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why all the antisemitism?

i can understand being against the state of Israel but the whole "jews control the media and are trying to destroy white culture" shtick is /x/ territory

there is no "jew collective"

jewish people don't hate white people or white culture

and most people who you call jews don't even associate themselves with being jewish or the culture
Jews represenet something like 2% of the population yet they form a far higher percentage as part of the media echelon.
OP is a zionist jew.
so what?

jewish culture is a culture that values intellectual pursuits rather than physical or social ones

this is why you don't see any jewish rednecks

next question please.
lloyd blankfein (golman sachs) : jew
alan greenspan (federal reserve) : jew
bernanke (federal reserve ) : jew
paul wolfowitz (former world bank president) : jew
larry page / sergey brin (google owners) : jews
zuckerberg (FB) : jew
moot (4chan) : jew

what can i say?

jews do it better.

btw do you people really hate the jews or are you all just mad jelly?
Are you projecting?
>jewish culture is a culture that values intellectual pursuits rather than physical

top lel, kike
Buzzword fag from the alien thread detected
>>13404795 (OP)

what do you mean by that?
am i wrong?
>people can't argue against a jew
>jews confirmed for scapegoat

the real threat is from places like stormfront
>>13404795 (OP)

/pol/ is filled with kebab hence the jew hating

>Assalamula- I mean.. uh Wassup /pol/! Gee sure hate those jews am i rite? wouldnt it be great if Israel vanished? btw... have you considered Islam in your life? im not muslim or anything but Islam puts woman in their place and you get brother for life! Maybe we should follow Mohammed? (pbuh)

This happens countless times each day on the board.
we must remove kebab
media isn't intellectual
are you kidding?
>the arts
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>jews control the media and are trying to destroy white culture" shtick is /x/ territory
New I see.


The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish:

Stalin's Jews:
Jews in Communist China's government:

The Jewish Path to Success: Nepotism

Jewish Australian MP: "Bring Israel’s African Immigrants to Australia!"

Stephen Steinlight, Head of American Jewish Congress: The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography

On 4chan
>Don't understand culture trolling
>don't get trolling in general.
geht rekt jew/jidf scum
Implying any of the requires intelligence

>scribbles are considered art. Modern art has become an abomination of what ones once a refined and celebrated talent for those interested in arts.

>my ideology is better than yours and im not going to use logic to determine this
>I have this, I sell this for more than it costs me to get
I see I tell people about it

Do you realize why art and business degrees are pointless? You don't need a degree to do any of those things with a little practice.
Kikes start banks and collect gold coins

Oy vey, why do the goyim accuse us of materialism?
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>>13404795 (OP)
Because more and more people are becoming aware of the ZOG machine

Hatred of zionist jews comes with understanding the ZOG machine
Anti-semitism is prevalent here because the kike hasbara brigade has been obsessively propagating their bullshit narratives on 4chan since the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict.

We don't like Jews because they just keep asking for it.
>>13404795 (OP)
Jewsish Usury policy.

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all of those articles were made by /x/ tier nuts that shift attention to the jews

The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish

theres your problem

yet they blame the jews because they have schizophrenia
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Confirmed for damage controlling jidf
/pol/ here me out, I was thinking that maybe there isn't a Jewish cabal. Rather, Jews, as known Mammonites, push degeneracy out of desire for money rather than to destroy the White race or whatever.
>>13404795 (OP)

Regardless OP the Jews still support Israel and think they are right. And for some reason the U.S just keep handing them everything and we continue to treat them like Gods even though they constantly contradict the U.S, are aggressors, etc

Their whole existence with the U.S makes absolutely no sense
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Read this wikipedia article

You'll be able to tell who wrote it

It's fucking great
He didn't ask a question. No one did except you so far in the thread.
>>13404795 (OP)

JIDF detected. The cat's out of the bag, kike. We know who you are, we know what you're responsible for, and we're none too fucking happy about what you Jews have been doing for the past 5000+ years. Start running.
i really think the US prefers jews over Muslims

when it comes down to it the jews are taking over the middle east one settlement at a time

thus bringing a higher civilization to that desert

to that i say godspeed kike bros
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> /x/ tier nuts that shift attention to the jews
Holy shitsnacks you're bad at this.

Not only are these mainstream sources, they're mainstream JEWISH sources!
>countless times

Yeah, no. The pro-muslim crowd is very fucking small on /pol/
The US prefers governments who are all for living in modern times. Muslim governments for the most part like to enjoy that double standard they have of enforcing middle age law and society while enjoying some luxuries of modern technology from the western world.

Jesus that post was absolutely disgusting. Castrate yourself.
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I love that article, because the Jews have to make so many asides to discredit the subject matter that it's impossible for them to write it in a concise manner. It's incredibly telling.

You're a wretched kike and you aren't fooling anyone. You only serve to increase my distaste for Jews.
its kind of a joke but its kind of true
>>13404795 (OP)
Maybe if Jews stopped acting like Jews and started acting like people, we wouldn't have a problem.
Please do go on.

It's very simple, Zionist Jews regard themselves as Jews before anything else, and hold loyalty to eachother before anything else. That makes them enemies of the state becuase they put the interest of another nation before their own. The hold no regard for their countrymen, only for their own. They should be treated like any other enemy of the state, be it spys or informants, and charged with treason. This applies to all countries where Zionist Jews make up an inproportionate amount of influencial positions.
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>>13404795 (OP)
>there is no "jew collective"
Yes there is, they are Jesuits and that's what they do, pretend to be Jews for the most part, along with the Papal court Jews, the propaganda - propagation of church dogma, including Jewish Pogroms - is very convincing.

Don't doubt it, they convinced a nation of children only 70 years ago to turn against their parents, launch the largest mass ritual sacrifice of the 20th century and start the second world war with it, they were called Hitler Youth, the sacrifice was the Vatican Holocaust and it was the 2nd 'world' war in a series of 3 which culminates in global religion, global government.

It's all been planned out to the last detail! The US is critical to the entire operation, Europoor is still recovering from the last 1000 years of tyranny.
But that's implying the Holocaust is feasibly possible, my friend.
>>13404795 (OP)
>jewish people don't hate white people or white culture

Samson Option, general hatred towards Eruope, flipping out when Bar Rafeli wore a Santa costume.

This isn't mentioned often enough. But Israel is extremely Xenophobic, and plenty of its people not only hate all thing Europe-related, they blame the entire continent for the holocaust.
>they blame the entire continent for the holocaust.

They blame the entire Western World for the Holocaust.
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Do you know what ethnic group had the highest (by far) amount of scientists per capita during the last 100 years?
Probably because nobody stepped in to stop it. Which is true. The news and information process isn't what it is now.

Their hatred of Germany still extends to this day but to say that their population hates white people is idiotic because they are fucking white and only stormfags and idiots think they aren't. Sephardic and Middle Eastern Jews aren't as they are more of Berber and North African origin but the European Jew converts of which the overwhelming majority of the religion is aren't some crazy made up race. They are just converts and race does not equal religion.
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>Stalin's Jews:
Went right into the ovens in Siberia. Stalin was a Jesuit priest of the 4th vow.

Born Roman Catholic, indoctrinated to hate Jews (and every non-Catholic) like all Roman Catholics and a complete psychopath.

Trained at the Jesuit seminary at Tiflis, graduated at the top of his class and immediately went undercover which is what Jesuits do, go out into the real world and pretend to be anything BUT a Catholic priest - usually a Jew, atheist, Protestant or liberal of all things, and yet have the full support of the Vatican - the richest entity on the face of the earth now and always has been - behind them.

In fact the Bolsheviks were just the Jesuits Masons overthrowing the Russian Orthodox Church and Czars in favor of a Roman Catholic Dictator.

WW2 was really all about installing Catholic dictators all over Europoor, Hitler in Germany, Mussolini in Italy, Franco in France...the list goes on but they controlled all sides of the conflict just like their WW1 when the German Monarchy was overthrown to cancel previous and awkward Papal agreements with the state.

You know a tree by its fruits, Jewish Pogroms, Inquisitions, Crusades...there is nothing new under the sun. The powerful Jewish Cabal was overthrown by the first crusade and all power Jews converted to Papal serfs, or staked and burnt as per the ritual.


Doesn't it make you suspicious how many Jews were in PNAC? Doesn't it make you suspicious of former military and CIA personnel that have stated that Zionists want to push into a war with Iran, even when Iran is not a threat?
>Probably because nobody stepped in to stop it. Which is true.

Then probably jews shouldn't have been there in the first place, or just assimilated like fucking normal people.
They were assimilated in everything except their religion. They spoke the language of the countries they lived in, they lived the same way as everyone else except where they went on Sunday.

What the fuck do you think they were doing?

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It's sad but Holocaust denial only became popular after German Nazi Youth Pope Ratzinger let a shitload of ex-communicated Nazis back into the house whi deny the Vatican's Holocaust altogether for obvious reasons, it's a PR nightmare for the Catholic Church.

Probably why he retired and the real masters have stepped in, the Jesuits who have ruled the Vatican and clergy since restoring their order in 1814, the largest Order in the church today and only Order permitted to carry out banking on behalf of the Holy See since the Knights Templar.

It is very likely they will destroy the very church that spawned them in the fog of WW3 as all the Vatican's wealth is well hidden behind a consortium of trusts, multinational corporations and military hardware. They are after all, a military order!

Denying something that only went down 70 years ago, complete with plenty of photographic evidence before the shoop was invented, is really ignorant on your part but hey! That's mind control! It usually goes hand in glove with the excellent childhood indoctrination provided by the mother church.

I fully encourage putting confirmation bias away and taking another look, by all means!

>The Holocaust- the mass sacrifice of over eighteen million innocent Protestants, Orthodox Christians, ethnic Jews and minority groups by burning several million of them alive in ovens in Poland and Russia less than seventy years ago by Catholic dictators Adolf Hitler S.J. and Fr Joseph Stalin S.J. represents the largest and most expensive act of mass human sacrifice in history...

The silence is deafening really. Pic related! JOOOOOOOS!
Israel is scheduled for destruction if that's all your worried about? Don't worry, Jerusalem won't be touched, neither will Zurich or the Vatican in Rome of course. lol
they are a leech upon society, ridiculous interest rates and put the world in debt, they made it so you cant even question them without being labeled a nazi

they live in a house of cards thats gonna crumble, if you think manipulation and lies is "doing it better" you are mistaken

there is a reason they have been kicked out of every country

>rev up them gas chambers
When exactly was that?

Holocaust denial was a popular topic of discussion among conspiracy radio programs in the 50s.
Sounds like the world shouldn't have let them do it if they are so much better than them. Jews have been making the world buttfrustrated since the beginning of recorded history and now they run it all.

Deal with it.
Are jews white? Or are they semites?
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Semitic refers to language, the Hebrew language (and many others like Arabic) are Semitic.

Ethnically they come from a lot of things but European ancestry is the most common because converts are the bane of the religion.

The original Jews were basically what Arabs ethnically are today.
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>Anglosphere is to blame for not stopping the Nazis doing something years after declaring Total War on them
Jew Logic
The countries in which the Jews lived in were either completely occupied by Nazis or were given up to the Nazis by the governments.

What did you expect them to do? They were incapable of defense.

It wasn't the Anglosphere. There was just little incentive to help. The belief held by Jews is that the Nazis acted like they had the permission to carry out the holocaust.
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>>13404795 (OP)
>there is no jew collective
Just like there is no Catholic collective or Christian collective or Muslim collective?
>>13404795 (OP)

>that picture

i fucking might have pissed myself laughing
history shows that telling people to "deal with it" can blow up in your face eventually
Roughly 3 million poles died in concentration camps. They were filling up the ovens so that there was no room for Jews.

All goyim should have done so to save the chosen ones!
Yeah but no point in getting bent out of shape over the big jewish conspiracy now because we will all be long dead before anything changes.

Live your life the way you want to.
The jewish boogeyman isn't right behind you.
Jews were Polish citizens and most had lived there for many generation. Generally the Catholic Poles were spared but the Nazis killed anyone they saw fit to kill.

ah ok sure thing hassan


dont worry abdullah i am not even jewish
top lel
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you are either trolling or painfully uninformed
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No dipshit, between 2.5 to 3 million ethnic poles were killed by nazis, in addition to 3 million polish jews.
Just curious.

Do you believe those quotes to be the beliefs of all jews?
you failed history didnt you?

the jews got kicked out of every country they ever inhabited

if you thought the holocaust was bad, wait till you see the future
Actually, the extermination of Jews in Poland is impossible for four simple reasons.

A) It is impossible to use enough Zyklon-B to kill 2000 people in 20 minutes without leaving significant traces of cyanide residue inside the "gas chambers"

B) It is impossible to cremate 4 bodies in 15 minutes, a fact on which the total death toll rests.

C) It is impossible to use diesel exhaust, due to its low CO amount, as a murder weapon, let alone mass muder.

D) It is impossible to perform open cremations without the required 300kg of wood per body, equaling up to 300, 000 tons of wood for Treblinka alone. A massive deforestation mentioned neither in testimony nor aerial photos. And revisionism was founded by a former french partisan who spent time in Buchenwald.

they were killed in battle as enemy combatants.

just like obama would kill you with a drone while you sleep for disagreeing with the government on facebook.
Nah, never happened.
If the holocaust didn't happen to Jews it didn't happen to anyone.
History gives invalid reasons as to why they were kicked out. The stormfags make it out to be that the local populations were all swindled so to stroke their buttfrustration they deported all jews.

And none of us will be alive to witness the future so who cares.
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what the jews have done to america is what they have done to countless other countries for centuries, they have always been found out and expelled. people are becoming more aware of the jews on a daily basis here in the USA.

Only some, but I guess every group has their rotten apples.
>>13404795 (OP)
>and most people who you call jews don't even associate themselves with being jewish or the culture

"I wake up every morning and think about how I can help Israel."

Dominique Strauss-Kahn
That's... stereotypical.
antisemitism is a form of racism against people who are well integrated and often smarter/more successful than the majority population

>people are becoming more aware of the jews on a daily basis here in the USA.

Most Americans are being indoctrinated in the single most pervasive Jewish ideology known to man: socialism.

not all jew obviously, but this is what they are all taught, this is their religion. this is what they are predisposed to believe. just like Muslims are taught to lie to and deceive infidels to gain their trust so that they can kill or convert the infidels Jews are taught these things.

of course most even if they believe these things are not going to just come out and tell you it, I have known many Muslims and Jews, trust me, they believe this stuff and on a percentage of those that I have known I would say a good 80% think and act like that.
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>And none of us will be alive to witness the future so who cares.

implying its not gonna happen in next 10 years cause of market crashing again, implying the people arent waking up

implying it isnt well documented and known about jews being deceiving manipulative psychopaths

hence all the terms
>jewing me down
>dont jew me
>what a jew count

your days are numbered

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