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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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Why exactly do americans admire filthy rich people so much ?

I don't mind if a guy if a guy make two times more than minimum wage, three times more, four times more, 5 fives mores, 10 times more, hell, 20 times more.

But why suck the dicks of billionaires and filthy rich people ?
Republican conservatives are monarchists at heart, and the .001% is the closest we come to Royalty in the USA.
Good God, look at their fucking noses...
>>14421697 (OP)
why do you care so much what someone makes relative to you?
because we are brainwashed to believe that their level of wealth is attainable

"with hard work, dedication, and belief in your dreams!"

It's all part of the ploy to keep the citizens in line
>>14421697 (OP)
you are mistaking "sucking the dick of billionaires"
with "I would rather work for my own money and hope that one day I can reach that level of income. I wouldn't want to own society anything when I do."

>implying that liberals done drool over their 1%er like Obama, Clinton, etc.
Because I need to have lobbyists like they do
>tfw "eat the rich liberals" line up to suck Michael Moore's cock dry of its seamen.
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Obama and Clinton both came from humble roots and are self-made men.

Bush and Rmoney did not, and are establishment lackeys and sellouts.
Just like every other group there are dicks and there are good guys like Bill Gates. The money doesn't change a god damn thing.

I don't worship the wealthy, I just think it's wrong tax heavily tax a certain group of people for arbitrary reasons like the federal government not being able to control their spending.
>Michael Moore
Also a self-made man, thank you for confirming that liberals respect hard-working Americans, cons are monarchists.
>humble roots

>harvard and georgetown law school graduates
humble roots

jajajajajajajajajaj morde es numero una!

>michael moore
>not a rich 1%

Your hypocrisy is showing child
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>>14421697 (OP)
american here.
I don't know of any american who admires rich people for the sake of their wealth.

people admire someone like bill gates because he gives a shitton of his money away, people admire steve jobs for having been innovative.

no one admires "filthy rich people" as you seem to label whatever this imaginary group you seem to be pulling out of your ass.

i have a rich neighbor who's kind of snobby and bitches about the leaves on my lawn ruining her real estate value or some stupid bullshit. i assumed she was just a bitch. helped her with her groceries the other day when her bag broke. turns out she's just a really lonely widow who has nothing else to live for.

stereotypes are useful in making thinking easier, but there's no reason we need to follow them to such extremes or even make such wild claims based on them or even make faggoty posts on 4chan about them either.

A few months ago:

>No man is an island
>Muh roads
>You didn't build that

Just now:

>Obama and Clinton are self made
Clinton was a fucking degenerate, taking money from criminals, fucking hookers with gov money, doing drugs, affiliating himself with his degenerate dope fiend drug dealing brother, installing RECORD numbers of jews in the us gov.

>who is Steve Jobs

Obama was mixed race and raised by a single Mother.

Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar, something familial connections wouldn't have helped him achieving.

Keep worshiping the Crown, redcoats.

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