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are there any leftists in today's world that aren't pussies? by that i mean leftists who still care about getting the means of production back into the hands of the working man rather than crying about privilege. or has leftism completely become a weird cultural thing?
yes there are
latin america, eastern europe, india, some parts of africa
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There are plenty
Statistically most self-identifying leftists do not appeal to identity politics. The vast majority simply don't get involved.
so not in north america?
also, what do you think caused leftism to become so wimpy?
>so not in north america?
Have there been any in North America at all to begin with?
>identity politics.
by this do you mean things like feminism and the 'check your privilege' stuff?
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>>15951530 (OP)
You can't say that leftists were ALWAYS wimps.
i don't think north america ever had native leftists groups. seems like they were all imports like the wobblies.
>You can't say that leftists were ALWAYS wimps.
i didn't
Yes. The vast majority of 'leftists' permit such ideas to exist in a free society yet don't advocate or support it themselves. Many of them don't even agree with femnazi's 90% of the time, they just don't go about calling for bannhammers upon LGBTs.
>The vast majority of 'leftists'
then where are they and why aren't they as vocal?
>early 1960s Canadian NDP founded by disenfranchised farmers and workers in Canada's prairie provinces
>not home-grown socialism spearheaded by white working males
Fun random fact, that picture with the Russian soldier and the flag over Berlin was edited from the original. In the original picture showed a bunch of watches on his wrist from looting; they blotted out all but one and released that version.
>>15951530 (OP)
>Means of production back into the hands of the working man
>Taking things that don't belong to them by force because muh right to live without working
>Not pussies
>>15951530 (OP)
Not in north america. Giving why? simple that this guys live in a materialistic and decaying society. Where feeling are more important than actually doing something. That why we'll see this type of effeminate and shameful display of degenerates.
Holding jobs and living their lives.

>if you aren't out being an activist at all times you don't exist
Whats wrong with a soldier looting as much as he can, and raping as much as he can when in a conquered nation?
>You're a fag or something?
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Yup. Identity politics has allowed capitalism to defeat socialism better than any fascism by corrupting it beyond recognition.

Now modern "socialists" are all about encouraging immigration to lower labour costs and having taxpayers pay for gay couples to rent third-world women's wombs to bear their babies.
Way off...everything in the world was produced by human labour, in one way or another. The labour of the workers, not the owners, hence they do have a moral right to it, a right that capitalist degenerates stole from them.
That's fucking stupid. Clearly it's produced by human labor, but human labor is cheap and abundant. By working, you agree to trade your labor for a wage, not for a piece of the final product. If everything was produced by human labor and human labor alone, you'd be able to pump cars out of your garage to sell because all it takes is human labor, but you can't. You need a capitalist with the factory, the raw materials, etc. to make the car, which is why he is entitled to the final product after paying the price for which you traded your labor you fucking retarded communist.
>Means of production back into the hands of the working man
>Taking things that don't belong to them by force because muh right to live without working
pick one
i'm lazy because i want to own what i work for?
how is giving people the means of production so they can work laziness?
btw i'm not a communist or a leftist but i think they have a point, the common man can only earn a decent living if he owns what he works for and that requires giving the worker control over their lives and their work.
You aren't working for anything. You're trading your labor to someone who owns something so they can have the finished product. If you want to own the means of production, go out and get it, then buy someones labor so they can make it into something nice for you. You're not "working for" anything, you're trading your labor to someone who owns something.
Holy crap this jew is raging here.
>You need a capitalist with the factory, the raw materials, etc. to make the car, which is why he is entitled to the final product after paying the price for which you traded your labor you fucking retarded communist.
The capitalist may be entitled to some amount of labour - e.g. say, 10% of your labour. But when a man gets paid say... $10/h to make and sell pop-corn at a movie cinema sells $200 worth of popcorn an hour, the jews get 20 times of the mans wage, and I got a serious problem with that.
So how is that not slavery?
Then go fucking get some popcorn and sell it yourself. When you're selling the Jew's popcorn, the Jew only has to pay you whatever the both of you agree on. It's HIS fucking popcorn, not yours. The capitalist isn't "entitled" to anything, he receives the exact amount that he and the worker agree on. He's only buying your labor, why should he have to buy back some of the popcorn that's ALREADY HIS FUCKING POPCORN?
Because you can say "no" and not have to do it. It would only be slavery if you couldn't say no.
i think you're missing the point. ownership itself isn't the problem. the problem is that so many own so less. wouldn't you agree that more people should own what they work?
once again the randroids ruin another thread
The few that exist get drowned out by Jew-owned cultural marxists.
>>15951530 (OP)

>inb4 National-Socialism isn't leftist

You can count it as either, economically lots of leftism, social right-wing.
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>pic related
Firstly, I hope that English is not your first language.

Your qualm very clearly lies with ownership. The fact that so many own so little doesn't entitle people to just be handed things. They have the same opportunity as others to become the capitalist. They can save, invest, get loans, etc, but far too many people are hedonistic, don't use their money wisely, and then they complain that they don't own the nice things that the person who handled their money wisely does. They instead decide to trade their labor to the capitalist.
The modern left is pacifist and toothless.
Which is fine by me, when they weren't, tens of millions of people died.

Now if we could just get the modern right to adopt the same hippy-dippy bullcrap, or some variation of that, we'd all be better off.

Unfortunately the phony toughguy crap is probably too close to the core of modern rightwing psychology for it to work. Impotent fat guys cling to that shit like it was gold.
You're trying to mask a problem in this system - notably, that its a system of few master and many slaves. And according to you, its supposedly ok because they "agreed" to it. Well guess what, how much choice do they slaves have but not to agree to be slaves? They got rent to pay (cause the jews drove up the property prices), and need food to eat. Now, IF we lived in some Shangri-La where there would be free accomondation and food for everyone, then I could agree with you that the ex-slaves can agree for a fair wage with the capitalist, cause theyre not under pressure anymore.
I think youre probably not even a jew, at least on the outside. Youre a "normal" white "virtual jew", which is even worse because that allows you to infiltrate anywhere and everywhere.
it's hard to say no when most people don't own anything. but i guess starvation and poverty are viable alternatives, right? work or starve is still a free choice, right?
I consider myself a New Deal Democrat.

combines economic statism with a manly self-confidence and respect for traditional American cultures

Sadly, my kind are not represented very much in the modern Democrat party, which is led from the coasts.
The NAZI's purged their own left wing in 1934.
I hope you're not talking about me:


Because if you are, it's funny that yo just bitch and moan instead of, you know, arguing against one of my claims. But it doesn't surprise me that the only things communists are good at is bitching and moaning.
Well combining your posts, the working men should be paid $200 - price of all the popcorn - $200*0.1 (capitalist share). This isnt what happens though.
you mean we don't go running around starting wars to make Daddy proud?
Of course, Röhm and the SA were going to want more and more power. It wasn't because of their ideologies or because he was gay. It was purely practical. Nevertheless, national-socialism retained plenty of leftist characteristics.

Are you implying that just being alive is essentially slavery because we can't refuse to eat?
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>nazis instead of national-socialists

Kike pls go.
Supposedly, according to tests, I'm a Democratic/Liberal socialist. I've toyed with many political ideas for ages but the one thing that sticks in the back of my mind is "No matter what the ideal, some asshole is going to come along and shit it up for everyone." So that basically we're picking out who gets fucked over, and not what the goal is. And that makes me not want to be involved. Still amusing as fuck to watch people argue it out though.
>The fact that so many own so little doesn't entitle people to just be handed things.
you're missing the point again. no one in this thread is arguing for entitlement or stealing. ownership=/=theft
you still have yet to explain why it's so evil for the average person to own something.
I am implying that arrangements into which working men and women are forced into are not all that voluntary. You're free to starve or sleep on the street of course, you still got all the rights of citizenship, but when you take a job you become a slave due to the pressing circumstances and exploitive nature of the contract.
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>any year ever
>being a leftist

Why don't we respect both the working class and the upper class instead of pitting one against the other? That way, we can focus our attention on fighting the real problems here: Capitalism and Marxism.
What? The working man should be paid whatever he and the employer agree on. He shouldn't be entitled to any of the popcorn sold. The employer (the man who owns the popcorn) is only buying the labor (the act of selling the popcorn), not allowing the worker to take some of the popcorn (and by extension the profits from selling the popcorn) for himself.
that is the natural progression of Leftism

By declaring himself equal to all of mankind, a leftist is abandoning his masculine competitiveness, struggle for superiority and alphaness, and turning his psyche into the one of a woman, which he considers his equal

"Asian Leftism" is little more than actual national socialism practiced by China, it has nothing to do with the basic idea of Leftism that came out of 1789: All humans are equals
>>15951530 (OP)
You have my Mosin-Nagant, OP
no, i'm arguing against your belief that poor people can become rich by saying no to their employer.
but Hitler was a horribly incompetent bully who almost destroyed a great nation

FDR banhammer'd him and then led the civilized world to unbelievable prosperity

why would you worship Hitler and not FDR?

Is it the nice uniforms?
>Why don't we respect both the working class and the upper class instead of pitting one against the other?

Said the industrialists financing the Nazis...
after a century in which "masculine competitiveness, struggle for superiority and alphaness" almost led to human civilization being destroyed, don't you think anyone with a brain would be skeptical of those concepts?
He's too busy being hopped up on testosterone to answer that.
>The employer (the man who owns the popcorn) is only buying the labor (the act of selling the popcorn)
You're absolutely right, the employer is buying the labor which is the act of preparing and selling the popcorn. Now without the labor to prepare and sell the popcorn, would you agree that its value would not be $200? Meaning, the employee's labour ADDED to the value of the popcorn, and from that labour a fair share should be paid to them and not a fixed wage they agreed on?
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FDR was a crypto-marxist and a loyal cocksucker of the Jew.

FDR and Churchill wanted the war with Germany and both deserved the rope.

Hitler actually had really great ideas, but it threatened the Capitalist and Communist powers (both Jews.) A few strings pulled and there is your WW2.
I never made that claim.

There's no such thing as an "exploitive (sic) nature" of a contract. In fact, that goes against the very nature of a contract. Two people agreeing on something. Unless you're being intentionally misleading to someone, how would it be exploiting you if (going back to the popcorn example) I paid you $20 to sell popcorn for an hour. I have a whole bucket of popcorn, and you manage to sell the whole thing. If you sold all the popcorn for $1000, it's not exploiting you, because I paid you to stand on a corner and take MY popcorn from a bucket, and trade it to other people for money. If you want to own some popcorn, go out and buy/grow/engineer/magic some popcorn, and sell it yourself.
I mean you don't have the balls to properly deal with the fascists, and they're going to beat you.

I expect to see Europe go fascist again within a decade, and I am not among those who sees this as a good thing.

But you idiots are going to try to fight bullets with slogans, and you're fucked.
>almost led to human civilization being destroyed
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Muh revisionist history
>Muh undeserved victim status
>They started it, not because I invaded countries I had no rightful claim over or anything, damn juden!
All those manly nazi germans rotting in the fields of ukraine and russia are so thankful for being allowed to manly walk into the meatgrinder, no doubt.
Europe has been controlled by fascism since the end of world war II, along with most of the rest of the world; except that fascism is international in nature and run by the Jews.
>hitler had great ideas
>hitler had ideas

literally everything hitler said or did had been done before and done better and done by someone who wasn't curbstomped by a communist georgian suffering from paranoia
>>15951530 (OP)
billy talent - red flag
I think you can still see the second watch on this one. It's just small.
I see what you're saying, but I disagree. The labor added to the popcorn could have been added by the capitalist himself. It's not skilled work, anybody is capable of such work. Labor is not this insanely valuable rarity.
you know the two world wars that left almost 100 million dead, the dick-waving of the Cold War combined with thermonuclear warfare?
>If you want to own some popcorn, go out and buy/grow/engineer/magic some popcorn, and sell it yourself.
this is what hard leftism supports, common ownership of the means of production. i can make more money selling popcorn from my own machine, right? you seem to be confused.
why is it virtuous for a wealthy person to own the means of production?
why is it evil for a common person to own the means of production?
You think that had something to do with a contest of masculinity?

You went to an American public school, didn't you?
trust me, if any legit fascists sprung up, the people would defeat them again, because people are inherently against fascism.
WWI was the inevitable result of 1500 years of Romano-German cultural integration.
WWII was the result of WWI and populist ideologies.
The Cold War was the result of populist ideologies.
Hitler was a joke.
They don't seem to be doing that right now, and yet fascists who call themselves Zionists are everywhere.
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Communist reporting in. Fuck the social democrats and liberal leftist. Raw communism is the way to go.

National communism preferably
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He was "curbstomped" by a communist georgian suffering from paranoia that was heavily supplied by two major western powers that were loaded with wealth to feed the marxist war machine.

The soviets had absolutely no chance at all to have fought Germany on its own, but thanks to FDR they had a nice handicap to make up for their own industrial inferiority.

Germany could have taken on any of the world powers alone with US likely being the most challenging, so FDR sneakily permitted the Japanese to attack them so they have a casus belli to enter the war in Europe.
How didn't it? And yes, I did proudly go to American public school.

Take the eastern war - basically a giant dick-waving contest between Hitler and Stalin.
Unions were crushed and real communists/socialists were repressed since the movement began to take off in the late 19th and early 20th century. Socialism in North America was nipped at the bud.
where? I haven't seen them.

WWI was the inevitable result of French butthurt and British Imperial interests.
WWII is correct
The Cold War was a result of two superpowers making backroom deals to carve the world into spheres of interest and create conflict so both military industries could thrive and test their systems.
Nazis got stomped by USSR, this is obvious.
Does the name Barack Obama ring any bells?
Communism is against almost everything leftism stands for.

That's why in Communist countries leftists are repressed.
Obama is a Zionist?

you're all confused nigga
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>Germany annexing GERMAN-speaking territories + land needed for agriculture and industry
>not justified

JIDF pls go
leftism has been subverted by jews who have redefined it into global collectivism based on 'social jewstice' and 'political correctness' and of course tikkun olam which is jew for repairing the world aka globalization. marxist ideals and a single global class but only for the goyim. the jews get their own class and it's up at the top. they call it 'inheritance' or the light upon nations. jews are genetically pre-disposed to ruling the world no matter what it takes and they decided to use leftism as a means to an end. it is the nature of the jew to destroy, however. so they've destroy leftism and are destroying the world they want to rule.

Communism IS leftist, it just isn't liberal.

>muh forced equality
Why did they invade Russia then?
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No, one was a watch the other was a wrist compass.

Clearly you have no clue what you're talking about.
>the Brits are allowed to annex America
>the Mexicans are allowed to annex the South-West
>Saudi Arabia is allowed to annex London

Your logic is shit.
> implying that World War 1 wasnt brought by the jews to get the Balfour Declaration
> implying that Nazi Germany and the rest of fascist governments in Eastern Europe wasnt a paranoid reaction to the genocidical Communist Soviet
Yes, retard. How the fuck could you possibly think otherwise?
All of these occurences are prevented or not prevented by strength of arms, not lines on a fucking map, stupid cocksucker.
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>1.) Soviets were a grave threat to all of the West, not just Germany. The Soviets were going to break the non-aggression pact with Germany, but Hitler beat them to it so he could end the threat once and for all before they had a chance to invade them
>2.) ... + land needed for agriculture and industry
>3.) They were people of dirtied blood who inhabited land that could've been put to much better use

If those are not good reasons, then I don't know what are.

It must hurt that they are manlier than what you will ever be, faggot
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>implying the latter two aren't already happening
>>15951530 (OP)
White Nationalist here
i sympathize with the left for two reasons
1. it's the only ideology that gives working people the rights to their work.
2. any system that allows common people ownership of the means of production is the foundation for culture because it gives us more leisure time to tend to our communities.
libertarianism and capitalism destroy wealth and community. here's a few examples;
san francisco in the 70's - the black community were finally able to achieve a comfortable middle class status until the rich moved in. wealthy children moved to the area in the 70s to play at being hippy and drove up property values in the process. the black community fought back in an attempt to take back their neighborhoods and reclaim their lives. they lost of course because the rich hippies drove up property values which drove out the blacks. i hope those rich hippies enjoyed their weed.
colorado in the 80s and 90s - yuppies move into aspen to build their vacation homes. meanwhile the people who built that community are driven out due to increased property value. now they have to commute 2 hours or more to work in the places they built. i hope those yuppies enjoy their ski resorts.
ancaps and libertarians are the yuppies of today. they are currently moving into areas in north carolina and new hampshire so they can play at being anarchist. it's like mary antoinette playing at being farm girl just to spite the working class. they make me sick.
Is that a David star? I though Soviet was antisemitic.

Not really

Trotsky = Jew
Lenin = 1/4 Jew
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>I though Soviet was antisemitic.
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>I though Soviet was antisemitic
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lol, the bolshevik revolution was planned and orchestrated mainly by jews
It's not. For some reason you leftists think when anyone does it, it's fucking slavery.

See >>15952567
I never said they could become rich. I just said that it isn't slavery.

They can become rich by saying "yes" to their employer, and instead of spending whatever money they have left over on those fresh new Jordans or that weed/crack/herion, they save some, and each time save more and more until they can afford to invest it.
>when anyone does it, it's fucking slavery.
i don't think you understand what's going on in this thread.
>this is what libertarians actually believe
>This is how life actually works.
Gaiz we needz da communism cuz ppl who be smart wit dere moneyz hav stuf and i dont is not faaaaair!!! Dey shud hav to giv dere stuff to meeee!
once again, i don't think you understand this thread.
Once again, I don't think you understand the world.
>>15951530 (OP)

Leftist's in China are more a thing then foreigners give them credit. They believe in communism, and actively want to spread it. They are just being held back by the moderates until they are strong enough.
>>15951530 (OP)
What you see as leftism is no leftism; this decadent scum is the direct product of capitalism. Castrated wimps that think they are "left", but they are not. They perverted all the clean and straight communism or even don't know what communism means. But there are some comrades left.
I'm actually of mostly German ancestry.
So suck it stormpuss.
>>15951530 (OP)
>are there any leftists in today's world that aren't pussies? by that i mean leftists who still care about getting the means of production back into the hands of the working man rather than crying about privilege. or has leftism completely become a weird cultural thing?
I want to reassure you OP. Communism is not dead.
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That's pretty fucking naive.
And historically clearly wrong.
Fascism didn't die from internal resistance, it was crushed from outside by ruthlessly applied military force.

But I guess at least when you're watching your family die in a concentration camp, you can pat yourself on the back that you didn't resort to any icky uncivilized violence to stop them.
Good luck doing, well anything after you kill and take from the only people who both knew how and had the means to do anything in the first place.

After those resources dry up, you guys will be stuck living in poverty and starvation. That is, if we don't kill you first.
Remember last time. You know that fascism failure always made communism stronger. Do you want us to own the world that time?

fuck off with your logic you nazi scum!

You are free to band together with your comrades and buy your own means of production and set up your own thing.
Can we use the glorious AK to take the means of production by force? Because we will.
Fuck statism too. I just want the govt to stay the fuck out of everybody's life.

Yeah and all the Jews and Trotzky were wiped out by Stalin.

Stalin was the greatest Antisemite ever to walk the Earth.

That's why the Jews supported Hitler in the hope that Hitler destroys the SU.
So if I come into your house with gun and rape your wife and daughters the government won't intervene? I like that idea.
>We aren't smart enough to do anything ourselves.
>Kill an innocent person and take what they do.

Like I said >>15957041
After those resources dry up, good luck doing anything. You'll be back at square 1 without anyone to kill and without anything to take. You'll be fucked.
>Stalin was the greatest Antisemite ever to walk the Earth.
They already don't have to.

I'd shoot you before you got near my daughters, and my wife and daughters would hopefully know how to shoot and effectively defend themselves as well. You'd be fucked.
>>15951530 (OP)
India in the form of the Naxalites. They own the the most profitable part of India.

The Philipines. I know nothing about them, just that they're maoist and straight cold blooded niggas.

But it's true.

Hitler was financed by Rothschild because the Jews were mad at Stalin that he ruined their commie plans.

>inb4 Stalin was a commie

No he was fucking not. He was the founder of an empire and against globalisation. That's what "socialism in one country" is. He turned an agrarian nation into a space and nuclear superpower.

Hitler was shit.
Explain who produce the AK? If socialism is unable to produce. Maybe it's the Americans but those dirty lying commies change history.
>Hitler was financed by Rothschild because the Jews were mad at Stalin that he ruined their commie plans.
lel x2
Were you asleep in class?
>this is what retards actually believe
>I'd shoot you before you got near my daughters, and my wife and daughters would hopefully know how to shoot and effectively defend themselves as well. You'd be fucked.
And if I come with a little army?

Prove me wrong fucker.
Marxism in the West was always the intellectual fetish of the petty bourgeois.
That's why we could describe it as a merely intellectual exercise, but never really as something that knew activism like we see elsewhere.
prove me right before
I won't lost time with antisemitic propaganda
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MLM revolutionary groups in America when?

I miss the Panthers, Weather, Young Lords, Brown Berets, etc.
Well, how would a government be able to stop you from doing this? The police wouldn't get there for 10 minutes. You'd be able to kill me and take my wife and daughters somewhere else for sexy time long before that happened.

Also, the government "staying out of people's lives" doesn't necessarily require the abolition of government. Personally, I'm for things like the courts. Hell, I even see the need for the police, (I don't see why it can't be done privately though.)
>I won't lost time with
>>15951530 (OP)

>Welcome to India. We're not taking your shit anymore.
1 point for you
>Combining price-fixing with labor certficate system
>No-interest government loans to couples; 205 marks could be reduced per child you had
>Public works programs
>Pension/retirement programs for the elderly

No question about it; they took all of the Left's best things (and all of the Right's best things as well).


Among members of the Central Executive Committee of the Congress of Soviets in 1929, there were 402 ethnic Russians, 95 Ukrainians, 55 Jews, 26 Latvians, 13 Poles, and 12 Germans –

Jewish representation had declined from 60 members in 1927.

With regards to Jewish representation in the ruling Politburo, it waned very rapidly starting in 1918. It began with the assassination of Moisei Uritsky, the most radical member of the Politburo, in August 1918. Then Yakov Sverdlov died of disease in March 1919 and Sokolnikov was shunted aside. Three years later in 1922, Jewish members in the Central Committee, the Politburo's new name, had shrunk to a minority of three : Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev . Eventually they were all physically eliminated by Joseph Stalin : Zinoviev and Kamenev in 1936 and Trotsky in 1940.

In the 1920s, of the 417 members of the Central Executive Committee, the party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the People's Commissars, 6% were ethnic Jews.[16]

Between 1936 and 1940, during the Great Purge, Yezhovshchina and after the rapprochement with Nazi Germany, Stalin had largely eliminated Jews from senior party, government, diplomatic, security and military positions.

TL;DR: Stalin backstabbed the Jews and saved Russia from Judaism. To say that the SU was controlled by Jews is bullshit.
Now yu're not talking about Rothschild. What happen? Did you use your brain? How impressive.

Maybe it's this faux antisemitism that destroyed communism, because it sure did fuck up this thread.

This. There is no longer any left or right. There is only the amoral, manipulative 'neutral'.

Both the far right and (real) far left need to settle their differences to combat this destructive neutralist influence.
my fascist
The problem with modern communists is that theyre cosmopolitan communist as they want multi-culturalism. Back then they were nationalist communist hence "For the Motherland!" and all the other sayings. Even now in Cuba the communist are very nationalistic. I have no Idea why western communism has turned multi-culti

>inb4 jews
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>what do you think caused leftism to become so wimpy?

Read those books:




So? You could be a German Jew.
of course some bankers found Hitler
but that's a reason, and there are many others, why we define fascism as
>Fascism is “the open terroristic dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, and most imperialist elements of finance capital.” Dimitrov
But i won't agree on any bullshit about fascism.
If you think the reason why the lower classes are poor is that they spend their money on brand name shoes and drugs, you're the one who doesn't understand the world. If you ever lived on your own (assuming you didn't come from a wealthy background), you would understand the scope of the expenses of living: rent, utilities, food, the internet connection which you use to bash socialists over long distances. All these things cost money and lots of it.

I've never seen such a huge pile of upside-down bullshit in my life.
You must be new here.
It's like you've never been out of your house, or at least opened your eyes in public.

I worked at a grocery store in high school and now I work there during the summers. I'd be lying if I told you that poor people (mostly blacks) don't come in all the time with their EBT cards and WIC (essentially food stamps for those of you who don't know) while talking on their brand new iPhones and driving home in their Cadillacs yelling at their kids with the fresh new Jordans.
capitalism decay

Communists =/= Liberals

Communists are for, standing up for the minorities. Whether they be ethnic, religious, sexual orientation, whatever. But overall the name of the same is supremacy of the Proletariat over the Bourgeois. Its seeks to prevent the Bourgeois from using their immense wealth to talk over opposing view points. And to take the surplus or Capital the Bourgeois make, and to put it in the hands of the person who did the labor that made the good/did the service that generated the profit.

A communist has no problem with a factory worker making 35$ an hour. A communist has a problem with people who do largely unproductive work, manipulating numbers hording large profits for disproportionally for themselves.

The issue in the Western World is, kids from a wealthy family attending a four year college are not the Proletariat. Communist revolution will not come from them, these people are Petty-Bourgeois. Who live overly extravagant lives at the expense of the 3rd World, which their nations corporations exploit in order to inflate the standard of living at home.

So to put it simply, you are getting a bunch of wimpy ass kids as "leftists" because they live in a nice country, at is in the dominate position. They're not going to do anything, expect make Facebook posts about Kony and other stupid shit. Because they are comfortable, once they grow out of that phase they will go be hardline conservatives like the baby boomers did. And nothing expect an outside force is can change that.

Neutralist influence on the left: turn them into a bunch of edgy faggots who will support anything that is, by conservative estimation, detrimental to society.

Neutralist influence on the right: turn them into a bunch of Zionist shabbos goys who will die for the national aspirations Israel while ignoring their own national aspirations.

Both left and right are being undermined out of existence by these neutralist scumbags.
I'm not an American, sorry. Also:

>cites unemployed niggers on food stamps as representatives of the working class

What the fuck is wrong with you anyway? How do niggers with EBT cards have anything to do with blue collar workers?
Easy to explain.
Marx envisioned a worldwide Communist revolution, a unification of all workers of the world, and eventually the tearing down of borders into a worldwide stateless and classless utopia.
Early- to mid-20th century Communists believed - and based on the influence of the USSR, they believed quite correctly - that the worldwide revolution wouldn't be spontaneous in that day and age where global communication is nothing like today. So, the idea of the nation was made into the Communist idea of the vanguard party, to guide and protect the revolution. Unlike Fascism, for example, Communism uses Nationalism as a means moreso than an end in itself.

Modern-day Commies and Cultural Marxists are just fucking stupid and - following the progression of all Marxist thought - are now completely detached from reality
And as someone who buys from your store, I am telling you that the Cadillac bit is too much. Jordans yes, but not cadillacs.
They are vocal, in fact they may have the loudest voice of all. Because they are so ever-present, you don't even realize it's a thing.

Look at the messages almost every hollywood movie and tv show puts forward. Stuff about doing the right thing, live and let live, equality in the sexes. There's your normal leftist voice.
>says lower class
>gets proven wrong
>changes words to "working class"
>dem goalposts
We, people of color, are the of the lowest social and economic class. We have suffered because of political policy, economic lel and historical disinvestment.
>>15951530 (OP)
>not pussys who worship a kike philosophy.

Leftism is the problem those world has. If they were all eradicated like the roaches they truly are, we'd have a much safer, prosperous, and happier world.
You mean left of right? Yeah, liberals. What about them?
You're a retard. Leeches aren't a class; what you're trying to do, from what I understand, is blur the line between the working class and the noncontributing elements of society. You are scum.
That's the "leftist that aren't pussies". The image many young people idealize today.
>eventually the tearing down of borders into a worldwide stateless and classless utopia

IDEALLY yes. But Marx was not an idealist, and was well aware that would never happen because without a state the Bourgeois would regain control. Only anarchists thing that would work.
Blame the 2 party system, apologetic white people who watched and read too many "happy ending stories" and of course the obligatory Capitalism.
>and was well aware that would never happen
What am I reading. Marx spent his life about something he thought was impossible. Are you stupid?
communism/marxism appeals to the inferior and convinces them they are an 'oppressed' group and need to rise up (and usually kill) their oppressors. liberalism is a branch of that as it takes minority groups and bumps them up with free shit or preferential hiring practices to 'fix' this supposed oppression. modern leftism is just a new flavor of communism but it is based on the same egalitarian principles that many marxists in the past also believed
>implying I had an issue with Hollywood's morals in the first place.

By and large I agree with a lot of the stuff that goes on in mainstream cinema, especially the stories that are outside of the blockbusters. The only ones I feel strongly against are the comedies which enforce the notion that all men are bumbling idiots and women are humorless harpies.
I know I might sound a little ableist in saying this but I couldn't help but overhear the nonsense you were spouting from atop that tall ivory tower of yours, kiddo.

If you can't even be bothered to at least read the manifesto. Don't bother speaking.
Marxist-Leninsts still exist (even if their numbers are few), and they definitely aren't pussies.

If you aren't educated enough to form a sentence, don't bother speaking.

Typical jew-speak communist apologist nonsense

In the US, political liberals are very much communist. Many politicians have connections to communist activities.

Communism killed enough people in the 20th century. You jews can argue all you want about how it was never executed in theory and the theory is good, you're wrong. The theory is designed to bring about a borderless world led by tyrannical jews behind the curtain.

It's funny how many of these Marxists are the ones doing the unproductive work and disproportionately being rewarded for it.

There is no revolution incoming. You've been foaming at the mouth at the prospect for decades. What you will see though is a rise in fascism and extremism to combat the MINORITIY political left pretending they are representative of the majority.

This will not be a revolution, but a defensive response. You jews can try to shake up the third world hive to attack the "privileged" and "wimpy" white Aryan middle class being extorted to finance a revolution that will never happen.

I can agree to disagree with an idea, but your type is incapable of entertaining other opinions.

A truly open free market without currency speculation and interest and other scams corrupting it is the closest to a merit-based society. You can paid based on what the society considered to be worthy of merit. Not this lowest common denominator stuff that only empowers psychopaths and genetically defective 'thinkers' who are incapable of contributing to society.

The real problem is that liberalism and communism ignore the laws of nature. Sociological factors are not THE reason why the third world is starving. It's not my problem either. I have my own problems and maybe they are trivial in comparison but that doesn't solve my problems. I'm a generous person and if I can help others I will, but don't force me.

You can't kill an idea, but you can exterminate an idea's advocates (psychos, Marxists, and jews)
Oi vey, get off of your high horse, Bourgeoisie scum!
>jews jews jews jews jews

Why would anyone ever speak to you? I guess somebody has to bang their head against the wall for the good of the rest of us, but it's not going to be me today.
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And Obama is a muslim bisexual communist right?
lol this thread is still alive
che guevara was a fascist, he helped to installed apartheid government on nigger dominant cuba
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YOu can't afford those AK's and are unwilling to band together and make a productive business that would allow you to purchase them.
>Implying I would take advice on who is and who isn't a Fascist from someone on /pol/ who calls dark skinned people Niggers.

Yeah, at least we don't have statism in communism. It's the actual people who interfere in peoples lives.

Hail the people's council.
>but Hitler was a horribly incompetent bully who almost destroyed a great nation

It's pretty well agreed upon by historians that if Hitler had died in 1939 he would have gone down in history as Germany's greatest leader since Arminius. He not only got Germany out of a depression much worse than what the Americans faced, he also gave Germans hope for the future and a reason to get out of bed in the morning and be productive.

It was a war against the Soviet Union and the United States that destroyed Germany not Hitler's domestic policy.

Muh private security firm would use non-lethal sonic weaponry to make you spill your bowels.
lol are you the same lolbertarian that's been posting in this thread for the past 4 hours?
Do your friends know you own a gun you baby murdering white supremacist redneck bigot inbred goat fucker?
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Best I can do. Someone with artistic skill should take the idea and run with it.
Shut up, jew!

>In the US, political liberals are very much communist. Many politicians have connections to communist activities.

lol no. I believe we've reached an impasse, both sides of the fence have been taken. No middle ground is left to fight over. Your prospective does indeed work, for you. But not for everyone, especially not outside the Western World.

Your positions are, a white homeland, upholding whatever your view of morality is, and a continuation of the existing power structure, economic policies of the world. There is nothing to debate, your position is simply fuck everyone else.

Which leads to the point of a state being required, so that when countries have a communist uprising. The bourgeois are stifled and silenced. You can argue that's against the values of free speech. But at the same time would you allow discriminatory speech against you? Obviously not because you get puffed up over Communism. Or minorities in your country because it is chipping away at your position.
>Why did they invade Russia then?

Because the Soviet Union was about to attack Germany. The German army had excellent equipment and training but also a much smaller population. If Germany could knock Russia out quickly early on then it could win a war with Russia. Waiting for the Russians to attack on their own terms would give the Russians enough time to prepare that the war would be impossible.
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But he didn't die so:

>but Hitler was a horribly incompetent bully who almost destroyed a great nation

is still true.
Ya know, people thought commies looked like faggots back in the day too.
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>>15951530 (OP)
Thats right, leftists. Keep fighting that privilege and patriarchy. They're incredibly important issues. Social Justice and identity issues trump all others.

Don't arm yourselves, don't be aggressive, be peaceful and passive. Its the moral high road.

So how did Occupy work out for you?

Man that is a sad truth.

At least you could respect the old Communists.
You don't even know what that word means, do you?
why is someone "from" the black bloc even on that photo?


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