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>tfw I'm 20 years old white male
>I'm a hardcore Republican and read Wall Street Journal
>I believe in free market capitalism, plutocracy, and Social Darwinism
>My kind of fun is playing chess in a private lounge while smoking cigars
and drinking whiskey
>I'm interested in girls who wear conservative clothes and have fair skin

Am I just too sophisticated for girls these days?
>>15954930 (OP)
You're to masculine, all you need now is to big up hunting and get a lumberjacking job.
You'll be the pinnacle of men.
>Am I just too sophisticated for girls these days?

Nope, you're just a fucking dicktard. I wouldn't worry about it, you'll fit right in in the USA once you're big enough to see over those cigars.
>>15954930 (OP)
How many fedoras do you own
Move to a Republican state and get your self a Texas QT.
>20 years old

both sad and hilarious at the same time, pick up your fedora and gtfo
I bet you wear a fedora too
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Pic related, its you.
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Hi OP,

If what you're saying is true (everything said on /pol/ is true, amirite?)

I has a question.

I was golfing two days ago and was having trouble hitting the ball with my 3 wood while smoking my cigar.

Do you have any tips? I tried putting it on the golf cart, but ewww.....don't want germs on my cigar.

I would put it in the grass, but the golf course has a fuckton of geese......and don't want bird shit touching my cigar.

So how do smoke a cigar and able to swing a golf club?
What kind of republican?
Make your manservant hold it dumbass. God.
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....and if I put the cigar in my mouth, the smoke blows in my face.

I take upwards of 30 seconds to take my shots, sometimes a minute.

Fedoras are liberal you morons
No I don't wear fedoras or suits.
I wear tennis and you can say preppy clothes.

It's just sad that girls these days are into small, fat, shitskins, who watch basketball, or shop at walmart

I seriously thought females loved guys with hobbies
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>Ughh the world doesn't understand me
>Uggghhh why am I so classy while everyone else is just trashy

>actually believing this
>>15954930 (OP)
$99 says you own at least one fedora.
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>only liberals can be fedora-wearing aspies
>>15954930 (OP)
>My kind of fun is playing chess in a private lounge while smoking cigars and drinking whiskey
Feels like you are trying too hard.
no, you are just probably ugly
>implying he implied that he was asking either of these
>I seriously thought females loved guys with hobbies
How? Your hobbies take your time and money away from her. Woman usually do hate all kinds of hobbies, even if yours is manly and not something like videogames.
>>15954930 (OP)
Yes, that's it.
>worried about smoke in his face

Newfag smoker detected.
>implying Texas won't be a socialist democrat shithole after Obama makes all the illegals legal
>implying Texas won't be a socialist democrat shithole in one more generation of legal Mexicants even if immigration reform fails

god you white people are delusional. Its over rednecks. Just give up.
Can't believe he's 26
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>>15954930 (OP)

Your latent homosexuality is showing.
Why is shit like this on /pol/? No one gives a fuck about your life, go to /soc/ if you want to be a fucking attention whore.
OP is a complete tool.
No, fedoras are for all autistic narcissists.
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>>15954930 (OP)
>golfing with a watch on
Everyone look at this white trash.
OP are you rich? If not then your "sophistication" doesn't matter.
tools are actually useful
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Let's theoretically assume that you are right for a second. Now, girls don't go for looks (sure it helps especially in the beginning but it's not the most important aspect).

Tfw I don't even look at shitskin, short, or fat girls anymore haha

Cigars, yes.

Cigarettes, just kicked a 20 year bad habit
Because all the fedora memes are fake.
then why the hell are women always clinging to guys who play sports?
I wish. Lost an old friend to fedoraism.
Is your aspiration to be a spanner?
>>15954930 (OP)
>glove too big
>putting with a glove
>golfing with a watch
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me and my bros.

Guess which one is me?
>>putting with a glove
he wants to cover the fact that he's actually black

possibly niger woods
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>girls don't go for looks
The faggot.
You all look like insufferable cunts.
Ding ding ding ding.
>>15954930 (OP)

sounds you are just attempting to cultivate an image like every other young adult wanting to be unique

get real life experience for a decade and then we will see if you are sophisticated
what putter is that?
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which? there are 11 of them
VT's preppy olympics?
OP confirmed for the faggiest of faggots.
>20 years old
>hardcore republican

Are you a fucking idiot? No one wants to hang out with a young conservative. Be a liberal until you're at least 30 then go conservative you fucking imbecile.
OP all you are is a fucking poser. A fly by night jackass saving up his part time job paychecks to buy a polo from brooks brothers (which isn't even that expensive)

Footjoy makes the most shit golf equipment, and actual wealthy people don't sit around playing chess like faggots.

As a wealthy person who golfs legitimately and is legally able to drink i must say youre an obvious fucking poser. taking a picture while smoking a cigar in your shitty footjoy gloves during a golf outing, I'm sure your faggot frat brothers loved that upload, going out of your way to show you try to live that lifestyle shows you aren't accustomed to it.

Whatever you think you are OP, it's a farce. Women probably just think you're a faggot aspie.

Picking up some golf clubs and wearing mid-range clothes doesn't make you a man, it makes you a try-hard joke.
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>Being this JIDF.
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>>15954930 (OP)
Sophisticated would be if you strayed from the prescribed one-size-fits-all conservative personality. Chess, cigars, whiskey, WSJ. You shouldn't have trouble finding other people who are into this shit because it's cookie cutter fashion sold to you by the media.

Maybe, if you don't mind getting a little dirt on your driving gloves, you could start a vegetable garden, or foster a homeless cat, or go camping in the woods.

>b-but that wouldn't fit the style. H-how would people know I was sophisticated if I slept in a tent?

MFW a 20 year old considers himself "too sophisticated."
But why?
>I hate the poor and shitskins
>I want the military to keep advancing
>I am pro gun
>I want welfare and social security benefits to end
>free market capitalism is the best path to prosperity
>>15954930 (OP)
Isn't it odd that the only people who espouse Social Darwinism are those who never had to worry about a single god damned thing in their lives.

Oh the delicious tears, should you lose your fortune as the euthanasia truck rolls around.
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The pet retard on the right?
>>15954930 (OP)
you sound and look like a faggot

Go suck some jew cock, they love that shit, especially from right wing homosexuals such as yourself
Well, then, you're ok, then, mate. Congrats on kicking them. I could never get into cigars. I tried a couple and they're nice, but they get kind of stale towards the end. I get tired of them as they finish up.
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You sound like a muslim.
Quit smoking while you play.
Smoke after the game. Only smoke while you're playing if you've grown so accustomed to smoking cigars that doing so is second nature and you don't even notice problems like this.
>>15954930 (OP)

What the fuck is wrong with you, nigger?

You're doing everything backwards. All the shit that you mentioned in your post should be taken up no earlier than 45 years of age. At 20, you should be fucking, drinking, and enjoying your youth while you still can.

Right now, you're wasting the best years of your life on shit that is reserved for the old farts whose youth is long gone. I know you want to be a sophisticated faggot, but for the love of Christ, stop being such a turd and live a little.
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>>15954930 (OP)
is this you by any chance?
OP here.
None of the pictures in this thread are of me or made by me. Do a reverse google image search, sir.

Second, you say that you are wealthy. Can you elaborate how you spend your time and if possible touch upon how you're doing with the ladies.
10/10 I'm a fucking poorfag, and OP you sound like a massive faggot.
>>15954930 (OP)
>fedora aficionado
The edgy one with his back to the camera.
>>15954930 (OP)
your glove is too big
>but you didn't take that picture
>I hate the poor
Why man? Just because we weren't born permanently attached to the tit?
>>15954930 (OP)
>I'm 20 years old
>My kind of fun is playing chess in a private lounge while smoking cigars


>>15954930 (OP)
>20 years old
>drinking whiskey

aren't you too young for booze, kiddo?
This. Unless you're actually rich, pretending to be sophisticated will just ostracize you from everyone else. Not to say that you can't be well read, and have a large vocabulary, but everyone will hate you if you show up at a middle-class party wearing your faggot pseudo-rich persona.

Stick it up your ass.

By now, you're probably used to having things up there, and the germs on there will be yours, so there's no need to fret.
Behind the ear for that "working class" appeal. Chicks dig it.

>actually HATING the poor

Wow, what a faggot.
>Wearing a suit coat as though it's a sport coat

You can't put a cigar behind your ear unless you're Dumbo or some shit.

Cigarettes, yes. Cigars, no.
>I hate the poor and shitskins

When Dad cuts you off and pushes you out of the nest, you'll be singing a different tune, kid.
OP is a fag.

20-year-old kids are retarded, but OP is a special kind of retard.
>not being born to rich parents who paid to genetically engineer you to have big ears for convenient storage of tobacco products during patrician ball games

>Wearing baseball caps with dressware

This is one of the few situations where a summer fedora would be appropriate.
you sound like a closet homo
Whatever you do, don't do it with cigarillos. You'll look like a fucking nigger. Hell, don't smoke cigarillos at all.

Any rich parent that does that is based as fuck.

"Son, even though your mother and I are very rich, we didn't want you to grow up to be a faggot who coasts through life, so we decided to give you gigantic ears. Sure, the kids are going to make fun of you, but you need some adversity in your life."
>>15954930 (OP)
How is it? Being such a faggot
>>15954930 (OP)

You've got a long way to go, kid.

>I'm 46 years old.
>I'm so right-wing that I make Hitler look like Gandhi.
>I believe that anyone making less than $100,000 a year should be involuntarily sterilized.
>My kind of fun is making people like you do my landscaping.
>I buy virgins imported from Balkan states.

I'd tell you to get on my level, but you wouldn't know where to begin.
>>15954930 (OP)
7/10, made me laugh
>>15954930 (OP)
just be gay, (no homo)
>fucking slavs
that's pretty pleb bro
Hitler was a socialist though.
what's wrong with cigarillos? Not OP, just a newfag smoker.
>newfag smoker
They're for niggers and mexicans.
These are only good for one thing and that's after you take the tobacco out of them.
I'm already stopping, on my last pack and don't want to waste them by throwing them away.
Cigarillos have an inferior taste to cigars and make you look like a faggot who couldn't handle/procure an actual cigar.
>don't want to waste them by throwing them away.
You'll be smoking for a long time friend.
What's the point bro, you already paid for them. Just keep them, as a reminder

Lmao, stay pleb walmart shopper.

Just stay pleb
>that's pretty pleb

...for you.
>>15954930 (OP)

Start working out, also think about dating Asian women. Not the sucky sucky three dollar pinoys or the desperate rice rocket hanger ons but you can plenty of well raised ones especially in America.

70% of western white women are fucking disgusting sluts or pigs not worth anything other than fucking and chucking.
>well raised
>especially in America

Cigars taste like ass. Smoke a pipe. That's real class right there
>>15954930 (OP)
>19 year old white
>fiscal conservative
>believe in social darwinism, currently reading up on economics as I know almost nothing on it
>my kind of fun is playing pool, cigars, weed, and some drinking (never drunk)
Looking for girls is impossible because all of them are whores or simply uninterested in any of this.
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nothing hotter than smoking cigars with my girlfriends while getting a bj
I take long breaks in between ones to make sure the addiction is mild.

>he thinks Nazism has anything to do with socialism

My sides!
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op is literally pj o'rourke
you sound like a neckbeard or a homo or both


sure thing buddy, cuckold detected.
>19 year old white
>fiscal conservative
>believe in social darwinism

I'd bet good money that you're upper-middle class or above.
So since OP is a fedora wearer, what is real "sophistication" /pol/?
>>15954930 (OP)
Nah, your just looking in the wrong places. And if that is a pic of you, nice Daytona man.
welcome to the playboy club bro.
Where about do you live?
That is much much worse.
>>15954930 (OP)
You might have an easier time getting laid if you weren't an autistic fedora wearing poser faggot
>what's the third position guise?
whys that?


>not enjoying a nigger stick while doing chores & later enjoying a full bodied cigar.
>declaring allegiance with a political party instead of forming your own opinions on an issue-by-issue basis
>thinking that the free market can truly create a stable economy
>thinking that chess, cigars, and whiskey make you "classy"
>looking at someone for the clothes they wear and not what their ideals and personality are.

You're not too sophisticated, just too much of a tryhard aristocrat. Do you also wear an ivy cap and have a past filled with neglect from your parents?
This. I used to smoke cigars and moved to pipe tobacco and it is more enjoyable and tastes better to me as I'm drinking a glass of Ardbeg.

>doing chores

Bloody peasant.
You're already addicted you just don't know it yet. Taking your time to finish the pack just mean you want to make them last as long as possible.
No. You're just a wannabe bourgeoisie faggot.

>pipe smoking


then I'll finish them off tonight, only got like 4 left.
That sounds great. I need to pick up some higher end pipe tobacco soon.
muh date. how could someone do something in 2013

Chores: A routine task.

not being man enough to handle business,

I bet I can confuse your hands for a 14 year old girl.

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You try hard are the most annoying shit ever. Maybe if you actually hung around the rich and powerful you'd know this.

The more you talk about money, the less of it you have.

> pic related what you would ACTUALLY be doing if you were 20 and sophisticated, instead of being an aspie try hard
You're just jealous of all my class I have.
stay mad pleb

>trying this hard

>he thinks the "third position" isn't a fancy label for right-wing authoritarianism that was coined by kids who don't understand politics

My sides!
>>15954930 (OP)
tfw I'm 20 years old white male
>tfw I'm a 19 year old arabic male
I'm a hardcore Republican and read Wall Street Journal
>I'm a Social Democrat who'd love to be on wall street instead of reading about it.
I believe in free market capitalism, plutocracy, and Social Darwinism
>I believe in the regulated (drugs are ok/prostitution/guns even autos with permits/information exchange-tier) free market technocracy/socialism/meritocracy and safety nets
My kind of fun is playing chess in a private lounge while smoking cigars and drinking whiskey
>my kind of fun is whipping my s600(hand me down) around the town and being drug free
>I'm interested in girls who wear conservative clothes and have good skin
There's our comparison on why I'm better than OP folks
>If I form my own opinions, will I be elected to Congress?

>I never said anything about stable economy. I care about me only, if that means
>fuck over anyone anytime to help me make more, then be it.

>You're thinking that. I am just enjoying these activities, while they might be out of >league for you

>Clothes say a lot about people. If you see a girl half naked with shit make up, >9/10 she is not worth my time.
>smoking them to the end
I can't even...
>I'm being a fucking retard
>cut sandnigger

Oh my god am I sick? I lold at this. I actually laughed out loud at this.
Any good recommendation of whiskey or cigar brands?

>he can't refute the central point because he knows it's true

My sides!
Then we are both sick
Niggers spotted.
What, that Mussolini was just a kid who didn't understand politics but somehow became the leader of Italy or that Hitler's National Revolution was cementing the power of the landed gentry and Prussian aristocracy? Your point is as sucking retarded as you are.
>>15954930 (OP)
>playing chess in a private lounge while smoking cigars
So, when can we hang out?

Jew please leave
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>Wall Street Journal
awesome pic tbh, as long as he doesnt take that seriously :=)
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>Trying to finish the first draft of my e-book entitled Serfdom in Equestria, an expose on the liberal agenda slowly eroding freedom in the My Little Pont universe.

i cant i really cant... my sides have left this side of the cosmo and have been elevated to divine status

fratty as fuck
>>15954930 (OP)
You're a smug faggot.
Not Frat
that's a troll account.

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Its like Im really on TFM!

Make the pledge hold it you fucking geed
You're the socioeconomic version of a fedora wearing atheist, obviously narcissistic and retarded to boot.

>My kind of fun is playing chess in a private lounge while smoking cigars and drinking whiskey

Lel. 2deep4me
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>>15954930 (OP)
>>I'm interested in girls who wear conservative clothes and have fair skin

But soroity girls are nothing but materialistic gold digging vapid cunts who spend their free time either spending their fathers/boyfriends/husbands money on expensive and petty things or snorting cocaine
Try an older woman OP. You might not get exactly what you want looks wise, but at least she will get you a little more.

or having/wanting sex

all good things that you should take advantage of while its still available
>You're the socioeconomic version of a fedora wearing atheist, obviously narcissistic and retarded to boot.
yeah pretty much this, OP. or you could join the young republicans clubs and meet other lolbertarians.

Whoa bro! Total Frat move right there! I bet all the slampieces sucked your fratcock that night!
So you're just ugly then. top lel
>>15954930 (OP)
Go to church, not the club to meet a woman like that.
>>15954930 (OP)
No, you're just trying too hard.
>46 years old

Stopped believing it right there.
>>15954930 (OP)
I love you and aspire to be like you.
The dog was partying hard in the basement

See but I would have to put up with the 'no sex until marriage crap'

I am a playboy for god's sakes

They will only have sex with you if you come from a super rich family
This thread: guaranteed replies

/pol/tards are so easily trolled, it's sort of pathetic
Then go to a Catholic church. They might act all hoity-toity but they're really full of shit. The womyn will still sleep with you.
>>15954930 (OP)
>Wearing a glove on the green

Get a load of this pleb

buddy come to college you seriously have no idea what youre talking about
You clearly aren't a playboy if you can only look forward to Rosey Palm and her five sisters.

>Wanting sophistication
>Expecting common gutter trash.

I am in college and in a fraternity. These soroity girls will only fuck rich guys.

Im sure the lower tiers ones dont do this
Shit vehicles, houses and yards in the background confirms the statement to be true.

same here

shouldve rushed pike
OP, women hate you because you're a phony douche who latches onto nostalgia from an era before your time in order to feel superior.

At one time, women were attracted to men who smoked cigars in a private lounge. However, these men were also good looking, wealthy, mature, intelligent, and masters at socialization. From what I can tell OP, you are none of these things. I doubt you've ever even drank whiskey or played chess in a private lounge.
>22 once upper now lower mid class white male
>Play golf on occasion
>read alt press and huffington post
>believe the poor are drugged out gimme gimmes and the rich are a hard headed trainwreck waiting to happen
> smoke ciggarettes
>paying my way through college
> drink jim bean and jack from the bottle
> havent had a problem getting laid since i was 16

I can do the basic same shit as you and be more successful. Maybe you just suck OP


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