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Youth unemployment: By the numbers


>Some may call millennials whiny and self-important, but when it comes to jobs, Generation Y’s sense of entitlement is partly the result of being pointed down career paths that have led them back to the same opportunities they had when they were teenagers.

>CBC News spoke to young people about the challenges they're facing trying to find jobs and start careers in their chosen fields, while also dealing with mountains of student debt they've built up pursuing the credentials those jobs require.
Too bad I've already got a job that's not likely going anywhere any time soon.

>Maintaining COBOL for a local business
>There are probably fucking 7 COBOL programmers left in existence
>I learned it because /g/ told me to
>$90k/yr + 2 weeks paid vacation + benefits
>salary cap is 150k
>25 years old
>>18492298 (OP)
Before you sliders go 'muh STEM masterrace', notice that people in the article have gone into chemistry.
Yes, your anecdotal experience completely vanquishes the problem entirely! Who cares about your fellow man, who keeps being molested by the Jewniversity system!
Shameless samefagging by OP here. Is this dystopian system of massive debt to get a degree the result of neo-liberalism? Would the situation improve if universities were nationalized? A privatized system leads to Jewniversities operating for profit only: they don't care about their students, and will only take credit of the successful ones to benefit from the halo effect. The government already has regulations for food, roads, taxes, the stock market: should universities join the list?
I'm getting a bachelor of arts degree.

probably too late to turn back. I'll just go to law school and work for my dad's firm.

>that easy out
God damn nigga thats retro as fuck
"Some Toronto law firms and in-house lawyers send work to India"

>Not just Canadian information technology, call centres and manufacturing work goes offshore.
>Some Toronto law firms send legal work to India, the Philippines


Be sure to aim straight for the brain when you pull the trigger, when ChingChong and Apu do the legal work while you are in hundreds of thousand of dollars in debt

>hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt

Have you not heard of state schools?
>>18492298 (OP)
What alarms me most about that picture is that she has four years of experience in her field, and is still doing bull-shit jobs. She also appears very sociable and attractive, a complete normalfag. How many like her are out there? If she can't do it, what hope do the NEETs have?
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LOL going down the slider
#1 english lit major
#2 chemistry major
#3 history major
#4 liberal arts major
#5 environmental studies major
#6 english/spanish major
#7 "communication certificate" LOLWUT
#8 psychology, political science, public administration, and journalism major

>why don't I have a job, why do I have so much debt, I must be the 99%, lets protest
>oh wait I just got a BS in psychology, couldn't find work, went back to get an MA in pol sci, pub admin, and journalism.

Good thinking beta majors, except for chem; I respect chem
The best part is, most of the code never fucks up, but there are a few pieces here and there that like to shit themselves every once and a while. It's so fucking verbose that it usually takes me over an hour to track down a bug.

Deal with it, nerd. Should have gone into a field that has a market, and not gotten a McDonald's tier degree.
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>Finance in low tier
Are you mentally retarded?
>universities become nationalized
>the already precarious uni system goes full apefirmative action
>Jambiqui Lataytay and Rachel Jeantel study to become doctors of niggerology
>Yeth thuh, pay moni to edumacated nigguhs, you creepy ass crackaz


I should be alright then?

I plan on Law school anyway. I'm at a top university with a good GPA so I can do an Ivy league law school if my LSAT scores are high enough.
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The Canadian government isn't stupid, they know exactly what labor pool saturation is. Every 10% increase in population = 4-7% lower wages their government enforced monopoly friends don't have to pay wage slaves.


We have the second largest country in the world (loaded up the eyeballs in mineral wealth) by land mass and a very low population (with even lower birth rates)... of course our government infested with corporate suits is going to sell you out. We aren't that notable for anything other then our energy/natural resources/land mass.

Back in the 1980's we could have processed our own resources with crown corporations and kept the 12,000,000+ useless immigrants saturating the low paying youth jobs out of our welfare state... a western Saudi Arabia if you will (minus the House of Saud of course).

But... we bought the bullshit spiel in the 80's and NOW people whining about DEY DERK ER JERBS when the housing market they got rich off of is starting to cool. We have had 2-3 decades of 24-27% family class immigration, 9% refugee (Canada takes in 1 out of 10 of the world refugees generated per year), and an unknown number of useless economic immigrants that never bridge their skills to Canadian standards and work lower paid jobs displacing youth... I am not eving including the temps you are so mad about here.
To compete with globalism is one thing... but to sell our a resource rich welfare state to special interests is only our fault.

This isn't a conservative problem, an NDP problem, or even a liberal problem, its not an issue for any of them... because they know exactly what they are doing.

Yet the white fucking liberal masses enthralled with their bread and circuses still can't see it... simply because their rich parents property owning parents are still around to mitigate it.

It's only the white mans job to let in the 3rd world hoards into a white man created welfare state.
Nigga I've almost finished my accounting degree and i have a job already lined up.
Accounting may not be the best payed work, but I will have employment until the day I die.
Does it really matter what you study in college? Most jobs are processes that can be learned. If there is no pay-off from a degree, should the government regulate the private industry of education? Does everyone have to be a super-smart engineer to live independently?

do you work for Adpac? That's the only company that still uses COBOL or a derivative of.

>Abdurrahman Aydemir, a Statistics Canada researcher

well you may have a point.
Computer science should definitely be higher than mid tier, no way it's lower than geology. Since when are geologists in demand?
A locally owned bank, actually. It's been around since the 60s and has 4-5 branches.
Why should immigrants displace youth? Why not hire home-grown Canadians and crack down on immigrants, so that the scum will be warned to stay away by bad economic opportunities?


Oil companies, natural gas companies, coal companies, mining companies, etc. hire geologists to help identify and acquire the desired resource.

that sounds about right, about the only people that use really legacy stuff like that are old as fuck companies that are too lazy to update their inventory rosters to newer systems
What's your job?
What guarantee is there that Apu and Ping Pong won't do your program, and then apply for your job as H1B workers, and your boomer boss will get an erection from the thought of fucking you over?
What the fuck are you going to do with a finance degree?

Also bear in mind that it's easy as shit, so the market is saturated with a bunch of retards that you'll be competing with for whatever shitty jobs are available.
Yeeeeeeep. You have no fucking clue how excited they were when I submitted my application. Apparently their last programmer fucking died.

I maek prgrum
Work for an investment firm, sell people ways to manage their money, make forecasts about the economy and the markets, etc.
Gee, I dunno, maybe investment banking
>What the fuck are you going to do with a finance degree?

Well shit man, he just might manage someone's or, hell, even a company's, finances.

It's crazy isn't it?
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>What the fuck are you going to do with a finance degree?

Confirmed for pleb.

That said. Investment banks usually recruit from Ivys which don't usually have Finance degrees. However, a Finance degree from NYU, UNC, BC, VA is God Tier
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HAHA the goy will never pay back their debt with minimum wage!
They will be our slaves until they die.


There is obviously saturation in the education market. The economy cannot accommodate all the people who think they're entitled to six figures after a 4 year degree in African History or Feminist Interpretation. However, if the government stepped in, it would either:
1) Be criticized for being too tyrannical (muh speeshul snowflakes need to keep deluding themselves)
2) Create token jobs to prevent riots and keep other debt slaves reaching for a dangling carrot (these jobs would be bullshit and paid for with taxes)
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>live in Vancouver
>be white male
>go to job interview
>be interviewed by pic related
>dont get the job

It doesnt fucking matter what education or work experience you have any more in Vancouver. This is your new boss and he only hires other slants. Fuck these insect fucks. I hope they all fucking die
>Since when are geologists in demand?
Since the price of oil has been so high, so the past decade or so. At least if they're real geologists, not those hydro/environmental fucktards.
Also mining is doing pretty well, or was.
u want jerb round eye? 2 bad here udon, fukku u white piggu
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Well, I guess this partially explains why a college degree=/=job
There is no reason to get a finance degree instead of an accounting degree.
lol you mad bro?
accounting for fucking life nigga


Literally every place expects you to speak Mandarin or Hindi. That's why i'm moving out of here as soon as I can.
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While it does offer great pay and near guaranteed employment, being an accountant would depress the shit out of me. I know he was HR or some shit in the show, but every accountant I've met or worked with has the exact personality type as this fucker.
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Unfortunately yes. One thing that irritates me is that todays job market is all about experience, as seen in the article. You need experience, to gain experience, so its increasingly difficult to land a job when you're fresh out of school.

I utilize internship opportunities at any time I can get because that's basically the only way to get in to aerospace companies without experience, if you do a good job.

The degree isn't going to do shit for you except as a key to get into the job market. Most seniors will tell me that they hate newly grads because they always try to follow by the book and there are cases where it's nothing like the book, your booksmarts won't work. BUT you need the degree if you want to get into the field, PERIOD. Especially when you get higher up the ladder, you need the degree. I know english majors (still in school) retaining a professional job but cannot go any higher without their degree. I'm guessing it's a liability thing. If your work ever comes into doubt, there won't be any question on whether you studied this shit in school (we all know it probably wouldn't have mattered anyway, is the point of this post).

Example: I was applying for any internship I could get. I applied for all places looking for aerospace engineers, however I have worked for a local shop that builds race cars, so I applied for a company that designs/makes gears and sprockets. They were looking for mechanical engineers, not aero. I told him my experience is mechanical, my major is aero, the only difference at our university between aero and mech is like 20-30 hours worth of classes, mainly specializing in aero. Mech at our university is pretty much a well rounded engineer degree plan, they study a little of everything plus the typical essentials. Aero is the typical essentials and then focus on fluids.
>guy looked at me like......... but we want mechanical engineers

.............. ok fine
>mfw a pleb near me goes through a finance degree thinking he'll be the next george soros and instead ends up selling used cars

if only he'd chosen accounting
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>thinking I'm even going to pay it off

>I'm guessing it's a liability thing

No, it's really not. You need a 4 year college degree to work at most car rental places (eg, enterprise).

Look it up if you don't believe me.

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