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Your name is John Burgers, CEO of Nexus, a medical corporation that sells very expensive treatements against cancer and a variety of health problems.

Cancer represents 80% of your profit.

You have doing well and you have had massive profits in the last years.

Today, you receive a confidental document in your office. Researchers apparently just discovered a new drug that can cure all cancers and it costs only 6 dollars to produce.

What do you do ?
poop on my desk

Find a way to make the same drug cheaper
Sell it for $6.01.
Pay off the researchers, copyright the formula.
get researchers to water it down so it only keeps the cancer at bay since curing cancer would fuck our profit margin.
Throw it in the incinerator like the last dozen times this happened.
This. How dare they threaten my business.
patent the product, and limit access to artificially inflate prices
fire the researchers because cancer isn't a single disease and a cure-all would be impossible
Why not sell it for 6 dollars ?
>>16750529 (OP)
Buy the researchers?
Buy stock ini their company?
Do research in something else?

Alternatively call up frnds in washington sypathetic to the idea that there are too many people and have the whole thing put into the memory hole.
Because you'd make negative profit that way.
make it in a limited batch and sell injections at an auction for the super elite. Then use the money to fund my own Illuminati group.
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Get in touch with local friendly merchants and shift the food poisoning into maximum overswindle, qaudruple the already massive amount of carcinogens in processed food.

Don't release the details of the miracle drug to the public, but make small adjustments to the existing, moderately effective treatments and hold a monopoly on their use. The moment I know someone else is developing a more effective treatment, I'd release the miracle cure at a very high cost.
>>16750529 (OP)

Copyright it immediately and then release it to the public domain.

The good will generated will be far more valuable than the brief profits from a universally high demand drug that only costs six bucks to produce... everybody would end up pirating that shit anyway.

are you just being retarded?

why would i sell a cure for cancer that would only kill my main source of income?

Curing it destroys my market treating it effectively so people with cancer can live normal healthy lives as long as they continue to take my product.

I dont think you understand how markets work
To help people with cancer you idiot
Make it and sell for $20
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Real life kike detected.

Treating cancer is profitable.
Curing cancer is not
>>16750529 (OP)
Use my vast personal wealth to mass produce it and give it out for free. I also give out the information on how to replicate the cure so any company with the means can reproduce it.
Sell it for 9x what the treatments cost.

Not enough cancer in the world for that to be profitable.
Sell the pills for ~20,000 a piece (give or take depending on how much we spent on research, and how much the dollar is worth at the time, etc), make bank, and once the patent expires, we all retire billionaires. 20 grand is expensive enough for us to get rich on, and cheap enough that almost anyone could afford one way or another.

Or sell the rights to it for an astronomical sum.
>implying I would need more than $10 million dollars to live my life in comfort and some excess.

Both are profitable because cancer will always be a thing.

It's not like a disease where you can just get rid of it as long as no new cases develop.
>Pirating of the drug maxes out positive public opinion of torrenting
>the MPAA begins to turn public opinion against cancer survivors
>Cancer survivors replace oil tycoons/republicans as the generations movie villains
YOU DON'T FUCKING CARE about people having cancer ? Why not release the formula for the good of humanity ?
With how antagonized the health care industry has been by the public and politicians alike, a more delicate approach would be required. I'd extend an offer of assistance towards those researchers to help aid with distribution and development, making the intent clear as soon as an agreement is reached (so long as no NDAs are violated in the process). With the resources of Nexus accelerating the distribution of the drug, we'll have leverage in getting said researchers to join Nexus or at least pledge resources to us.

Given that our organization has been enjoying massive profits with cancer representing 80%, we'll have an opportunity to reinvest and tackle another segment of the market once cancer is all taken care of. We're a big, thriving organization, and we can easily survive in the meantime.

In fact, with cancer gone, there is still a glaring health issue that we can address with those reinvested resources and our new researchers included. A market for us to dominate and make us richer than ever: gas chambers.

We helped get rid of cancer, and we'll help get rid of the Jews. The sky's the limit for Nexus.
>Goldberg Cancer Treatment Center of America patents the treatment within 24 hours, sues anyone else who tries to use it, and sells it for exorbitant shekels
Not being a rich CEO and not having the power and money, right now I'd say I'd let them distribute the cancer cure, take my money and retire.

But once someone tastes power, it is hard to leave it so I'd probably do what every other CEO in good ol' murrica would do, which is kill the guy(s) who developed it and burry the thing 10 meters underground/

The OP said if you were the ceo of a pharmaceutical company not if you were a fucking liberal tree hugging fuck learn how to answer questions effectively
You asked what I would do.

If I've already made tons of profit, as is implied by the OP, then I am secure monetarily till the day I die as long as I am frugal with my earnings.
>spend billions of dollars researching this shit
>sell it at just above materials cost
and that's how the company that invented the most important drug in history went out of business anyway

Fuck humanity the original question was if i were a ceo of a company profits come before saving lives.
See, that's the problem.

Most CEO's are corrupt.

The 'little men' in the world would stand far taller on what they would do in the same position.
Because of mah kids
Id sell it
>Already Rich
>Everyone jerks off to me for curing cancer
>Benefits all day erryday
this thread is one big example of why libertarianism doesn't work
Give it out for free because I'm already rich
>implying you're not a socialist piece of shit trying to strawman corporations
Yeah, you're not fooling anyone.

I agree to a point since im not a ceo of said corporation i would release it to public domain but if i were the ceo the last fucking thing would be to give away my left testicle for humanity
These factors were not included.

The question was what would I do, there aren't any restrictions or any interests to look out for in this scenario but my own, and my interests would be to develop the product and sell for as little as possible to both make profit and make it affordable to the public.
stage a terrorist attack against the united states and link it to the drug

thread is full of socialist faggots who don't realize that sound decision making in business involves more than just the bottom line

Are you really this retarded my job is to provide the best value to my stock holders not to save the fucking wanks of society.
until the "little men" get that much power. Imagine being a minimum wage slave for 20 long miserable years, you hate everyone more successful and happier than you, then one day you have the cure for cancer in your hands. %99.99999 of REAL life people in that situation would become worse than the current "corrupt" CEO's.
Find out the total fixed and variable costs of producing this drug and then sell it for twice as much. Become the hero mankind deserves while getting RAF, but still being kind. Chill out for awhile and then for President and win bigger than Reagan. Then outlaw homosexuality, abortion, and atheism. Be ordained a saint and have a high place in The Kingdom of Heaven. GOAT!
You would not make a profit at $20 per pill.

I absolutely have no problem with keeping it affordable, but depending on how much money you've spent on R&D you'd need to charge a lot more than $20.
Sell it and spend the profits on developing a race-specific viral hemorrhagic fever. Unleash it throughout the world.
fuck off libfag
Your company goes bankrupt in a matter of years

And then?

Your companies profit rises to record highs, your shareholders are very impressed and give you a huge bonus.

A waste of an opportunity but your company continues to make money


Your company makes insane amounts of money but garners lots of bad press. In a few years your patent will be taken away and all corporations can now produce it.

Standard procedure, your company continues making handsome profits.

You just went full sociopathic jew and earned billions of shekels

Shareholders are unhappy, you lose your CEO position. No jews ever hire you, enjoy your homelessness

This shit exactly as the CEO your job is to maximize profit to investment for the shareholders these tree hugging faggots don't understand simple economics
>tree hugging faggots
You'd go down in history
People remember Salk, they would remember eradicating cancer even more.
Ego, man.


you think auto makers spend more than they actually have to to make cars safe?

They spend enough to meet safety standards not a dime more
>Shareholders are unhappy, you lose your CEO position. No jews ever hire you, enjoy your homelessness

Totally worth it. Even though I do love Jew gold, too.
again your shitty attempt at strawmanning doesn't realize that good decision making in business accounts for indirect effects on the company

try harder
Charge more than 6 dollars

Its not strawmanning its fact its how busineses run and make profits do you think apple puts every good idea into each new product?

If they did that then nobody would want the next version as it has no improvements.

You are very naive in how the world works
No, they try to make cars safe because a reputation for unsafe cars hurts the company more than spending a little extra cash. It's the same reason companies donate money and shit, to look good even though it costs money.
The CEO wouldn't be the one remembered.

The researcher would.

The CEO can justify his position, muh shareholders, muh employees, muh family etc even though he is indirectly continuing the deaths of millions.

Alot of people also forgot to pay off the media to ignore research into the cure, and ensure the only discussion of it ends up on "unreliable" tinfoil sources like natural news and alex jones to discredit it further.

Maybe appeal to emotion saying how Nexus has saved hundreds of thousands of lives of women and children with their treatments and is doing everything we can to continue working for the good of everyone.


no its quite direct
why pay off the media when you can kill off the media. OOO no someone and their family died in a car crash.

"""OOOO no someone and their family died in a crash crash maybe i should investigate and see what they were getting into. No wait I have a fucking life"
Well the free market didn't fix this one
I suppose so, depends how you look at it. Just remember the power of justification.

>"maybe i should investigate and see what they were getting into. No wait I have a fucking life"
I lol'd.
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Roll that shit out to the cancer patients because I care about people.

>Until merchants have me killed for fucking with the cancer industry
>>16750529 (OP)
>costs only 6 dollars to produce.

sell it for $10 000, make massive short term profits, lay off all other staff not involved in its production, watch my profit margin now break new records, collect massive billion dollar bonuses (because shareholders only care about short term), collect nobel peace, liquidate the company and pocket more billions, retire with hookers as one of the richest men the world has ever seen.

because i am a ceo, i don't give a fuck about my shareholders, my shareholders don't give a fuck about the future, and no one gives a fuck about anything other than being insanely rich in their own lifetime/a short as time as possible. the idiots that then buy the shares at enormously bloated prices can carry the cost of competition and future research and developement. because i don't a fuck.

welcome to real capitalism, edgeyfags. you can fuck around with your try-hard macheveilian bullshit and think you're so badass fedora-licious, but suck my cock because i'm a capitalist and you're just playing pretend.


there is no such thing as power of justification
There is no profit in curing any diseases the real money is in treating diseases to maintain a standard of living through the continued usage of medication.

You can go on telling me how evil or heartless it is but this is how pharmaceuticals make money and stay profitable.

>muh feelings
engineer it so it works on everyone except merchants, say give shekels and ill make it work for you too, disappear with shekels and live underground
Yes there is, even pol pot believed he did nothing wrong after murdering tens of millions of his own countrymen because he believed he was doing what was right. No tyrant who has ever been responsible for the deaths of millions does, they can always justify their actions in their mind.
>in their mind

thats my point
>Didnt read the thread

Everyone already understand this.
>>16750529 (OP)
$6 is stretching it. There's nary a molecule that isn't a century old that retails for $6 per treatment.

If there ever is a cancer cure, it'll likely be individualized-- so we're going to have to pour billions into fighting the FDA to get it to market.

I'm not going to charge $6 when it gets to market, I'm going to charge a high but reasonable price in the 2-3k range.

I'm then going to re-orient R&D towards something more fruitful for the future to keep profits rolling in long-term. This is, of course, assuming that our drug works on humans.

>It wouldn't be totally confidential if there were completed human trials of any kind
Thats my point too! Why are you disagreeing?
>>16750529 (OP)

purchase rights to cure and sell it

You should read about the cannabis oil treatment that got shut down because of shekels

Everyone other than most who actually believe releasing it into public domain or selling it at cost would be remotely close to reality
I'd gladly go bankrupt if it meant curing cancer.
>>16750529 (OP)
Get a new report since this seems like it was written by a liberal arts faggot.
Which was like 2 people. Read the thread.
B-but muh shekels!

been here since it started reading all the tree hugging save the world fuck profit posts

perhaps you read another thread
>>16750529 (OP)
Even if he bribes the researchers there is no reason for them not to take the money and reveal the cure anyway.
Your workers stock holder and investor would like a word with you...oh so would the us gov as well
>muh everything is a conspiracy
I recently had an argument with a physician friend of my about this.

I argued that there would never be a cure for cancer because it would cut into profits.
Cancer is big business. I worked at a medical office that specialized in cancer,and they were pulling in huge dollars.

They money is in the treatment, not the cure.
I think your just upset because you're not as clever or original as you assumed you are.

>6 dollars to produce
>Charge 115% the price of current cancer treatment
>Rake in the profit

>Begin pouring funds into cigarette company on the side
>Cancer cured, smokers re-acquire cancer in a vicious cycle that generates both companies profit

>Wake up from nightmare
>prepare cure for cancer incinerator
>Casually toss in doses of the cure
>Keep a bottle of Immortality by my bedside every night
>>Keep a bottle of Immortality by my bedside every night
Do you think the extremely rich have this by now?
Infect the cure with AIDS

Now I can sell very expensive AIDS treatment.

People that get the cure come to me for AIDS treatment, people that don't still come to me cancer treatment. Win Win
Same reason why we'll never stop using oil as a source of energy.
>implying market regulators wont be all over you
>implying insane religious nuts wont bomb and attack treatment center cause of MUH GOD WANTS THE TO HAVE CANCERS!
>>implying insane religious nuts wont bomb and attack treatment center cause of MUH GOD WANTS THE TO HAVE CANCERS!
Take a break hitchens.
We'll know when Queen Elizabeth dies. Or not. That old hag is due to kick the bucket any day now. Thing is, with all that money, she's not really getting any younger. Neither is Lord Rothschild. It stands to reason that they'd use this biotech on themselves if they had access to it, yet that doesn't seem to be the case.

Of course, there's always the possibility that they'll fake their deaths, then go into hiding and de-age themselves, but honestly, that's far too tinfoil-y for my tastes.
>>16750529 (OP)
Sell the shit out of it: Cancer will always exist. People will be able to treat cancer like people with a chest cold use antibiotics... I see no downside

>Learn 2 capitalism
I would figure out what the average cancer treatment cost, and then I would price the cure at that much.

Before release I would invest heavily in other areas of medicine, and the cure would wipe out my competitors.
>>16750529 (OP)
produce in extremely limited quantities and charge a 100,000% markup
>>16750529 (OP)
>What do you do ?

Sell it. What kind of stupid question is that?
Well thats good. The great equalizer is still death. No matter how rich and sociopathic you become, you will always die and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Feels good knowing that.
>>16750529 (OP)
Destroy it and laugh as the world weeps, after all we need some fomr of population control
I patten it, produce it and sell it for a decent profit but not exponential.
Scientific research is not making random experiments and randomly finding pieces of information, it is entirely systematic. If someone kept their cure discovery hidden someone else would find it a month later. As knowledge of the human body and cancer cells increase the cure would become obvious to everyone.
Actually I have been thinking about this concept a lot lately. Do you think technological progress is slowing down because the powers that be don't want disruptive technology? I'm actually kind of afraid they want to keep things the same, so capitalism is beginning to actually act as a regressive force of humanity for the sake of maintaining profits. Imagine if 50 years from now the world will basically look the same as it is now because of this...

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