heard so far is private security companies (aka a one way ticket to coroporate statism) or neighborhood watches, which is pretty much mob rule, only at a smaller scale.
Is this really how they see them? I don't get it.
the bright mind that made that picture also forgot:
Anarchist did not invent modern medicine or contributed to more than doubling our life expectancy, they did not developed technology or built roads and bridges, they did not enable us to have a comfortable lifestyle, like i'm having, as opposed of living in the jungle, constantly struggling for survival.

Stop being deluded bro, organization is the only way to progress. Anarchy is going back to being animals.
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No no, I get it. We accept the obvious shortcomings of the state because we don't know any better, and experimentation is scary.

But if anyone dares suggest that they don't want to be party of the 'systemization' of the hierarchy that is chosen by the men at the top, they're ostracized and in extreme cases oppressed.

Its almost as if the state has self-interested reasons for maintaining its own existence and thwarting any chance of people wishing, with rational, well reasoned arguments, to escape it.

Clearly the solution is to force everyone to conform to the model of society that YOU want, and to force them to accept its shortcomings.

Clearly there is no reason to allow people any freedom to change the system because changing the system endangers those who are enriched by the status quo.

Whatever the case, I view all of human history as a journey towards greater and greater human freedom. States collapse and are remade to allow greater freedom, only to slowly grow in size and reduce freedom until they collapse again.

Eventually we'll have to excise it completely. If you seriously think that humanity must for now and ever accept the existence of a state rather than working towards eliminating it altogether, I would really like to know what you belief the purpose of life is, anyway.
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Organization does not require forcing participation at the barrel of a gun.

Why do you assume that organization is impossible without a government?


Do you seriously think that GOVERNMENT is the source of all humanity's advances? Nah, bro

No more than religion is the source of man's morality.
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That's a whole lot of BS without any sort of back up.
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As opposed to YOUR case, which has been relentlessly supported with facts, statistics, and reasoned argumentation, amirite?

Maybe you've noticed that we don't have Feudalism anymore.

Humans have greater freedom now.

Surprisingly, however, they still maintain the idea that they must pay tribute to their 'lords' for all the blessings said lords bestow on them.

As I've said, if YOU want to be ruled, then be ruled. That's fine by me. Why must you also force it on others?

Do you want to be ruled?
Without rulers there are no rules. Democracy allows you to elect what set of rules you want. But Mankind needs rules to success. People to lead and instruct the masses what to do, the masses need to be the final voice, but on an administrative level there needs to be "lords" and "servants". And no you can't just be the only one without any rules. So you can do whatever hideous crime and get away with it.

Anarchy is an inhumane ideology. More so than the most oppressive of fascist regimes.
You are committing a fallacy, implying that if you don't strive for freedom then you are conforming for a shitty state.

There are many possibilities for states, and although I'm not very optimistic, I think humanity can do a lot better than this, even if it never reaches utopia.

I also believe in a progress, I just don't think anarchy is realistic, since there will always be certain individuals that, given complete freedom, will actively harm others both for own benefit and because of hate. A minimalist state may have a way to contain them without limiting other's people freedom, whereas in anarchy there is no higher law to even judge their behaviour is wrong or punishable.
For anarchy to work everyone would have to be good to eachother, and that's not a realistic goal.
Do you actually care that he kills children or are you just using that to embolden your argument?
so the president wants his daughters to get pregnant?
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> Democracy allows you to elect what set of rules you want

More correctly it allows you to vote on a set of rules and then have the rules selected by 51% of the people imposed on the whole.

>People to lead and instruct the masses what to do, the masses need to be the final voice, but on an administrative level there needs to be "lords" and "servants".

So people can't be trusted to rule themselves, but they can be trusted to choose the people who shall rule them?

And if the power of the 'rulers' is derived from the people, why is it that
A) the rulers are exempt from the rules
B) the rulers are granted powers that the people from whom they derive their powers do not have?

Why is it that we accept the use of force when carried out by government, but not when carried out by the individual?

>Anarchy is an inhumane ideology.

Really? What makes it so?
Is that the joke? I don't even know his daughters' names.
>>9547682 (OP)
What Democrats believe:
>"Obama lost the first debate because he was tired, overconfident, apathetic, or some combination of the three. It was his wedding anniversary so he'd probably just finished fucking his old lady."
The actual truth:
>Obama lost the debate because it was about economics and his economic policy sucks balls. He made it look like he was just tired because that was better than losing due to his unpopular or wrong economic policies.

Sure I care. I care both because its immoral and horrible, and because his actions more than likely mean that there will be consequences 10-15 years down the line.

People that he pisses off now with his actions are the ones who will be blowing up buildings in vengeance and who my children will be fighting in the next war.

And, for more purely selfish reasons, I think its a complete waste of my money to blow up brown people in other countries.
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So basically the government is responsible for the bad parts, but not for the good parts, those are thanks to the people, which is totally a different entity amirite?

Also not wanting to degenerate into anarchy doesn't mean I worship the government, it's just picking the lesser evil, just like you are when you are accepting their rules as opposed to rising in arms.
>I suggest a course in basic economics.
Have YOU taken an economics course? Have you even graduated high school?

Granted, you and >>9552376 are both partly right, but at least he a little bit insightful. Your post basically amounts to "rich deserve to be rich, poor deserve to be poor, learn2economicsfaggit."
>Ben Garrison

My sides are in orbit
reading Gary Johnsons policies is like listening the rambling of a kid how great he'll do when he'll grow up and how many people he'll save
no basis in reality whatsoever
plus majority of the things he'd do as a president immediately is possible only in a dictatorship. You've got a congress and senate to worry about
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Not quite. Government is not responsible for anything.

It can only be, and has only ever been, individuals who act. Government doesn't create wealth or jobs. Individuals do. Government requisitions wealth from said individuals.

Likewise, government doesn't discover or create anything. Only individuals can do so. ALL systems on earth are composed of individuals and have no separate existence except in the minds of individuals.

This is why collectivism simply doesn't make sense.

Any discovery, advancement, or action that results with a Government present could have still resulted without it. All the constituent parts are there. Government, as such, is really vestigal to the process. At best its a parasite that benefits from the creative energies of individuals, at worst its a cancer that hampers those energies.

And then it takes those energies and applies them to horrible things. And whoever controls the government controls what things they are applied to.

I think my ultimate confusion comes from this:

You see that our given population is able to get along with relative peace when arranged into the system known as government.

But for some reason, you think that these *exact same people,* with the same thoughts, beliefs, interests, and goals, would somehow devolve into riots and violence if the state were removed.

So I ask:

What magical property does government possess that, all else being equal, is absent in anarchy? How is it people that are able to co-exist reasonably well within the confines of a state would not be able to co-exist without said state?



He's already got the track record to show how his policies work.
holy fuck, kid. you're fuckin dumb.

if a business sells less units AND their profit/unit is lower, they will earn less money.

not a difficult concept
You clearly didn understand my point. I'm not denying his competence but his "Realpolitik".
His plan for USA is way too far feched and delusional. Budget is in congress's hands as is everything else. The president is there to stamp shit and advise. His hands are tied by the senate, congress and the constitution, which would reject his policies at the start since they oppose him on key points of healthcare(Rep and Dem), general welfare(Dem) and military(Rep). To expect that he'd have any power to enact those (by any centrist means, radical) policies is stupid.
And I didn't even mention the lobbyist yet.

IF you want to have your libertarian agenda met, then vote in lib. congress and senate. Which is practically impossible since the voter base is centrist or a little right-centrist and libertarians are pretty much viewed radical in the centrists eyes.
Remember your job is to sell your plan to the people and looking at the lib. results, it's going on pretty shitty.
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Then why not meet us halfway and let our candidate get in the debates?

Its real easy lock out your competition then belittle them for not being competitive.

and the centrist path has been a load of bullshit. Centrists don't have an actual choice.
I think you american retards should increase your gun control, but I lol'd at this one. Hard.
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>How is it people that are able to co-exist reasonably well within the confines of a state would not be able to co-exist without said state?

Real simple: Enforced, specific, written laws.
You can imagine that people would still have a moral compass for saying some things are wrong, but what about more complex issues?
Who determines how the assets should be split in a divorce? Or an inheritance? Who determines how far can a corporation go? Can they fire an employee for no reason and without reparation? Can they use false advertise? Can they contaminate the air? Should they pay if an employee has an accident?

And even if it's a case of clear wrong doing, who determines the punishment? Simply eye for an eye? and who administers that punishment if there is no authority?
The modern world is based on complex laws that, as much as they are bent for own benefit, they still allows us to have some sorts of warranties when co-operating with other people. You can't have a complex organization, like the one needed for medical research, if you don't have specific laws and regulations.

So even if you don't admit that it would be worse, you at least have to recognize it would be completely different to live without a state.

So tell me now, what is the miraculous factor that would keep people making progress when there is absolutely no warranty that they won't be inconsequently killed or robbed, let alone the fact other people will keep their contracts.
>Aow naoh poor countries are building roads and harming the environment
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>democrats pass ndaa, gun control, bailouts, and stimulus
>Then why not meet us halfway and let our candidate get in the debates?
Becouse he'd have no chance, the only thing he'd do would be to sap votes from the republican candidate. And we can't have that, do we? The media machine that profits from this cirkus that unwinds every 4 years would be left dry if one candidate had too much lead.
And even if he'd be elected, he'd have no chance to enact his policies.

>Then why not meet us halfway and let our candidate get in the debates?
You have no chance outside the 2 party system. You are destined to fail. The only way you can change that is to get a popular uprising into one of the 2 parties. f.e. the flower power movement in the 60' which culminated in Carter and Tea party now.

>and the centrist path has been a load of bullshit. Centrists don't have an actual choice.
It worked for the USA since 1776 and it got the country to a superpower status. Yes, but they won't pick you just becouse you're a different choice. People are dumb, but not that dumb. Offer them something more reasonable and not HURR DURR BABY BOOMERS, CUT THEIR WELFARE. That's just scaring the voters away.
Libertarians may have the guts and determination, but if I'm sincere, you also have the political prowess of a monkey.
the fuck are you talking about, strawman?
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I'm about to go to bed, but the big problem with what I'm seeing here is that the solution you posit to your own questions is granting an impenetrable monopoly of law and justice to a single entity.

With no assurances that said entity will get it any more right than any other entity.

So basically it requires complete faith that this monopolized entity will achieve the ideal, optimal outcome in the majority of cases AND will not abuse its power for the benefit of those who control said entity.

Is it really so hard to imagine a scenario where there is a level of competition between providers of security, law, and justice? That rational beings might be able to sort out conflicts through bargaining and mutual agreement, and have their disputes settled by a third party that ISN'T forced upon them?

If people wish to have a governing force to govern them, they can go ahead and sign their rights away to a corporation called 'government, Inc." that agrees to provide security, law, justice, punishment, indeed ALL the services that are associated with government currently, and that person agrees to surrender 40% of their income in exchange.

So they can have their central entity with power over their life that provides them with a ruling authority.

But they don't get to impose this authority on anyone but themselves, so if this authority fuckes up or becomes overbearing and oppressive, only your dumb ass suffers, rather than every person in the country suffering with you because the entity was given a monopoly on force and thus CANNOT be challenged.

So tell me, if this government with the monopoly on justice and law and force decides to become oppressive, how to you keep it in line?
Because actual tyrannic ruling from a king is just the same than not being able to order a 13 liters coke at your favourite mc shit.
>implying there would be no "Enforced, specific, written [rules]" without a state.

>Who determines how the assets should be split in a divorce?
The couple would draw up a mutually agreeable arrangement before the marriage.

>Or an inheritance?
Since there would be no automatic rules, a banking institution might require some specificity on the part of the client to determine who retains the assets. Alternatively, a bank may stipulate that it would receive the funds, and the client is free to accept or reject the bank services.

>Who determines how far can a corporation go?
So long as property rights of individuals are not violated, the corporation can do nearly anything

>Can they fire an employee for no reason and without reparation?
Such an event would be determined by the employment agreement between the employee and company before hiring

>Can they use false advertise?
They may. If the company does not find itself beholden to a mediation company (private court) then they can lie out the ass. Though, an informed consumer would be wise to take the word of organizations that are subscribed to the judgement of any mediation organization.

>Can they contaminate the air?
Who has claim to the air? Is the area unpopulated? If nearby residents' legitmate claim to the air is violated, they could take a number of measures. It might be utilizing a mutually agreed upon mediation company. Failing that, it might be incentivizing the private road company to ban the polluter's company trucks. Failing that, they might boycott their goods. Failing that, and since their property rights are already being violated, why would the residents be beholden to respect the polluter's property rights?

>Should they pay if an employee has an accident?
Again, one way to resolve this (but not the only conceivable way) is via explicit agreement between employer and employee. If an employee has willfully chosen to endanger himself, who is anyone else to force him to do otherwise?

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Ah, so you say:

>You have no chance, therefore we won't give you a chance

And you don't see the gross irony of this.

You use the fact that a candidate has no chance to keep them out of the debates, and then use the fact that they are kept out of the debates to assert that they have no chance, and thus say "why aren't you guys trying harder to get people to support you?"


You'll really have to do better.

You, and the people who share your mindset, are LITERALLY the reason we're stuck in this two-party lurch.

And if you can't see the problems with your own logic when its pointed out to you, what in the hell will it take to convince you?
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that is all bs, that whole comic, wow
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Uh, nope.

It doesn't even mention that Obama's ramped up the Drone strikes far beyond what Bush was doing, ramped up enforcement of Marijuana laws more than Bush ever did, and has deported more immigrants than Bush ever did.

He's just a Neocon with slightly different rhetoric and a darker skin tone.
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>posting that image
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Would you prefer this one?
>And even if it's a case of clear wrong doing, who determines the punishment? Simply eye for an eye? and who administers that punishment if there is no authority?

Services for dispute mediation and security are, like nearly anything, goods. The purchase of which serves the rational self-interest of the buyer.

You might be wary of the concept of private police, though consider its application. Oppression and constant oversight is expensive. Watchmen need to be paid and supplied, operations and criminal apprehension are resource intensive and and risky for the responding officers. Performing peace-keeping duties are expensive, and concern grey-areas.

How does a private security force attract and keep customers? Perhaps by willfully being beholden to the judgement of a third-party; a mediation company. Perhaps also by transparency; recorded arrests, open records.

As skeptical as one might be to such an arrangement, consider the current system: One governmental body provide the police, the prosecutor, and the mediator for the accused. Indeed, the government both fights to imprison the accused and arbitrates whether or not to. In any other instance, this a gross conflict of interest. However, by draping the magical fabric of government over the system, it is resolved of such pressing danger?
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But the stimulus is assigned to Obama in most charts.

Have fun building strawmans so you can knock them down though.
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>Obama takes office immediately after TARP is passed, worst economic catastrophe since the crash in 1929
>some jackoff posts this
As I said, you have no idea how the politics is played. The president has HARDLY ANY POWER, he's just a symbol.. The real oomph lies in the senate and congress.

And you guys fevereshly concentrate and blow money on getting the presidency and fall like an average joe for the media hype which is there just for show to distract you proles from the real power grab. And of course you fail to get your dummy behind the "wheel" since that's reserved for one of the two parties candidates, and you get angry and try it again next time, and you fail again. You could take that effort and point it into the right direction that would actually make the difference. But it's much harder do do that, to build ideas piece by piece.

>You, and the people who share your mindset, are LITERALLY the reason we're stuck in this two-party lurch.
No it's people like you that concentrate on getting irrelevant stuff hammered through by force instead of working it within through the branches of the goverment that have the real power.
If you and your countrymen paid more attention to the congress and senate races instead of the turd/shit race, USA would be much better place right now.
le patriarchy face

im sorry i thought it said, passed the patriot act, he did extend it
>obviously single uneducated person leading around an illegitimate child, due to being unable to afford childcare
>feels that children can be brought to a job interview for a 'good career' assumably involving a high degree of commitment and qualification
>would complain about not having enough time to spend with children

There is a reason why these jobs pay a good wage. There really is.

I think it is actually factual
It's wondering if Obama would be so happy to supply birth control to teenagers if said teenagers were his daughters.
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So the government builds roads hey?
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>>9547682 (OP)
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So negative quotes are a sign that msnbc were in favor of romney?

If you have little good to say about your preferred candidate then you need to say a shit load more negative things about his opponent.

doesn't the statue of liberty say the opposite to that cartoon?
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>implying that the half who don't pay income taxes have anything to tax.

You can't get something from nothing.
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Then those paying nothing, but earning, can pay a little. It is only fair, right?
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>spend 8 years shitting all over Keynesian economics by tax cuts and massive spending on wars, etc. during prosperous times
>demand that all government spending(except on the military and corporate welfare) be slashed during times of struggle

>wonder why the economy won't improve
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Only a RINO would take a bath with Obama, even if they keep their swimming trunks on.
No pun intended with "trunks."
The little they have they immediately spend on products and services, what you are proposing is to smash the economy to pieces, you'd be better off just leaving them with no taxes. Seriously. Don't even consider these ridiculous appeals to emotion that righties make. Proper libertarians wouldn't even deign to tax these people.

It's really, really, really dumb businessmen that suggest this shit, the vast majority who do inherited everything.

Free market economies cannot function without demand. No money, no demand.
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Just tax everyone into the same income bracket.
Sauce plox
>does that
>watches consumer demand collapse and the deficit skyrocket as revenues fall apart due to the endless cycle of

>lower consumer demand due to less money
>less revenue for retailers and manufacturers
>less tax revenue derived from manufacturers and retailers
>state taxes collapse, demand federal money
>companies making weapons etc. fall apart as spending is forced to be slashed
>even less revenue coming in

>Africa ensues

Why the hell do you think Africa is as poor as it is? You have to invest to make money. Free Marketeers of all people should 'get' this.

Government spending does not magically disappear into the night. It gets spent on real things that generate demand and economic growth. Argue for lower taxes, not stupider taxes.

You are jsut afraid of this progressive utopia. Star trek was the same system.
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The thing that kills me is that these deficit hawks scream and scream about not becoming Greece, while Greece is as it is DUE to forced austerity coming from foreign governments.

If the US ever gets colonized like Greece was, we have way bigger problems than deficits.

I might note that these deficit chicken-hawks didn't utter a peep while we dumped two stupid wars on the credit card.
>Greece is as it is DUE to forced austerity coming from foreign governments.

So the fact that greece was living beyond its means have nothing to do with their predicament. It is just mus austerity.

The greeks, and the left, are basically telling europe to foot the bill for their idiotic policies. Europe just said nope.jpg, sort your spending out.
which is why a functional government draws from all classes to achive something like a equilibrium

So the moral is to sell out what you stand for in order to attain power.
>Implying I couldn't shoot a deer and feast in the 1700s.
>Thinks tyranny wears a petticoat.

Yeah, after Europe conned them into giving up control over their own currency.

Germany needs Greece far more then Greece needs Germany

The whole europroject is a conjob to keep Germany a major exporter of goods, the Mark's value would be so astronomical that they wouldn't be able to sell shit.

Germany just can't help themselves with that whole 'occupy Europe' thing.

The EU are far worse currency manipulators than the Chinese, I might add.

europe conned them into spending mroe htan they had before eu membership? sneaky bastards
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>Germany needs Greece far more then Greece needs Germany

such fucking bullshit. Claiming the moral highground is bullshit.

>congratualtions you're civilised

is that's the measure of civilisation?
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Yes! Look at the Democrats.

Sell out everything, win.
No Greece, no Euro.

No Greece, and the world economy collapses.

The Greek economy is crap.

The German economy is good.

It is more upsetting for people to have a good economy they have worked so hard for go tits up than a crappy economy they have ruined for decades do the same.
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>I don't know how currency works, let me post some snarky image to make myself seem knowledgable!

Greece did no such thing until they were flooded with EU money, which is how they drug them into the whole mess. Once the money was spent, Germany demanded it all back and Greece couldn't pay. Germany/France proceeded to colonize Greece to collect.

The EU is an extortion racket run by cultural Marxist Jews hell-bent on destroying white Europeans.

The fact you can't spot this shit is quite literally the cancer that is killing white people. Keep supporting that mass-immigration pushing disaster. Modern Germany is a blight upon the world.
This is actual bullshit. My grandparents applied for citizenship from Lebanon and had completed the entire process in less than a year or two, the main delay being that they were from the Middle-east.
Here's to hoping this will still be here when I get off work

>no greece
>world economy collapses

Then it deserves to collapse

So greece was incapable of restraint when they received EU funding and the world is now beholden to them?

>it's just picking the lesser evil

yeah lets choose evil fucking degenerates.

When I have to choose between the lesser of two evils do you know what I do?

reject the fucking decision and the parties involved. Fuck them in their asses.
For some reason, that super hero reminded me of how Earthworm Jim always fucked up his half-assed plans. I even read it in his voice.
Dat doublethink
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This wouldn't be a concern if Germany had left them alone.

Oh, but then Germany might not be able to artificially inflate their currency and wouldn't be able to sell as much shit while screwing every other country on Earth.

Fuck Germany, seriously.
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You clearly don't live in the real world.

Wait until you have to get a job and your parents aren't there to take care of you.

why wouldn't the people just protect themselves?
because the world of Galt is not the real world. Marauding gangs will kill you and steal from you, or you will join a group or clan for protection.

That's all government really is, our clan to gather us together and provide mutual protection, which necessitates governance, so on and so forth.
You know shit about economics now gtfo

>Wait until you have to get a job and your parents aren't there to take care of you.

it's your good german defnse that is the reason our society is so fucked up.

"I didn't have a choice"

"you don't understand you weren't there"

"i was just doing what everyone else does"

I have quit two careers because of my beliefs. I don't give a fuck that I'm poor and will probably die from exposure to the elements when I'm old. I have followed my beliefs and done what I think is right.

Now go and gloat at me with your fancy house and wine all built upon the skeletons of children

Fuck you you complacent fucking animal. You are the reason the world is full of evil, and you blame anything but yourself you incompetant piece of shit
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>dying homeless, lonely, and with no achievement
>at least i stuck by my principles

>my face

If this story is true then you are an even bigger loser than Ayn Rand. I'll enjoy my hearth, warm bed, and plentiful food. The sad thing is that society ends up covering for roaches like you. You'll end up taking food from charity pantries and soup kitchens. Leech.
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>sticking to principles
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>not having a home

>dying homeless, lonely, and with no achievement
>at least i stuck by my principles

I have achieved the only achievement that matters to me. You fucking mad I'm not contributing to the "achievement" of being a tool of government and being used for taxes to pay other people shit they don't deserve? You fucking mad I don't want to pay taxes for your fucking infrastructure and services I don't fucking want or need.

Enjoy living in your fucked up evil authoritarian "utopia".

>hurr durr I have a house and some money in the bank, it was worth all that murdering and killing of innocents

This is what you believe

I bet they wouldn't like it when the reds come to shoot them in the back of the head and take their property to give to themselves for their own enjoyment.

>it's fine cause they didn't have principles
this is the best I have ever seen
Is that image supposed to illustrate the freedom of anarcho-capitalism?
This would be a nice place to live in.
dat manipulation. Check out the symbols.

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