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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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okay /pol/, who is behind multiculturalism and why? yes the left pushes it, but why? who really benefits, and how do they benefit?

and i know you'll say jews. but how does it benefit them? what is the end game here? i seriously can't figure out what the left / jews gain from this
>>14611928 (OP)
Cultural enrichment! Diversity is our strength!
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but who is benefiting from it?
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> but how does it benefit them? what is the end game here? i seriously can't figure out what the left / jews gain from this
Control. Look into the Frankfurt School. Take a look at the what ideas and movements they created (political correctness and multi-kulti) and then take a look at the ancestry of its founders. Pro-tip: 7 Jews and 1 shabbos goy.
>>14611928 (OP)
The jews have openly stated they're going to push multiculterlism and were going to start in sweden ironicly... and then biden said not long ago jews were pushing for gay marriage legislation...
>doesn't realize that orange slurry is a diverse mixture of red, blue, green and yellow particles

dipshit reactionaries, racists, fascists, nationalists etc

yes i know the frankfurt school, they started all these cultural marxist ideas. but what control do jews get nowadays from it?
>>14611928 (OP)

capitalism and religion are the great engines of diversity

from the very start of colonialism till today both of these are the primary forces behind "diversity"

where did they say this?
ironically capitalism was invented by jews too

and feudalism and socialism and communism

what didn't the jews invent?

>genetic engineering
>the financial system

are whites even trying?
>Who is benefiting from it
He said behind his chinese computer.

Count all of the objects in your room that were made in your country versus those made elsewhere.
in the protocols

>Not very many

Okay, next?
yeah but all of them were made by firms with american investors

bullshit. capitalism exists separately. yes businesses have no problem importing third world immigrants for labor, but it would be quite simple for the state to put a stop to that, and businesses wouldn't really care. they would just export their labor to a third world country (which they already do)

and religion? mmm no
>>14611928 (OP)
>yes the left pushes it, but why?

Importing voters has been a thing of the left for many, many years.
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Control. Military aid. Shekels. They are flooding the borders of Western countries to destabilize them so there will be world-wide pandemonium so the NWO (call it what you like I don't really care) can take control of the globe. The Jews will have a front seat for this they think.


All of us! Especially those racist, privileged homogenous gated communities. The African Americans, Muslims, and every other minority are being oppressed because you don't let them in.

and what does this have to do with multiculturalism here?
I have an idea that'd make America be most unique country on the planet: Making it a mini-Earth.

It'd bring people en masse from around the globe into separated states that'd replicate mini countries.

Multiculturalism exists already, but my plan would be a superior form of it - It'd make you feel like you're stepping into different countries, like a mini Egypt,Mexico,Morocco,Japan,Germany,Italy,Russia,Ireland,France,Norway. I believe the demographics will generally stay in their own states, too. Look at California, a state that doesn't have a healthy economy and a high unemployment rate, you’ll see how the Hispanic % of the state is still increasing, not decreasing.

In regards to staying loyal to America, look at Hawaii. Hawaii has its own unique culture to it, yet the state is still as American as any other. In regards to new demographics retaining the state's prior culture, if you again look at Hawaii, you’ll see that the Whites have assimilated nicely into it.

Larger states would fit a variety of demographics in them. So, California would have ethnic enclaves from Mexico, Korea, India, Bangladesh, Russia, etc. throughout counties in the state.

There’s a variety of countries that have something similar to that, and function fine:


Unlike those countries, everybody in California - along with the rest of he nation - would still learn English in school.

There'd be no legal segregation, no forcible removal etc, so people can still live wherever they want (just like how a German can live in England), but like I explained with people still saying in California earlier, I don’t think cultures mixing together and losing the uniqueness of the state will be much of a problem.

there'll be a variety of hurdles, like how to give people incentive to move to certain states, to obtain that goal of having each state to be largely homogeneous
>>Not very many
The Jews didn't invent agriculture Jew. Or law. That is ludicrous.
there hasn't been a leftist party to vote for in many years

how will importing voters help leftists?

it was capitalists importing workers
people genetically similar to them from the levant did
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I meant the other way around

pic unrelated
So? I have genetic similarities to people from the levant too.
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>>14611928 (OP)
I was referring to Britain's Labour party, but fair point.
get out jew
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>>14611928 (OP)
They- the Jews, and the shabbos goy plutocrats- want a dumbed-down world of idiotic materialist mongrels, with none of the strengths of any of the races, and all the weaknesses. They've been at this for a while. After Jew-puppeteered Marxism failed, rigging the free markets especially hard into a banker command economy and trying to destroy any semblance of human culture and ethnic diversity is their next attempt. The solution, of course, is to wake up all peoples of this world and exterminate the Jews as they rightfully deserve for their heinous actions, large and small. Not in the sense of deportation. In the sense of killing them to the last.

I only mean to show that that is not a good enough to reason to claim yids invented agriculture. By his logic niggers invented space travel because they share [some] genetic similarities to Indo-Europeans.
I have already realised my mistake.
Goddamnit, can't believe I laughed at that.
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WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Joe Biden is praising Jewish leaders for helping change American attitudes about gay marriage and other issues.

Biden says culture and arts change people's attitudes. He cites social media and the old NBC TV series "Will and Grace" as examples of what helped changed attitudes on gay marriage.

Biden says, quote, "Think — behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it's in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry."

Biden says the influence is immense and that those changes have been for the good.

Biden was speaking Tuesday night at a Jewish American Heritage Month reception hosted by the Democratic National Committee. He says Jewish values are an essential part of who Americans are.
nice try jidf
The ruling class benefits from it because it drives the peasants to hate each other, allowing them to retain complete control.
Who is behind cancer and why

Who is behind hurricanes and why
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Holy shit. Joe Biden actually named the Jew.

He actually called them out for promoting and normalizing sexual perversion.
Let's walk though this real quick.

Him: What didn't the jews invent? Agriculture...

Me: The Jews didn't invent agriculture Jew. Or law. That is ludicrous.

Him: people genetically similar to them from the levant did

Me: So? I have genetic similarities to people from the levant too.

You for some reason: get out jew

Me again: I only mean to show that that is not a good enough to reason to claim yids invented agriculture. By his logic niggers invented space travel because they share [some] genetic similarities to Indo-Europeans.

You: nice try jidf

>mfw jidf accuses me of being jidf
OP's pic correctly reminds me about the very many pro-multicultural people who claim to like the poor, but when truth be told they don't like the smell of the poor.
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>"Think — behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it's in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry."
Good goys.
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>>14611928 (OP)
Named? Yes.
Called out? Nope. The guy is an occasionally useful idiot for the Jews, nothing more.
international trade =/= multiculturalism
Then you would be no better than the "jews".You would just become what you set out to destroy.
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>He says Jewish values are an essential part of who Americans are.

Yes goys, it's true! Every American should take on Jewish values!
It is just a stance to get more voters.
Everyone already knows that blacks and muslimes are inferior genetically, Generally speaking
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“the influence [of Jewish people] is immense. The influence is immense.”


It's too late.
i just find it hard to believe that leftist politicians are selling out their country and race just to have a few more years of power

and i still don't see any coordinated effort by jews.
Someone give me a detailed explanation of why multiculturalism is bad.
“I think you vastly underestimate the impact you’ve had on the development of this nation,” he said. “We’re a great country because of the contributions and most importantly because of Jewish heritage and the values you brought.”
>most importantly

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Really? Killing a few million people whose culture is all about being a huge materialist cunt with a whackass idea of being 'chosen' over all other peoples, who mutilate and molest their children, who engage in open heresies against their own supposed faith because they are naught but lying, faithless pagan dogs, is the same as killing billions, relegating the remainder to slums, and rendering them so hybridized as to near a level that outright leads to extinction, all to maintain a worldwide slave empire headed by a ruling population made up entirely of Charles II-level abominations of inbreeding? No. Eat a dick good sir, these are not equivalent. Not even close.
>>14611928 (OP)
Jews are hell bent on becoming the only "white" race left on the planet. They want all goyim to be brown servants with no nations, history, pride, or sense of identity.
Did you not see OP's picture? That's the problem with multiculturalism in its simplest form.
Is it bad because cultures loose their good values while all the bad values form a new culture?
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>mfw Jews can't do sacrifices because we destroyed their temple
>mfw 2000 years of Jews condemned to Hell by their own Talmud
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>while all the bad values form a new culture?
There is no guarantee a new culture will form. What generally happens is one culture is taken over by the others. It's been happening since the Neanderthals. Happened in Greece. Tribes get overtaken by their neighbors. They don't generally mix. The rare occasions where they mix semi-well (Spain) took hundreds of years of war and bloodshed to achieve relative peace. Society should be homogenous. That is how they prefer to be. You'll notice immigrants live near whom? Other immigrants.
Ok. I'm going to write a paper on it being bad because everyone on /pol/ says its bad.
wonder when the mass genocide of the white populations gonna happen on a alrger faster scale than it alrdy is
Shallow level: Zionists. Known for their bloodthirsty, and manipulative ways. However, they're not exactly the smartest. Basically the face.

Mid level: Illuminati. The ones in charge of the Zionists basically run everything on a day to day basis. The fall guys.

Deepest level: I guess you could call them the NWO, but they're the puppet masters behind everything. When the purges come, they'll survive, while the other two will not.

It's actually the most anti-semitic plot ever.
>Ok. I'm going to write a paper on it being bad because everyone on /pol/ says its bad.
Doesn't seem wise. Do you own research and draw your own conclusions. Chances are you'll make the right one.

Have this though.

Why do people say they want diversity and that they want everyone to race mix?
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>mfw they're filthy pagans and atheists pretending to be Jews
>mfw they're extra-double-ultra heretics in the eyes of both the faith they supposedly follow and every single other, including non-Abrahamic ones, for their immoral practices
>mfw 'chosen'
Why on Earth do they think that they're even vaguely righteous? They proclaim themselves God's chosen, but do not believe in God. They hate other peoples for racism, but demand genetic and cultural solidarity, even though they are mongrels without a real culture. They go on and on about gay rights, yet nothing is more sacrilegious to them than a gay Jew. Hypocrites to the last. Vipers and thieves.

How many Jew cyberwarriors do you think are considering suicide or assured death trying to kill his superiors, when faced with their monstrous nature?

The last level is the Rothschild bankers, supposedly. If there's more puppetmasters behind them, fuck a duck, how deep are we going to have to go? And what kind of fallbacks can they even have if we collapse the entire system of world finance puppetry around their ears?

If we know about them, they're not the deepest.

The hole is like Mr. Bones's Wild Ride, the fun never ends.
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13For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe.14For you, brethren, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, for you also endured the same sufferings at the hands of your own countrymen, even as they did from the Jews,15who both killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out. They are not pleasing to God, but hostile to all men,16hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved; with the result that they always fill up the measure of their sins. But wrath has come upon them to the utmost.

Never change Jews.
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>The last level is the Rothschild bankers, supposedly
You wish. How far down the hole will you go I wonder?

This thread is void because

Nah m8
It's loads of competing groups
I thought the left brought them in to get votes?
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Oh come on. What. You're... No. Really? The Illuminati are composed of fallen angels acting by proxy through the human Illuminati? Are we getting into a bunch of ancient alium shit here? Because I've already read the Lacerta files and looked into the Antarctic Reich and all that kookiness, and I can't take any more damned aliums. Humans being huge dicks is bad enough. The metaphysical elements getting muddled with aliumry is too much. Anon, pls, tell me it isn't so.
>thinking the Rothschilds are the final boss

do you even realize King Solomon conjured forth demons from Hell to serve him--but the malevolent entities proved to be too powerful and usurped his kingship over the kingdom of Israel.

Those Demons which to this day freely roam and continue to corrupt the Earth, leading it into chaos and ruin. The Seal of Solomon--aka the Flag of Israel--is the mystical seal the King supposedly used to summon, seal and control the demons.
No aliens. Just demons they'll call aliums.
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"Really? Killing a few million people whose culture is all about being a huge materialist cunt with a whackass idea of being 'chosen' over all other peoples, who mutilate and molest their children, who engage in open heresies against their own supposed faith because they are naught but lying, faithless pagan dogs, is the same as killing billions, relegating the remainder to slums, and rendering them so hybridized as to near a level that outright leads to extinction, all to maintain a worldwide slave empire headed by a ruling population made up entirely of Charles II-level abominations of inbreeding? No. Eat a dick good sir, these are not equivalent. Not even close."
1.If you're gonna start killing people for being materialistic then you have much farther to go than your jew enemies. 2.Considering you are so opposed to race mixing chances are you probably view your race above other and cant stand the idea that one day the world may be completely mixed. 3.While I'll agree circumcision should be a persons own choice child molestation happens amongst all cultures regardless of race/religion and hypocrisy abounds in todays society regardless of beliefs. 4.Most people(Note I say most) living in the slums are undermotiviated/underacchievers who skate by life on welfare and selling drugs hence why they are in the slums. 5.Finally if you think were not already living in a society where rich pompous fuckwits control everything you'd be wrong our freedoms are being dwindled away by unstable sociopaths who can't pull their heads out of their asses long enough to stop perpatuating the problem and stand up and try to band together to fix it. P.S I prefer the taste of pussy :3
I suppose it's inconsequential if they instead turn out to be aliums calling themselves demons. Once you get into the metaphysical and the superscientific, the distinction grows pointless. Hell, there really isn't a distinction.

On any level, can the fallen angels be trusted? I'm probably going to be BLAM'd regardless of skepticism or acceptance since I retain faith in Christ, but hey.
>can the fallen angels be trusted?
To an extent. They are no allies of man though. Have you read the book of Enoch? I'd highly recommend it.
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Daily reminder that there was a Jewish revolution in Germany prior to WWII and that their treatment was entirely justified.
I think he mean't they created the world of materialism.
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Most materialist people aren't completely opposed to non-materialist faiths, and don't seek to undermine them.

I believe that Indo-Europeans- Aryans, in other words, from Europe to Iran to India- are a class above other peoples, but other peoples are quite capable of equity through genetic therapy and proper culture. Mixing these peoples would destroy their ancestry and their cultures. The idea of one race is not only impossible to pursue, but morally horrendous.

Other faiths don't have child molestation as a standard ritual. Metzitzah b'peh, bro, look it up. They clean the circumcised penis with their tongues.

> 4
And who runs the intelligence agencies who facilitate the narcotics networks? Who created the welfare programs? Who creates the slacker culture and the worship of gangbangers through shit-tier rap? Jews.

Uh, the rich pompous fuckwits who control everything are the Jews. The most egregious are the Rothschild international bankers, who own every single bloody bank on Earth, most notably our private central banks, and the Swiss BIS, the private central bank of private central banks. They are intentionally preventing the problems from being fixed because they want to rule over the Earth as hidden monarchs.

I think I skimmed it once, only a partial translation sadly. It regards Nimrod's dickery and the giants- the angel-human halfbreeds- upon the Earth, I thin? I've forgotten.

But hey. At least they're not necessarily going to fuck me over. Just not going to help me not fuck myself over. Fickle, uncaring fellows, then? What is their motive? And what of the Sephirots?

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