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Why is this generation of black males nothing but a bunch of lazy ass fruity soft ass house niggas?

They do nothing but post on Twitter all day using the acronym ''smh'', post emoticons nonstop 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫, and corny ass memes.

If this was blacks 10, 15, or 20 years ago -- they would have rioted.

Shit, even blacks 5 years ago would have acted violently.

Why is this generation of black males so gay and weak?

Picture related: your typical black male in 2013.

Sure blacks are still unintelligent, but they aren't as aggressive or inflammatory as they used to be.
African-Americans are basically at the same point they are in the 60's and 70's.

They are unintelligent, but crime rates aren't as high as used to be for blacks.

The high crime rates for blacks from 10 and 20 years ago can be ascribed to their culture.

Gangsta rap was widely popularized then and it incited violence and other things that are immoral.

Nowadays Negroids are just lazy fucks and unintelligent -- like they used to be 50 years ago.
hormones in the food/water

same reason that man boobs are a thing now
>>17295710 (OP)
It isn't just white males OP, we're all canaries in the coalmine on this one.
I know but black males are known for their masculinity, yet gayer than ever.

I'll just assume it's the cultural change over the past couple years for blacks.

The whole ''gangsta'' culture died out when this decade started and got replaced with Swag faggotry.

Sure, blacks are still unsophisticated, but not as violent as they used to be.


We're in the Swag ERA now and the white youth hardly acts different from the black youth.

It's a cultural change of recent and it won't last forever.
dis generation of black males gay as fuck

smh at these youngstas

niggas ain't bout dat life no mo'
Why is this a bad thing?

I'd rather have blacks succeed than be failures.
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they r hot, nd they have swag #smh
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this a thousand times this,

its not just blacks either, there are plenty of skinny faggy white dudes walking around and butch ass women

>>pic related

look at skinny Joseph Gordon-Levitt's skinny arms compared to Manly Bruce Willis in looper, Look and laugh
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>niggers aren't niggerish enough
blacks are easily distracted.

in previous decades, there would be a dead zone from around 10 PM to the next day where they had no TV to distract them, and would often get antsy and go commit crimes.

Now, with the internet, they have a 24/7 stream of distractions, so they are placated.
>>17295710 (OP)
Raised by single black women.

Single black women are the most uncivilized people on the planet.

Fatherlessness rate in the black community is over 70%. Fatherless kids turn to gangs for male role models, their black whore mother raises them to be thugs.
>>Implying thats not based fresh prince's son
Did you even read the OP you idiot?

I said black males are gayer than ever, not worse.
>>17295710 (OP)

Is that just how his face always looks?

Even the paparazzi catch this kid with that face on.
Roe vs Wade. All the most violent, aggressive, unwanted children were aborted. Violent crime has dropped massively since the early 90s when the generation that would have been born into thugdom wound up sucked out of their mothers' wombs with vacuums.

how do i reverse these effects? I DONT WANT THESE MAN BOOBS

The answer? Homosexuality. Only in black culture being gay is not tolerated and if they come out of the closet they risk being killed hence 'down low brothers'. 90 percent of black rappers are in the closet.
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you might be on to something...
>>17295710 (OP)
a hell of lot of them are gay or effeminate
because single mothers

but on the flip side (black speak) this probably makes the others a bunch of angry-at-the-world assoles
>blacks men riot, reaffirms /pol/'s prejudices

>black men don't riot, no happenings for /pol/ to gawk at. Makes /pol/'s predictions look stupid.

Black men can't please /pol/ either way.
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Because President Barack Obama ushered in a post-racial society.

It's hard to feel angry or disenfranchised when your president is black.
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>mfw /pol/ chimped-out even more than niggers
>>17295710 (OP)
Cracka magic you dummy.
You didn't know homosexuality is rife among black male youth? Indeed, they're becoming increasingly effeminate and liberal so I don't think we'll see any major chimpouts unless something really big happens.
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Welcome to the internet.

Here is your defense.
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>black men don't riot

The night is young and full of niggers.
He may be black but thats where the relation ends.
He was raised by a white woman for petes sake.
Imagine if Madonas kid became the president.
The gay mafia infiltrated black culture and made them soft.

Read up on Kanye, Little Wayne, Tyler Perry, and the gay black mafia. They're all homos.

Of course the puppeteers are jews
Black males are inseminating white females to to preserve their people.
>>17295710 (OP)
welcome to 1984.
you mean the retarded tier of white females.
because no sane human would deal with nignogs otherwise.

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