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Get your glorious red pilled asses in here.

I didn't see a zimmerman thread anywhere so I figured it would be appropriate to make one.

Stream: http://www.wesh.com/news/central-florida/trayvon-martin-extended-coverage/watch-george-zimmerman-trial-live?utm_source=hootsuite&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=wesh%2B2%2Bnews

For the people posting in the thread, i've got one suggestion. If you're going to be talking about the juror, find out their juror name and include it in your post so people know exactly which juror your talking about. (it's some letter followed by a number, usually you can find it in the live tweet section of the stream)


Choo choo bitch
Is it still Jury selection this week?
Yea. I'm looking forward to how white and hispanic the jury will be.

>implying the defense will let a single black on the jury, even if they say they're members of la raza
Fuck, recess until 1pm.
Yeah, but i'm hoping it will be over before the end of the week so the actual trial can start!
>it was murder cause ummmm...
>oh yea, motive... HE RAYCIS
>... premeditation huh.... he was armed that means premeditation!

Only way they convict is if the hack prosecutor channels johnny cochran
I think they improved the comment section on the stream. At first I didn't like it, but I do now.
Lel, no premeditation at all!
It's straight up laughable that he's getting charged with Murder 2.
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I'm ready for a chimp
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but he chased down and butchered obama's son
then we can say bie bie to SYG laws
I thought LA riots were cat 5
Except that's wrong. He withdrew his defense under said laws.
more pictures like this
>>15676784 (OP)
This looks like skittles bukkake.
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I take it we are out to lunch since all I'm getting is the fl state seal on the feed.
>msnbc subsidiary
I'm surprised they're not dubbing the word nigger-hater anytime George is mentioned
>that infographic again
hurrr durr lets just flip the bias around! That's a good idea!
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Are they on recess? The stream is stuck on the emblem
but it's not bias to acknowledge the facts of Martin's behavior and character, which is why the prosecution agreed not to bring up Zimmerman's character.

If they do, the defense can point out that baby tray tray was a gang banger wannabe.

But it's true
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Trial is going to be back in session soon
It's back on!

Hop on the comment section of the stream.
Jesus H Bin Laden the Third how long until this shit ends! I wanna see the damn chimp out already!
Current Juror is being called H27
Looking at Live tweets
Latest tweet

"Juror H27 is WM in polo shirt short hair and Duck Dynasty-esque beard"
Why don't they show the juror?
Well, this guy is disqualified.

Donated 20 to the defense fund.
lol throw this guy out already, just wasting time asking more questions.
I like this guy.

But I agree, move on.
i think they should let him be on the team.
Jury Selection is a awful process you have to find the right type of idiot who couldn't form an negative/positive opinion if they were shot themselves.

haa no they can't.
If /pol/ was on the jury he would found innocent in 20 mins.

haha, now they're actually arguing
no but seriously, if he contributed money to the defense then it won't look good on the defense if they pick him.

you always need a wildcard

no but seriously, why are they still asking him questions?
the prosecution attorney seems upset today
I have no idea. I guess they want to make him look more biased.
Why isn't he the king of /pol/ yet?

>the media sensationalized the event that occurred
>has a favourable opinion of Zimmerman
>based as fuck

I'm just waiting for him to start ranting about the NWO
I think most older white guys have the same mentality at this moment in time.

Its mostly youngfags, womyn, and minorities that believe the media lies.
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This man is fucking based
Britbong here wondering why the jurors get asked a million questions on live tv. Wtf america?
I'm not sure but I think most trials are open to the public, but certain trials are so popular that there simply would not be enough room in the courthouse for the all the members of the public that want to attend, so it is streamed to TV & internet viewers

But murder 2 is just "ordinary" murder.

Either you believe his self defense claim, in which case it's justifiable homicide, or you don't, in which case it's murder.

What else would they charge him with?
lel Mrs. Trayboon seems upset
Why are they wasting time still asking this guy the same questions?
>>15676784 (OP)
prosecution knows this guy will side with zimmerman so hes trying his hardest to make him say something that will disqualify him from being a juror

it's like a game show!
>Correct answer
You're in!
>Wrong answer

>Oh lody dez racis cracks aint gon convict that spic
Killing an unarmed teen is acceptable in this board?
Wow, fucking pathetcc.
Not as pathetic as your spelling.
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>shit talking Obama
Man I hope Don West hurrys the fuck up with this juror.
>>15676784 (OP)
>Woman judge

Welp it's up in the air.
All jurors should be Jewish. They are the only honest people left in this world, why does the judge not realize and do this?
Wow his lawyer sucks.
Probably paid for by Shillbergstien & Company
which lawyer
Wait this is Jury selection?
In that case the lawyer is good.

The bald guy talking right now.
Is this trial or jury selection?
The text on the site is a bit confusing.

jury selection
who is the chubby?
When the fuck does the actual trial start?
probably you.. fatsack
He has gained weight in jail.
there were two bald guys, but if you're referring to the one without a mustache, I think Don West is actually doing a good job.

wasn't he out on bail?
He wasn't in jail though.
Why is making fun of ebonics considered an act of racism... But making fun of canadians(ie.. aboot) is just good light-hearted fun??
The people carrying out this trial are being paid by the hour. Don't expect anything to happen before time. timngdow Harleian
Same thing
Its called a double standard. are you new to /pol/?
Time for the next juror.

They will be referred to as H-29
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Jury duty fucking blows but it seems everyone either wants to throw the spic in prison or cause a chimpout. Oh well, go go Z-man!

Canadians are a historically non-oppressed people, and their accent is merely slightly different than American accents.

On the other hand African Americans are and have been a highly oppressed group that have suffered countless acts of cruelty at the hands of numerous groups. In addition "ebonics" is more correctly known as African American Vernacular English. It's a complicated and well researched system of distinctive syntax, tenses, vocabulary, and patterns.

Making fun of it is a bit more than simply saying "aboot". You are more or less belittling the struggle of Africans throughout American history. The very struggle that produced AAVE
Everyone hates the media XD, the media literally has freed Zimmerman unintentionally by making everyone distrust them so much.

in case anyone else is curious

except for niggers, womyn, & liberals that believe the media like it was gospel

aka obama voters
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more likely they like his policies, eloquence, and socialist inclinations
Next Juror is known as H-31
Lots of people who watch the local channel news.
Sounds like black womyn...disqualified.
i'm eager to hear what this candidate thinks
Is she seriously claiming ignorance based on not paying attention to the TV news shows that she watches?

>plz into the trash it goes PLZ
>single mothers

heard that one before...
Single mom...yeah shes black.
lel shes talking back to the PROSECUTION
She's not going to be chosen
is she trying to disqualify herself? good. she's totally biased. she'll get hit with an emotional appeal of MAH KEEDS and lynch him.
Black people too poor to be able to afford to not work for a trial...all older white jury confirmed.
does anyone have that pic with the map and where the fight apparently happened? I don't have it and want to save it for my collection
If the NSA or whoever did all that phone tapping, is it possible that they have Trayvon's conversation with his girlfriend?
Any more jurors been outed as part of the Trayboon social justice militia?
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lol this bitch trying to be upfront her black friends frothing hatred of zim and act like she doesn't want it cuz of her kids

totally trying to be a in plain site sleeper

I guess they dismissed the sheboon since defense didnt get to question her
You gotta be trolling.
"It's okay, they talk with improper grammar and are often incoherent but that's whiteys fault. No other group in history has been oppressed as bad as the blacks."

8/10 corner left pocket
requesting this please. I know someone here has to have it!
christ these people are stupid
I'm not sure how you guys are watching this. I wanted to but that discussion of facebook was too much for me.
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>i don't have any friends
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"I guess there was a gun involved because he was shot"

this map
>You are more or less belittling the struggle of Africans throughout American history. The very struggle that produced AAVE
>making fun of eubonics = insulting slaves and civil rights leaders
Do these retards live under a rock? "I know nothing about anything".
>Judeical system?

Yeah, yeah, this guy's got it.
anybody else think it's weird that they're screening facebook activity of the potential jurors
this is why i don't have a facebook
>anon you seem to like bands that have racist members that burn down churches. do you think its cool to be racist and burn down churches?
>then why do you like such bands?
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>Because black metal is my life.
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Thank you, based Dr. Duke
It's amazing that they managed to find the only handfull of people in the country that have never heard anything about any of this.
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Trayvon's girlfriend's statement to the State attorney corroborates George Zimmerman's story.

I have no doubts that he'll be acquitted.

Prepare for the chimp out.
List of 28 retained jurors in the George Zimmerman trial


It's quite obvious that more than a few of them are lying.

There's not a chance that this will be a fair trial. It will be a quest to find the least biased jury.

a lot of them seem biased in trayvon's favor.
i hope it doesn't play out that way.
>> 6/14* G-29 F 30s Black "I try to stay uninvolved," reaction to summons: "Not again"
>> 6/14* G-63 M 20s Mixed-Race "Very mixed-race," talked about "archetypes" like "bro."
what is happening?
how much longer are they screening for jury members?

All of the nigger jurors need to go.

>Case a "volatile issue," police "not proactive" enough

>Tax preparer, no opinion despite "pro-Trayvon" family/friends

>Spoke about violence against African-American males

>Friends split 60-40 for Trayvon, some friends studying law

>Moved to FL from Chicago four months ago, mom of 7
Who sold africans to europeans as slaves originally though? Who still propagates slavery of their own race?

Ill give you a hint: NIGGER AFRICANS FROM AFRICA. What we continued and bennefited from was a direct result of your ancestors actions, not our own. Now fuck off you dumb nigger, we're discussing a case that could fuck over an innocent man because of muh racism.
makes sense but slightly tinfoiling, 7/10 seems true


You genuinely believe that because a group of people was enslaved by others of their own race, that a group of those people exported to america as slaves didn't suffer terrible fates for generations?


Try to show a little respect; you wouldn't want to emulate the niggers that you so despise.
...that's true you dumb nigger

Slavery was an african practice. Then white people showed up and started buying, and the nogs sold their own brothers without hesitation

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How fucked up is it that even if Zimmerman gets off, he'll never be able to recover his freedom.

Niggers are already stating on social media websites that if he's acquitted, they'll hunt him down and kill him. He's been slandered and defamed by the liberal media. Chances are he'll have to leave the country, or undergo plastic surgery just to live out the rest of his life.
That was their fault for being the Australians of the parts of Africa they were from.
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This guy is probably troll or college Mac fag shit poster, or both.
>we're discussing a case that could fuck over an innocent man because of muh racism

that works both ways
That man is innocent especially is Trayvon was doing the burglaries then Zimmerman had the right to pursue him. I would have probably shot that nigger too. If you saw someone about to break into a friends house, wouldn't you confront the person as well?

where did that happen
Thats the big problem with media and the justice system, those who are innocent usually still can't live normal lives.

Witness protection or seek asylum in another country.
are they on a break?
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Ah yes, it was solely the blacks that started and propoganded the slave trade, and there was no such thing as people kidnapping people right from their villages. Even if that were the case, let us ask who went on to subjugate an entire generation of people on their skin color alone!
Or will you say that they deserved it because they are lesser beings?

You'll never get all the Chaos Emeralds at this rate, buddy
without a doubt. think obama will let them use it? nope. but muh son

and then there's these fuckin idiots

You and your ilk are so single handedly stupid that you're literally killing the white race by making the rest of us embrace multiculturalism

>stupid by pointing out a fact

>literally killing by making rest of us embrace multiculturalism

How the fuck are you forced to embrace something?

oy vey
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by pointing out a fact irrelevant to the point, neckbreather

do you not realize there is a difference between inclination and forced coercion

aint no skools in ur part uh al'bama huh?
so there was no black slave owners in america then proffiting from owning black slaves
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Just got here, what is this asshole talking about jurors being anonymous on about?
Just tuned in.
Who is this whale?
This fucking guy...

The jury should remain anonymous.
premature I guess but what harm would it do to keep the jurors names secret for 6 months?
Is this the trial proper now?
Yes, make the names of the jurors public to the media, so that they can slander them as well, maybe post their addresses too, so that in the event of a chimp out, they can get their homes burnt down first.
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>everyone is too scared to say it but they want to keep them anonymous because niggers are violent individuals and will take it out of jurors if zimmerman is found not guilty
>all of the political correct skirting around what you actually want to say
my sides are on trial for second degree murder.
Wait what did this man do?
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
Besides those people being in the complete minority, it still doesn't change that the majority of blacks were made into slaves, and afterwards disenfranchised people after slavery was abolished, and the system that was supposed to be fair for everyone was created to keep them down.

You may as well be arguing that "hey, some blacks had jobs back then, they had it better than they thought!"

For fuck's sake. /pol/ is so fucking entrenched into stormfront that even when the cards are against the black man in any time period, they find a way to say that "well, they didn't have it so bad!" anyway.

Why not tell me the wonders of Jim Crow, while you're at it? Why do I keep coming back to this fucking board?

Instead of flags, we should just have a checklist of the people we hate, and just leave at that, because that's all it comes down too!
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Is jury interviewing done?
we back to skype conversations?
win a fight with a violent negro youth

>and nothing of value was lost

lose a fight he started and murdered someone

Oh it's one of those cases.

He's going to be found guilty. Remember this evidence and facts vs. "DAT'S RACYS". Guess which one wins?

Also what country interviews people for jury duty? We just pick at random in England.
Jury selection over. Trial has started (i think)
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TMIDF plz go
Trayvon had bloody knuckles and a gunshot wound to the chest.

Zimmerman had a broken nose, and lacerations to the back of his skull.

Trayvon's girlfriend "DeeDee" made a statement to the state attorney, and corroborated George Zimmerman's story.

This case shouldn't even be on trial, he's innocent, this is nothing more than a media fiasco.
Are they talking about voice recognition?

Fucking hell trials are ridiculous.
I fucking hate niggers
>Is jury interviewing done?
Last I heard, they haven't even approved a single juror.
There was some other voice expert a week or two ago who literally laughed at the idea that you could tell who was who with screaming over a phone call.
They're asking them questions to get rid of bias jurors.

Both the prosecution and the defendants lawyers get to say 'no this person doesn't get ot be a juror' to a handful of jurors and this is how to tell if someone is unbias.

Yeah I saw that.

Seemed like a cool guy.
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Truth, this trial is a show and nothing more.
>he's innocent
While I agree with this, Zimmerman sought out Trayvon. Still, Trayvon attacked him, so he had a right to defend himself, even if that meant killing Trayvon.

man2 would have been a lock, going for murder is quite a stretch
>We just pick at random in England.
There is a phenomenon called "trial by media" in America. People strongly believe any conclusion the particular news channels they want end up reporting. Keep in mind these news channels go so far as doctoring audio tapes to support their agenda, so getting unbiased jurors is very important to protecting the criminal justice system.
Following someone is not a crime.
I'm not saying he should be put on trial. I'm just saying he's a fucking idiot who shouldn't have put himself in a position where he would confront Martin.
He has already been convicted in the court of public opinion. He better dissapear for the rest of his life. OJ murders two whities in cold blood he gets put away years later for an unrelated crime. This guy is going to get killed, for lawfully defending himself, by some "avenger".
>Implying I said that.
He was still being a fucking idiot. He was looking for confrontation.
Again, I don't believe he did anything illegal.
Why? He's in the neighborhood watch. Someone actually stands up for their people and their community and /pol/ cries about it. He was even defending them from niggers.
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no. actually the second zimmerman touched trayvon, trayvon was acting in self-defense.
trayvon was a punk for sure, but Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter for pursuing somebody with a gun and being a predicate cause of the confrontation.
Approaching someone is not asking for a confrontation. You have no reason to believe he was looking for one.

Fucking niggers, even looking them in the eye is "confronting" them and a reason for them to jump you.
This is the only black man I'd accept as a juror. He'd probably be fair, and if not he'd at l;east be entertaining in the post-trial interviews.
There is nothing more outrageous, more threatening, more intolerable in today's world that a white person who will defend themselves.


Too true.

>implying that Trayvon didn't throw the first punch, after he confronted Zimmerman for following him.

Trayvon doubled back and sought out Zimmerman. His girlfriend's statement even admits this.
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>the second zimmerman touched trayvon
>implying you have proof GZ started the altercation
What part about TM only having bruised knuckles (and his new hole in his chest) and GZ's face looking like 30 feet of bad road leads you to believe that GZ started this altercation?
Do you have CCTV footage of this that the prosecution doesn't have that we are all unaware of?
>Chaos Emeralds.
Fucking Zeldafags.
>Approaching someone is not asking for a confrontation
Following them is. Most people, regardless of race, don't take kindly to being followed. Though Trayvon attacked him instead of running away, which gave Zimmerman the right to defend himself.
He confronted a six-four hooded figure. That's the stupidest thing I can think of.

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Zimmerman is such a qt ;3 them chubby cheeks
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He's in the fucking neighborhood watch: it's not stupidity, it's bravery. He wasn't prowling in the bushes either, he was trying to get up to him and talk to him and tray tray darted away like a criminal.

He looks like a perfectly respectable and smart man who would never purposefully start a fight.

This whole trial is a sham, sin't it?
it keeps fucking buffering. Any better stream?
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That's your shitty (probably wifi) internet, I'm not having this problem.
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>eh said memes
The whole fucking thing was just an excuse for niggers to whine and bitch not like they actually need a reason to do that but hey it always helps them get attention.
haters gonna hate
Do people seriously think it was Trayvon yelling for help?
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This guy is boring, holy fuck.
What the fuck am I watching.

Who the fuck is this guy and what is he talking about
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Yeah, Trayvon was screaming at the top of his lungs for help as he was slamming Zimmerman's skull into the pavement.
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I think we're watching a personal skype call that somehow accidentally found its way in to a court of law.
never heard this. source?
all someone has to do is walk up on you fast in an aggressive manner, thats the legal OK for defending yourself. you DO NOT need to wait until your hit first.
>all someone has to do is walk up on you fast in an aggressive manner
Can you show me proof that GZ did this?

white enough for the apes to feel threatened by the whitey superiority
Sadly, yes they do, however you would have to ignore every bit of physical trauma to both individuals and have to believe the person on top of another punching someone is the one calling for help and screaming bloody murder.
well then, if thats the case.
self defense.
i stand corrected anon. theres a fine line between self-defense and manslaughter, and it is who initiates a credible threat first that makes the difference.
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we should raid the comments
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liberals will believe everything if it helps to prove their ideology.
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logic, not even once
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This is so boring I can't watch anymore.

Hopefully it gets more interesting in a couple of weeks.
lel Skype has connection problems.
Is he attempting to bore the jurors to death?
Jury selection is over. This is a hearing now.
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> Spends an hour explaining spectrograms, his whole profession is a random subjective judgement.
>Tells some jokes. Bad jokes
I swear this guy is just happy to finally have a captive audience to tell about his profession. The lawyer who called him in for expert testimony should've coached him better.


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