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well /pol/?
So typical they but the gun to white kids hand and make the nigger look like she's smart or something
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>>15138076 (OP)
wait, little red riding hood is banned?
Define assault weapon.

No, these people are retarded.
aren't kinder egg banned too?
>>15138076 (OP)

those black kids are always bringing dangerous shit to class. we should have never desegregated the schools
Its made of spooky black plastic and has a scary thing with holes on the barrel
>>15138076 (OP)
What a bullshit tactic. Little Red Riding Hood may be banned in schools but it's not banned in America. AR-15's are not allowed in schools last I checked so I don't know who made that image but only a fool would take it seriously.
I like how every single one of these has a shitskin holding something harmless, while the "evil white kid" has the gun.

Really shows the agenda they're pushing.
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dat diveristy america 10/10
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white kid holding the weapon again
because assault weapons are not targeted towards children and require a license to own.
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and again, white kid holding the weapon
perhaps marketed would have been a better term in hindsight
>we banned this shit
>why won't you let us ban more shit?
>liberal mom logic
>that stealthily cloaked assault rifle
ban assault rifles with cloaking devices
Awful trigger discipline. 0/10, would backhand.
The worst thing about this is the lack of trigger discipline. If you're going to try to prove that guns are dangerous at least be safe about it.
/k/ikes get the fuck out of here. Your fetish for a fucking piece of metal is pathetic; normal people see you as manchildren. You don't know how to build weapons, you wouldn't do shit about martial law if it ever came, and your enthusiasm for shooting bullets causes numerous deaths every day. Your hobby is more likely to get you killed, injured, or jailed than it is to be put in use for defense.
>You don't know how to build weapons
Funny. I built my own rifle.
>Liberal soccer moms banned the shit that is in the pic for duh chillrunz
>"Why won't they let me ban more!"
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>>15138076 (OP)

>anti gun soccer moms got the red riding hood book banned in one school
>use it at ammunition for the next thing they want banned
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its banned in one school in California because Red Riding Hood is carrying wine to her grandmother

they try to stretch the truth to say that its the same thing as a nationwide ban on semi auto rifles

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